[Monotype / Fighting] Cobalion

QC:- iVid / Eien / scpinion
GP:- P Squared / Haund



Cobalion acts as an excellent support, lead, and anti-lead Pokemon on Fighting teams, as it has access to moves such as Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, and Taunt. It hits a great Speed tier with a base Speed of 108, letting it tie with opposing lead Pokemon like Infernape and Galvantula. Its part Steel typing allows it to check Fairy-types, such as Diancie, Gardevoir, and Sylveon, and gives it an immunity to Poison-type moves, which makes it an excellent switch-in to predicted moves such as Toxic. Cobalion also has impressive physical bulk, allowing it to take multiple unresisted hits. Unfortunately, it lacks reasonable offensive stats, being less reliable in dealing a lot of damage. Cobalion's Special Defense isn't that great either, and it can't afford to switch into strong special attackers. It also lacks reliable recovery, shortening its longevity on the field.

name: Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Thunder Wave
move 4: Taunt / Volt Switch
item: Leftovers
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Spe


Stealth Rock lets Cobalion pressure the other side of the field by breaking potential Focus Sashes on Pokemon such as Gengar and Breloom and getting chip damage. This offensive pressure is appreciated by an offensive type like Fighting. Iron Head is a STAB move and gives Cobalion coverage against Fairy-types such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Diancie, which Fighting teams struggle against. Thunder Wave allows it to cripple faster threats such as Choice Scarf Latios, Kyurem-B, and Hoopa-U. Taunt lets it stop setup sweepers such as Gyarados and Belly Drum Azumarill from setting up, prevents defensive walls such as Porygon2 and Skarmory from recovering, and prevents entry hazards from being set up on your side. Cobalion notably is able to outspeed and Taunt leads like Mew, Skarmory, and Swampert as well as Speed tie with Galvantula to prevent entry hazards from being set up. The move also prevents status from Pokemon like Chansey, Rotom-W, and Mew. Volt Switch can be used to pick up momentum, which is useful on offensive types like Fighting.

Set Details

76 Attack EVs are given to OHKO Mega Gardevoir with Iron Head after Stealth Rock. Maximum Speed investment with a Jolly nature is used to maintain Cobalion's fantastic Speed tier, letting it tie with leads such as Galvantula and Infernape while outspeeding Pokemon like Mega Gardevoir and Mew. The rest of the EVs are put into HP, giving Cobalion decent bulk and letting it survive hits such as Hyper Voice from Mega Gardevoir and Earth Power from Mega Diancie. Leftovers is the item of choice, as it increases Cobalion's longevity because it has no access to reliable recovery.

Usage Tips

Cobalion can be used as a dedicated lead against other leads such as Galvantula, Skarmory, Mew, Forretress, and Tyranitar, which tend to set up entry hazards. Cobalion can keep these Pokemon from using their utility moves, as it's able to outspeed and Taunt them. It can also use that to take advantage of defensive Pokemon with Taunt and Thunder Wave. Cobalion should try to set up Stealth Rock as soon as possible if there is no Pokemon trying to set up entry hazards. It should also try to spread status with Thunder Wave early-game to support its team. Depending on the matchup, this can also be very crucial in paralyzing a threat that tends to switch in to Cobalion to check it. Cobalion should use Volt Switch as a way to gain momentum on predicted switches or any Pokemon that it can't beat such as Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Keldeo. Cobalion can be very useful as a pivot because it can switch in and out of attacks, which will be helpful in bringing out its teammates safely. Thunder Wave should be used to cripple faster threats like Choice Scarf Latios, Kyurem-B, and Hoopa-U. Cobalion should stay as healthy as possible in a match in order to check certain threats such as Mega Diancie and Latios; however, it needs to be at full health to do so, so you also should try to keep Cobalion from taking too much damage.

