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Below are the contributors to the Smogon website. As Smogon is a community-run project, the site could not exist without its volunteer contributors. Everything you see on the site is made from scratch by our contributors, whether it is the analyses, art, or other projects. We value every single contribution the site receives, big or small. However, some users go above and beyond the norm and are awarded appropriately with the Contributor badge. Others are awarded a Smogon Media badge, or an Artist badge, some a Researcher badge, and yet others a Programmer badge. Everyone has something to contribute, and our thanks are graciously extended to the following users.


0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *


Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed some ORAS and SM PU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM PU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS PU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS OM QC team.
Contributed some SM and SS OM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several ORAS and SM OM analyses.


A Cake Wearing a Hat
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS UU QC team.
Contributed several ADV NU and SM PU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM OM QC team.
Is an active member of the SS OM QC team.
Was the head tiering leader of SM and SS OverUsed.
Was an active member of the SM and SS OU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Contributed several Black/White OU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Ace Emerald
Contributed several Black/White UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the BW UU QC team.
Was a co-leader of Smogon Social Media.
Adamant Zoroark
Contributed several BW and SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several Red/Blue, Ruby/Sapphire, and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was the Tournaments leader.
Was the Tutoring leader.
Was the co-director of the DPP Suspect Testing tiering project.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Wrote several articles and strategy guides for the site.
Aeron Ee1
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several XY LC analyses.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the leader of the BW LC tiering project.
Was the leader of the BW LC QC team.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Was the leader of the French Translations project.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS OU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS OverUsed.
Was an active member of the SM OM QC team.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the XY and SM NU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of SM PU.
Was a co-leader of SS PU.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was the VGC QC team leader.
Was head of Wi-Fi Tournaments.
Contributed some SM OM analyses.
Was an active member of the SM OM QC team.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the CMS.
Was a co-leader of the SM OM QC team.
Was an active member and co-leader of the SS OM QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed several ORAS OU analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was a tiering leader of the BW OU tier.
Was a co-leader of ORAS OverUsed.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Was a co-leader of the official Smogon IRC channel.
Contributed several Black/White OU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the BW and XY OU QC teams.
Is the co-leader of Smogon Social Media.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Was the leader of Italian Translations.
Was the leader of the Translations Project.
Altariel Von Sweep
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several XY OU analyses.
Contributed and revised several Red/Blue, Gold/Silver, and Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS OU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS OverUsed.
Contributed some RBY OU Pokémon analyses.
Is an active member of the RBY OU QC team.
Amane Misa
Contributed several SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Was the leader of the SS UU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS UU QC team.
Contributed several SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Amazing Ampharos
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Is a Programmer.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several in-game articles.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Made a large design update to the credits page.
Was the leader of the C&C Articles forum.
Was the co-leader of Spanish Translations.
Was the HTML Leader of The Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of The Flying Press.
Was a Programmer.
Developed a system to obtain usage stats from the Pokémon Online simulator.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the leader of The Player.
Revamped the on-site Hubs.
Was the leader of Smogon Social Media.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS PU QC team.
Was a co-leader of SM PU.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a major contributor to the French Translations project.
Was a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Was the leader of Other Metagames.
Was a co-leader of ORAS Doubles OU.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS NU, ORAS PU, and Battle Spot Singles QC teams.
Was a co-leader of SM RarelyUsed.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several BW and XY Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was the Tournaments leader.
Developed the Smogon Tour.
Was a Programmer.
Was the leader of the Smogon site.
Was the lead developer of the Pokémon Competitor simulator.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the SM PU QC team.
Was an active member of the SM NU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS PU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed programming and coding to Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Contributed several SM PU and NU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM and SS PU QC teams.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS NU QC team.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM RU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM RarelyUsed.
Wrote several in-game articles for the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several BW Doubles and XY Doubles analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was an active member of the XY Doubles OU QC team.
Is a Programmer.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed several SM Ubers analyses.
Contributed several SS PU Pokémon analyses.
Is an active member of the SS PU and SS UU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM RU QC teams.
Is an active member of the SS RU QC team.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was the Art leader.
Was the head artist of The Smog.
Was a major contributor to the Spanish Translations project.


