Pet Mod Hidden Gems - Slate 7: Playtesting (Roomtour Sunday)


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Approved by the Pet Mods Moderators
:normal gem::fighting gem::bug gem::grass gem::fire gem::water gem::flying gem::electric gem::ice gem::ground gem::rock gem::poison gem::psychic gem::ghost gem::dragon gem::dark gem::steel gem::fairy gem:
Hidden Gems

:fairy gem::steel gem::dark gem::dragon gem::ghost gem::psychic gem::poison gem::rock gem::ground gem::ice gem::electric gem::flying gem::water gem::fire gem::grass gem::bug gem::fighting gem::normal gem:

Welcome to Hidden Gems! In this Gen 9 OU-based Pet Mod, we explore a new phenomenon discovered in the Unova Region and Blueberry Academy: Hidden Gems. Type Gems native to Unova have been brought to Blueberry Academy and scattered across the facility for research due to reports of strange things happen when certain Pokemon use certain Type Gems. In this rare cases, these Pokemon gain multiple stat boosts, a new ability, and potentially even a new type! However, these changes are temporary, lasting only until the user switches out. Now, it's our job at the Blueberry Academy to find out which specific Pokemon are able to get these Hidden Gem boosts!​

How do Hidden Gems work?
To put it in simpler terms than the above flavor paragraph, here's how Hidden Gems work as a mechanic:
- For certain Pokemon, after using a specific type gem, the Pokemon gains 3 stat boosts, a new ability, and potentially a new typing.
- These changes persist until the user is switched out or KO'd, much like the ability Battle Bond.
- If a Pokemon is holding their Hidden Gem, they are unable to Terastalize until after their Hidden Gem activates AND they switch out and back in.

The Pokemon that can utilize the mechanic and what gems they need to use it will be decided through 13 slates, which will end up giving us 2 Hidden Gems users per type + 3 for one set of starters. Of course, the 17 unreleased Gem items will be released. Additionally, a new Gem, the Stellar Gem will also be released, which activates when any offensive move is used but doesn't have any Hidden Gems users (pending the Terastalization poll).

Submission Phase (4 Days)
3 Type Gems will be put up each slate for you to give Hidden Gem users to. The template is provided below and walks you through how to submit these Pokemon. You can submit 1 Pokemon for Gem each slate. Pokemon can be given custom moves and their Hidden Gem transformation can be given a custom ability, but keep them simple. Council reserves the right to veto any submissions deemed to be unbalanced or uncodeable.

Veto / Review Phase (1 Day) -
During the veto phase, the council will look over all the submissions and warn people if any of their submissions would get vetoed, meaning that they'd get disqualified from voting. This gives people the chance to adjust their submission so that it can be voted on the next day. Additionally, feedback on all the other submissions may be given. All submissions can be edited and new submissions can still be made during this phase, but note that new submissions may be vetoed without warning when voting starts if they're broken.

Voting Phase (1 Day)
After the submission phase is over, voting will begin. This mod will be using the same voting system as Megas Revisited, where you can vote for as many submissions as you want, with each submission getting a certain number of points based on how you ranked it. An example can be seen below.
For a slate with the Normal Gem, Fighting Gem, and Bug Gem, for example, a ballot would look like this:
Normal: Pokemon 1, Pokemon 2, Pokemon 3
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 5, Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 9

With this ballot, Submission 1 for the Normal Gem would get 3 points, Submission 2 would get 2, and Submission 3 would get 1. The same goes for Submissions 4, 5, and 6 in the Fighting category and Submissions 7, 8, and 9 in the Bug category, with them getting 3, 2, and 1 point respectively.

You can add as many submissions are you'd like after your third vote, with each one getting 1 point.
Normal: Pokemon 1, Pokemon 2, Pokemon 3
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 5, Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 9, Pokemon 10, Pokemon 11
So, in this ballot, Submissions 10 and 11 would also get 1 point in the Bug category.

You can vote for your own submission, but it can't be in first place or your only vote in that category. Be sure to mark your self-vote by putting (SV) after it.
Normal: Pokemon 12 (SV), Pokemon 2, Pokemon 3
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 5, Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 9, Pokemon 10, Pokemon 11
This wouldn't be a legal ballot as the self-vote is in first place in the Normal category

Normal: Pokemon 12 (SV)
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 5, Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 9, Pokemon 10, Pokemon 11
This also wouldn't be a legal ballot as the self-vote is the only vote in the Normal category

Normal: Pokemon 2, Pokemon 12 (SV)
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 12 (SV), Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 12 (SV), Pokemon 10, Pokemon 11
This is a legal ballot because none of the self-votes are in first place or the only vote in a category.

If you vote for only 2 submissions in a category, the first place submission gets 2 points and the second place submission gets 1 point. If you vote for just one, then that submission gets 1 point.
Normal: Pokemon 1 (1 point)
Fighting: Pokemon 4 (2 points), Pokemon 5 (1 point)
Bug: Pokemon 7 (3 points), Pokemon 8 (2 points), Pokemon 9 (1 point), Pokemon 10 (1 point), Pokemon 11 (1 point)
The submission with the most points in a category will be added to the mod.
If multiple people the same Pokemon in the same category, please specify which submission you're voting for.
If the same Pokemon is submitted in multiple categories and ends up in first place in both, it will only win in the category where it received more points.

For most slates, the next submission phase will start immediately after voting ends for the previous slate. Every 2 slates or so, one or more roomtours will be held so we can see what state the metagame is in. This may result in winning submissions being nerfed or buffed, depending on what we learn. Buffs and nerfs can also happen at any other time as we learn stuff between roomtours.

Discussion Phase (1 Day) -
After the voting phase ends, we'll have a quick 1 day break to discuss the new winners and prep for the next slate, as well as early playtesting if I get the new slate coded quickly.

Playtesting Phase (Every ~2 Slates, 1-2 Days) -
As mentioned above, we will have roomtours about every other slate so we can see how the metagame is and see if any winning submissions need to be adjusted. Roomtours will be held on DragonHeaven unless stated otherwise.


