Recent content by Orionssfl

  1. hey! i came across your safari and was wondering if you could possibly add me, i would really...

    hey! i came across your safari and was wondering if you could possibly add me, i would really really appreciate it :D 3969-5556-9132
  2. came across your friend safari and was wondering if you could by any chance ad me, it would be...

    came across your friend safari and was wondering if you could by any chance ad me, it would be highly appreciated :D 3969-5556-9132 :D
  3. hey there! came across your friend code and was wondering if you could add me, 3969-5556-9132 it...

    hey there! came across your friend code and was wondering if you could add me, 3969-5556-9132 it would be greatly appreciated :)