Team Options

Keldeo is a great wallbreaker and pairs with Cobalion really well. It checks Fire- and Ground-types that threaten Cobalion with its STAB moves in Scald and Hydro Pump, and it is able to 2HKO Zapdos with Hydro Pump and Icy Wind after Stealth Rock damage. In return, Keldeo appreciates Cobalion's Stealth Rock and Thunder Wave support, especially on faster threats such as Choice Scarf Victini. Terrakion checks the Fire- and Flying-types that threaten Cobalion with its STAB Stone Edge and acts as a great late-game cleaner in general. Breloom pairs well with Cobalion, since it can check bulky Water- and Ground-types like Hippowdon, Gastrodon, Swampert, and Lanturn, as well as spreading status with Spore. It can be considered a dedicated anti-lead in some matchups where leading with Cobalion is unsafe, such as against Flying-type teams with Mega Charizard Y or Landorus-T, Fire-type teams, and Ground-type teams. Heracross has the ability to sweep through Psychic-type teams that Cobalion struggles against with its STAB Megahorn. It also acts as a status absorber for Cobalion with its ability Guts.

Hawlucha deals with opposing Fighting-types with its STAB Acrobatics, as well as being able to switch into predicted Ground-type attacks. It appreciates Cobalion's support in Thunder Wave and Stealth Rock letting it set up and sweep easier. Both Mega Medicham and Mega Gallade also pair well with Cobalion; with their powerful Psychic-type STAB attacks, they can check threats like Mega Venusaur as well as opposing Fighting-types. Mega Medicham deserves a special mention due to having priority in Fake Out and Bullet Punch, which lets it pick off weakened Pokemon or check threats such as Mega Diancie and Mega Gardevoir after Fake Out damage. Mega Gallade can sweep unprepared teams with its access to Swords Dance. It can also hit Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon with Knock Off or Shadow Sneak. Infernape is a good partner to Cobalion as well because it has a vast movepool with access to moves like Gunk Shot, Fire Blast, Close Combat, and Grass Knot. Fire Blast and Close Combat give it coverage to beat Steel-types, all of which wall Cobalion, while Grass Knot surprises Pokemon such as Gastrodon and Slowbro and 2HKOes them.

Other Options

A mixed Life Orb set with Hidden Power Ice, Stone Edge, and Focus Blast can be used to lure in Pokemon like Gliscor, defensive Landorus-T, Garchomp, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Pinsir, Volcarona, and Quagsire and KO them. An offensive Swords Dance Cobalion variant can also be run, although Fighting has Pokemon that can do the job better, like Swords Dance Mega Gallade and Swords Dance Terrakion. Cobalion can be used as a Calm Mind setup sweeper; however, Keldeo outclasses it with its higher base Special Attack and wider special movepool.

Checks and Counters


**Ground-types**: Ground-types are immune to Cobalion's Thunder Wave and Volt Switch, limiting its options. Landorus, Gastrodon, Seismitoad, Mamoswine, Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Mega Garchomp can apply pressure on Cobalion with their attacks and KO it with their Ground-type STAB moves.

**Electric-types**: Fast Electric-types such as Thundurus, Galvantula, and Choice Scarf Magnezone aren't threatened by Cobalion's moves and can either set up or KO it safely.

**Fire-types**: Fire-types are not threatened by Cobalion's STAB Iron Head, and Choice Scarf Pokemon like Victini, Darmanitan, and Chandelure can KO it before it sets Stealth Rock.

**Water-types**: Water-types resist Cobalion's Iron Head and can threaten it with Scald burns. Pokemon like Swampert and Lanturn completely wall Cobalion and can absorb Thunder Wave and Volt Switch too.