Blank Template:
Type After Activation:
Stat Boosts:
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview:

With Explanations:
Pokémon: The Pokemon you're making the Hidden Gem form for. If you're submitting a Pokemon with multiple forms, please specify whether or not you're making the gem for all forms or just one.
Gem: Whichever of the 18 pre-existing gems used to activate the Pokemon's Hidden Gem form. Has to be one of the 3 Types slated
Type After Activation: The Pokemon's type after the Hidden Gem activates. The form must retain the user's primary type and they must have the type of their Gem. Forms of the same Pokemon don't have to share the same exact type combination, though they all need to have the type of the gem.
Ability: The Pokemon's ability after the Hidden Gem activates
Stat Boosts: The stats that get increased after the Hidden Gem activates. The stat boosts can add up to +3 total, with a maximum of +2 in one stat. Stats can't be given a negative boost and you don't have to use all 3 boosts. Crit Rate can also be boosted. Be very careful about boosting Speed.
New Moves: New moves the Pokemon learns. Keep in mind that in order to activate a Gem, the Pokemon needs an offensive move of the Gem's type. New and removed moves don't have to be the same across multiple forms.
Removed Moves: Moves removed from the Pokemon's movepool for balancing purposes. Note that removing moves will also remove them from the prevolution's movepool
Competitive Overview: A brief summary of what the Pokemon does in the metagame and why it should be added

Example Submission:
Pokémon: Golduck
Gem: Psychic Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Good as Gold
Stats Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpD, +1 Spe
New Moves: Expanding Force, Psychic Terrain
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Makes Golduck into a threatening Nasty Plot sweeper that can't be Whirlwinded out or stopped by Thunder Wave thanks to Good as Gold and is somewhat difficult to revenge kill because of its high Speed.
Pokémon: User, User, User, etc.
Pokémon: User, User, User, etc.
Pokémon: User, User, User, etc.
Playable Here
Resources (pending)
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Welcome to Hidden Gems!

Before we get to the first slate, there's one order of business we need to handle: Terastalization.

When I first started thinking of ideas for a Gen 9 OU-based mod, I wanted one where we could leave Tera legal, since the vast majority of Pet Mods ban the mechanic. However, the idea I had ended up becoming Hidden Gems, which adds a whole mechanic if of itself. Thus, it feels fair that we hold a quick 24 hour vote on whether or not we'll allow Tera in this tier. As noted in the OP, Pokemon holding their Hidden Gem can't Tera until the gem is used up and they switch out and back in. Slate 1 will begin after the poll concludes.

Included in the poll will be the options to Keep Tera and Ban Tera, but there will be another option to both Ban Tera and Unban Terapagos. Due to the flavor of the mod being based around Blueberry Academy and Terapagos' existing connection to crystals through Tera, it feels somewhat fitting to free Terapagos to be a sort of mascot for the tier. Plus, if this does happen, the last slate of the mod will include the ability to make a Hidden Gem form for Terapagos with the new Stellar Gem, the only Hidden Gem for that Gem. Plus plus, one more hazard remover can't hurt, right? This will be the only Tera-related unban that will be voted on.

The poll will be up for 24 hours. In the meantime, you can discuss what things are already buffed by Gems being added back to the game. See you soon!
With a near unaminous vote, Terastallization will be banned in Hidden Gems and Terapagos will be unbanned!

With that, it's time for the first real slate of Hidden Gems!

- Slate 1: Normal, Fighting, Bug -
:normal gem::fighting gem::bug gem:
To start us off, you'll be making Hidden Gems users for the Normal, Fighting, and Bug Gems! This slate will serve as a testing ground of sorts, letting us see the limits of what we can do with the Hidden Gems mechanics, how strong we need to make abusers of it, or how strong is too strong, especially in this slate with Normal and Bug being notoriously weak typings.​

Refer to the template in the OP for how to submit Hidden Gems users:
Blank Template:
Type After Activation:
Stat Boosts:
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview:

With Explanations:
Pokémon: The Pokemon you're making the Hidden Gem form for
Gem: Whichever of the 18 pre-existing gems used to activate the Pokemon's Hidden Gem form. Has to be one of the 3 Types slated
Type After Activation: The Pokemon's type after the Hidden Gem activates. The form must retain the user's primary type and they must have the type of their Gem
Ability: The Pokemon's ability after the Hidden Gem activates
Stat Boosts: The stats that get increased after the Hidden Gem activates. The stat boosts can add up to +3 total, with a maximum of +2 in one stat. Stats can't be given a negative boost and you don't have to use all 3 boosts. Be very careful about boosting Speed.
New Moves: New moves the Pokemon learns. Keep in mind that in order to activate a Gem, the Pokemon needs an offensive move of the Gem's type
Removed Moves: Moves removed from the Pokemon's movepool for balancing purposes. Note that removing moves will also remove them from the prevolution's movepool
Competitive Overview: A brief summary of what the Pokemon does in the metagame and why it should be added

Additionally, there are two extra things to note:
- Terapagos CANNOT be subbed for the Normal Gem. It will end up being the only Hidden Gem user for the new Stellar Gem and will be slated at a later time.
- While not outright banned, I would generally recommend not giving starters Hidden Gems until we get to the Starter slate, which will either be in the middle of the mod or the end

Submissions will end in 5 Days (Veto Phase in 4 Days)

Also, Hidden Gems now has a Discord!
Pokémon: Dragonite
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation: Dragon/Normal
Ability: Water Veil
Stat Boosts: +2 SpA, +1 SpD
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Espeed Dragonite is a menace. Water Veil helps out by making this pokemon unable to be burned, hampering its sweep. Dragonite doesn't get an attack boost because that's quite dangerous with DD, 134 Att, and STAB Espeed. It does get +2 SpA for unique mixed potential and a +1 SpD for helping set up since you can't run boots, making multiscale harder to keep in range since rocks is now an issue.
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:sv/hoopa::fighting gem:
Pokémon: Hoopa
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Filter
Stat Boosts: +1 Spe, +1 Acc
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Comes in on slower foes like Heatran to activate Gem, goes to work with reliable Focus Blast and Gunk Shot.

:sv/Slither Wing::bug gem:
Pokémon: Slither Wing
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Swarm
Stat Boosts: +1 Atk, +1 Def
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: First Impression's high power offers a free out against most sweepers. Defensive switch-ins risk letting it set up with Flame Charge to make full use of its Gem boosts.
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Pokémon: Yanmega
Gem: gub
Type After Activation: Bug/Flying
Ability: Adaptability
Stat Boosts: +1 Def + 1 Spa + 1 Spd
New Moves: none
Removed Moves: none
Competitive Overview: I love speed boost ! With this mon being overall a major liability you can now have a broken ass sweeper bug. However you better hope your opponent doesn’t have like any good steel type lol. This idea comes from the throat spray set which is pretty funny but not exactly the greatest. With me being unwilling to give this earth power or hurricane because game freak won’t either, it balances itself out (defensive “gem” when)

+1 252+ SpA Adaptability Yanmega Air Slash vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Corviknight: 142-168 (35.5 - 42%) -- 86.3% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252+ SpA Yanmega Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gholdengo: 286-338 (90.7 - 107.3%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ SpA Adaptability Yanmega Air Slash vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Heatran: 119-140 (36.8 - 43.3%) -- 99.1% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Hurricane does manage a favorable 2HKO on these targets hence why it’s not getting it

Pokémon: Rampardos
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation: Rock / Normal
Ability: Rock Head
Stat Boosts: +1 Speed +1 Acc + 1 Spa
New Moves: none
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview: very glass cannon like, hits slightly above base 110 if you max out the speed stat, which allows it to throw off its insanely powerful head smashes and double edges. If you live to use your second move, you can throw off high bp fire blasts and blizzards to blow away physical walls. The problem is living

Pokémon: mimikyu
Gem: Fighting
Type After Activation: Ghost/Fighting
Ability: Iron Fist
Stat Boosts: +2 Def + 1 Spd
New Moves: Shadow Punch
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: annihilape but legal. the main goal of this mon is to switchin as a spinblocker / have a free turn and immediately get +4 and win. there are some flaws such as defensive mons, but the boost to its defense should help out greatly. sets like bulk up also should be quite potent. the weakness of its main stabs do make it a target for unaware mons
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Since we're not sure what power level to aim for, these might be too strong sorry.