Contributed a few ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS STABmons QC team.
Contributed several DPP and BW analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several SM NU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM NU and RU QC teams.
Is an active member of the SS NU and RU QC teams.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several Black/White Uber Pokémon analyses.
bb skarm
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was a Programmer.
Was the co-developer of Shoddy Battle and Pokémon Laboratory.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 10, Krilowatt.
Contributed several ORAS LC analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM LC QC teams.
Is an active member of the SS LC QC team.
Contributed several Black/White VGC 2012 Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the VGC 2014 QC team.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was a co-leader of the Dream World project.
Was the head artist of The Smog.
Was a co-leader of the Smogon Mentorship program.
Is the head moderator of the Create-A-Pokémon project.
Was an active member of the BW and ORAS OU QC teams.
Contributed to various other areas of Contributions and Corrections such as in threat list entries.
Is a co-leader of Smogon's VGC community.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the BW RU, BW LC, XY LC, VGC 17, and VGC 18 QC teams.
Was a co-leader of XY Little Cup.
Contributed several BW NU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM NU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of the SM NU QC team.
Is an active member and co-leader of the SS NU QC team.
Was the co-leader of Spanish Translations.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to Spanish Translations.
Contributed a few in-game articles.
Contributed some XY analyses.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Is a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was the BW OU QC team leader.
Was the head of the Tutoring program.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Was the head of the Spanish Translations project.
Was a Team Rating leader.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a leader of the BW OU tier.
Was a tiering leader of the ORAS OU tier.
Contributed several XY Doubles OU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS OU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM OU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of the OverUsed forum.
Was a tiering leader of SM Overused.
Blue Frog
Contributed artwork to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Blue Jay
Was an active member of the XY Ubers QC team.
Blue Kirby
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was the Tutoring leader.
Was a leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Was a Programmer.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the DPP UU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM OverUsed.
Was a Programmer.
Was a lead developer of the Pokémon Showdown!. simulator.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several ORAS Battle Spot analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM Battle Spot QC teams.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was the grammar head for The Smog.
Was a leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Was the co-founder of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Was the head of the official Smogon IRC channel.
Was the leader of the BW Ubers suspect tiering project.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS NU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM OverUsed.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS and SM UU QC teams.
Was a Programmer.
Came up with the name 'Smogon.'
Was the leader of the Smogon site.
Wrote the original Smogon Dex script and edited the phpBB.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed artwork to the site.
bro fist
Was a co-leader of SM and SS OverUsed.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS Doubles OU QC team.
Was an active member of the SM Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the lead contributor to the Black/White Items/Moves/Abilities project.
Was the fifth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 15, Aurumoth.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the head artist of The Smog.
Was the Art co-leader.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.


Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides for the site.
Was a co-leader of the DPP UU suspect testing tiering project.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was an active member of the XY UU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS UnderUsed.
Calm Pokemaster
Fixed countless spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
cant say
Was a co-leader of Smogon's Battle Stadium community.
Contributed several Battle Spot Singles Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM Battle Spot Singles QC team.
Is a co-leader of Smogon's Battle Stadium community.
Is an active member of the SS Battle Stadium QC team.
Was the fifth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 17, Cawmodore.
Contributed several VGC 15 and 16 analyses.
Was the leader of the VGC 16 and 18 QC teams.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the CMS.
Was an active member of the VGC 17 and 18 QC teams.
Is an active member of the Battle Spot Doubles QC team.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Developed the battle simulator Battle CAPacity.
cb aaron judge
Contributed research to the site.
Was the sixth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Co-Leader for CAP 22, Kerfluffle.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was an active member of the ORAS LC QC team.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of the OverUsed forum.
Was a co-leader of the Rate My Team forum.
Was a co-leader of SS Monotype.
Was a co-leader of SS Overused.
Cherub Agent
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the German Translations project.
Was a Programmer.
Contributed research to the site.
Developed the PPRNG for Mac.
Contributed written articles to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several articles and strategy guides.
Chou Toshio
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the leader of the Japanese Translations project.
Contributed countless stats and scoresheets for various major tournaments, including SPL and Smogon Tour.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was a leader of the Smogcast project.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl OU analyses and quality control input.
Contributed several SM Ubers and SM OU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS AG, SM OM, and SS OM QC teams.
Contributed some OM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was an active member of the BW and SM LC QC teams.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the CMS.
Is an active member of the SS LC QC team.
Is a co-leader of SS Little Cup.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed several Black/White RU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS OU, RU, BW RU, abd SM RU QC teams.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Colonel M
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White OU Pokémon analyses.
Was a leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Was a co-leader of the SM OU QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl LC and Black/White LC Pokémon analyses.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
complete legitimacy
Contributed several Black/White RU Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the leader of Smogon's social forums.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 1, Syclant.
Was the brainchild behind the Create-A-Pokémon project.
Corporal Levi
Contributed several ORAS LC analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS LC QC team.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Was a co-leader of the SM LC QC team.
Was a tiering leader of SM and SS Little Cup.
Is an active member of the SS LC QC team.
Contributed several Black/White VGC 2011 and VGC 2012 Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was a Programmer.
craing ;_;
Was a co-leader of ORAS OverUsed.
Was an active member of the ORAS OU QC team.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM OverUsed.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to German Translations.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several SM Monotype analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was an active member of the SM RU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS RU QC team.
Contributed several Red/Blue Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Conducted groundbreaking research of RBY and GSC, uncovering mechanics never-before implemented in online simulators until 2015, over 10 years since Pokémon first happened on the Internet.
Is an active member of the SS OU QC team.
Contributed some SS OU Pokémon analyses.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 8, Cyclohm.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Contributed several XY OU analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.