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users such as Thundurus and Sableye have access to Prankster and can stop Cobalion from using its support moves. Thundurus can use that to its advantage to set up Nasty Plot. Sableye can go for Will-O-Wisp and burn Cobalion or any of its teammates if it switches out. Faster leads like Azelf and Aerodactyl can Taunt Cobalion and set up Stealth Rock.
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Since it's been here a while I'll QC
  • Mention how Cobalion is very fast with base 108 speed
  • Its Steel / Fighting (you could keep Fighting in but it looks better like this and makes a bit more sense)typing allows it to check Fairy-types such as Diancie, Gardevoir, and Sylveon. (minor issue)
  • Mention how it's attacking stats are the same
  • Mention how Cobalion is a very good lead and a very good anti-lead
Utility Set
  • Mention some Fairy Types Iron Head checks
  • Mention some Pokemon Cobalion stops from setting up Hazards
  • Also mention how taunt stops status from Wil-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave and give examples
  • Mention how Taunt stops opposing Taunts and give examples
Set details
  • Looks Good
Usage Tips
  • Mention some sticky web users such as Galvantula and Shuckle
  • Explain how Thunder Wave should be used specifically against Latios and other fast threats
Team Options
  • I would separate Keldeo and Terrakion explaining them individually
  • Mention Heracross and how it deals with Psyshic Types that Cobalion struggles with
  • Mention Infernape because of it's vast movepull having access to Grass Knot which helps against Ground Types
  • Mention how Breelom takes on water types
Other options
  • Mention Flash Cannon which works very well against Klefiki but doesn't OHKO Mega Gardevoir after Stealth Rocks
  • Mention how Stone Edge can be ran to check Mega Pinsir
  • Mention Calm Mind set and how it is outclassed by Keldeo as a Calm Mind user nad as a Special Attacker
Checks Counters
  • Mention Electric as Cobalion can't do much to Electric types and are immune to Thunder Wave and how majority of them threaten Cobalion. Mention examples such as Lanturn, Zapdos, Mega Manectric and Rotom-W. (just listed a few not many and mention how they threaten Cobalion)
  • Under Fire types Max Special Attack Lava Plume Heatran isn't that common Flamethrower or Fire Blast would be the better option on Max Special Attack Heatran
  • Under Water Gyarados gets taunted by Cobalion before it even gets a chance to set up
  • Under Taunt Users mention uncommon Fast Taunt users such as Azelf and Aerodactyl because they are somewhat relevant on Offensive Psyshic and Offensive Flying Teams since they prevent Stealth Rocks and Set up Stealth Rocks.
Overall not much to Change QC 1/3
Since it's been here a while I'll QC
  • Mention how Cobalion is very fast with base 108 speed
  • Its Steel / Fighting (you could keep Fighting in but it looks better like this and makes a bit more sense)typing allows it to check Fairy-types such as Diancie, Gardevoir, and Sylveon. (minor issue)
  • Mention how it's attacking stats are the same
  • Mention how Cobalion is a very good lead and a very good anti-lead
Utility Set
  • Mention some Fairy Types Iron Head checks
  • Mention some Pokemon Cobalion stops from setting up Hazards
  • Also mention how taunt stops status from Wil-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave and give examples
  • Mention how Taunt stops opposing Taunts and give examples
Set details
  • Looks Good
Usage Tips
  • Mention some sticky web users such as Galvantula and Shuckle
  • Explain how Thunder Wave should be used specifically against Latios and other fast threats
Team Options
  • I would separate Keldeo and Terrakion explaining them individually
  • Mention Heracross and how it deals with Psyshic Types that Cobalion struggles with
  • Mention Infernape because of it's vast movepull having access to Grass Knot which helps against Ground Types
  • Mention how Breelom takes on water types
Other options
  • Mention Flash Cannon which works very well against Klefiki but doesn't OHKO Mega Gardevoir after Stealth Rocks
  • Mention how Stone Edge can be ran to check Mega Pinsir
  • Mention Calm Mind set and how it is outclassed by Keldeo as a Calm Mind user nad as a Special Attacker
Checks Counters
  • Mention Electric as Cobalion can't do much to Electric types and are immune to Thunder Wave and how majority of them threaten Cobalion. Mention examples such as Lanturn, Zapdos, Mega Manectric and Rotom-W. (just listed a few not many and mention how they threaten Cobalion)
  • Under Fire types Max Special Attack Lava Plume Heatran isn't that common Flamethrower or Fire Blast would be the better option on Max Special Attack Heatran
  • Under Water Gyarados gets taunted by Cobalion before it even gets a chance to set up
  • Under Taunt Users mention uncommon Fast Taunt users such as Azelf and Aerodactyl because they are somewhat relevant on Offensive Psyshic and Offensive Flying Teams since they prevent Stealth Rocks and Set up Stealth Rocks.
Overall not much to Change QC 1/3
Thanks i ll implement this soon
Thunder Wave should be above Taunt / Volt Switch. The power of yellow magic is just too much. Generally moves that have slashes should be lower, although there are some exceptions.

name: Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Thunder Wave
move 4: Taunt / Volt Switch
item: Leftovers
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Spe

Taunt doesn't "cripple" setup sweepers, but stops them from setting up. Add that it stops defensive Pokemon from using recovery as well. Remove Shuckle as an example because Mental Herb is always used and allows Shuckle to set up Sticky Web.

