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  1. BlazingDark

    Tournament UPL XII - Week One

    won ggs
  2. BlazingDark

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Finals (Won by Aquacorde Anglerfish)

    The biggest fact is that, custom avy will be horrible no matter which team wins :macronrire:
  3. BlazingDark

    Tournaments ADVPL IV - Semifinals [Tiebreak @ Post #24]

    won against endill
  4. BlazingDark

    Tournament UPL XII - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [Auction Sunday June 2 @ 11 AM -4]

    Player Name: Mister Sauce Tiers Played: DPP Ubers / BW Ubers
  5. BlazingDark

    Tournaments DPPPL IV - Week Two

    won vs sheik gg
  6. BlazingDark

    Tournaments France vs The World - Pairings & Tiebreak (Won by The World) won with a lot of luck against lazuli but mehlich ça fait plaisir
  7. BlazingDark

    SV OU Exotic Webs - 2000+ ELO

    Good job man and marvelous post You got the sauce
  8. BlazingDark

    GSC GSC OU Global Championship 2024: Round 1

    won vs a welcome guest ggs
  9. BlazingDark

    Tournaments France vs The World - Pairings & Tiebreak (Won by The World)

    We agreed for best of 3 with Lazuli
  10. BlazingDark

    OU BW OU Team Building Competition mk.2

    team 9, shaymin is wild lmao bro thinks it's 2015 DPP