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  1. ChaosDeadMan

    Pokémon Store & Creative Projects

    Nevermind! I got one ready!
  2. ChaosDeadMan

    Pokémon Store & Creative Projects

    Sure give me like 30mins?
  3. ChaosDeadMan

    Pokémon Store & Creative Projects

    Hey can you CMT for a Magic Guard Abra?
  4. ChaosDeadMan

    Gavin's Trading Center

    Errr actually I'll pass on the Rotom </3 Sorry for the inconvience!
  5. ChaosDeadMan

    Renicade's X/Y Trade Thread

    Fast, Easy and Smooth Trade! Thanks for the lovely Honedge <3
  6. ChaosDeadMan

    Rouzell's BUMPIN Shop (Pokemon X/Y Pokemon and Items)

    Alright, I have 0 orders as of right now so I should be fine :) I think I found a better way to do things when it comes to this trade thread so expect faster deliveries :)
  7. ChaosDeadMan

    Gavin's Trading Center

    Alright well I will have to breed one so can you wait till later?
  8. ChaosDeadMan

    Gavin's Trading Center

    What do you mean. Like you are going to want 2 for 1 Rotom?
  9. ChaosDeadMan

    Gavin's Trading Center

    No like are you interested in anything else?
  10. ChaosDeadMan

    Gavin's Trading Center

    Anything else?
  11. ChaosDeadMan

    Gavin's Trading Center

    CMT for a Modest Rotom please <3
  12. ChaosDeadMan

    Rouzell's BUMPIN Shop (Pokemon X/Y Pokemon and Items)

    Just list me something ;) I need a better Aegisslash? I could take the Absol but could you add like a Power BP item?
  13. ChaosDeadMan

    Rouzell's BUMPIN Shop (Pokemon X/Y Pokemon and Items)

    Do you got anything else?
  14. ChaosDeadMan

    Rouzell's BUMPIN Shop (Pokemon X/Y Pokemon and Items)

    Err I got all of them but a Rotom would that work
  15. ChaosDeadMan

    Rouzell's BUMPIN Shop (Pokemon X/Y Pokemon and Items)

    I already got Togepis :( and i am looking for only 5iv pokemon
  16. ChaosDeadMan

    Rouzell's BUMPIN Shop (Pokemon X/Y Pokemon and Items)

    Yeah I do but I am about to have dinner so can you wait 30minutes?
  17. ChaosDeadMan

    Rouzell's BUMPIN Shop (Pokemon X/Y Pokemon and Items)

    Well the only thing I really want from your thread are a shiny so I doubt you would do that :/
  18. ChaosDeadMan

    Rouzell's BUMPIN Shop (Pokemon X/Y Pokemon and Items)

    Ill grab a Torchic if that is fine?