Usage Tips:
In general, Cobalion should look to spread paralysis early on to support the team. Paralyzing a switch-in, such as Victini or Volcanion, could be game changing.

Cobalion should try to stay as healthy as possible throughout the match if it needs to check certain threats. For example, it needs to be on full health to switch into a LO Latios's Psyshock to avoid being KOed by Draco Meteor afterwards and needing full health to survive the Earth Power from Mega Diancie.

Cobalion is a good pivot, so if it isn't needed for checking threats (if there is a threat, that takes priority though) then it should be used to switch in and out of attacks to safely bring in teammates. In most cases, it can threaten the foe out with either Thunder Wave on faster foes and Taunt on slower foes too.

In general, Cobalion can switch into and take advantage of passive and defensive Pokemon, as most cannot touch Cobalion through Taunt and give it an opportunity to set up Stealth Rock or paralyze a switch-in.

Definitely mention the lead matchup vs Galvantula. Yes it's a Speed tie, but winning that tie can keep Sticky Web off your side and can give you the opportunity to set up Stealth Rock. That 50/50 is a better option than pretty much anything Fighting can do anyway.

Team Options:
Beyond just checking type disadvantages, Keldeo appreciates Cobalion's support. With Stealth Rock, Keldeo can 2HKO Zapdos, for example. It also appreciates having faster threats, such as Choice Scarf Kyurem-B and Choice Scarf Victini, paralyzed so that it can defeat them safely. It also safely handles a lot of Cobalion's checks, so Volt Switch can be a great way to lure in a check and bring in Keldeo to take care of it.

Also mention that Breloom is a great dedicated anti-lead. In some matchups, Cobalion is not a safe lead, but with Focus Sash, Breloom can take that spot to preserve Cobalion for later. This is most important against Mega Charizard Y, Choice Scarf Victini, and Garchomp.

Heracross also soaks up burns for Cobalion, keeping it healthy for the battle. It beats Sableye, a Prankster Taunt user that can always beat Cobalion 1v1, so that is another benefit.

Add that Hawlucha loves Cobalion's support. Paralysis can help it set up much more easily and Stealth Rock support helps it sweep more easily.

Explain why Infernape's coverage is useful. Grass Knot can 2HKO Slowbro and Gastrodon. Meanwhile, Fire Blast and Close Combat take out the Steel-types that Cobalion can't beat, such as Mega Scizor, Doublade, Heatran, and Magnezone.

Other Options:
How does Flash Cannon beat Klefki? Max investment + LO doesn't even have a guaranteed 2HKO on it, and Light Screen stops it anyway. I don't think you should mention this.

Checks and Counters:
Try and make it a general reason why these Pokemon check Cobalion and give examples of those general reasons. Similar to the way the Electric-types checks is formatted.

Nicely done, QC 2/3

GP 1/2

**Fighting**: (add colon)

Cobalion acts as an excellent support, lead, (AC) and anti-lead Pokemon on Monotype Fighting teams, as it has access to moves such as Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, and Taunt. It hits a great Speed tier with a base Speed of 108, letting it tie with opposing lead Pokemon like Infernape and Galvantula. Its part Steel typing allows it to check Fairy-types such as Diancie, Gardevoir, and Sylveon. Also, it is immune and gives it immunity to Poison-type moves, which makes it an excellent switch-in to predicted moves such as Toxic. Cobalion also has impressive physical bulk, (AC) allowing it to take multiple unresisted hits. Unfortunately, it lacks reasonable offensive stats, being less reliable in dealing a lot of damage. Cobalion's Special Defense isn't that great either, and it can't afford to switch into strong special attackers. It also lacks reliable recovery, shortening its longevity on the field.

name: Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Thunder Wave
move 4: Taunt / Volt Switch
item: Leftovers
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Spe