Da Letter El
Was the leader of Circus Maximus.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the VGC15, VGC16, and SM Doubles OU QC teams.
Contributed several SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed several Ruby/Sapphire and Black/White LC Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Contributed several Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Was the lead contributor to the Smogon News page.
Was a co-leader of Smogon Social Media.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 6, Arghonaut.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS Doubles OU analyses.
Was an active member of the VGC 18 QC team.
Contributed several ORAS OU analyses.
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Player.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
david stone
Contributed several Red/Blue, Gold/Silver, Ruby/Sapphire, and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Wrote most ability, item, and move descriptions for Diamond/Pearl.
Was a lead researcher for Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl.
Wrote several articles, strategy, and mechanics guides.
Developed the Pokémon bot Technical Machine.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Contributed research to the site.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Death Phenomeno
Was a major contributor to the Spanish Translations project.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed several SM and SS Monotype analyses.
Was an active member of the SM Monotype QC team.
Contributed several SS Monotype analyses.
Is an active member of the SS Monotype QC team.
Is a co-leader of SS Monotype.
Deck Knight
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Co-Leader for CAP 11, Voodoom.
Was the fifth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 14, Mollux.
Was the head editor of The Smog.
Was the leader of the Smogon CAP ASB project.
Was the head moderator of the Create-A-Pokémon project.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a Team Rating leader.
Was a co-founder of ORAS PU.
Delta 2777
Was an active member of the BW OU and DPP UU QC teams.
Contributed several Black/White OU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed grammar checks to Spanish Translations.
Was an active member of the BW UU QC team.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the sixth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 18, Volkraken.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Is the leader of Orange Islands.
Contributed several Black/White LC Pokémon analyses.
Contributed research to the site.
Was an active member of the BW OU, XY OU, and ORAS Ubers QC teams.
Was a co-leader of the XY OU QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl UU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several in-game articles.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was the head of Wi-Fi Tournaments.
Contributed several Black/White RU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed to various miscellaneous projects in Contributions and Corrections.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White NU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was an active member of the BW NU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several XY and SM OU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the XY and SM OU QC teams.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to French Translations.
Was the co-leader of French Translations.
Contributed a few ORAS UU Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of the ORAS and SM UU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM UnderUsed.
doipy hooves
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the CMS.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Spanish Translations.
Was the Programming leader.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Is the leader of the Smogon Create-A-Pokémon project.
Was the leader of the Smogon Shoddy simulator and collected the usage stats used to determine tiering.
Wrote the DPP Smogon Pokémon Damage Calculator.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Draco Zephyr
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed to various miscellaneous projects in Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed several XY OU analyses.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Was a co-leader of the Smogon Battle Spot community.
Is a co-leader of Smogon's Battle Stadium community.
Was the seventh generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 24, Jumbao.
Contributed several SM LC and SM Ubers analyses
Contributed several Black/White NU analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed research to the site.
Was an active member of the ORAS RU, ORAS NU, and SM RU QC teams.
Was a leader of the official Smogon IRC channel.
Was a co-leader of the DPP and BW LC suspect tiering project.
Was a co-leader of the Smogcast.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS PU QC team.


