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Me too :(
Any suggestions on how to improve?
Sorry to be so harsh I just had to get it out of my system

anyway really all I can say is if you want to make jokes, make sure they're actually jokes. For example lemme use the post about there being a deleted conversation about the ghost in Phoebe's room. You just gotta think, what is the point of saying that? It just misleads people and then annoys them. Jokes can piss people off but if they are funny it is a net positive overall.

But like that post wasn't even a joke, and I don't just mean that it wasn't funny, I mean like it is literally objectively not a joke. (You could say getting everyone all worked about a lie was a joke but that's kind of an indirect thing and it also makes you kind of a sicko) There's nothing to "get" about it, it's just a straight up lie. I guess what I mean is just because you say something non-seriously it does not automatically make it a joke.
In contrast, a good joke you made was last year when you said you had some concerns about my moderating ability because you heard a rumor that on Wednesdays I like to stick my head in the dirt and pretend I am a carrot. That's so outlandish and ridiculous that it is funny, nobody actually believes that you believe that. But with the Pheobe thing it is realistic so it's believed, and even though you might say both with the same kind of attitude and intention the content is the real factor.