Stealth Rock lets it Cobalion pressure the other side of the field by breaking potential Focus Sashes on Pokemon users such as Gengar and Breloom and getting chip damage. This offensive pressure is appreciated by an offensive type like Fighting. Iron Head is a STAB move and that gives it Cobalion coverage against Fairy-types such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Diancie, which Fighting teams struggle against. Thunder Wave allows it to cripple faster threats such as Choice Scarf Latios, Kyurem-B, (AC) and Hoopa-U. Taunt lets it stop setup sweepers such as Gyarados and Belly Drum Azumarill from setting up, prevents defensive walls such as Porygon2 and Skarmory from recovering, and prevents entry hazards from being set up on your side. It Cobalion notably is able to outspeed and Taunt leads like Mew, Skarmory, (AC) and Swampert as well as Speed tie with Galvantula and to prevent entry hazards from being set up. It The move also prevents status from Pokemon like Chansey, Rotom-W, and Mew. Volt Switch can be used to pick up momentum, which is useful on offensive types like Fighting.

Set Details

76 Attack EVs are given to OHKO Mega Gardevoir with Iron Head after Stealth Rock.(space)Maximum Speed investment with a Jolly nature is given to maintain its Cobalion's fantastic Speed tier, letting it tie with leads such as Galvantula and Infernape, (RC) while outspeeding Pokemon like Mega Gardevoir and Mew. The rest of the EVs are put into HP, giving it Cobalion decent bulk and letting it survive hits such as Hyper Voice from Mega Gardevoir and Earth Power from Mega Diancie.(space)Leftovers is the item of choice, as it increases Cobalion's longevity because it has no access to reliable recovery.

Usage Tips

Cobalion can be used as a dedicated lead against other leads such as Galvantula, Skarmory, Mew, Forretress, and Tyranitar, which. For example, these Pokemon tend to set up entry hazards. Cobalion can keep these Pokemon from using their utility moves, as it's able to outspeed and Taunt them. It can also use that to take advantage of defensive Pokemon with Taunt and Thunder Wave. Cobalion should try and to set up Stealth Rock as soon as possible if there is no Pokemon trying to set up entry hazards. (like, on your team, or the other team?) It should also try and to spread status with Thunder Wave early-game on the to support its team. (I assume?) Depending on the matchup, this can also be very crucial in paralyzing a threat that tends to switch in to Cobalion to check it. Cobalion should use Volt Switch as a way to gain momentum on predicted switches or any Pokemon that it can't beat such as Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Keldeo. Cobalion can be very useful as a pivot because it can switch in and out of attacks, which will be helpful in bringing out its teammates safely. Thunder Wave should be used to cripple faster threats like Choice Scarf Latios, Kyurem-B, (AC) and Hoopa-U. Cobalion should stay as healthy as possible in a match in order to check certain threats such as Mega Diancie and Latios; however, it needs to be at full health to do so. So, so you also should try to keep Cobalion from taking too much damage as well.

Team Options

Keldeo is a great wallbreaker and pairs with Cobalion really well. It checks Fire- and Ground-types that threaten Cobalion with its STAB moves in Scald and Hydro Pump, and it is able to 2HKO Zapdos with Hydro Pump and Icy Wind after Stealth Rock damage. In return, (AC) Keldeo appreciates Cobalion's Stealth Rock and Thunder Wave support, especially on faster threats such as Choice Scarf Victini. Keldeo is able to 2HKO Zapdos with Hydro Pump and Icy Wind after Stealth Rock damage. Keldeo also appreciates faster threats such as Choice Scarf Victini to be paralyzed. Terrakion checks the Fire- and Flying-types that threaten Cobalion with its STAB Stone Edge and acts as a great late-game cleaner in general.(space)Breloom pairs well with Cobalion in checking bulky Water- and Ground-types like Hippowdon, Gastrodon, Swampert, (AC) and Lanturn, as well as spreading status with Spore. It can be considered a dedicated anti-lead in some matchups where leading with Cobalion is unsafe, (AC) such as against Flying-type teams with Mega Charizard Y or Landorus-T, Fire-type teams, (AC) and Ground-type teams.(space)Heracross has the ability to sweep through Psychic-type teams that Cobalion struggles against with its STAB Megahorn.(space)It also acts as a status absorber for Cobalion, (RC) with its ability Guts.