E4 Flint
Was a co-leader of Other Metagames.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Gold/Silver Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of Tournaments.
Was a co-leader of BW OU.
Is a co-leader of Ruins of Alph.
Was an active member of the BW NU QC team.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several SS and SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed some SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM and SS Monotype QC teams.
Contributed several ORAS and SM Monotype analyses.
Was a co-leader of SM and SS Monotype.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of the SM and SS Monotype QC teams.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several XY LC analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS Doubles OU and SM OM QC teams.
Elevator Music
Was an active member of the DPP and BW LC QC teams.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl LC and Black/White LC Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of the BW LC tiering project.
Contributed some DPP OU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several VGC 2014 and 2015 Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the VGC 2015 QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Engineer Pikachu
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several VGC 2015 analyses.
Eo Ut Mortus
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl UU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was a co-leader of the BW OU QC team.
Was an active member of the DPP UU QC team.
Was a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Is an active member of the SS OU QC team.
Was the head tiering leader of SS OverUsed.
Is the Head Tournament Director.
Contributed several BW and ORAS RU analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM RU QC teams.
Contributed written articles to The Competitor.
Was the head editor of The Competitor.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar check to French Translations.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and written articles to Italian Translations.
eric the espeon
Started Little Cup in its present form by creating and running The Little Cup Forum before it merged with Smogon.
Was the leader of the DPP LC suspect tiering project.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides for the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several Black/White NU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM NU QC teams.
Contributed several BW UU analyses.
Was a co-leader of the XY UU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Is an active member of the SS UU and PU QC teams.
Contributed several SM and SS Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Is a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was the leader of the Smogon Youtube project.
Contributed several ORAS NU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS NU, SM NU, and SM RU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of SM NeverUsed.
Was a co-leader of the SM NU QC team.
Is a co-leader of SS NeverUsed.
Is an active member of the SS NU QC team.
Contributed some SS Pokémon analyses.
Wrote several in-game articles.
Was a co-leader of SM RarelyUsed.
Is a co-leader of SS RarelyUsed.
Contributed several DPP OU Pokémon analyses.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the CMS.
Contributed several ORAS and SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the SM UU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.


Contributed countless stats for the Smogon Tour.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several ORAS PU and SM OU analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the Art leader.
Was the head artist of The Smog.
Was the co-head of grammar for The Smog.
Was a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose Team in Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was a head artist for The Flying Press.
Contributed several ORAS and SM LC analyses.
Was an active member of the BW, ORAS, and SM LC QC teams.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Was a co-leader of ORAS OverUsed, SM OverUsed, SM NU, and SS NU.
Is an active member of the SS OU and NU QC teams.
Was an active member of the SM OU and NU QC teams.
Contributed a few SM OU Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of the OverUsed forum.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was the head tiering leader of SS OverUsed.
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was an active member of the DPP, BW, and ORAS Ubers QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Uber Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM Ubers.
Was a co-leader of the SM Ubers QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Uber Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the DPP and BW Uber QC teams.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several SM Ubers and LC Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed written articles to The Competitor.
Was the leader of the Smogon News page.
Was a leader of the Smogon VGC community.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to German Translations.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Wrote a large number of descriptions for DPP non-battle items.
Contributed several articles and strategy guides.
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Contributed written articles,Pokémon analyses,and HTML to Spanish Translations.
Was a co-leader of the Spanish Translations project.
Was an active member of the DPP and BW UU QC teams.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl UU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl OU Pokémon analyses and quality control input.
Was an active member of the BW NU, XY UU, and ORAS NU QC teams.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Red/Blue and Gold/Silver Pokémon analyses.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Co-Leader for CAP 11, Voodoom.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Contributed artwork to the site.


Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was an active member of the ORAS RU and PU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM PU.
Was a co-leader of the SM PU QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed several BW and XY OU analyses.
Was an active member of the XY, SM, and SS OU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of the SM OU QC team.
Was a co-leader of SM OverUsed.
Was the Tournaments leader.
Updated the Tournaments site.
Contributed and edited several Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon analyses.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several SM Doubles OU analyses.
Was a co-leader of the SM Doubles OU QC team.
Was an active member of the SM Doubles OU QC team.
Was an active member of the BW and XY OU QC teams.
Was the leader of the OverUsed forum.
GL Volkner
Is an active member of the SS OM QC team.
Contributed some SS OM Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was an active member of the SM OU QC team.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of the SS OU and SM OU QC teams.
Is the co-leader of the OverUsed forum.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Gothic Togekiss
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 3, Pyroak.
Contributed several Black/White NU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Competitor.
Contributed research to the site.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was a co-leader of ORAS OverUsed.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Contributed written articles and Pokémon analyses to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS PU and AAA QC teams.
Gross Sweep
Was a co-leader of the Rate My Team forum.
Contributed written articles Spanish Translations.
Contributed some SM PU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM PU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS PU QC team.


