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1. Your answers should contain at least a brief explanation, even if it was the simplest of questions.
2. While answering Yes/No question, please quote the question you're referring to.
Opinion question here, but I need an opinion.

I plan on EV'ing my Togekiss with 252 SP ATK/ 252 SPDEF or HP
I don't know whether to max his Special Defense or HP...
Please answer.
Just EV it so its defenses are equal to 90% of its HP. That is the most efficient way to EV for defenses. Also, try for maximum Leftovers recovery (divisible by 16) if you are using Leftovers.

What is its nature? If it's Calm, EV it until it hits that key bonus SDef point.
Anyone know where I can learn the Japanese vocabulary? I'm going to Japan for study abroad in a month, and will be there for 5 months and I would love to trade with trainers there as well. For that though I really need to know the jargon!

Anyone know where I can find out how to say:
-Attack Names
etc. You know, all the words that are really important to us smogonites. :P

otsutaete kuretara hontou ni kanshashimasu >.<
Anyone know where I can learn the Japanese vocabulary? I'm going to Japan for study abroad in a month, and will be there for 5 months and I would love to trade with trainers there as well. For that though I really need to know the jargon!

Anyone know where I can find out how to say:
-Attack Names
etc. You know, all the words that are really important to us smogonites. :P

otsutaete kuretara hontou ni kanshashimasu >.<

Iv's- 個々の値 actually "individual values" but close enough
EV's- 努力値 "effort values"

Hope that helped. The best I could do.
^If those are the words they actually use that's awesome. Thanks man!
Yeah, actually I just typed them into my language translator ^_^'
Here are some natures:
Timid- 臆病
Impish- 悪戯っぽ
Bold- 大胆
Sassy- 粋
Relaxed- 緩められる
Mild- 穏やか
Naive- 純真
Careful- 注意深い

That's all the natures I could think of. Glad to help :)
Didn't you live in japan >.<

Yeah but I didn't play pokemon. It's one thing to speak the language, it's another thing to know "jargon." What words people use.

I mean go on the street and tell someone "Hey, my pokemon have awesome individual values." They speak english, but will they know what the fuck you're saying?
I mean go on the street and tell someone "Hey, my pokemon have awesome individual values." They speak english, but will they know what the fuck you're saying?

Thats an AWESOME quote.

Also, I'm looking for a Calm Minder on my team.

Either Cresselia or Spiritomb.

If Cresselia is the CMer i'll replace Tomb with Dusknoir.

If Tomb is the CMer i'll give Cresselia Grass Knot / Energy Ball.

Repost from the old thread, at this point I've pretty much decided to go with Gunk Shot and Payback, but any comments would be helpful:

I was just browsing the Blisscents rankings looking for an alternative special wall and I came across Muk.
I never realized that he had such high stats, so I decided to try and make a special walling set for him. The main problem I ran into is that he doesn't have much in the way of support moves, and he has no real way of recovering HP effectively.

Because of that, I decided to try and make a resttalking Muk set, but with only two moveslots, he ends up being walled by something consistently. Right now I'm looking at running Gunk Shot with Payback, but then I get walled hardcore by Steels and Rock types, so instead of Payback, I thought of putting Brick Break. In that case, I get walled hardcore by Gengar.

Now you may just say put Brick Break and Shadow Sneak/Payback, but after running some damage calculations, I do truly pitiful damage to well.. everything without a substantial EV investment.

I guess my question is if a resttalking Muk is even viable and if so, which two moves I should use?

Scenario: Staraptor, either choice banded or choice scarfed, or even with specs :P uses u-turn. You switch in another pokemon, in the example Scizor. Scizor has u-turn, and a choice item.

Now, in this scenario, which I tried on shoddy, despite the fact that scizor had not used a move, I was only allowed to use u-turn. "Choice xxxx prevents the use of *insert other move here*". I am curious as to why the choiced effect passed over in this way when the switch in is also choiced. Is this correct? Would this happen on wifi?

Your thoughts. :naughty:
Can anyone help? I'm trying to activate my AR and it won't work. I turned it on earlier and it froze on me when I was about to activate codes. So I resetted only to find out my AR can't be read anymore by my DS. The game alone with the DS works fine, but with the AR, it just won't read it. =/. I even tried plugging it into the computer, but it can't read it. Help anyone? If it seems like I didn't recieve an answer. Please PM me.
If you have a synchronizer in the first slot of your party but it has fainted, is there still the 50% chance of encountering a Pokemon with the same nature?
Anyone know where I can learn the Japanese vocabulary? I'm going to Japan for study abroad in a month, and will be there for 5 months and I would love to trade with trainers there as well. For that though I really need to know the jargon!

Anyone know where I can find out how to say:
-Attack Names
etc. You know, all the words that are really important to us smogonites. :P

otsutaete kuretara hontou ni kanshashimasu >.<

Sorry if this is late, but I have the Japanese game, so I can translate most of those...

Natures: Seikaku せいかく 性格

Attack Names: Not sure about this, but...

Waza わざ 技 (Move) or
Wazana わざ名 技名(Move name)

EVs: Doryokuchi どりょくち 努力地

IVs: No clue. Sorry...

Some natures...
Adamant: いじっぱり
Modest: ひかえめ
Jolly: ようき
Timid: おくびょう
Bold: ずぶとい
Impish: わんぱく
Calm: おだやか
Careful: しんちょう
Relaxed: のんき
Naive: むじゃき
Hasty: せっかち
IVs: Sorry, no clue...
I'm working on a Honchcrow for doubles, but a more stable build and it will have max attack from Belly Drum so I don't need any Attack EVs in the set.

I was thinking 252 HP since it's HP is decent, and spliting the rest of them between Def and Sp.Def, but it's defenses are so bad I'm not sure if I should take some out of HP and put them it into those. It needs to be able to stay around for at least two turns.

Anyone have some suggestions?
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