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  • Hi, we're matched up in the Challenge Cup Cup tiebreaker. My time zone is -6, and I should be mostly available today and tomorrow - just let me know what works best. Thanks!
    Hey we paired for ccc4 I'm-4 and can play between 10am-2pm wed thurs Friday but also can play weekend if need be. lmk what works.
    nuwc im -4
    Monday, Friday, and Saturday I cannot play after 4pm
    Sunday I cannot play from 11am-9pm
    I have plans Thursday but idk what time yet, but I might be able to play in the morning or early afternoon
    I am free all of Tuesday and Wednesday
    we're matched for pspl, I'm gmt +1, I can do from 5pm to 3am thursday onwards my time if this works with you
    sounds good for me, im free tomorrow around 22/23hs gmt +1
    that time works with me, will see you then
    hola soy de espanya +2 y me gustaria estar en tu equipo puedo normalmente para la tarde de españa.

    Rekics13 en shodown y ikerrr en discord
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