Hawlucha deals with opposing Fighting-types with its STAB Acrobatics, as well as being able to switch into predicted Ground-type attacks. It Hawlucha appreciates Cobalion's support in Thunder Wave and Stealth Rock, (RC) letting it set up and sweep easier.(space)Both Mega Medicham and Mega Gallade also pair well with Cobalion. With their powerful Psychic-type STAB attacks, they can check threats like Mega Venusaur, (RC) as well as opposing Fighting-types. Mega Medicham deserves a special mention due to having priority in Fake Out and Bullet Punch, which lets it pick off weakened Pokemon or check threats such as Mega Diancie and Mega Gardevoir with Bullet Punch after Fake Out damage. Mega Gallade can sweep unprepared teams with its access to Swords Dance. It can also hit Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon with Knock Off or Shadow Sneak.(space)Infernape is a good partner to Cobalion as well because it has a vast movepool with access to moves like Gunk Shot, Fire Blast, Close Combat, and Grass Knot. Fire Blast and Close Combat give it coverage to beat Steel-types, all of which wall Cobalion. Grass Knot lures in surprises Pokemon such as Gastrodon and Slowbro and 2HKOes them.

Other Options

**Fighting**: (colon)
A mixed Life Orb Cobalion with Hidden Power Ice, Stone Edge, (AC) and Focus Blast can be used to lure Pokemon like Gliscor, defensive Landorus-T, Garchomp, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Pinsir, Volcarona, (AC) and Quagsire. An offensive Swords Dance Cobalion variant can also be run, although Fighting has Pokemon that can do the job better, like Swords Dance Mega Gallade and Swords Dance Terrakion. Cobalion can be used as a Calm Mind setup sweeper; however, Keldeo outclasses it in with its higher base Special Attack and wider special movepool.

Checks and Counters

**Fighting**: (colon)

**Ground-types**: All Ground-types are immune to Cobalion's Thunder Wave and Volt Switch, limiting its options. Landorus, Gastrodon, Seismitoad, Mamoswine, Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Mega Garchomp can apply pressure on Cobalion with their attacks and KO it with their Ground-type STAB moves.

**Electric-types**: Fast Electric-types such as Thundurus, Galvantula, and Choice Scarf Magnezone aren't threatened by Cobalion's moves and can either set up or KO it safely.

**Fire-types**: Fire-types are not threatened by Cobalion's STAB Iron Head, and Choice Scarf Pokemon like Victini, Darmanitan, (AC) and Chandelure can KO it before it sets Stealth Rock.

**Water-types**:(space)Water-types resist Cobalion's Iron Head, (RC) and can threaten it with Scald burns. Pokemon like Swampert and Lanturn completely wall Cobalion and can absorb Thunder Wave and Volt Switch.

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users such as Thundurus and Sableye have access to Prankster and can stop Cobalion from using its support moves. Thundurus can use that to its advantage to set up Nasty Plot. Sableye can go for Will-O-Wisp and burn Cobalion or any of its teammates if it switches out. Faster leads like Azelf and Aerodactyl can Taunt Cobalion and set up Stealth Rock.
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add remove comments


Cobalion acts as an excellent support, lead, and anti-lead Pokemon on Fighting teams, as it has access to moves such as Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, and Taunt. It hits a great Speed tier with a base Speed of 108, letting it tie with opposing lead Pokemon like Infernape and Galvantula. Its part Steel typing allows it to check Fairy-types Fairy-types, such as Diancie, Gardevoir, and Sylveon, and gives it an immunity to Poison-type moves, which makes it an excellent switch-in to predicted moves such as Toxic. Cobalion also has impressive physical bulk, allowing it to take multiple unresisted hits. Unfortunately, it lacks reasonable offensive stats, being less reliable in dealing a lot of damage. Cobalion's Special Defense isn't that great either, and it can't afford to switch into strong special attackers. It also lacks reliable recovery, shortening its longevity on the field.

