Recent content by Nolando

  1. XY OU Nolando returns: sandstall XY

    Hello there everyone, I've been on and off here since gen 3 and I just came back from about a year and a half off. I originally was not going to post this team, as I threw it together without a great deal of thought and made some edits as I saw problems/needs. However, it has far surpasses my...
  2. My first RMT. Patience is key.

    Patience is Key Changes are bolded Hello everyone, just wanted to post my first RMT here, I'm relatively proud of it, as it has been a result of a week or so of brainstorming and testing. I tried to do something original by using a few pokemon that despite being in OU are less frequently...
  3. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 28

    First post here, and a very simple request. I need someone to trade with and trade back so that I can evolve my haunter. Please PM me, pretty simple and easy to do.