Gallade (Lead)

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name: Lead
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Zen Headbutt
move 3: Shadow Sneak
move 4: Ice Punch / Stone Edge
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Against the top ten:
  • Azelf: Shadow Sneak 2HKOes with Life Orb
  • Machamp: Zen Headbutt kills 100% of the time with Life Orb, Machamp cannot OHKO back (Lum Berry would avoid confusion but you lose the guaranteed OHKO)
  • Aerodactyl: Ice Punch + Shadow Sneak kills
  • Metagross: 2HKOed by Close Combat, you win if they set up Stealth Rock
  • Swampert: Close Combat 2HKOes while an Earthquake at -1 Def won't OHKO
  • Jirachi: Close Combat 2HKOes but you will probably be flinched to death before that
  • Infernape: Psycho Cut + Shadow Sneak kills
  • Roserade: Need Lum berry to avoid sleep but Ice Punch + Shadow Sneak kills
  • Heatran: They set up Stealth Rock but Close Combat easily OHKOes. Has a good chance to survive a Modest Life Orb Overheat (made to kill Machamp)
  • Furthermore, Ice Punch OHKOs Dragonite, 2HKOs Celebi, and does about ~80% to Gliscor
  • Stone Edge will severely hurt incoming Zapdos and Gyarados while also hitting Dragonite
Other Options:

  • Lum Berry allows you to beat Roserade and Smeargle while avoid confusion from Machamp and Will-O-Wisp from Rotom-A late game
  • X-Scissor + Shadow Sneak kills Azelf when you don't have Life Orb, while also OHKOing Celebi, and 2HKOes Uxie, and OHKOs Starmie
  • Leaf Blade can OHKO Swampert, but has little use other than that
  • Will-O-Wisp can burn unsuspecting Swampert and Metagross
  • EVs are to outspeed defensive Rotom-A as well as most Metagross and Dragonite leads
  • Hypnosis will put to sleep Forretress, Swampert, and Skarmory leads, albeit only 60% of the time
Team Options:

  • Skarmory and Forretress set up on Jirachi, Metagross, and Swampert whom trouble Gallade. It can actually be GOOD to not beat these Pokemon
  • Heatran can OHKO Metagross (w/o Occa or weakened by Close Combat) and Jirachi, while also setting up Stealth Rock
  • Swampert counters Metagross and Jirachi while also setting up Stealth Rock
  • Gyarados is a good offensive partner because Gallade often lures and severely weakens Rotom-A, whom Gyarados can finish off when Gallade leaves it at ~40% (if it's not dead)
  • Breloom because it likes Rotom-A and Gliscor being dead / weakened enough for Seed Bomb to kill and can set up on Swampert leads no problem
Zen Headbutt OHKOs Machamp 100%, so I think it should be used over Psycho Cut; accuracy is not an issue because of No Guard anyway. Night Slash can be used over X-Scissor, as it still beats lead Azelf along Shadow Sneak, but it hits Rotom-A for solid damage. I have been using this (apologies got me into it) and it is a pretty good Pokémon, good job!
yeah this is definitely a great lead that ive been using for a while, so have players like husk/gouki. im not sure why psycho cut is being used over zen headbutt though.... its stronger and the crit rate isnt really worth it imo.
This was being discussed in the New And Creative Moveset Thread in Stark.
Apparently, it's more popular than I thought.

A few comments;
Firstly, I do use a lead Gallade, and to much success.
Second, agreeing with Legendary 07; Zen Headbutt should really be standard on the set.
Third, why isn't Leaf Blade considered? Swampert Leads are more common than Dragonite leads (according to this) and Leaf Blade scores an OHKO with Life Orb attached.
Also, why the HP EV's? 192 Speed Ev's could be run to outspeed Jolly TTar, so that is has utility outside of the lead position.