name: Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Thunder Wave
move 4: Taunt / Volt Switch
item: Leftovers
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Spe


Stealth Rock lets Cobalion pressure the other side of the field by breaking potential Focus Sashes on Pokemon such as Gengar and Breloom and getting chip damage. This offensive pressure is appreciated by an offensive type like Fighting. Iron Head is a STAB move and gives Cobalion coverage against Fairy-types such as Mega Gardevoir and Mega Diancie, which Fighting teams struggle against. Thunder Wave allows it to cripple faster threats such as Choice Scarf Latios, Kyurem-B, and Hoopa-U. Taunt lets it stop setup sweepers such as Gyarados and Belly Drum Azumarill from setting up, prevents defensive walls such as Porygon2 and Skarmory from recovering, and prevents entry hazards from being set up on your side. Cobalion notably is able to outspeed and Taunt leads like Mew, Skarmory, and Swampert as well as Speed tie with Galvantula to prevent entry hazards from being set up. The move also prevents status from Pokemon like Chansey, Rotom-W, and Mew. Volt Switch can be used to pick up momentum, which is useful on offensive types like Fighting.

Set Details

76 Attack EVs are given to OHKO Mega Gardevoir with Iron Head after Stealth Rock. Maximum Speed investment with a Jolly nature is given used to maintain Cobalion's fantastic Speed tier, letting it tie with leads such as Galvantula and Infernape while outspeeding Pokemon like Mega Gardevoir and Mew. The rest of the EVs are put into HP, giving Cobalion decent bulk and letting it survive hits such as Hyper Voice from Mega Gardevoir and Earth Power from Mega Diancie. Leftovers is the item of choice, as it increases Cobalion's longevity because it has no access to reliable recovery.

Usage Tips

Cobalion can be used as a dedicated lead against other leads such as Galvantula, Skarmory, Mew, Forretress, and Tyranitar, which tend to set up entry hazards. Cobalion can keep these Pokemon from using their utility moves, as it's able to outspeed and Taunt them. It can also use that to take advantage of defensive Pokemon with Taunt and Thunder Wave. Cobalion should try to set up Stealth Rock as soon as possible if there is no Pokemon trying to set up entry hazards. It should also try to spread status with Thunder Wave early-game to support it's its team. Depending on the matchup, this can also be very crucial in paralyzing a threat that tends to switch in to Cobalion to check it. Cobalion should use Volt Switch as a way to gain momentum on predicted switches or any Pokemon that it can't beat such as Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Keldeo. Cobalion can be very useful as a pivot because it can switch in and out of attacks, which will be helpful in bringing out its teammates safely. Thunder Wave should be used to cripple faster threats like Choice Scarf Latios, Kyurem-B, and Hoopa-U. Cobalion should stay as healthy as possible in a match in order to check certain threats such as Mega Diancie and Latios; however, it needs to be at full health to do so, so you also should try to keep Cobalion from taking too much damage.

Team Options

Keldeo is a great wallbreaker and pairs with Cobalion really well. It checks Fire- and Ground-types that threaten Cobalion with its STAB moves in Scald and Hydro Pump, and it is able to 2HKO Zapdos with Hydro Pump and Icy Wind after Stealth Rock damage. In return, Keldeo appreciates Cobalion's Stealth Rock and Thunder Wave support, especially on faster threats such as Choice Scarf Victini. Terrakion checks the Fire- and Flying-types that threaten Cobalion with its STAB Stone Edge and acts as a great late-game cleaner in general. Breloom pairs well with Cobalion Cobalion, since it can check in checking bulky Water- and Ground-types like Hippowdon, Gastrodon, Swampert, and Lanturn, as well as spreading status with Spore. It can be considered a dedicated anti-lead in some matchups where leading with Cobalion is unsafe, such as against Flying-type teams with Mega Charizard Y or Landorus-T, Fire-type teams, and Ground-type teams. Heracross has the ability to sweep through Psychic-type teams that Cobalion struggles against with its STAB Megahorn. It also acts as a status absorber for Cobalion with its ability Guts.

