1,2,3, DRAW! How to Play the Pokémon Trading Card Game

By rileydelete.
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Official Pokémon TCG Logo.

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Pokémon!

With the absolute explosion of Pokémon popularity caused by Pokémon GO, there's never been a better time to jump into the Pokémon Trading Card Game! Play with your friends, make new ones, and have a good time as you build a deck around your favorite Pokémon. But perhaps you don't know the rules or have no idea how to play the game. Worry not! In this article, I'll be covering the overall rules of the game, what each type of card does, and how to use them. It's going to be a fun journey, so come along for the ride!

Pokémon Rules!: Basic Rules and Guidelines of the Pokémon TCG

Setting the Scene: How the Game Area is Laid Out


Before jumping into the different types of cards, strategies, and mechanics of the game, it's important to understand what the field looks like throughout a Pokémon Trading Card Game match as well as important areas and resources.

Deck: Your deck is the initial sixty cards that you'll use to play against your opponent. At the beginning of the match, decks are always exactly sixty cards, no more or less.

Discard Pile: Your discard pile is where you place cards after they've been used, knocked out, or discarded due to an effect during gameplay. The discard pile is an important resource throughout the match, as many cards let you easily get things back from your discard pile into your deck, hand, or field. Because these are the cards that have been used up, the discard pile is public knowledge to both you and your opponent and is face up the entire game.

Active Pokémon: Your active Pokémon is your front-line fighter which typically is used as an attacker, or at least a Pokémon card being used to stall your opponent. At the beginning of the game, one player flips a coin or rolls a dice and the winner of the flip or roll decides who goes first or second. Each player then draws a seven-card hand and puts down a Basic Pokémon card face down as their 'active.' If a player doesn't draw a Basic Pokémon in their initial hand, they just reshuffle and draw another seven cards until it happens. If you put down a Basic Pokémon and your opponent needs to reshuffle, each time they reshuffle you get to draw a card from your deck before the first turn starts. Once each player has their active down, they flip up all their Pokémon cards to reveal them and start the game.

Bench: If the active Pokémon is the main fighter, then the bench is where up to five other Pokémon cards can be placed as "teammates." Benched Basic Pokémon cards can be played at any time during your turn. At the beginning of the match, each player can place as many Basic Pokémon as they like onto their bench face down as long as they don't hit the five-Pokémon card bench limit. These cards are then revealed alongside the active. After the reveal, as long as it is during their turn, either player can still play down as many Basic Pokémon cards as they would like face up. Warning: Just because a Pokémon is on the bench doesn't mean it's safe. Many attacks and effects target benched Pokémon, so keep in mind whether or not you want to lay down Pokémon as fast as possible, or save them for the right moment.

Prize Cards: Finally, we have the space for your "Prize" cards. In a Pokémon battle, the name of the game is using your team to knock out up to six of your opponent's Pokémon. The Pokémon Trading Card Game is very similar, with each of your regular Pokémon cards being valuable. After drawing your opening hand and putting a Basic Pokémon card face down, the next six cards of your deck are put off to the side face down as "prizes." Each time you knock out one of your opponent's Pokémon, you get a reward: putting one (or more) of your prize cards into your hand. Due to the nature of the game, your prize cards can range from situationally useless to game-winning. Some Pokémon cards are so good or strong, that if you knock them out you get two prizes, adding a level of high risk, high reward to the game. No matter how you do it, grab your six prizes and the game is yours.

Cards, Camera, Action!: Turn Order and Phases

Another important aspect of the game is how your turns work, who can do what during each turn, and the different sorts of phases during a player's turn. The Pokémon Trading Card Game is quite simple in terms of how turns play out. After the initial coin flip and the winner deciding who goes first, the turn by turn gameplay is pretty easy to understand. It can be played out in this three-step order:

  1. As soon as it's your turn, draw a card from your deck. (Draw phase).
  2. Play out your turn in any way you want. Play basic Pokémon to your bench, play your once-per-turn supporter card, attach energy, play item cards, and more. This is the strategic part of the turn. (Consider this the 'free phase' or second phase.)
  3. Attack or Pass. The moment you either A) declare an attack or B) end your turn by saying you pass, it is your opponents turn. Even if you can't attack, it's the declaration of ending your turn that moves the game back to your opponent. No other actions can be taken, so make sure you've done everything you can.