Finally, a worthwhile team mate for this guy is Steel Trapper Magnezone to catch leads like Jirachi and Metagross off guard. (Jirachi gets stuck into a move, while with Metagross you get a free switch in [assuming he BP's you after you've CC'd] and then KO with Thunderbolt)
yeah i have been used this lead too, works well against most of the current leads, btw zen headbutt > psycho cut
This looks good and i'm sure it will get approved. Nice work.

If it does wow. I'll be so happy.
It's sort of a contribution I guess, here's some Calcs without Life Orb

Here's the set.
Gallade @ Focus Sash LIFE ORB (Gets key OHKO's on Swampert and Machamp)
252 Att/ 192 Spe (outspeeds Jolly TTar)/ 66 HP (some bulk)
Close Combat
Leaf Blade/ Taunt
Shadow Sneak
Zen Headbutt/ Destiny Bond


Against some common leads;
AZELF - Leaf Blade first for the added chance of Critical. Then, Shadow Sneak.
Leaf Blade does 48.3% - 56.8%. Shadow Sneak does 43.2% - 51.4%.

SWAMPERT Leaf Blade for the chance of OHKO with a Crit.
Leaf Blade does 83.8% - 98.8%.
MixPert set

MACHAMP Zen Headbutt for the chance of OHKO.
88.7% - 104.5%
Attacking Lead set

AERODACTYL Close Combat + Shadow Sneak for the KO.
Close Combat does 98.3% - 116.2%. Shadow Sneak does 22.2% - 26.2%.

INFERNAPE Close Combat + Shadow Sneak for the KO.
Close Combat does 94.5% - 111.6%. Shadow Sneak does 21.2% - 25.3%.
Stealth Rock + Fake Out Lead set

Close Combat does 123.2% - 145.5%. Shadow Sneak does 6.8% - 8%.
Stealth Rock Lead set

METAGROSS 2 Close Combats have a chance to KO.
Close Combat does 46.3% - 54.5%. So, two consecutive Close Combats in a row will do 91.7% - 108.3%. Obviously only works if they Stealth Rock first turn.
Lead Metagross set

Loses. Switch out
Lead Dragonite set

JIRACHI 2 Close Combats will KO, while he either Tricks or Stealth Rock's first turn.
Close Combat does 61.4% - 72.2%.
Choice Scarf lead set

Standard Lead set
-All calculations assume 252 ATT EV's, Adamant, and no LO.

Team Options:
Steel Killer Magnezone to kill off the Metagross and Jirachi you MAY have troubles with....
Sorry, not much off the top of my head
Also, this Gallade has utility outside of the lead position, being able to outspeed TTar (is that much utility? d:)
I've used this set alot and I can back it along with everyone else who says its very good. It works really well against all the common leads as mentioned. I do have on little nitpick though:
edit: i was not aware of no guards full ability disregard.
I've used this set alot and I can back it along with everyone else who says its very good. It works really well against all the common leads as mentioned. I do have on little nitpick though:

Pyscho Cut never misses, but does: 99.7% - 118.1% which means its very rare for you not to ko. Zen headbutt misses 10% of the time and kos 100% of the time. 10% of the time you will not ko. I think this makes Pyscho Cut the optimal choice for that moveslot though I suppose Zen Headbutt could be slashed or mentioned in the AC.

Other than that great set.

no guard makes zen headbutt hit 100% if those calcs were for machamp,don't its a mistake me and other people make all the time.
I've used this to some fair success, pretty good in this metagame.
I do think slashing Leaf Blade on the last slot is viable, as it takes out Pert much better.
Bro just so you know, Jolly and 252 speed does everything that all of that does, except you outspeed and kill tran, speed tie with a lot of things too which you normally couldn't kill before. Take that into consideration.
Why would you use this over Swords Dance / Close Combat / Shadow Sneak / Ice Punch @ Lum Berry? It beats all the same shit and has midgame relevance. I thought that was the "standard" Gallade lead set?