Pokémon: Corviknight
Type After Activation:

Ability: Huge Power
Stat Boosts: + 1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Spe
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: I've always liked the idea of a Pokemon that can completely flip roles and niche interactions that are only possible in formats like this. In this case, its Huge Power actually boosting the power of Body Press making this Corv incredibly powerful and bulky when boosted. Again, not sure what power level we're supposed to aiming for so maybe I'll have to remove Iron Defense or something later on.

Pokémon: Heracross
Type After Activation:

Ability: Unburden
Stat Boosts: + 1 Def, +2 SpD
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Another neat interaction is that if you gain Unburden after consuming your held item you still receive the boost (btw this doesn't work the other way around, any Unburden mon will lose the boost if the ability is replaced). Anyways with this massive stat steroid Heracross becomes a monstrous breaker, especially if you can secure a Moxie boost before transforming.

:bw/deoxys speed:
Pokémon: Deoxys-Speed
Type After Activation:

Ability: Opportunist
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Spe
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Bit of a half baked idea, but basically Deoxys uses Extreme Speed or other assorted Normal move to get ahead of other gem users to rapidly accrue stat buffs when they activate their own gem with the defense buffs hopefully allowing for some sort of response next turn.
Pokémon: Dudunsparce
Gem: :normal-gem: Normal
Type After Activation:

Ability: Earth Eater
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 Def
New Moves: n/a
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: big boomburst go boom

Dudunsparce @ Normal Gem
Ability: Rattled
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Boomburst
- Shadow Ball
- Roost

Pokémon: Haxorus
Gem: :bug-gem: Bug
Type After Activation:

Ability: Sharpness
Stat Boosts: +1 Defense, +1 Speed
New Moves: Psycho Cut
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: big sharpness x-scissor

Haxorus @ Bug Gem
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Scale Shot
- X-Scissor
- Close Combat

Pokémon: Keldeo
Gem: :fighting-gem: Fighting
Type After Activation:

Ability: No Guard
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpD
New Moves: n/a
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: cm wallbreaker. choose between gem boosted secret sword to hit blissey or gem boosted focus blast for sheer power

Keldeo @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Surf
- Secret Sword / Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave
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Pokémon: Porygon-Z
Gem: Normal Gem
Type After Activation: Normal
Ability: Sheer Force
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 Sp. Def
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: Nasty Plot
Competitive Overview: A lot of its varied movepool (including STAB Tri Attack) is Sheer Force boosted.

Pokémon: Ceruledge
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation: Fire/Bug
Ability: Sharpness
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 Sp. Def
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Sharpness boosted Bitter Blade/X-Scissor.

Pokémon: Noivern
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation: Flying/Fighting
Ability: No Guard
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpA, +1 Sp. Def
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Throws around Focus Blasts and Hurricanes.
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Pokémon: Flygon
Gem: Bug
Type After Activation:

Ability: Punk Rock
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpDef, +1 Speed
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Sound move user throwing off newly-STAB Bug Buzzes, and Boomburst, Alluring Voice, and Psychic Noise as coverage options. (Why does this thing have such a deep special movepool?) The Speed boost should be okay as it gets no other way to boost its Special Attack besides activating its Gem, and it's attacking off a base 80 Special Attack.

Pokémon: Gengar
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation:

Ability: Levitate
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpDef
New Moves: Hyper Voice
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview: Flips two of Gengar's weaknesses into immunities while giving it a strong offensive profile. Still a frail mon even with the boosts, but it can live a hit or two now. Low base power moves help keep this in check.
Pokémon: Ambipom
Gem: Normal Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Libero
Stat Boosts: +1 Atk, +2 Spe
New Moves: Tail Slap, Close Combat, Encore
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Ambipom sits a paltry 3rd place of the "fast and frail Normal with a decent Attack stat" race behind Maushold and Cinccino (4th if you wanna count Linoone) and really not being anywhere near as good as those two are despite its better stats. The biggest thing that Ambipom lacks that Maushold and Cinccino have is a good set up move, so what if we made one of Ambipom's best tools into a set up move. Fake Out Normal Gem becomes more than just a noobtrap now, giving Ambipom a Shift Gear boost and an interesting ability in Libero that synergizes with Ambipom's many cool coverage moves. In general, you have to be really careful about giving stuff both a Speed boost and a boost to its offenses, but it's definitely fine on Ambipom when its 100 Attack is so mid even at +1 since it doesn't have an item, so the majority of bulky teams should be able to handle it with ease, especially when it'll only have 3 slots for coverage since it needs Fake Out and then can't switch lest it wastes its boosts. Thus, Ambipom is more of an anti-offense mon and that maybe cleans up weakened bulky teams.
Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Triple Axel
Pokémon: Scrafty
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Hustle
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Acc
New Moves: Sucker Punch, Parting Shot, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Pain Split, Gunk Shot
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Fat midgame breaker or lategame sweeper with drawbackless Hustle, amazing boosted bulk, and great setup moves in DDance and SD, plus some nice utility on non-Gem sets. Held back by how ridiculously abuseable its defensive typing is + competes a lot with Kingambit who can do similar things without a gem, plus it's a little tough for Scrafty to get into a good position to activate its gem due to being so slow and lacking Mach Punch.
Scrafty @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Knock Off
- Close Combat
- Gunk Shot

Scrafty @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off / Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch
Pokémon: Galvantula
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Tinted Lens
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 Spe, +1 Acc
New Moves: Static Shield* (Paralysis clone of Baneful Bunker)
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: When you think the Galvantula in front of you is gonna set Webs and then oops, it used Bug Buzz and got a basically Quiver Dance boost and can still totally set Webs later because it still has the moveslot for it. Balanced by the fact that it's very weak initially, so it might just die while setting up, especially if you use it early game to bluff Webs, plus it's actually super easy to revenge kill as we live in a society where 108 Speed at +1 isn't even fast. Static Shield is a great new tool for it, giving non-Gem sets as a safe way to spread Para as a dedicated Webs lead and a way to dissuade certain attempts at revenge kills on Gem sets, but funnily enough a lot of the things that can revenge kill Galvantula or prevent it from setting up use non-contact moves, or go through Static Shield via Mighty Cleave. Still very useful if your opponent's speed control of choice is Meowscarada, Weavile, or Roaring Moon, or you're able to catch a greedy U-Turn from a Dragapult or Cinderace, though.
Galvantula @ Bug Gem
Ability: Compound Eyes
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Thunder
- Sticky Web
- Static Shield
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4 days into the slate, which means it's time for the Veto / Review Phase!