Until the end of the game, this is how turns work. Your opponent cannot do anything during your turn unless you force them to do something through a card effect (discarding something, something is knocked out, etc.) This means that there's no "trap" mechanics or sneaky plays, just straightforward turn by turn action!

Now that we've explored the main layout of the game, let's take a look at the three main types of cards: Pokémon cards, Trainer cards, and Energy cards. Each card is necessary for a deck to flow and work well, and putting them together in the right combination is the key to fun and victory!

What does What? The 3 Types of Pokémon TCG Cards:

So, perhaps you want to jump into the TCG? But wait, there's one thing you 100% absolutely positively need: cards! There are several types of Pokémon cards, with each having its own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Some can be played right away, others once a turn, and some need several turns to charge up for awesome effects.

The Pokémon Trading Card Game can be split into three different card types:

Starting with Pokémon cards, let's now take an in-depth look at these three card types and what they do.

Meet the 'Mons: An Overview of Pokémon Cards

XY Promo Pikachu

What do Pokémon Cards do?

No Pokémon TCG deck is complete without Pokémon cards! Some are horrible, some are cute, some are powerful, and some are almost game-breaking, but these are the bread and butter that make your deck a deck! Like every Pokémon team needs Pokémon, every deck needs at least one Basic Pokémon to be legal, and the fun is how you use your 60-card 'team' to win the game.

Pokémon cards are categorized into several types, but the most important are Basic Pokémon cards, Stage One cards, and Stage Two cards. Whether you want to build a deck of Basic Pikachu cards or a mighty line of the Charizard family, the deck you build can be tailored to fit your style, preference, and gameplay type. The choice is up to you!

These are the cards that directly win you the game, dealing damage, providing useful effects, knocking out your opponent's Pokémon, and ultimately winning the game. The vast majority of Pokémon cards have an attack of some sort. These attacks can be useless or game-breaking, but this is the main function of a Pokémon card: Dealing damage and getting knockouts. Your turn ends the moment you declare an attack. This means you can play no other cards, so save the attack for last.

Damage Control: The Importance of HP and Damage Counters

Like in the video game, a Pokémon card may be able to endure a hit or two before it gets KOed, but the moment the damage taken becomes equal to or larger than its HP total, it goes to the discard pile and your opponent takes at least one prize card. This makes Pokémon cards with higher HP totals more valuable, as they can absorb more damage and be harder to knockout. Damage is dolled out in values of ten, so you don't need to worry about a Pokémon dealing seven damage with their attack, but you may need to worry about them dealing seventy.

For convenience and to keep track of things, every ten damage is represented by placing a damage counter on the damaged Pokémon, often via dice. This means the above Pikachu card can only take a maximum of fifty damage, or have five damage counters on it, because anymore means it would be knocked out. There are many cards that will let you heal or remove damage counters, and these cards become important for keeping your Pokémon cards on the field while denying your opponent their prize cards. Damage control and HP monitoring are incredibly important in the Pokémon TCG, as they are the direct path to victory.

Just My Type: Typing in the Pokémon Trading Card Game

Pokémon TCG Types

With this significance of damage in mind, things like a Pokémon's typing become important because it may increase or decrease damage. Just like in the typical video game, Pokémon cards have their own typing, often given them an advantage over certain types while having a weakness to others. There are just thirteen types in the Pokémon Trading Card game, with many Pokémon falling under a broader type rather than a smaller type like Ice or Bug. The types are:

Most types work similarly to how they work in-game. Almost all Pokémon cards have a weakness that lets certain types take double damage from another. So a Fire-type Charizard takes double damage from Water, while a Colorless Tauros is weak to Fighting. Because there are multiple in-game types being covered by trading card types, a deck can have Pokémon with multiple weakness. This means a Water-focused deck can have the Grass-weak Lapras, but also the Metal-weak Glaceon to keep your opponent on their toes.

Many Pokémon cards also have a resistance, which means they take less damage, typically twenty less, than normal from a certain type. Just like how Flying type Pokémon resist Fighting, many Colorless Pokémon resist Fighting too! Just like in-game, weakness and resistance are important pieces of strategy and help with your matchups.

Here Be Dragons!