  • Azelf: Shadow Sneak 2HKOes with Life Orb This is the main one. Shadow Sneak turn 1, Swords Dance turn to he will either u-turn out or Explode. Eh...
  • Machamp: Zen Headbutt kills 100% of the time with Life Orb, Machamp cannot OHKO back (Lum Berry would avoid confusion but you lose the guaranteed OHKO) Swords Dance then Close Combat.
  • Aerodactyl: Ice Punch + Shadow Sneak kills Same.
  • Metagross: 2HKOed by Close Combat, you win if they set up Stealth Rock Both lose to Metagross. Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch 2HKOs.
  • Swampert: Close Combat 2HKOes while an Earthquake at -1 Def won't OHKO Swords Dance on SR than Smack it with a +2 Close Combat. When it sees you SD it will most likely Roar or fail to OHKO you.
  • Jirachi: Close Combat 2HKOes but you will probably be flinched to death before that Both lose.
  • Infernape: Psycho Cut + Shadow Sneak kills Close Combat + Shadow Sneak kills
  • Roserade: Need Lum berry to avoid sleep but Ice Punch + Shadow Sneak kills Same
  • Heatran: They set up Stealth Rock but Close Combat easily OHKOes. Has a good chance to survive a Modest Life Orb Overheat (made to kill Machamp) Same.
I could have sworn this set was already in the analysis before. its not a bad lead but i dont know if its worthy of an analysis
Why would you use this over Swords Dance / Close Combat / Shadow Sneak / Ice Punch @ Lum Berry? It beats all the same shit and has midgame relevance. I thought that was the "standard" Gallade lead set?

Azelf: Shadow Sneak 2HKOes with Life Orb This is the main one. Shadow Sneak turn 1, Swords Dance turn to he will either u-turn out or Explode. Eh...
Machamp: Zen Headbutt kills 100% of the time with Life Orb, Machamp cannot OHKO back (Lum Berry would avoid confusion but you lose the guaranteed OHKO) Swords Dance then Close Combat.
Aerodactyl: Ice Punch + Shadow Sneak kills Same.
Metagross: 2HKOed by Close Combat, you win if they set up Stealth Rock Both lose to Metagross. Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch 2HKOs.
Swampert: Close Combat 2HKOes while an Earthquake at -1 Def won't OHKO Swords Dance on SR than Smack it with a +2 Close Combat. When it sees you SD it will most likely Roar or fail to OHKO you.
Jirachi: Close Combat 2HKOes but you will probably be flinched to death before that Both lose.
Infernape: Psycho Cut + Shadow Sneak kills Close Combat + Shadow Sneak kills
Roserade: Need Lum berry to avoid sleep but Ice Punch + Shadow Sneak kills Same
Heatran: They set up Stealth Rock but Close Combat easily OHKOes. Has a good chance to survive a Modest Life Orb Overheat (made to kill Machamp) Same.
Adamant with Leaf Blade and Zen Headbutt, instead of Psycho Cut, does all this and OHKO's Swampert and Machamp.

And @Apologies; @Stone Cold; 252 Spe would be a waste. The only Heatran this Gallade would outrun is lead Heatran - since most Heatran sets are Scarf'd. And it doesn't matter to outspeed the opposing lead Heatran because you win in any case. 192 should be the essential benchmark, outspeeding Jolly TTar.
Edit: ^ using Adamant nature
Jolly accomplishes the following:

Lead wise - 2 hit zelf, 2 hit aero, 2 hit metagross, 2 hit rade as most assume you have lum, 2 hits ape and if the player is "bad" you get the speed boost, ohko's tran, ohko's champ, 2 hits pert, 2 hits skarm. So if people want rocks down, they will take the sacrifice.