As stated in the OP, the Veto / Review Phase is where I'll give quick feedback on everything submitted so far, including warnings on which subs may be disqualified from voting (vetoed) and how to prevent that. Submissions can still be freely added and edited during the Veto Phase, but new submissions may be vetoed without warning once voting starts tomorrow. Aside from veto warnings, all of these reviews are just my opinions on your subs, so feel free to not take my advice.

Pokémon: Dragonite
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation: Dragon/Normal
Ability: Water Veil
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, SpA, SpD
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Espeed Dragonite is a menace. Water Veil helps out by making this pokemon unable to be burned, hampering its sweep. Dragonite doesn't get an attack boost because that's quite dangerous with DD, 134 Att, and STAB Espeed. It does get +1 SpA for unique mixed potential and a +1 Def and SpD for helping set up since you can't run boots, making multiscale harder to keep in range since rocks is now an issue.
:dragonite:Got extreme whiplash from me expecting everyone to sub lower tier stuff and then first submission was Dragonite lmao. Anyway, I'm pretty borderline on this due to the defense boosts, as Dragonite is already very bulky and can use the extra bulk to DDance up a whole bunch and win, basically having a permanent(-ish) weaker Multiscale. I won't quite veto it yet mainly because it gives itself an awful defensive typing but you should still consider removing one of the defensive boosts. Aside from that, I do like this a lot, as a huge fan of clicking Tera Normal ESpeed

:sv/hoopa::fighting gem:
Pokémon: Hoopa
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Filter
Stat Boosts: +1 Spe, +1 Acc
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: Calm Mind, Nasty Plot
Competitive Overview: Comes in on slower foes like Heatran to activate Gem, goes to work with reliable Focus Blast and Gunk Shot.

:sv/Slither Wing::bug gem:
Pokémon: Slither Wing
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Swarm
Stat Boosts: +1 Atk, +1 Def
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: First Impression's high power offers a free out against most sweepers. Defensive switch-ins risk letting it set up with Flame Charge to make full use of its Gem boosts.
:hoopa:Not convinced that this would be broken with setup moves since Hoopa will struggle a bit to both set up and activate the gem, so I do want to see it function at full power before removing those. Pretty buffs to flip its matchups into Dark-types
:slither wing:Very simple and effective, like it a lot.

Pokémon: Yanmega
Gem: gub
Type After Activation: Bug/Flying
Ability: Adaptability
Stat Boosts: +1 Def + 1 Spa + 1 Spd
New Moves: none
Removed Moves: none
Competitive Overview: I love speed boost ! With this mon being overall a major liability you can now have a broken ass sweeper bug. However you better hope your opponent doesn’t have like any good steel type lol. This idea comes from the throat spray set which is pretty funny but not exactly the greatest. With me being unwilling to give this earth power or hurricane because game freak won’t either, it balances itself out (defensive “gem” when)

+1 252+ SpA Adaptability Yanmega Air Slash vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Corviknight: 142-168 (35.5 - 42%) -- 86.3% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252+ SpA Yanmega Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gholdengo: 286-338 (90.7 - 107.3%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ SpA Adaptability Yanmega Air Slash vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Heatran: 119-140 (36.8 - 43.3%) -- 99.1% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Hurricane does manage a favorable 2HKO on these targets hence why it’s not getting it

Pokémon: Rampardos
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation: Rock / Normal
Ability: Rock Head
Stat Boosts: +1 Speed +1 Acc + 1 Spa
New Moves: none
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview: very glass cannon like, hits slightly above base 110 if you max out the speed stat, which allows it to throw off its insanely powerful head smashes and double edges. If you live to use your second move, you can throw off high bp fire blasts and blizzards to blow away physical walls. The problem is living

Pokémon: mimikyu
Gem: Fighting
Type After Activation: Ghost/Fighting
Ability: Iron Fist
Stat Boosts: +2 Def + 1 Spd
New Moves: Shadow Punch
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview:
:yanmega:Was worried that this was underpowered since Bug/Flying is meh offensively, has weak STABs with no coverage, and can't run boots with the gem, but this thing does kinda just eviscerate offensive teams if you get 2 Speed Boosts given how strong it is and being pretty hard to revenge kill if you somehow avoid hazards, so it might be fine as is
:rampardos:This one might be a bit weak, mainly since it'll probably struggle to set up the gem safely. Is kinda the opposite of your Yanmega sub, as this seems a lot better into fatter teams than offensive ones, but the latter will likely be much more common, so that hurts it
:mimikyu:Sounds okay, stat boosts are good to keep Mimikyu alive when it's gonna be clicking Drain Punch a bunch and Iron Fist helps out how weak its STABs are but it probably won't set the world on fire

Since we're not sure what power level to aim for, these might be too strong sorry.

View attachment 610207
Pokémon: Corviknight
Gem: View attachment 610186 Fighting
Type After Activation: View attachment 610188 View attachment 610187
Ability: Huge Power
Stat Boosts: + 1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Spe
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: I've always liked the idea of a Pokemon that can completely flip roles and niche interactions that are only possible in formats like this. In this case, its Huge Power actually boosting the power of Body Press making this Corv incredibly powerful and bulky when boosted. Again, not sure what power level we're supposed to aiming for so maybe I'll have to remove Iron Defense or something later on.

Pokémon: Heracross
Gem: View attachment 610204 Bug
Type After Activation: View attachment 610205 View attachment 610203
Ability: Unburden
Stat Boosts: + 1 Def, +2 SpD
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Another neat interaction is that if you gain Unburden after consuming your held item you still receive the boost (btw this doesn't work the other way around, any Unburden mon will lose the boost if the ability is replaced). Anyways with this massive stat steroid Heracross becomes a monstrous breaker, especially if you can secure a Moxie boost before transforming.