Was an active member of the ORAS and SM Ubers QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM Ubers.
Contributed several XY OU analyses.
Was an active member of the SM OU QC team.
Contributed several Black/White OU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Was a Team Rating leader.
Was an active member of the BW OU QC team.
Contributed grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the leader of Italian Translations.
Was the head of the Translations Project.
Contributed several SS Monotype Pokémon analyses.
Is an active member of the SS Monotype QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was a Tutoring leader.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Contributed some SM Monotype analyses.
Was an active member of the SM Monotype QC team.
Is an active member of the SS Monotype QC team.
Contributed several Gold/Silver and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed several ORAS Ubers analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl UU and LC Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the XY LC QC team.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Was the co-leader of Spanish Translations.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS UU QC team.
Contributed a few ORAS and SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM UnderUsed.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was an active member of the SM LC and UU QC teams.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Is an active member of the SS UU QC team.
Contributed and edited several Red/Blue, Ruby/Sapphire, and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
His Eminence Lord Poppington II
Contributed several Black/White Ubers analyses.
Was an active member of the BW Ubers QC team.
Is an active member of the SS NU and OM QC teams.
Contributed several SS Pokémon analyses.
Is a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Is a Programmer.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Was a co-leader of the SM UU QC team.
Was a co-leader of SM UnderUsed.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Is a co-leader of SS UnderUsed.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl UU and Black/White RU Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was an active member of the BW RU QC team.
Developed the BW Damage Calculator.
Is a Programmer.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS OU, ORAS NU, SM OU, and SM NU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Was a co-leader of SM NeverUsed.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Wrote several in-game and RNG articles.
Was a co-leader of XY Ubers.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Was an active member of the XY Ubers QC team.
Was a co-leader of the Smogon Battle Spot community.
Was an active member of the SM Battle Spot Singles QC team.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 2, Revenankh.
Contributed artwork to the site.


Contributed written articles, grammar checks, Pokémon analyses, and HTML to Italian Translations.
Is a co-leader of Italian Translations.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White OU Pokémon analyses.
Updated the Tournaments site.
Was an active member of the BW OU QC team.
Was a tiering leader of the BW OU tier.
Was the leader of the Smogon YouTube project.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed research to the site.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Indigo Plateau
Contributed some SM OU and UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM OU and SM UU QC teams.
Is an active member of the SS OU and UU QC teams.
Contributed programming and coding to Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was an active member and co-leader of the ORAS UU QC team.
Was the leader of the Rate My Team forum.
Was a co-leader of Spanish Translations.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Was an active member of the BW LC QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl LC and Black/White LC Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Helped collect XY icons.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Spanish Translations.
Is the co-leader of Spanish Translations.
Is the co-leader of the Translations Project.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Contributed several ORAS and SM Monotype analyses.
Was an active member of the SM Monotype QC team.
Is an active member of the SS Monotype QC team.


Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the leader of the DPP UU and BW UU suspect testing tiering project.
Was a tiering leader of the BW OU tier.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White OU Pokémon analyses.
Jack Sparrow
Contributed research to the site.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed and edited several Red/Blue and Gold/Silver Pokémon analyses.
Was the Tournaments leader.
Updated the Tournaments site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of the BW NU tiering project.
Contributed research to the site.
Was an active member of the ORAS NU and SM LC QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS NeverUsed.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Is an active member of the SS LC QC team.
Is a tiering leader of SS Little Cup.
Was the fifth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 16, Malaconda.
Was the sixth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 21, Crucibelle.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the BW OU QC team.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Was a co-leader of The Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of Ruins of Alph.
Was a Programmer
Is a member of the SS OM QC team.
Contributed some SS OM Pokémon analyses.
Was a member of the SS CAP and SS OM QC teams.
Contributed some SS Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the SS CAP QC team.
Is a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl Uber Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Created the Diamond/Pearl Uber Metagame guide.
Was a leader of the official Smogon IRC channel.
Was an active member of the Battle Spot Singles, VGC16, and VGC17 QC teams.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Was the Tutoring leader.
Was the leader of The Smog.
Contributed a few XY Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the VGC15, VGC16, VGC17, VGC18, and VGC19 QC teams.
Is a co-leader of Smogon's VGC community.
Was a co-leader of the Rate My Team forum.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Contributed several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Led the forum software transition from vBulletin to Xenforo.
Was a major contributor to the Spanish Translations project.
Was an active member of the XY and SM Doubles OU QC team.
Was the leader of XY Doubles OU.
Was a Programmer.
Was a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member and co-leader of the SM OU and CAP QC teams.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was an active member of the SS OU, SS CAP, and SS OM QC teams.
Was a co-leader of the SS OU and OM QC teams.
Was a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Was the co-leader of the OverUsed forum.
Contributed several Gold/Silver Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS AG and SM OM teams.
Contributed several VGC 2011 and VGC 2012 analyses.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the DPP UU suspect tiering process.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Was a Programmer.
Wrote several scripts that were used for the functioning of Netbattle.
Contributed several Black/White UU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several in-game articles.
Contributed several Black/White and XY Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS OU QC team.
Was an active member of the SM OU QC team.
Formulated a statistics-driven, objective formula that gauges a player's experience with given Suspects during Suspect Tests for both the standard and UU metagames.
Contributed and edited numerous Diamond/Pearl and Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon analyses.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Was a researcher on Pokémon Emerald in-game data.
Edited numerous Smogon "Journey Across America" warstories and articles.
Was the co-director of the DPP Suspect Testing tiering project.
Was a lead researcher of the Battle Subway mechanics of Black/White.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl analyses and miscellaneous articles for The Smog.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was a researcher on BW mechanics.
Was a leader of the official Smogon IRC channel.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Was the leader of the Smogon site.
Was the leader of Tournaments.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
just some chick
Contributed artwork to the site.


