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  1. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Art Submissions

    Okay, taking into account feedback here's a slightly less rough, water coloured version of my design. It's based on an electric eel, a Belcher's sea snake and a hydroelectric generator all rolled into one. It uses storm drain as water attacks which hit it simply cause the scaled parts to spin at...
  2. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Art Submissions

    Turbine Snake Eel: The idea is for a combined snake and eel pokemon. Its coils form a turbine, which could maybe double up as a poisonous cauldron. The left head is the snake and uses poisonous attacks, while the right head is the eel and uses most of the lightning type attacks. For the colour...
  3. CAP 19 CAP 19 - Art Submissions

    Ok here's my attempt, it's sort of a snake-eel. It's exceedingly rough at this stage. The idea is that is two bodies joined by a concertina of folding flesh, allowing it to extend and retract at will. The electricity is generated by the eel, while the poison is generated by the snake, however...