Ancient Origins Giratina-EX

A special mention should be given to the Dragon type. The Dragon type has a long, unique history in the TCG, at one point being entirely colorless. However, several years ago Dragons got their own typing, unique to them. Back then, Dragons were only weak to each other, but that weakness has been phased out and modern Dragon type cards are now weak to Fairy. The Dragon type is also unique in terms of how it powers up. Most Dragon-types need two different energy to attack, with the types depending on the Pokémon species. These Pokémon cards are harder to use but have some awesome attacks and effects, so if you want to put in extra the effort for a cool payout, Dragon types a sure-fire way to go!

Now that we've looked at Pokémon cards overall, let's explore the different kinds and 'stages' of these cards, along with the pros and cons of each.

Basic Pokémon Cards

Sometimes big things start small...

Basic Pokémon cards are the easiest, often simplest kind of Pokémon cards, and the only type that every deck needs. Just because something's a basic Pokémon doesn't mean it's bad though. Because these are the Pokémon that require the least support and are the easiest to get into play, often Basic Pokémon cards are the foundation for entire decks because the player can get them out quickly and start racking up damage. Furthermore, Basic Pokémon can be played immediately onto your bench during your turn. You can play as many basics as you want as long as you stay within the usual five Pokémon bench limit. As a whole, basic Pokémon cards are popular, simple to use, and a good starting point for a deck.

Stage One Pokémon Cards

Now I've got some firepower. Just a little more...

Stage One Pokémon cards are evolved Pokémon that often have a few edges over their previous evolutions. These improvements can include more attacks, stronger attacks, more HP, a smaller retreat cost, a useful ability, and more! At any time during your turn, before you attack, if you have the evolved Pokémon in your hand you can place it on top of the basic to evolve. So, why wouldn't every deck want to run as many Stage One Cards as they can?

The problem with evolution cards is a rule that's been there since the beginning of the game: Pokémon cannot evolve on the first turn they are played. This means if you get four Charmander out on your first turn, you have to wait another turn to evolve any of them. Some cards let you get around this restriction, but they tend to be situational and not fit for every deck. Even if you've waited a turn, it's harder to get certain cards in your hand at certain times. Basic Pokémon cards are easy to put into play, but the higher up you try to go to evolve your Pokémon, the more support you have to put in your deck to make it easier to do. This doesn't mean Stage Ones are bad cards, many are amazing, but them being slower cards to get into play is something a player should consider when deckbuilding.

Stage Two Pokémon Cards

Finally! Burn Baby Burn!

If Stage One cards trade off ease of use in exchange for more firepower and perks, then Stage Two Pokémon cards take this trade and crank it up to eleven! These cards can have large HP totals, awesome attacks, and incredible abilities, making them the raw power an entire deck can be dedicated around.

A particular focus should be given to this Charizard card's ability. Much like how Pokémon in the video game have abilities to typically give them some sort of advantage, Pokémon cards can have abilities to help your deck. There is a huge diversity in ability effects, such as letting you draw more cards from your deck, getting certain cards into your hand when you need them, and even simply increasing attack damage.

Looking at each Pokémon card's ability is an important factor when deciding whether to find space in your 60-card deck.Some abilities can even be used multiple times during a game, or provide a constant effect for your side of the field. This Charizard's ability means you can use it in any type deck you want! Trust me on this, abilities are no joke.

Yet even with all these awesome attributes, it usually takes at least two turns just to get a Stage Two onto the field, more than enough time for your opponent to KO a previous evolution or disrupt your hand to make it even harder to evolve. Furthermore, you'll have needed the Basic Pokémon down, the Stage One in your hand one turn, then the Stage Two in your hand the next just to get it into play. With all the work needed, these cards are the definition of high-effort, high-reward. Stage Two cards are extremely powerful, but the amount of support they need may make them unfit for a deck. Still, if you get a Stage Two out, there's no denying your potential to put your opponent in a world of hurt. The above Charizard card has an ability that lets it be put in any deck, and an attack that will knock out most Pokémon cards in the game. The question remains: Is it worth it?

EX Cards

No evolutions needed? Awesome!!

EX cards are some of the biggest, baddest Pokémon cards in the entire game. They have higher HP scores, strong attacks, and the power to have entire decks built around them. To top it all, EX cards are basics, so they can be played immediately rather than forcing you to wait several turns to evolve. So with all these positive traits, why not focus entirely on an EX deck?