:bw/deoxys speed:
Pokémon: Deoxys-Speed
Gem: View attachment 610198 Normal
Type After Activation: View attachment 610211 View attachment 610210
Ability: Opportunist
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Spe
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Bit of a half baked idea, but basically Deoxys uses Extreme Speed or other assorted Normal move to get ahead of other gem users to rapidly accrue stat buffs when they activate their own gem with the defense buffs hopefully allowing for some sort of response next turn.
:corviknight:Was iffy on this for awhile, but I think this would get vetoed as the combination of all 3 boosts + Huge Power makes this both really hard to wall and kill, plus having Power Trip means that stuff like Gholdengo can't just stonewall it. I recommend removing any 1 or 2 of the boosts as they're each scary in their own way, with Def making it stronger and harder to kill, SpD also making it harder to kill, and Spe allowing it to run a a bunch of investment to outspeed a good number of offensive mons, which in turn makes it harder to revenge
:heracross:Pretty neat, basically a fat Hawlucha
:deoxys-speed:Was initially apprehensive on this, but outside of Opportunist being cool, this seems pretty weak as it requires ESpeed or Tera Blast to activate itself which it kinda doesn't want to run and the boosts it gets are meh. Maybe it can run both the gem and Cosmic Power/Calm Mind with Stored Power or something

Pokémon: Dudunsparce
Gem: :normal-gem: Normal
Type After Activation:

Ability: Earth Eater
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 Def
New Moves: n/a
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: big boomburst go boom

Dudunsparce @ Normal Gem
Ability: Rattled
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Boomburst
- Shadow Ball
- Roost

Pokémon: Haxorus
Gem: :bug-gem: Bug
Type After Activation:

Ability: Sharpness
Stat Boosts: +1 Atk, +1 Defense, +1 Speed
New Moves: Psycho Cut
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: big sharpness x-scissor

Haxorus @ Bug Gem
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Scale Shot
- X-Scissor
- Close Combat

Pokémon: Keldeo
Gem: :fighting-gem: Fighting
Type After Activation:

Ability: No Guard
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpD
New Moves: n/a
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: cm wallbreaker. choose between gem boosted secret sword to hit blissey or gem boosted focus blast for sheer power

Keldeo @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Surf
- Secret Sword / Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave
:dudunsparce:A bit on the weaker side, should still have some applications as a Calm Mind sweeper or even Agility though
:haxorus:Another one I was apprehensive about since generally boosting both an offensive stat is a scary thing to do, but as the same time it has to use non-STAB X-Scissor to do it and it gives itself a worse typing in the process. Ultimately I do think this would get vetoed though, as in combination with Dragon Dance (and Swords Dance, too) Haxorus can become super fast and strong a little too quickly, so I would just remove the Attack boost
:keldeo:Another pretty scary sub I'm on the fence on but I think I'll let it rock. Makes Calm Mind Keldeo a lot scarier, which is fine since that's its worse set, and you shouldn't ignore how strong No Guard Hydro Pump and Focus Blast will be

Pokémon: Porygon-Z
Gem: Normal Gem
Type After Activation: Normal
Ability: Sheer Force
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 Sp. Def
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: Nasty Plot
Competitive Overview: A lot of its varied movepool (including STAB Tri Attack) is Sheer Force boosted.

Pokémon: Ceruledge
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation: Fire/Bug
Ability: Sharpness
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 Sp. Def, +1 Speed
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: Swords Dance
Competitive Overview: Sharpness boosted Bitter Blade/X-Scissor.

Pokémon: Noivern
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation: Flying/Fighting
Ability: No Guard
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpA, +1 Sp. Def
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Throws around Focus Blasts and Hurricanes.
:porygon-z:Another sub I thought was pretty weak at first glance, but Download and Agility kinda save this, to the point where I actually found myself agreeing with this losing Nasty Plot
:ceruledge:Losing Swords Dance is a pretty huge nerf to most of Ceruledge other, already somewhat viable sets, so I'd probably rather see this have Swords Dance and not have the Speed boost, especially since Bulk Up makes this almost veto-worthy anyway. It can at least still try to get a Speed boost from Weak Armor or just leverage Fire/Bug's defensive utility and be a bulky sweeper that heals itself with Bitter Blade over and over again
:noivern:Should be a fine late game cleaner, assuming you actually hit the first Focus Blast

Pokémon: Flygon
Gem: Bug
Type After Activation: View attachment 610611View attachment 610625
Ability: Punk Rock
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpDef, +1 Speed
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Sound move user throwing off newly-STAB Bug Buzzes, and Boomburst, Alluring Voice, and Psychic Noise as coverage options. (Why does this thing have such a deep special movepool?) The Speed boost should be okay as it gets no other way to boost its Special Attack besides activating its Gem, and it's attacking off a base 80 Special Attack.

Pokémon: Gengar
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation: View attachment 610621View attachment 610622
Ability: Levitate
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpDef
New Moves: Hyper Voice
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview: Flips two of Gengar's weaknesses into immunities while giving it a strong offensive profile. Still a frail mon even with the boosts, but it can live a hit or two now. Low base power moves help keep this in check.
:flygon:Should be a decent cleaner, basically makes Flygon a bootleg Quiver Dance sweeper
:gengar:Haven't really formed an opinion on this one yet, it's probably fine

Pokémon: Ambipom
Gem: Normal Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Libero
Stat Boosts: +1 Atk, +2 Spe
New Moves: Tail Slap, Close Combat, Encore
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Ambipom sits a paltry 3th place of the "fast and frail Normal with a decent Attack stat" race behind Maushold and Cinccino (4th if you wanna count Linoone) and really not being anywhere near as good as those two are despite its better stats. The biggest thing that Ambipom lacks that Maushold and Cinccino have is a good set up move, so what if we made one of Ambipom's best tools into a set up move. Fake Out Normal Gem becomes more than just a noobtrap now, giving Ambipom a Shift Gear boost and an interesting ability in Libero that synergizes with Ambipom's many cool coverage moves. In general, you have to be really careful about giving stuff both a Speed boost and a boost to its offenses, but it's definitely fine on Ambipom when its 100 Attack is so mid even at +1 since it doesn't have an item, so the majority of bulky teams should be able to handle it with ease, especially when it'll only have 3 slots for coverage since it needs Fake Out and then can't switch lest it wastes its boosts. Thus, Ambipom is more of an anti-offense mon and that maybe cleans up weakened bulky teams.
Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Triple Axel
Pokémon: Scrafty
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Hustle
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Acc
New Moves: Sucker Punch, Parting Shot, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Pain Split, Gunk Shot
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Fat midgame breaker or lategame sweeper with drawbackless Hustle, amazing boosted bulk, and great setup moves in DDance and SD, plus some nice utility on non-Gem sets. Held back by how ridiculously abuseable its defensive typing is + competes a lot with Kingambit who can do similar things without a gem, plus it's a little tough for Scrafty to get into a good position to activate its gem due to being so slow and lacking Mach Punch.
Scrafty @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Knock Off
- Close Combat
- Gunk Shot

Scrafty @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off / Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch
Pokémon: Galvantula
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Tinted Lens
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 Spe, +1 Acc
New Moves: Static Shield* (Paralysis clone of Baneful Bunker)
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: When you think the Galvantula in front of you is gonna set Webs and then oops, it used Bug Buzz and got a basically Quiver Dance boost and can still totally set Webs later because it still has the moveslot for it. Balanced by the fact that it's very weak initially, so it might just die while setting up, especially if you use it early game to bluff Webs, plus it's actually super easy to revenge kill as we live in a society where 108 Speed at +1 isn't even fast. Static Shield is a great new tool for it, giving non-Gem sets as a safe way to spread Para as a dedicated Webs lead and a way to dissuade certain attempts at revenge kills on Gem sets, but funnily enough a lot of the things that can revenge kill Galvantula or prevent it from setting up use non-contact moves, or go through Static Shield via Mighty Cleave. Still very useful if your opponent's speed control of choice is Meowscarada, Weavile, or Roaring Moon, or you're able to catch a greedy U-Turn from a Dragapult or Cinderace, though.
Galvantula @ Bug Gem
Ability: Compound Eyes
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Thunder
- Sticky Web
- Static Shield

As a general note, while the main focus of the mod is obviously the Hidden Gems, I highly recommend using the fact that you can add new moves to your subs to give your mons some more utility or uses outside of just the Hidden Gem, especially for lower tiered mons as it'll make them more generally appealing.

