Florges [QC: 2/3]

  • Excellent special bulk and decent HP allow it to be great special wall
  • Fantastic typing gives it an immunity to the Dragon-type (a factor that sets it apart from Umbreon) as well as a slew of resistances to common offensive types; these resistances to the common Bug-, Dark-, and Fighting-types somewhat make up for its less-than-stellar physical bulk, and aid it in taking on specific physical attackers, such as Mienshao and Heracross.
  • Reasonable Special Attack lets it apply offensive pressure with Moonblast on some of the Pokemon it walls.
  • It can also run a Calm Mind set to make it nigh unbreakable on the special side while also making it a lot more powerful, giving it opportunities to actually sweep.
  • Aromatherapy and Wish let Florges be a cleric and recover both itself and teammates, respectively.
  • Really poor physical bulk.
  • Can't do anything at all to Steel-types.
  • Pretty much hates Taunt, Toxic, Trick, and many other things that typical defensive Pokemon don't like to deal with.
  • Competition with SpD Mew and Umbreon as a wall and Aromatisse as a Fairy-type Wish passer.

name: Defensive
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Wish
move 3: Protect
move 4: Aromatherapy / Toxic
ability: Flower Veil / Symbiosis
item: Leftovers
evs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 SpD
nature: Calm

  • Moonblast is STAB and KOes prominent threats like Hydreigon.
  • Wish is Florges's only means of recovery, and it can also be used to heal teammates.
  • Protect guarantees survival before obtaining the Wish, while also letting it stall for Leftovers recovery.
  • Aromatherapy alleviates status from teammates as well as Toxic or burn which limits Florges's longevity.
  • Meanwhile, Toxic is Florges's only way of being able to break down specially defensive walls such as Hippowdon.

Set Details
  • Leftovers provides passive recovery.
  • EV spread with Calm nature hits a jump point in Special Defense with the rest invested in physical bulk.
  • There are a number of other viable EV spreads.
  • 252 HP / 252 Def Bold counters CB Heracross and other physical attackers much more reliably.
  • 252 HP / 252 SpD gives you more leeway against boosting special attackers.
  • Custom EV spreads to survive certain attacks can be used if suitable.

Usage Tips
  • Switch in on things you wall like Hydreigon, but use Protect to scout Iron Tail.
  • Florges can wall many prominent Pokemon, including Heracross, Mienshao, Mega Ampharos, Raikou, Shaymin, Starmie, Noivern, Kyurem, and a lot of other specially-inclined Pokemon.
  • Just Protect often to scout for the coverage of some Pokemon or to pivot around Choice-locked Pokemon.
  • Toxic on forced switches is also cool, unless of course you think they'll go into something like Jirachi.

Team Options
  • Easy to fit on defensive / balanced teams that aren't weak to the Nidos.
  • Mew and Umbreon handle Nidos and Roserade easily.
  • Victini and Darmanitan can destroy annoying Steel-types.
  • Slowbro and Suicune help with physical Fire-types like Darmanitan, Victini, and Entei.

Offensive Calm Mind
name: Offensive Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Psychic
move 4: Aromatherapy / Substitute
ability: Flower Veil / Symbiosis
item: Leftovers
evs: 132 HP / 252 SpA / 124 Spe
nature: Modest

  • Calm Mind boosts Florges Special Attack to a respectable level, while also making it incredibly difficult to break through on the special side.
  • Moonblast is STAB and hits neutral Pokemon quite hard after a couple of CM boosts.
  • Psychic hits Nidoking, Crobat, and other Poison-types on the switch in, as well as defensive Roserade (which you outspeed).
  • Aromatherapy is a nice supportive option to cure teammates status.
  • Substitute can shield Florges from Toxic, give it a temporary barrier against physical revenge killers, and make it really hard to take down, in a similar vein to BW's SubCM Latias.
  • Wish can be used in this slot to recover back to full health and stall them out while you CM.

Set Details
  • Leftovers provides a form of recovery so Florges isn't worn down quickly as it tries to set up.
  • 124 Speed EVs outspeeds min Speed Roserade, max Special Attack as this set is offensively-oriented, and the rest invested in HP for better overall bulk.

Usage Tips
  • More offensive approach as opposed to walling.
  • Setup on the many special attackers you'd force out with the defensive set.
  • Try to predict Nidoking / Nidoqueen switches and hit them with Psychic.
  • Or, don't setup until they're dead.
  • Don't get greedy with CM boosts; you may get KOed by an untimely crit.

Team Options
  • SpD Mew for Nidoking.
  • Stuff to take care of fast revenge killers like Crobat and Victini. Slowbro works, as does Suicune.
  • Functions as a late-game win condition on balanced teams, so basically Pokemon that can just cover its weaknesses are good teammates. It doesn't require a whole team to be built around it.

Other Options
  • Choice Specs capitalizes on Florges's decent Special Attack stat, but Florges is still quite slow and weak for a Choice Specs attacker. Outclassed by Gard aside from surprise factor.
  • Sunny Day / Rain Dance lets it function as a weather supporter, especially with Wish.
  • Energy Ball hits Slowbro and Suicune harder than anything else.

Checks & Counters
  • Poison-types
    • Nidoking
    • Nidoqueen
    • Roserade
    • Crobat
  • Steel-types
    • Mega Aggron
    • Metagross
    • Forretress
    • Jirachi
    • Bronzong
    • Cobalion
  • Fire-types
    • Victini
    • Darmanitan
    • Entei
  • Suicune
  • Slowbro
  • Phazing
  • Taunt
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-Yeah basically mention that while it's physical bulk isn't tremendous it's typing significantly buffs it seeing as it resists Fighting, Bug and Dark, 3 extremely common attacking types.
-OO mention a Specs Set (although i fkn hate BT), even Scarf can get a small mention due to it's surprise value and relatively decent Speed + SpA stat
-C&C, phazers stop it from being able to recover HP effectively so they are able to easily wear Florges down, Taunt can also be annoying to deal with for Florges, however due to it's nice SpA stat generally it can deal with being Taunted.
-In overview it's huge to mention that Florges is immune to all Dragon type moves which is a huge buff in why you would use it over Umbreon, other special walls.

Other than that, it's looking very good, nice work!
QC 1/3
Probably should be mentioned somewhere (Either Overview or Usage Tips) that Protect no longer block Roar/Whirlwind, meaning the opponent possibly can prevent Florges from healing if they have a user of one of these moves on their team.
I think I might slash Toxic with aromatherapy rather than protect since if florges isn't getting reliable recovery it can't do its job as well. But if enough ppl disagree you can keep it slashed with protect.

Recently, (I believe) Florges has been given a bit of competition from Aromatisse as a defensive fairy. Aromatisse has much better physical bulk and a functioning (and useful) ability, while Florges has better special bulk. I feel like mentioning Florges' pros and cons over Aromatisse, + Umbreon and Mew would be helpful.
You should also probably mention that a number of other EV spreads and that a Bold nature is viable. For example, you can run 252 defense / 252 HP / 4 special defense with a Bold nature to counter Choice Band Heracross.
protect should be listed before aroma/toxic as its more important.

remove scarf from OO not even worth that. specs is ok though but mention its outclassed by gardevoir other than surprise factor-wise.