Search results

  1. Programming Pokémon Showdown Damage Calculator

    Good evening and happy holidays ! Calculators involved : ADV and DPP (might be across all calculators from Gen 3 onwards) Issue : If you take a Pokémon which default ability blocks critical hits, and you set its ability to (none), it still blocks critical hits. I suspect the default ability...
  2. Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

    Hello everyone, fairly new on this forum. I read most of the main articles about LCRNG, ARNG & IRNG i could find on this forum and various other websites, but i found no answer to what i'm searching for in Pokémon Platinum. Is there a known way of predicting what will be the swarm Pokémon for a...
  3. Inactive EonTimer / ZomgTimer

    Hey there, as a speedrunner using a lot of different RNG manips, i'd find really interesting to have a way to save/load several custom configurations. I wonder if that has been already asked for ? It could be used the same way as LiveSplit does, aka storing "Game > Category > listOfConfigs" as a...