Also, make Stone Edge an option which I prefer, as Gyara loves to switch in on Gallade's and Stone Edge does a heft chunk, same with Dnite, Stone Edge just gives over all better coverage.
Well Stone Edge is definitely an option but which of Gallade's moves would it take over?
I don't know if a Jolly, LO Stone Edge OHKO's Dragonite leads, but if it doesn't, Ice Punch is the better option.
Although Leaf Blade is IMO a better option to quickly dispose of the famous Swampert leads. Again, Adamant and LO in this scenario
Also has the midgame benefit of outpacing rotom, Suicune and Gyarados. I'm leaning towards agreeing with Stone here in that Jolly max speed would be better. Anyway this looks good and I'm 99% sure I'll end up approving it but if people could comment on what nature/evs they think is best that would be great. Stone Edge would replace Ice Punch if it were to be used and I would not run Leaf Blade on gallade unless i have a large swampert weakness as potentially hitting Zapdos, Dragonite, Gyarados and Gliscor is much more beneficial than Swampert in the large majority of cases.
It's seen a lot on wifi. And sorry, frankly I hate the thing so sue me...

Anyway, Stone Edge should be added as an option to the suggested moveset.
Against Physically Defensive Zapdos; 59% - 69.5%, assuming Jolly. Adamant; 64.8% - 76.2% (slight chance to OHKO).
Against Anti-Lead Dragonite; 89.2% - 105.3%. Adamant; 97.8% - 115.8%.
Against Bulky-Gyara; 80.5% - 95.1%, OHKO after rocks, assuming Jolly.
Okay, so Imma suggest Expert Belt in place of Life Orb ok ok.

You still achieve KOs on Machamp and Swampert and 2HKOs on Starmie and Azelf(assuming Adamant of course) and get no recoil.
Stone Edge is strictly inferior to Ice Punch. With Jolly, Stone Edge doesn't OHKO Zapdos, it doesn't OHKO Leadnite, and it definitely isn't touching Gliscor. I'm also assuming your calc didn't take into account Intimidate vs. Gyara, so you oughta be a little more careful about your calcs. Stone Edge doesn't do the job, and Ice Punch does. Ice Punch should be the absolute unslashed first option.
Listen up kiddies, because I'm only going to tell you this once.

Stone, get off your high horse. Thinly veiled insults being slung around don't do any good around here.

As for Stone Edge, it's strictly inferior to Ice Punch. With Jolly, Stone Edge doesn't OHKO Zapdos, it doesn't OHKO Leadnite, and it definitely isn't touching Gliscor. I'm also assuming your calc didn't take into account Intimidate vs. Gyara, so you oughta be a little more careful about your calcs. Stone Edge doesn't do the job, and Ice Punch does. Ice Punch should be the absolute unslashed first option.

I used the damage calculator. Intimidate was shown...
If I had to put the attack boost at -1, then sorry SDS, my mistake.
Okay so, Jolly is all fine and well but it requires Life Orb to 2HKO Azelf. I suppose this isn't a big deal. You also need Life Orb to even have a chance to kill Machamp. I'm thinking of just dropping Lum Berry as an option if we decide on the Jolly route. There is no doubt in my mind that Jolly is more useful out of the lead position. EVing to outspeed Jolly Tyranitar is pointless because most Jolly Tyranitar are Choice Scarfed and if they are not, they won't be messing with you.

As for attacking options, I've spoken to some users on irc and we agree Ice Punch should be the primary attacking option in the last slot. Leaf Blade can get mention in AC, but a move that is only good for Swampert isn't ideal. I'm not sure about the second slash; yeah, Stone Edge hits Gyarados but if you have a Lum Berry, you need X-Scissor to beat Azelf. I think we should take a vote on both Jolly and the last slash (I'd really prefer not having three slashes).
I think mentioning Stone Edge in the AC wouldn't be a bad idea. You still 2hko bulky gyara on the switch and you do 97.8% - 115.3% which means you will be koing zapdos a majority of the time (se does more than ice punch to zapdos.) Stone edge is still feasible against Dnite since you ko after SE + Shadow Sneak if you do not ko. (89.2% - 105.3%) You also have a better chance than not of living a draco meteor from Dnite as well. Against Gliscor its an inferior to Ice Punch obviously.

If you don't want a slash I think Stone Edge deserves a mentioning in the AC, if you pick ice punch you are doing it if you are more worried about Dnite / Gliscor while Stone Edge is more useful against Gyarados/Zapdos.
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