The reason is that EX cards have a special ruling: When they're knocked out, your opponent takes two prize cards rather than one. This makes them high-risk, high-reward because the benefits they offer are balanced by the idea that your opponent gains more from bringing them down. It should also be noted that EX cards are older, and transitioning out of the Pokémon Trading Card Game, meaning building around them is getting harder as they become more and more outclassed.

Still, it can't be understated that these cards are among the easiest to play and the most powerful in the game. An EX-based deck is not only viable but often a popular 'meta' pick, because their strengths can beat down the opponent before their Pokémon cards can get revenge. There's a powerful risk here, but often EX cards are certainly worth it!

Mega EX Cards

High Risk, Huge Power, Huge HP, High Return?

Much like how Mega Pokémon bring an edge of extreme power to the game, M Pokémon EX cards bring intense raw strength, abilities, and effects into the TCG. Just like regular EX cards, M Pokémon EX cards are worth two prizes each, making them brutal but with a constant risk. M Pokémon EX cards take this risk to a whole new level, offering even higher HP totals and even more damaging attacks.

However, there are several huge risks to building a deck around one of these monsters. Just like with Stage One and Two cards, Mega Evolutions take a turn to evolve. This means that not only are you risking two prizes, but you need to wait a turn or more just to get the full payoff. Another main trade-off is that unlike regular evolution, when you evolve into a M Pokémon EX, your turn immediately ends. You can still play items, attach energy, and play tactically, but the moment you play down your Mega Evolution, it becomes your opponent's turn. So not only do you have to wait at least one turn to evolve, but you may have to wait even more turns to start attacking with your mega card. Furthermore, just like regular EX cards, M EX cards are steadily being pushed out of the game in favor of newer mechanics. These cards are insanely powerful, but they need entire decks to be dedicated around them, and many aren't worth it due to just how much support they need.


An incredible ability, and even higher HP. Yet it's almost a Stage 3.

BREAK cards are a special type of evolution introduced back in November of 2015. Basically, a BREAK card is a special 'level up' that adds an HP boost and either a great attack or a great ability. BREAKs can be for basics, like say a Lugia becoming Lugia BREAK, Stage One cards like Yanmega evolving into Yanmega BREAK, or Stage Two cards like Greninja, but they are never basics by themselves. As a reminder, you still need to wait a turn to put a BREAK into play if you want to evolve with it.

Overall, BREAKs are cards that typically require a lot of support, with more or less depending on what evolutionary line you're building around. Things like a basic-evolving Ho-Oh BREAK are easier to build around, but a competitive Greninja BREAK deck may need four copies of Froakie, four Frogadier, four Greninja, and four Greninja BREAK to be as consistent as possible. That's up to 16 cards of your 60-card deck dedicated to this evolution line. To make things harder, you still need the Energy cards to attack, Trainer cards for deck flow, and possibly other Pokémon for techs and utility. This is not to say a BREAK deck isn't powerful; a Greninja BREAK deck took second in last year's World Championship. Remember though, while these cards are flashy and strong, BREAKs need help and a lot of support if you really want to win with them.

GX Pokémon Cards

SunMoon Marshadow-GX SunMoon Umbreon-GX SunMoon Charizard-GX

The newest card type which is defining the new format!

The final type of modern Pokémon card is also the newest: GX cards. GX cards are a blend of basic EXs, Stage One cards, and Stage Two cards. They have high HP, powerful attacks, great abilities, and a host of other attributes. GXs are a generally more balanced type of card because rather than immediately play some huge basic card like a Charizard EX, you may have to spend a few turns to get out something like a Solgaleo GX or Alolan Ninetales GX. Just like EX cards, knocking out your opponent's GX gives you two prize cards rather than one, so these cards still have power at a price.

The star of GX cards is their new mechanic, GX attacks. Much like how Sun and Moon have ultra-powerful Z-Moves that can be used once a battle, GX moves are incredibly powerful effects that can be used once a match. Some GX attacks do incredible amounts of damage, others mess with your opponent's Active Pokémon, benched Pokémon, or hand, while many more help your Pokémon or help you get cards into your hand. The point is, these attacks don't mess around. All GX attacks are unique to the card, so rather than all Fire-type GXs getting Inferno Overdrive, Incineroar GX will have a different GX attack than say Turtonator GX. Because these attacks are so powerful but so limited in use, GX attacks are all about timing. Some decks want to get their GX card out as early as possible with the goal of using their GX attack ASAP. Others want to wait for an emergency situation or the ideal time to disrupt the opponent. These cards are really fun, and part of why the Sun and Moon generation of the TCG is the most refreshing era in years.