That's all for now, submissions will close in 24 hours, so be sure to get any final changes as such in fast! See you soon!
Pokémon: Sneasler
Gem: :Fighting-gem: Fighting
Type After Activation:

Ability: Stamina
Stat Boosts: +2 Def
New Moves: Body Press
Removed Moves: Acrobatics, Gunk Shot, Trailblaze
Competitive Overview: Gets huge setup opportunities on physical attackers while losing out on unburden's speed. youve lost a big amount of your power cuz no acro or gunk rip bozo
Pokémon: Vespiquen
Type After Activation: Bug/Flying
Execution Order - This Pokemon's moves deal 1.5x damage against targets below 50% health.
Stat Boosts: +1 ATK, +2 SPE
New Moves: Pin Missile, Cross Chop
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Multi-hit moves like Pin Missile and Dual Wingbeat both can pick up boosts mid-turn if dropping the enemy below half. Access to Fell Stinger in conjunction with the ability lets you much more easily pick up executes with the move and skyrocket your attacking stat. You can save the gem until you think you can guarantee the Fell Stinger kill or you can pop it early to help chunk down the enemy into range. Access to Roost and decent natural bulk let it stay on the field fishing for a Fell Stinger kill and the speed boosts cover its miserable 40 base speed. Attack Order is less synergistic but more reliable than Pin Missile at getting the enemy into range, and Cross Chop lets it not get immediately stonewalled by a Steel or Rock type. Even with it, this functions best as a cleaner and has quite a few openings if you try to abuse it as a sweeper.
Voting time!

Voting rules can be found below and in the OP:
After the submission phase is over, voting will begin. This mod will be using the same voting system as Megas Revisited, where you can vote for as many submissions as you want, with each submission getting a certain number of points based on how you ranked it. An example can be seen below.
For a slate with the Normal Gem, Fighting Gem, and Bug Gem, for example, a ballot would look like this:
Normal: Pokemon 1, Pokemon 2, Pokemon 3
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 5, Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 9

With this ballot, Submission 1 for the Normal Gem would get 3 points, Submission 2 would get 2, and Submission 3 would get 1. The same goes for Submissions 4, 5, and 6 in the Fighting category and Submissions 7, 8, and 9 in the Bug category, with them getting 3, 2, and 1 point respectively.

You can add as many submissions are you'd like after your third vote, with each one getting 1 point.
Normal: Pokemon 1, Pokemon 2, Pokemon 3
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 5, Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 9, Pokemon 10, Pokemon 11
So, in this ballot, Submissions 10 and 11 would also get 1 point in the Bug category.

You can vote for your own submission, but it can't be in first place or your only vote in that category. Be sure to mark your self-vote by putting (SV) after it.
Normal: Pokemon 12 (SV), Pokemon 2, Pokemon 3
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 5, Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 9, Pokemon 10, Pokemon 11
This wouldn't be a legal ballot as the self-vote is in first place in the Normal category

Normal: Pokemon 12 (SV)
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 5, Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 9, Pokemon 10, Pokemon 11
This also wouldn't be a legal ballot as the self-vote is the only vote in the Normal category

Normal: Pokemon 2, Pokemon 12 (SV)
Fighting: Pokemon 4, Pokemon 12 (SV), Pokemon 6
Bug: Pokemon 7, Pokemon 8, Pokemon 12 (SV), Pokemon 10, Pokemon 11
This is a legal ballot because none of the self-votes are in first place or the only vote in a category.

If you vote for only 2 submissions in a category, the first place submission gets 2 points and the second place submission gets 1 point. If you vote for just one, then that submission gets 1 point.
Normal: Pokemon 1 (1 point)
Fighting: Pokemon 4 (2 points), Pokemon 5 (1 point)
Bug: Pokemon 7 (3 points), Pokemon 8 (2 points), Pokemon 9 (1 point), Pokemon 10 (1 point), Pokemon 11 (1 point)
The submission with the most points in a category will be added to the mod.
If multiple people the same Pokemon in the same category, please specify which submission you're voting for.
If the same Pokemon is submitted in multiple categories and ends up in first place in both, it will only win in the category where it received more points.

All submissions except for the following are eligible for voting:

For WilhelmTheOkay's Corviknight, it will be allowed as I'll be lenient for the first slate only, but if it does get voted in then I will remove one of the stat boosts at my discretion (likely the Defense and/or Speed boost)

For zxgzxg's Sneasler, it isn't vetoed as if you're able to nerf an Uber into being balanced by removing enough moves from it then it's allowed, it just won't happen all that often since a lot of Ubers are broken because of their stats and abilities

Voting will end in 24 hours. Good luck!
Pokémon: Dragonite
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation: Dragon/Normal
Ability: Water Veil
Stat Boosts: +2 SpA, +1 SpD
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Espeed Dragonite is a menace. Water Veil helps out by making this pokemon unable to be burned, hampering its sweep. Dragonite doesn't get an attack boost because that's quite dangerous with DD, 134 Att, and STAB Espeed. It does get +2 SpA for unique mixed potential and a +1 SpD for helping set up since you can't run boots, making multiscale harder to keep in range since rocks is now an issue.
Pokémon: Rampardos
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation: Rock / Normal
Ability: Rock Head
Stat Boosts: +1 Speed +1 Acc + 1 Spa
New Moves: none
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview: very glass cannon like, hits slightly above base 110 if you max out the speed stat, which allows it to throw off its insanely powerful head smashes and double edges. If you live to use your second move, you can throw off high bp fire blasts and blizzards to blow away physical walls. The problem is living
:bw/deoxys speed:
Pokémon: Deoxys-Speed
Type After Activation:

Ability: Opportunist
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Spe
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Bit of a half baked idea, but basically Deoxys uses Extreme Speed or other assorted Normal move to get ahead of other gem users to rapidly accrue stat buffs when they activate their own gem with the defense buffs hopefully allowing for some sort of response next turn.
Pokémon: Dudunsparce
Gem: :normal-gem: Normal
Type After Activation:

Ability: Earth Eater
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 Def
New Moves: n/a
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: big boomburst go boom