Contributed artwork to the site.
Kaiju Bunny
Contributed artwork to the site.
Is a head artist for The Flying Press.
Was the leader of Smogon Social Media.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM Doubles OU.
Was a member of the DPP LC QC team.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Was a head researcher on Black/White and Ruby/Sapphire RNG mechanics.
Wrote several in-game articles and the RNG guide for Black/White.
Was a major researcher into the complete damage formula for Black/White.
Was the head researcher on ORAS, unveiling information about the game by unlocking the code for the pre-release demo.
Contributed research to the site.
Is the co-leader of German Translations.
Wrote several ORAS LC analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS LC QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was a co-leader of the Dream World project.
Was the leader of the Smogon Youtube project.
Contributed research to the site.
Kevin Garrett
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Updated the Tournaments site.
Managed the Smogon Frontier and manages the Smogon Tour.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to French Translations.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several ORAS UU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM UU QC team.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the head editor of The Competitor.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM NU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM NeverUsed.
Was an active member of the SM NU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS NU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS STABmons and AAA QC teams.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Black/White UU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was the leader of the BW UU QC team.
Was the leader of the BW UU tiering project.
Was an active member of the XY UU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS UnderUsed.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl UU and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Contributed several ORAS UU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM UU QC teams.
Is the co-leader of Smogon Social Media.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was an active member of the SM OM QC team.
Contributed programming and coding to Pokémon Showdown!.
Was an active member of the SS OM QC team.
Was a co-leader of the Smogon VGC community.
Contributed and edited several Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was a researcher on Ruby/Sapphire in-game data.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to French Translations.
Was an active member of the XY UU and SM RU QC teams.


Lacus Ichinose
Contributed written articles to German Translations.
Lady Salamence
Contributed a ton of Dex verifications for the accuracy of the Smogon Dex.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was a Programmer.
Contributed in various aspects to the Pokémon Online simulator.
Is a co-leader of SS NeverUsed.
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Led and contributed to the April Fools Day 2013 Sprite Project.
Was a co-leader for the XY Sprite Project.
Maintains all XY Model Fixes
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Is a co-leader of the French Translations project.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the CMS and the SCMS.
Was an active member of the ORAS OU QC team.
Legacy Raider
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Was a Team Rating leader.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Legitimate Username
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several SM OU analyses.
Was an active member and co-leader of the SM and SS OU QC teams.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed to the Sun/Moon Sprite Project.
Level 51
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was an active member of the SM Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed several SM Doubles OU analyses.
Is an active member of the SS Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was the Art co-leader.
Was a head artist for The Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Contributed some SS UU Pokémon analyses.
Is an active member of the SS UU QC team.
Is a co-leader of SS UnderUsed.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed to various miscellaneous projects in Contributions and Corrections.
Was the leader of Battling 101.
Was an active member of the XY UU QC team.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to French Translations.
Contributed artwork to the site.
little gk
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl LC Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several XY Doubles OU analyses.
Was a co-leader of the XY Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Lord Alphose
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several SM RU and OM analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was an active member of the SM and SS OM QC teams.
Contributed several SM Ubers and Battle Spot analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed written articles to Spanish Translations.
Conrtibuted written analyses to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several Black/White VGC 2012 Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the VGC14, VGC15, VGC16, VGC17, and SM Doubles OU QC teams.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Is a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Is a co-leader of The Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of the In-Game Expansion project.
Is a co-leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Was a co-leader of Portuguese Translations.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Was the head of the Translations Project.
Contributed Pokémon analyses grammar checks, and HTML to Italian Translations.
Was an active member of the SM RU QC team.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Is an active member of the SS RU QC team.
Is a co-leader of Ruins of Alph.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM and SS OU QC teams.
Contributed artwork to the site.