Now that we've explored Pokémon cards and how they're the focus of your deck, let's take a look at Trainer cards and how they help your deck flow and win games!

Train On! A Breakdown of Trainer Cards and the Roles They Play

Ultra Ball

What do Trainer Cards do?

Just like a trainer in-game needs items like Potions and Poké Balls, Trainer Cards are the tools that make your deck flow the way it should. Some of these cards are staples, with competitive players running four copies, the usual limit, in every deck. Others are highly situational, being "tech'd" in to beat a certain deck, or outright useless in most matchups. These are the cards that make decks consistent and the absolute key to victory is often one's Trainer card lineup. With Pokémon cards being your attackers, and Trainer cards being your deck's backbone, you're ready to get in there and win! Let's take a deeper look into the three main types of Trainer cards, and how they help out your deck.

Trainer cards can also be broken down into different types, but unlike Pokémon cards, these types outline the role the card plays rather than describe characteristics or powers. The three types are Items, Supporters, and Stadium cards, with each having a vital role in enhancing your deck or troubling your opponent. Let's explore each category!

Item Cards

Instantly switching your Pokémon: Simple but awesome!

Item cards are similar to Basic Pokémon cards in that during your turn, you can play them immediately and immediately take advantage of their effects. Some items let you search for cards in your deck, others let you heal your Pokémon, retreat your Pokémon, or disrupt your opponent. There's a tremendous diversity in items with some being designed to be used at the right moment while others can be played as often as you want to reap the benefit. These cards are extremely powerful and most decks run, at the very least, twelve Item cards. In a match, a timely item play can make your strategy flow much more smoothly or help you turn the tide against your opponent's deck. Regardless of the situation, an Item card is an option that should always be considered!

Tool Time: A Look at Tool Cards

Pick your perk! Always nice to do more damage.

Item cards also have a small sub-group: Tool cards. Just like regular items, these cards can be played immediately during your turn. These cards are extremely similar to held items in the main videogame, with many Tool cards having in-game counterparts like Choice Band and Float Stone. Similar to in-game items, you can only equip one Tool card to each Pokémon card you have on the field. Tool cards are essentially perks or bonuses for your Pokémon. Some provide more HP, others more damage or easier retreat, but you only get one per Pokémon, so make your perks count!

Supporter Cards

The gold standard of drawing cards. Don't like your hand? Change it!

If Item cards are the supplies that help you out in the field, then Supporter cards are the people and characters that help you along your journey. These cards are even more powerful than items, so much so that only one supporter can be played during your turn. The effects vary, but are incredibly powerful and include changing your hand, forcing your opponent to switch their active Pokémon, discarding your opponent's Energy, and more! Much like items, these cards are essential, as they shape the game and heavily influence turn-by-turn gameplay.

The typical Supporter card count varies from deck to deck, but most decks run at least ten supporters. Sometimes your deck only needs one copy of a certain supporter to help get you what you need at the right time, while others like Professor Sycamore are often run with up to 4 copies! What's helpful for Supporter cards is that there are certain items and abilities that allow you to re-use them after they've been played. This means that even if you use up your supporter for the turn, you can get back the same effect when it's your turn again. Supporters are a vital way to keep your deck consistent and work well in tandem with item cards to help your deck flow. Many decks can run the same count of Supporter cards and still function strongly, so keep these cards in mind if you need some support!

Stadium Cards

A breath of fresh air...that works for both sides!

Stadium cards are the final class of Trainer cards and are unique in that they provide a constant effect for both players. As soon as a Stadium card is put into play, the effect stays in play until the stadium is either removed or replaced by a different stadium. This effect can be helpful or disruptive, but regardless of whose turn it is, only one stadium can be in play at a time. Just like Supporter cards, each player can only play one Stadium card during their turn. This limited space for Stadium cards and the limit of one play per turn can lead to what's commonly referred to as "stadium wars," a competition between players to make sure their stadium is in play and their opponent's is off the field. Stadium cards are typically dependent on the deck you choose to run, so a Water deck might play a stadium to heal its Water Pokémon each turn, while another deck may be a mix of types and not even need Stadium cards. When it comes to Stadium cards, it's a matter of preference on what effects you want on the entire field, but there's a lot of stadium variety out there so have fun exploring!

