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  1. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    i would venture that yamato could be a good logkeeper - similar to Oden. Yamato obv has never seen the outside world, has a connection to Oden's journal, etc. Could be an interesting parallel, and would be a good dream of Yamato's to "complete" Oden's journal (given he tore out several pages)...
  2. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    I saw another theory on reddit about how perhaps Xebec had the Goro Goro no Mi (Enel's fruit) - which is potentially how God Valley was destroyed and how Raijin Island (with the lightning rain) was made (through Punk Hazard we know that weather can be permanently affected by DFs). It tracks also...
  3. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Pretty cool chapter - I'm seeing some theories of Who's Who being a spy for Blackbeard and the timeline really matches up - he saw Jinbe as a Shichibukai which means it was when WW was in Impel Down. Blackbeard in part helped him escape, and he has experience in reconnaissance as a CP9 agent...
  4. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    I'm not sure I necessarily agree with that!! Wano is following traditional Japanese plays pretty closely, where there are five acts. Act 3 usually ends with a tragedy and act 4 is the climax. Surprised Act 3 didn't end with the end of Oden's flashback, but guess we'll see.
  5. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    A theory if that the last Rio Poneglyph is there and thus the full "true history" but the reason why they were laughing is beause they couldn't do anything about it. They may have found out the history of the world and the key to all of the ancient weapons, but couldn't access them. Hints to...
  6. Jimbo

    Serious Profession/Career Discussion

    I do live in the US! Happy to help. 1. If you're a high school senior, you have many, many years before you have to decide on a specialty. People apply to residency in their fourth year of medical school, so you have until then to decide between Surgery and Psychiatry (or anything else!). Some...
  7. Jimbo

    Serious Profession/Career Discussion

    I'm a Pediatrician - I graduated from medical school last year and am currently a 2nd year resident. I went straight from college to medical school so was more or less a professional student, but not anymore! AMA about being a pre-med or medical school.
  8. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    wait, is there a break next week too?
  9. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Ok now THIS was an excellent chapter. It'll be interesting to see how the big mom stuff shakes out. The Killer stuff was excellently done. I'm floored
  10. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Oh, I thought it was implied that Jack is at least part-fishman -- his mouthpiece broke off when Zunisha bodied his crew and it showed him with saw teeth. I thought previously only fishman had that feature, thus implying he can breathe underwater and was just immobile and chillin until someone...
  11. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Kalalokki are you saying that one of Kaidou's crew would rescue BM and her children? and bring them into Wano?
  12. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    it's interesting though because many, many of big mom's kids are DF users so like who tf is going to rescue her from the water? Jinbe? lol
  13. Jimbo

    Drag (mostly RPDR - Spoiler Heavy)

    Love this thread!! It took me a while to get into RPDR but now I am hooked. I am glad that it's breaking into the mainstream and being featured as a juggernaut show on VH1 nowadays. However, with the increasing fan base you also have pretty vicious hate against the queens (and other fans). One...
  14. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    I read a theory that Mihawk may lose to Shiliew at some point, and hence Shiliew will end up being the strongest swordsman. I feel that kind of unbelievable, albeit with the (probable) dissolution of the shichibukai (i.e. why Mihawk told Perona it's best to leave his island soon...) he may be...
  15. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    ok wow
  16. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    oh oh oh oh ok. I like this set up with the acts. So we all saw Kidd meeting up with Luffy. But I guess Franky is going to fashion seastone weapons now - good way to have him fight logias w/o just another buso haki user!!
  17. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Akashi bra I don't think we post spoilers here before the chapters are out - most people do not read them
  18. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    I'm hoping this is similar to the Zou arc which started (and ended) similarly slow. Luffy always needs a reason to fight in an arc - this would have been the first time he's just rolling in mainly to take out a powerful enemy. Now that he's seen the state of the citizen's of wano he has a real...
  19. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    I wholly agree with this. I also bet we will see Sanji use his raid suit and zoro obviously get a significant power up / he hasn't even gone full out since the time skip. With the rate the manga is going I think the entire crew is due for some good stuff
  20. Jimbo

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if Apoo and Hawkins defect once they realize that Luffy and co have an actual shot at taking down Kaido. That being said, remember that Drake is also a subordinate of Kaido and has been for much longer (most likely from around the beginning of the timeskip!)