Smogon Forums

Max. Optimizer
Max. Optimizer
What's the name of the article that you're referring to?
Bans in STABmons
i speak almost 0 french so i cant really remember the french variant
Max. Optimizer
Max. Optimizer
I just checked the article in question but I couldn't really find anything that seemed out of place. We've been doing it like this since forever. Our leader Reisen Inaba usually does the finishing touches on her own before publishing a translation.
there should be [head] in the line before the <link> tag and [page] in the line before the author line

i htmled that article for the flying press and that is the only thing that differs from your html and mine
yeah, no problem, and late congrats on the badge! keep up the good work!
Max. Optimizer
Max. Optimizer
Thank you very much for the congratulations. I hope you keep up your good work as well. Your article was pleasant to both read and translate. I'm looking forward to reading more of your articles in a foreseeable future. Please feel free to check if everything is correct now. I highly appreciate the feedback since I want to improve even further.