Now that we've taken an in-depth look at Pokémon cards and the different groups of Trainer cards, let's examine the final type of in the Pokémon Trading Card Game: Energy cards.

Charge Me Up! Basic and Special Energy Cards

Fire Energy

What do Energy Cards do?

If Pokémon cards drive you to victory and Trainers are the oil that keeps the deck flowing, then Energy cards are the fuel that kickstarts the machine. The vast majority of Pokémon cards have attacks with a variety of effects, but they need to be powered up in order to be used. Often, a Pokémon card needs Energy cards of the same type, so the Fire Pokémon cards above need at least one Fire Energy. However, many Pokémon also have white star symbols next to their attacks for Colorless Energy costs. This means you can pay these costs with any Basic Energy you want!

As a rule, one Energy card can be normally attached per turn. Still, there are ways to attach more than once, such as through certain trainers, certain attacks, and certain abilities. Energy is the fuel that keeps the fire going, and you always want to have as many Pokémon fired up as possible!

The Wild Pikachu Card Fled: The Importance of Retreating

Energy also plays an important role in the game in terms of paying for another mechanic, retreat. At the bottom right of every Pokémon card is the label 'Retreat Cost.' In exchange for discarding a set amount of Energy, retreating allows your Pokémon to move back to the bench, usually to avoid a knockout or to let a different Pokémon start attacking. Based on the Pokémon species being used, retreat costs can range from a whopping five Energy to completely free, so the cost tends to vary from deck to deck. The cost is always Colorless, so any Pokémon can retreat with just about any deck if they want to. This is an important tactic in the game, and Energy is the key to it.

Energy really is important, with most decks typically running at least 8 Energy cards. However, Energy is split into two different types: Basic Energy and Special Energy. Let's take a look at them!

Basic Energy

Basic Energies

You can play with all the colors of the rainbow!

Basic Energy cards are just that, basic. They have no pros or cons but instead are fuel for whatever type deck you decide to run. There's no limit to how much Basic Energy you can run, so if you want a deck with 59 Water energy and one Basic Pokémon, go ahead! However, the typical Basic Energy card count ranges between 8-14, with faster decks using Trainer cards or Pokémon card abilities to get the Energy out faster. Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with running multiple types of Energy, but the more types that are run, the harder it may become to get the Energy you need at the right time. Remember, regardless of type, only one Energy card can be attached per turn unless another card lets you attach more.

Special Energy

Play them all in one... ...or none at all!

Special Energy cards pay for Energy costs just like Basic Energy, but they may provide more than one Energy at a time, provide a perk like more damage, heal damage, and more! They essentially enhance your Pokémon cards in some way. With all these benefits, why wouldn't one want to run nothing but Special Energy?

The reason is twofold. First, unlike Basic Energy, Special Energy cards are limited to the usual four-copy limit. This means that if you want to run Double Colorless Energy and Rainbow Energy, you're limited to four of each card. The second tradeoff is that many cards are designed around removing Special Energy or punishing your opponent for using it. Some Trainer cards outright remove it from your Pokémon, some Pokémon attacks can discard it, and some Pokémon cards are outright immune to attacks from anything with Special Energy attached. Considering that only one Energy card can be attached per turn, attaching Special Energy is a strategic play that may enhance your deck and help it be competitive, but there's a risk that must be considered.

It's Time To Duel!

Pokémon TCG Hand

Get out there and have fun!

The Pokémon Trading Card Game has many different types of cards, rules, and mechanics, but hopefully, this article made the gameplay both interesting and understandable. In future articles, I'll be discussing purchasing products, price value, the metagame, and most importantly, how to get involved in a group near you!

Pokémon TCGO Logo

One easy, free way to start playing is the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online. Simply set up an account, and you'll not only have the option of a free tutorial, but you can also get digital cards for free to start building your dream deck. Things you can do through this app include participating in tournaments, challenging your friends, and instant trading. As a bonus, every physical card pack you buy outside of the app comes with a free code card for a free online pack! This is a great way to jump into the game at no cost to you.

The Pokémon Trading Card Game Community has a reputation of being incredibly fun, understanding, and helpful, and nothing I've experienced has shown me the opposite, so let me know if you have any questions or comments. Pick your Pokémon, pick your deck style, get your cards, and get out there!

...just make sure you're having a good time!

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