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  1. Serious My Life Is Better Than Yours

    i think it's so easy to get caught up with personal life issues and/or society's expectations that we forget to live in the moment and appreciate the world for what it is. I think it's important to realize that worrying about things in certain situations won't change your predicament, so it's...
  2. Social The Smogon Photo Album

    thx Josh :d happy pride from this power couple to u, gay is okay :d i did a thing with my brows this year dogs luv u whether ur gay, straight, bi, trans, asexual. dogs are love, dogs are life.
  3. Food Gallery: where you make people hungry

    this friday, i will be taking my best mate to what i humbly think is the best japanese restaurant in sydney for her birthday. hand-made, freshly-made soba noodles, amongst other amazing japanese dishes. it's called Jugemu & Shimbashi for any sydney fellas/visitors that are interested! i'll be...
  4. Serious LGBTQ

    i find it really interesting that there are people out there who support lgbtq people and our rights, but not really. and on the subject of pride, for example, I have a friend who has countless lgbtq friends, yet refuses to come to pride citing their religious affiliation as their reasoning...
  5. 2017 musics

    the xx are touring europe, get ur tix son
  6. [chill thread] electronic/remix

    anyone a fan of the xx? they're releasing a new album in a few days. and to get into the hype, here's a throwback to one of many masterpieces on their most recent album!
  7. Serious LGBTQ

    your post made me think about my own experiences. personally I never really had any gay role models, probably because I never knew that I was gay until the age of 14/15 (so that would've been in 2006). Actually, even back then, I knew I was different, but I never really identified as gay just...
  8. Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    i wouldn't mind seeing sanji rough pudding up a little bit, shes the epitome of evil
  9. Serious Orlando mass shooting

    Before I begin, I just want to put out a couple disclaimers: 1. I'm not attacking you personally. Your post just happens to be the one I read and I'm sure others feel the same way you do in this thread. This is a response to everyone who shares the same thoughts. 2. I do definitely...
  10. Dota 2

    Empire just won a game vs NIP with 8 health points left on their ancient omg
  11. Dota 2

    I decided to take a break from tennis and watch navi vs vega in between the US Open matches. It was the worst decision of my life. funnik played the most horrendous enigma ever, missing absolutely everyone with the black hole at least 4 times. the one time he actually lands a black hole, it hits...
  12. Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Chou Toshio I meant the two year long arc incl fishman island. The length of the arc was worth it if only for this moment alone and if only to set up the rest of the story TBH
  13. Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    This chapter was sooooooo cute let me die the two long years was worth it for this moment alone?
  14. Most interesting historical facts of your country?

    Australia was once really racist and had the "white Australian Policy", meaning no people of colour were permitted in Aus, and it wasn't until very recently in Australian History (about 1950s/1960s) when those racist laws and ideologies were slowly purged. A vast number of Australians alive...
  15. smogon irl

    I love u
  16. Your 10 Favorite Albums

    fight me if u don't think Kesha is amazing if only for how fun her songs are and how she really just wants u to have fun
  17. Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread

    make protein pancakes or something with it or use skim milk/low/no fat soy milk. I personally opt for the no fat soy milk cause my diet is mostly minimal saturated fat and sugar (or so I try). The calories aren't too bad if you use no fat soy milk, adding about 200 calories MAX with 80 of those...
  18. Dota 2

    cdec's rotation was so spot on but they didn't play as well as I thought they would in the GF, iirc too many failed smokes (or was that another game) also omg the reshuffle/secret/rtz/aui drama tho
  19. What country(/ies) do you want to visit the most?

    you're honestly always welcome over at mine (my parents') if you ever decide to visit Sydney, we have an extra bed and a granny flat too if ya ever want your own private sanctuary!
  20. Is it possible for you to intentionally change your tastes?

    why would you force yourself to change your music or art or whatever taste do what u want live how u want etc. i think your taste can change overtime cause life + different perspectives/influences but forcibly changing your taste sounds really dumb