Hawlucha deals with opposing Fighting-types with its STAB Acrobatics, as well as being able to switch into predicted Ground-type attacks. It appreciates Cobalion's support in Thunder Wave and Stealth Rock letting it set up and sweep easier. Both Mega Medicham and Mega Gallade also pair well with Cobalion. Cobalion; With with their powerful Psychic-type STAB attacks, they can check threats like Mega Venusaur as well as opposing Fighting-types. Mega Medicham deserves a special mention due to having priority in Fake Out and Bullet Punch, which lets it pick off weakened Pokemon or check threats such as Mega Diancie and Mega Gardevoir with Bullet Punch after Fake Out damage. Mega Gallade can sweep unprepared teams with its access to Swords Dance. It can also hit Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon with Knock Off or Shadow Sneak. Infernape is a good partner to Cobalion as well because it has a vast movepool with access to moves like Gunk Shot, Fire Blast, Close Combat, and Grass Knot. Fire Blast and Close Combat give it coverage to beat Steel-types, all of which wall Cobalion. Cobalion, while Grass Knot surprises Pokemon such as Gastrodon and Slowbro and 2HKOes them.

Other Options

A mixed Life Orb Cobalion set with Hidden Power Ice, Stone Edge, and Focus Blast can be used to lure in Pokemon like Gliscor, defensive Landorus-T, Garchomp, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Pinsir, Volcarona, and Quagsire. Quagsire and KO them. An offensive Swords Dance Cobalion variant can also be run, although Fighting has Pokemon that can do the job better, like Swords Dance Mega Gallade and Swords Dance Terrakion. Cobalion can be used as a Calm Mind setup sweeper; however, Keldeo outclasses it with its higher base Special Attack and wider special movepool.

Checks and Counters


**Ground-types**: Ground-types are immune to Cobalion's Thunder Wave and Volt Switch, limiting its options. Landorus, Gastrodon, Seismitoad, Mamoswine, Excadrill, Hippowdon, and Mega Garchomp can apply pressure on Cobalion with their attacks and KO it with their Ground-type STAB moves.

**Electric-types**: Fast Electric-types such as Thundurus, Galvantula, and Choice Scarf Magnezone aren't threatened by Cobalion's moves and can either set up or KO it safely.

**Fire-types**: Fire-types are not threatened by Cobalion's STAB Iron Head, and Choice Scarf Pokemon like Victini, Darmanitan, and Chandelure can KO it before it sets Stealth Rock.

**Water-types**: Water-types resist Cobalion's Iron Head and can threaten it with Scald burns. Pokemon like Swampert and Lanturn completely wall Cobalion and can absorb Thunder Wave and Volt Switch. Switch too.

**Taunt Users**: Taunt users such as Thundurus and Sableye have access to Prankster and can stop Cobalion from using its support moves. Thundurus can use that to its advantage to set up Nasty Plot. Sableye can go for Will-O-Wisp and burn Cobalion or any of its teammates if it switches out. Faster leads like Azelf and Aerodactyl can Taunt Cobalion and set up Stealth Rock.

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A mixed Life Orb Cobalion set with Hidden Power Ice, Stone Edge, and Focus Blast can be used to lure in Pokemon like Gliscor, defensive Landorus-T, Garchomp, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Pinsir, Volcarona, and Quagsire. Quagsire and KO them.
implemented every thing except hp ice doesnt KO gliscor and focus blast doesnt KO quagsire
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implemented every thing except hp ice doesnt KO gliscor and focus blast doesnt KO quagsire
there's a difference between a generic KO and an OHKO, i added that part because otherwise it looks like quagsire lures them in and then does nothing. "lure" also doesn't mean this or "landorus-t can run hp fire to lure ferrothorn" but it refers only to the act of inducing the opponent to switch in said pokemon; another reason to keep that addition. if you don't like it change to "deal significant damage" or whatever
there's a difference between a generic KO and an OHKO, i added that part because otherwise it looks like quagsire lures them in and then does nothing. "lure" also doesn't mean this or "landorus-t can run hp fire to lure ferrothorn" but it refers only to the act of inducing the opponent to switch in said pokemon; another reason to keep that addition. if you don't like it change to "deal significant damage" or whatever
thanks! this is ready for upload =)