Dudunsparce @ Normal Gem
Ability: Rattled
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Boomburst
- Shadow Ball
- Roost
Pokémon: Porygon-Z
Gem: Normal Gem
Type After Activation: Normal
Ability: Sheer Force
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 Sp. Def
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: Nasty Plot
Competitive Overview: A lot of its varied movepool (including STAB Tri Attack) is Sheer Force boosted.
Pokémon: Gengar
Gem: Normal
Type After Activation:

Ability: Levitate
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpDef
New Moves: Hyper Voice
Removed Moves:
Competitive Overview: Flips two of Gengar's weaknesses into immunities while giving it a strong offensive profile. Still a frail mon even with the boosts, but it can live a hit or two now. Low base power moves help keep this in check.
Pokémon: Ambipom
Gem: Normal Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Libero
Stat Boosts: +1 Atk, +2 Spe
New Moves: Tail Slap, Close Combat, Encore
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Ambipom sits a paltry 3rd place of the "fast and frail Normal with a decent Attack stat" race behind Maushold and Cinccino (4th if you wanna count Linoone) and really not being anywhere near as good as those two are despite its better stats. The biggest thing that Ambipom lacks that Maushold and Cinccino have is a good set up move, so what if we made one of Ambipom's best tools into a set up move. Fake Out Normal Gem becomes more than just a noobtrap now, giving Ambipom a Shift Gear boost and an interesting ability in Libero that synergizes with Ambipom's many cool coverage moves. In general, you have to be really careful about giving stuff both a Speed boost and a boost to its offenses, but it's definitely fine on Ambipom when its 100 Attack is so mid even at +1 since it doesn't have an item, so the majority of bulky teams should be able to handle it with ease, especially when it'll only have 3 slots for coverage since it needs Fake Out and then can't switch lest it wastes its boosts. Thus, Ambipom is more of an anti-offense mon and that maybe cleans up weakened bulky teams.
Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Triple Axel
:sv/hoopa::fighting gem:
Pokémon: Hoopa
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Filter
Stat Boosts: +1 Spe, +1 Acc
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Comes in on slower foes like Heatran to activate Gem, goes to work with reliable Focus Blast and Gunk Shot.
Pokémon: mimikyu
Gem: Fighting
Type After Activation: Ghost/Fighting
Ability: Iron Fist
Stat Boosts: +2 Def + 1 Spd
New Moves: Shadow Punch
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: annihilape but legal. the main goal of this mon is to switchin as a spinblocker / have a free turn and immediately get +4 and win. there are some flaws such as defensive mons, but the boost to its defense should help out greatly. sets like bulk up also should be quite potent. the weakness of its main stabs do make it a target for unaware mons

Pokémon: Corviknight
Type After Activation:

Ability: Huge Power
Stat Boosts: + 1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Spe (YOSHI EDIT: SEE NOTE IN "Vetoed Submissions" SPOILER ABOVE)
New Moves
: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: I've always liked the idea of a Pokemon that can completely flip roles and niche interactions that are only possible in formats like this. In this case, its Huge Power actually boosting the power of Body Press making this Corv incredibly powerful and bulky when boosted. Again, not sure what power level we're supposed to aiming for so maybe I'll have to remove Iron Defense or something later on.
Pokémon: Keldeo
Gem: :fighting-gem: Fighting
Type After Activation:

Ability: No Guard
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpD
New Moves: n/a
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: cm wallbreaker. choose between gem boosted secret sword to hit blissey or gem boosted focus blast for sheer power

Keldeo @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Surf
- Secret Sword / Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave
Pokémon: Noivern
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation: Flying/Fighting
Ability: No Guard
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpA, +1 Sp. Def
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Throws around Focus Blasts and Hurricanes.
Pokémon: Scrafty
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Hustle
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 SpD, +1 Acc
New Moves: Sucker Punch, Parting Shot, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Pain Split, Gunk Shot
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Fat midgame breaker or lategame sweeper with drawbackless Hustle, amazing boosted bulk, and great setup moves in DDance and SD, plus some nice utility on non-Gem sets. Held back by how ridiculously abuseable its defensive typing is + competes a lot with Kingambit who can do similar things without a gem, plus it's a little tough for Scrafty to get into a good position to activate its gem due to being so slow and lacking Mach Punch.
Scrafty @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Knock Off
- Close Combat
- Gunk Shot

Scrafty @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off / Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch
Pokémon: Sneasler
Gem: :Fighting-gem: Fighting
Type After Activation:

Ability: Stamina
Stat Boosts: +2 Def
New Moves: Body Press
Removed Moves: Acrobatics, Gunk Shot, Trailblaze
Competitive Overview: Gets huge setup opportunities on physical attackers while losing out on unburden's speed. youve lost a big amount of your power cuz no acro or gunk rip bozo
:sv/Slither Wing::bug gem:
Pokémon: Slither Wing
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Swarm
Stat Boosts: +1 Atk, +1 Def
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: First Impression's high power offers a free out against most sweepers. Defensive switch-ins risk letting it set up with Flame Charge to make full use of its Gem boosts.
Pokémon: Yanmega
Gem: gub
Type After Activation: Bug/Flying
Ability: Adaptability
Stat Boosts: +1 Def + 1 Spa + 1 Spd
New Moves: none
Removed Moves: none
Competitive Overview: I love speed boost ! With this mon being overall a major liability you can now have a broken ass sweeper bug. However you better hope your opponent doesn’t have like any good steel type lol. This idea comes from the throat spray set which is pretty funny but not exactly the greatest. With me being unwilling to give this earth power or hurricane because game freak won’t either, it balances itself out (defensive “gem” when)

+1 252+ SpA Adaptability Yanmega Air Slash vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Corviknight: 142-168 (35.5 - 42%) -- 86.3% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252+ SpA Yanmega Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gholdengo: 286-338 (90.7 - 107.3%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
+1 252+ SpA Adaptability Yanmega Air Slash vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Heatran: 119-140 (36.8 - 43.3%) -- 99.1% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Hurricane does manage a favorable 2HKO on these targets hence why it’s not getting it
Pokémon: Heracross
Type After Activation:

Ability: Unburden
Stat Boosts: + 1 Def, +2 SpD
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Another neat interaction is that if you gain Unburden after consuming your held item you still receive the boost (btw this doesn't work the other way around, any Unburden mon will lose the boost if the ability is replaced). Anyways with this massive stat steroid Heracross becomes a monstrous breaker, especially if you can secure a Moxie boost before transforming.
Pokémon: Haxorus
Gem: :bug-gem: Bug
Type After Activation:

Ability: Sharpness
Stat Boosts: +1 Defense, +1 Speed
New Moves: Psycho Cut
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: big sharpness x-scissor

Haxorus @ Bug Gem
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Scale Shot
- X-Scissor
- Close Combat
Pokémon: Ceruledge
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation: Fire/Bug
Ability: Sharpness
Stat Boosts: +1 Def, +1 Sp. Def
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Sharpness boosted Bitter Blade/X-Scissor.
Pokémon: Flygon
Gem: Bug
Type After Activation:

Ability: Punk Rock
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpDef, +1 Speed
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: None
Competitive Overview: Sound move user throwing off newly-STAB Bug Buzzes, and Boomburst, Alluring Voice, and Psychic Noise as coverage options. (Why does this thing have such a deep special movepool?) The Speed boost should be okay as it gets no other way to boost its Special Attack besides activating its Gem, and it's attacking off a base 80 Special Attack.
Pokémon: Galvantula
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Tinted Lens
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 Spe, +1 Acc
New Moves: Static Shield* (Paralysis clone of Baneful Bunker)
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: When you think the Galvantula in front of you is gonna set Webs and then oops, it used Bug Buzz and got a basically Quiver Dance boost and can still totally set Webs later because it still has the moveslot for it. Balanced by the fact that it's very weak initially, so it might just die while setting up, especially if you use it early game to bluff Webs, plus it's actually super easy to revenge kill as we live in a society where 108 Speed at +1 isn't even fast. Static Shield is a great new tool for it, giving non-Gem sets as a safe way to spread Para as a dedicated Webs lead and a way to dissuade certain attempts at revenge kills on Gem sets, but funnily enough a lot of the things that can revenge kill Galvantula or prevent it from setting up use non-contact moves, or go through Static Shield via Mighty Cleave. Still very useful if your opponent's speed control of choice is Meowscarada, Weavile, or Roaring Moon, or you're able to catch a greedy U-Turn from a Dragapult or Cinderace, though.
Galvantula @ Bug Gem
Ability: Compound Eyes
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Thunder
- Sticky Web
- Static Shield
Pokémon: Vespiquen
Type After Activation: Bug/Flying
Execution Order - This Pokemon's moves deal 1.5x damage against targets below 50% health.
Stat Boosts: +1 ATK, +2 SPE
New Moves: Pin Missile, Cross Chop
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Multi-hit moves like Pin Missile and Dual Wingbeat both can pick up boosts mid-turn if dropping the enemy below half. Access to Fell Stinger in conjunction with the ability lets you much more easily pick up executes with the move and skyrocket your attacking stat. You can save the gem until you think you can guarantee the Fell Stinger kill or you can pop it early to help chunk down the enemy into range. Access to Roost and decent natural bulk let it stay on the field fishing for a Fell Stinger kill and the speed boosts cover its miserable 40 base speed. Attack Order is less synergistic but more reliable than Pin Missile at getting the enemy into range, and Cross Chop lets it not get immediately stonewalled by a Steel or Rock type. Even with it, this functions best as a cleaner and has quite a few openings if you try to abuse it as a sweeper.
The first set of Hidden Gems is here!

Ambipom - 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 12

Porygon-Z - 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 9
Dragonite - 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 8
Gengar - 1 = 1

Keldeo - 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 10
Hoopa - 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 10

Noivern - 3 + 1 + 1 = 5
Scrafty - 3 + 1 = 4
Corviknight - 1 = 1

Galvantula - 3 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 9

Heracross - 3 + 2 + 3 = 8
Slither Wing - 3 + 2 = 5
Haxorus - 2 + 1 = 3
Vespiquen - 2 = 2
Flygon - 1 + 1 = 2
Yanmega - 1 = 1

Normal Gem - Ambipom by Yoshiblaze
Pokémon: Ambipom
Gem: Normal Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Libero
Stat Boosts: +1 Atk, +2 Spe
New Moves: Tail Slap, Close Combat, Encore
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Ambipom sits a paltry 3rd place of the "fast and frail Normal with a decent Attack stat" race behind Maushold and Cinccino (4th if you wanna count Linoone) and really not being anywhere near as good as those two are despite its better stats. The biggest thing that Ambipom lacks that Maushold and Cinccino have is a good set up move, so what if we made one of Ambipom's best tools into a set up move. Fake Out Normal Gem becomes more than just a noobtrap now, giving Ambipom a Shift Gear boost and an interesting ability in Libero that synergizes with Ambipom's many cool coverage moves. In general, you have to be really careful about giving stuff both a Speed boost and a boost to its offenses, but it's definitely fine on Ambipom when its 100 Attack is so mid even at +1 since it doesn't have an item, so the majority of bulky teams should be able to handle it with ease, especially when it'll only have 3 slots for coverage since it needs Fake Out and then can't switch lest it wastes its boosts. Thus, Ambipom is more of an anti-offense mon and that maybe cleans up weakened bulky teams.
Ambipom @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Triple Axel

Bug Gem - Galvantula by Yoshiblaze
Pokémon: Galvantula
Gem: Bug Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Tinted Lens
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 Spe, +1 Acc
New Moves: Static Shield* (Paralysis clone of Baneful Bunker)
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: When you think the Galvantula in front of you is gonna set Webs and then oops, it used Bug Buzz and got a basically Quiver Dance boost and can still totally set Webs later because it still has the moveslot for it. Balanced by the fact that it's very weak initially, so it might just die while setting up, especially if you use it early game to bluff Webs, plus it's actually super easy to revenge kill as we live in a society where 108 Speed at +1 isn't even fast. Static Shield is a great new tool for it, giving non-Gem sets as a safe way to spread Para as a dedicated Webs lead and a way to dissuade certain attempts at revenge kills on Gem sets, but funnily enough a lot of the things that can revenge kill Galvantula or prevent it from setting up use non-contact moves, or go through Static Shield via Mighty Cleave. Still very useful if your opponent's speed control of choice is Meowscarada, Weavile, or Roaring Moon, or you're able to catch a greedy U-Turn from a Dragapult or Cinderace, though.
Galvantula @ Bug Gem
Ability: Compound Eyes
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Bug Buzz
- Thunder
- Sticky Web
- Static Shield

For the Fighting Gem, we actually have a tie between chemicalmines' Keldeo and Tanny89k's Hoopa, so during the 24 hour discussion phase we'll have a tiebreaker vote. Please vote for one of the following submissions below:
:sv/hoopa::fighting gem:
Pokémon: Hoopa
Gem: Fighting Gem
Type After Activation:

Ability: Filter
Stat Boosts: +1 Spe, +1 Acc
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Competitive Overview: Comes in on slower foes like Heatran to activate Gem, goes to work with reliable Focus Blast and Gunk Shot.
Pokémon: Keldeo
Gem: :fighting-gem: Fighting
Type After Activation:

Ability: No Guard
Stat Boosts: +1 SpA, +1 SpD
New Moves: n/a
Removed Moves: n/a
Competitive Overview: cm wallbreaker. choose between gem boosted secret sword to hit blissey or gem boosted focus blast for sheer power

Keldeo @ Fighting Gem
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Surf
- Secret Sword / Focus Blast
- Vacuum Wave

In the meantime, I should be able to get the metagame coded within that time, so we'll have our first taste of our new mechanic very soon with the 2 current winners!

See you then!