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  1. Data on the friend safari shiny rate

    1/512 seems about right, i saw this same statistic somewhere else, months ago. I think the friend safari all have same shinies, logically why would they make a game that have 1 safari that has a higher shiny chance than the other. 1/512 is certainly an ample choice, considering a shiny in horde...
  2. Consecutive Fishing!

    my highest chain was 23. so far only 2 shineys are below it relicanth and goldeen
  3. Consecutive Fishing!

    Is it true that switching rods will increases the odds of a shiny appearing? if you were using synchronise instead of sticky hold or suction cups you lose on the fish biting however, if you fish at a spot where its closed of on all 3 sides, such as rocks, and deep water that can mitigate the...