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  1. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    So... being "better" but only against some champs ? That's counterpicking, not strenght. Caitlyn may counter a lot of AD Carries early, but her late is subpar. Kog'Maw may have the best range and one of the strongest steroid late game, he is weak in early. Again, if the game was so imbalanced...
  2. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    You HAVE to be able to CS with auto attacks if you want to play this champion, it may take some time to adapt, but not being able to CS without ability means losing your lane most of the time. You want to use your abilities to farm when : You need to push your lane to back/gank or put pressure...
  3. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Define what you call "better". How do you define that something is better than something different ? How do you define that having Vayne's true damage is better than having Ashe permaslow ? You could say some champions are better than other if their kit was exactly the same but with different...
  4. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I'm bored of that "Ashe UP" bullshit, when will people understand that Ashe is an Utility carry (and not an AD carry), and that she is supposed to make less damage because she has a built-in 3s stun, a free CV and lot of slows instead of steroids ? Well, if top Elo players do not pick Ashe, I...
  5. The Legend of Zelda Timeline Revealed (spoilers I guess)

    I think the Ocarina of Time 3rd split (where he dies) is kinda bullshit, and here is why : -When Young Link grabs the sword, he is sent to sleep by the Goddess during 7 years, and your actions in the past clearly affect the future, even when you travel from the future, then come back then go to...
  6. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    -People with a brain saw that Xerath was good. -There are not a lot of spells that offer a 1s root (at lvl.1) + a gap closer, so yeah, it's insane as a jungler, because it offers great ganks without using Flash or anything. -Of course you can avoid the big red circle of doom. Better run back...
  7. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Ok, I will tell you why both are good picks and offer different options : Talon : -Silence -Slow -Stealth + movement speed -Ultra-high burst -Gap closer Pantheon : -Stun -Gap closer -Ability to block incoming attack -Ranged harass -Semi-global ult -High burst Pantheon has less burst...
  8. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    -Most of the people thought Xerath was useless, even some High ELO players thought he was not viable at all, but you could see a lot of threads talking about how bad Xerath was. -Jungle Maokai is already old, and has already been seen, even if competitive play, however, most people don't realize...
  9. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    People are so dumb they need to see a tournament to realize a hero is good. Xerath : Chauster picked him two times and went like 10/0 > Went from worst AP mid ever to best AP mid ever Jungle Maokai : Same? I will tell you some secrets : Ashe is a completely viable carry / Tryndamere top is...
  10. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    TSM is playing godlike right now : -Chaox : Incredibly consistant, amazing farm, amazing play with pretty much all AD Carries, godlike placement,... surely one of the strongest assets of TSM -Reginald : His aggressive playstyle worked very well, getting kills 1 to 1, succesful ganks with Oddone...
  11. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Now that I'm looking at your arguments, they're totally true, but they're only true in EARLY game. "Cannot lose a lane" : True, that's the whole point of Cait, but she doesn't scale well in late game, so it's kinda fair. I agree it's annoying to play against but Caitlyn is kinda bad without her...
  12. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    If you get outfarmed/killed to that point by Cait, you were probably a bad carry and deserved to lose anyway. Also, Ashe isn't a pure carry, she is an utility carry, and 1000 damage crits isn't that bad if you ask me with permaslows and 3s stun + AOE slow and damage.
  13. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    If you're that good, tell me one good reason to say Caitlyn's late is "good". (Btw, "LOLOL SHE HAD 15 KILLS 2 CHARGED BTS AND SHE WRECKED OUR TEAM TONS OF DMG" or "WHEN SHE ATTACKS, RED BARS GO DOWN FAST", are not arguments) It's not that she doesn't do damage, but Kog, Vayne or Trist do way...
  14. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Ok, let's say it takes 1 more s to catch Cait compared to an other AD Carry, do you think 1s is viable while Kog, Vayne or Trist have like 1,5times/2times her DPS ? Sure she is harder to catch, but her damage is also less sgnificant, while she can do 5000 damage over 5s (example), Kog Maw could...
  15. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Ok, so, let's see how good Caitlyn is following your post : -Range : Caitlyn's strong point, one of the best range in the game, nothing to say here, but remember it won't be that great after the nerf. -CC : Her net can't be used for CC since it will put you out of the case, her traps can't be...
  16. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I hate it when people are complaining about the ONLY thing a hero is good at. Caitlyn is basically useless without her range, her early game is great because her late is just terrible, she was designed to have more farm to make up for it, but now, bad people losing to Cait because they do stupid...
  17. Modern Warfare 3

    Well, look at Zelda Twilight Princess, Skyrim,... a lot of games that have been over 90 in rating, then look at the User score, it's actually between 8,5 and 10. The more reviews you get, the closer you get to what people think of it. Even if they are only judging the graphics, or the fact that...
  18. Modern Warfare 3

    I have no problem with CoD itself, but what I hate is the fact that you can now find CoD tournaments, seriously, sorry to tell the truth but, CoD is a shitty game for competitive gaming, the gameplay is too sloppy and the skill-ceiling is really low. Why ? In most competitive FPS (Quake, UT...
  19. Judge William Adams

    I don't see any way to justify being hit by a belt. If you endured the same thing, I'm sorry for you, but that doesn't make it any better. And also, saying it was her fault for not obeying her father ? Considering she's smart enough to set up that kind of trap, I'm pretty sure she would know...
  20. What is History?

    A miserable little pile of events. (sorry, had to do it)