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  1. pretzel987

    Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge: 2.0

    Part 1: The Pain Adventure Begins! (minor note: for the Multiple of 3 rule, I am going to be counting total PP, not current PP. Otherwise, each move could only be used once or twice before it became a multiple of 3. Moves with total PP as a multiple of 3 will need their PP increased before I...
  2. pretzel987

    Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge: 2.0

    Ah ok, honestly couldn't remember, its been too long lol Fun fact: All three starters have Tackle as their first move. Which has 6 letters. I can work around this, but its going to be veery interesting.
  3. pretzel987

    Challenge The Gauntlet Challenge: 2.0

    Welp, I'm going to aim to un-dead-ify this forum by finally starting my B2 Gauntlet within the next few days. Little scared though, as not being able to use any pokemon with a multiple of three in the name makes me solo Clay with only a Jolteon (which means i have to release all my other...
  4. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Chapter 9: Elite... 3? Short update this time around since it's all battles. Time to take on the elite 4! Because Cookie Lover needs every last level he can get, I am going to challenge Siebold last. So I decide to go from easy to hard for the extra levels. Drasna is up first, and provides...
  5. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    stuuful12 , take Amphipathic the Wailmer. something that is amphipathic has both hydrophilic and hydrophobic qualities, which means it can both attract and repel water. When you catch Amphipathic and after every gym badge, flip a coin: Amphipathic is now Hydrophilic! Your only damaging moves...
  6. pretzel987

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here! Hackmons Cup can be cruel. (I am pebble)
  7. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Ok, not used to making medium difficulty challenges, I went a little too hard in the other direction lol As Starly, can only use Quick Attack and non-damaging moves (once you learn QA.) As Staraptor, must be at (+2) (+4) (+6) Speed to attack. You can pick which one of those to use, depending on...
  8. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    saggidc yep, whoops! I read you quoting his name, and wrote his name down by accident. That challenge is meant for you. stuuful12 , false alarm!
  9. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    stuuful12 , take z00mz00m the Starly. z00mz00m has to go fast. All the time. z00mz00m can only battle if he outspeeds the opponent. If he doesn't, either switch or increase your speeeeed z00mz00m can evolve once after soloing Gardenia and evolve again after learning Agility. Always keep Agility...
  10. pretzel987

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here! When two trappers with wildly different styles meet
  11. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Chapter 8: Two Fat Men Have a Napping Competition these title names are so fun to come up with btw So with Lysandre and Team Red Tux defeated (finally!) time to take on Wulfric. First though I am going to backtrack and clean up some of Explorer's whirlwind requirements. 1 hour later Explorer...
  12. pretzel987

    Show off your funny and/or amazing battles here! I can't believe its not butter the gods of random battles are harsh and unforgiving.
  13. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    mini update time nyoom Since Wall must solo Wulfric entirely while asleep, this fight is very RNG dependent with Sleep Talk. Chapter update will come out soontm once the fights done, but it's looking to take a while now (I am currently on my 8th attempt). See y'all when I run out of fresh water
  14. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Thank goodness there are no dark types in the Elite 4 that aren’t soloed. 5PP of damage would be a death sentence lmao
  15. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Chapter 7: Lysandre Hates his Mascot (aka the most painful chapter in this series) I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I am turning on SWITCH mode only for Insanity's solos. I will not use SWITCH mode in any other circumstance. So this chapter was particularly painful, and I'm not...
  16. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    After getting a bit of the way through Lysandre Labs, I must regrettably turn SHIFT mode back on. I will be putting a restriction on it though: I can only use SHIFT if the next pokemon must be solo'd. This means that I can essentially only use SHIFT with Insanity's dark solos. This is just...
  17. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Here’s to hoping you get that Burmy lmao
  18. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    whoops completely forgot about the S0n1cc solo yeah, Mirror Move may not be jet-themed but its meme-themed and thats good enough for me.
  19. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Scrambling is the gift that keeps on giving, eh? Ok, take F-14 the Spearow. Being named after a fighter jet, Spearow is always aiming for aerial superiority. He may not be quite as deadly, fast, or... well... anything as his namesake, but he's sure gonna try! All of F-14's moves must be...
  20. pretzel987

    Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

    Sonic06? Don’t you mean Loading Screen Simulator (tm)?