M Dragon
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM OverUsed.
Was a major contributor to the French Translations project.
Was a Programmer.
Mack the Knife
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of the In-Game Expansion project.
Was the leader of the ORAS LC QC team.
Was an active member of the SM LC QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM Little Cup.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several BW and XY Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 7, Kitsunoh.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS PU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS PU.
Was a co-leader of SM Doubles OU.
Contributed some SM Doubles OU Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the SM Doubles OU QC team.
Is a co-leader of SS Doubles OU.
Is an active member and co-leader of the SS Doubles OU QC team.
Was a leader of the Smogon VGC community.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed and edited several Red/Blue Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several ORAS LC Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS LC QC team.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several SM OU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SS OU and SM OU QC team.
Is the co-leader of German Translations.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to German Translations.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the BW NU, XY NU, and SM Doubles OU QC teams.
Is an active member of the SS Battle Stadium QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed a few SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Is a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Is a co-leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Is an active member of the SS UU QC team.
Contributed several XY and SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several SM Monotype Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM Monotype QC team.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Is an active member of the SS Monotype QC team.
Contributed research to the site.
Is a Programmer.
Is a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Is the Researching leader.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Contributed research to the site.
Wrote several Diamond/Pearl articles and strategy guides.
Contributed a few Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of the Dream World tiering project.
Contributed written articles to The Player.
Contributed and edited several Red/Blue and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Max. Optimizer
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to French Translations.
Contributed a few in-game articles.
Contributed several BW and XY UU analyses.
Was a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of ORAS OverUsed.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Was a member of the DPP OU QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed and edited numerous Red/Blue, Ruby/Sapphire, and Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Wrote several articles and strategy analyses for Ruby/Sapphire.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Melee Mewtwo
Contributed several XY Ubers analyses.
Was an active member of the XY Ubers QC team.
Contributed several SM OU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SS OU and SM OU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Contributed several ORAS Doubles OU analyses.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM Doubles OU.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS and SM Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Is an active member of the SS Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed some SM LC Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM LC QC team.
Is an active member of the SS LC QC team.
Metal Sonic
Contributed several BW and XY Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses and provided quality control input.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl LC and Black/White LC Pokémon analyses.
Contributed Pokémon analyses to Italian Translations.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Wrote several articles for basic information and conduct for the simulator.
Contributed research to the site.
Developed and organized a massive points keeping system for tournaments.
Was a Programmer.
Was a lead developer of SweeperCalc and bReakMyTeam.
Contributed Pokémon analyses to Italian Translations.
Is a co-leader of Italian Translations.
Is the co-leader of the Translations Project.
Contributed written articles, Pokémon analyses, and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Was a co-leader of Italian Translations.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the Researching leader.
Was the Programming leader.
Wrote Deducing Your Secret ID, and The DPP RNG Abuse Guide.
Was a lead researcher on the mechanics of the RNG.
Wrote the original RNG Reporter.
Was the leader of the In-Game Expansion project.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several ORAS Ubers analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM Ubers QC team.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Is an active member and co-leader of the SS Ubers QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Misaka Mikoto
Contributed several OM Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SS Monotype QC team.
Was the Researching leader.
Contributed and edited numerous Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Wrote The Philosophy of Smogon.
Was a lead researcher on Diamond/Pearl.
Was a co-leader of the Portuguese Translations project.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Contributed several BW and XY Doubles OU analyses.
Was an active member of the XY Doubles OU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS Doubles OU.
Contributed several Black/White RU analyses.
Was an active member of the BW and ORAS RU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS RarelyUsed.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Ruby/Sapphire, Diamond/Pearl, and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a co-leader of the German Translations project.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed several SM Monotype Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM Monotype QC team.
Is an active member of the SS Monotype QC team.
Was a Programmer.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to German Translations.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Is a co-leader of the French Translations project.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to French Translations.
Contributed several ORAS and SM RU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM RU QC teams.
Is an active member of the SS RU QC team.
Mr. Uncompetitive
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White VGC 2011 and VGC 2012 Pokémon analyses.
Was the leader of the VGC tutoring program.
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS AG, ORAS PU, SM PU, and SM OM QC teams.
Was a co-leader of SM PU.
Was a co-leader of SS PU.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Is an active member of the SS PU QC team.


Contributed some SM Doubles OU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a co-leader of XY OverUsed.
Was a co-leader of the BW RU tiering project.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was the Art leader.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several ORAS Ubers analyses.
Was an active member and co-leader of the ORAS Ubers QC team.
Was a co-leader of the SM Ubers QC team.
Was a co-leader of SM Ubers.
Contributed a great amount of QC work to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was an active member and co-leader of the SS Ubers QC team.
Was the leader of SS Ubers.
Contributed written articles and Pokémon analyses to Spanish Translations.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was a co-leader of the Spanish Translations project.
Contributed artwork to the site.
New World Order
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site.
Was the leader of Smogon Wi-Fi.
Was the Researching leader.
Contributed written articles to Spanish Translations.
Contributed several SM LC Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the SM LC QC team.
Is a co-leader of the SS LC QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed a ton of Dex verifications for the accuracy of the Smogon Dex.
Contributed several ORAS Battle Spot analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS, SM, and SS Battle Stadium QC teams.
November Blue
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Was a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member and co-leader of the SM UU QC team.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon anaylses.
Was an active member of the ORAS UU QC team.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was the sixth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 20, Naviathan.


Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl UU, ADV NU, DPP NU, and BW RU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several in-game articles.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the leader of the BW RU tiering project.
Was the BW RU QC team leader.
Was a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Wrote the item descriptions for Red/Blue and updated those for Gold/Silver and Ruby/Sapphire.
Contributed to various miscellaneous projects in Contributions and Corrections including various threat lists, speed tiers, and the like.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Was the leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed several ORAS LC analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM LC QC teams.
Was a co-leader of SM Little Cup.


P Squared
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Was a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Was the leader of Smogon Social Media.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM OU QC teams.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed a few ORAS UU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS UU QC team.
Was a co-leader of SM Monotype.
Contributed and edited numerous Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the DPP OU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS and SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
Contributed several analyses and QC checks across multiple tiers.
Was a Programmer.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM OverUsed.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was a Programmer.
Contributed a few ORAS UU analyses.
Was an active member of the XY RU, ORAS UU, and SM UU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of SM UnderUsed.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Was a head researcher on Black/White, Diamond/Pearl, and Ruby/Sapphire in-game data.
Co-wrote a comprehensive breeding guide.
Did research on and co-wrote an article about the damage formula for Diamond/Pearl.
Contributed the Battle Frontier Max Stats Pokémon Database.
Contributed several BW and ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS RU QC team.
Was an active memmber and leader of the SM RU QC team.
Was a co-leader of SM RarelyUsed.
Is a co-leader of SS RarelyUsed.
Is the leader of the SS RU QC team.
Was a co-leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Was a head researcher on Black/White in-game data.
Was the leader of the Smogon Tour.
Was the leader of the BW OU and ADV suspect tiering project.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed numerous Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several Red/Blue, Gold/Silver, and Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon analyses.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed research to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to Spanish Translations.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Provided model rips from Pokémon XY.
Was a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
PK Gaming
Was an active member of the DPP UU, BW OU and UU, XY OU, and SM OU QC teams.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Originated the Pokémon Viability Rankings.
Plague von Karma
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 9, Colossoil.
Contributed research to the site.
Was the leader of Battling 101.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed research to the site.
Is the developer of
Was an active member of the BW OU, XY Doubles, and SM Doubles OU QC team.
Was a co-leader of XY Doubles OU.
Contributed several ORAS NU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS NU QC team.
Contributed several XY and BW Ubers analyses.
Was an active member of the XY Ubers QC team.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Black/White LC Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the BW and XY LC QC teams.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the head artist for The Smog.
Was a co-leader for the XY Sprite Project.
Contributed several ORAS and SM Battle Spot analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM Battle Spot QC teams.
Is an active member of the SS Battle Stadium QC team.
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several BW and ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM NU QC team.
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Contributed artwork to the site.


Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was the HTML Leader of The Smog.
Quite Quiet
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Is the HTML Leader of The Flying Press.
Is a co-leader of The Flying Press.
Contributed several ORAS NU analyses.
Updated the Smogon Dex with ORAS and USM tutor moves.
Was a co-leader of ORAS, SM, and SS Little Cup.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Contributed some SM NU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM NU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS NU and CAP QC teams.
Is a major contributor to CAP 3D modeling.


R Inanimate
Contributed several Black/White VGC 2011 and VGC 2012 Pokémon analyses.
Was a member of the VGC12 and VGC14 QC teams.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
Contributed several SM NU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM NU and SS OU QC teams.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Is a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Is an active member and co-leader of the SS NU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses and provided quality control input.
Contributed several ORAS PU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS PU QC team.
Was a co-leader of the Chinese Translations project.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM RU QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Is a co-leader of Other Metagames.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Contributed several Black/White NU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a co-leader of BW and ORAS NeverUsed.
Was a co-leader of the BW and ORAS NU QC teams.
Was an active member of the SM NU QC team.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Ray Jay
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of BW LC.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Did research on Diamond/Pearl information that will never actually happen in battle.
Was a co-leader of Smogon Social Media.
Was a co-leader of the DPP UU suspect testing tiering project.
Was the fifth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 12, Tomohawk.
Was the seventh generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 25, Caribolt / Smokomodo / Snaelstrom.
Was the leader of the DPP UU and BW OU suspect tiering projects.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was a co-leader of the Smogon Mentorship program.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and some grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to French Translations.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was the head of the Translations Project.
Was the head of French Translations.
Wrote several in-game articles.
Contributed several BW and XY OU analyses.
Is the co-leader of the Translations Project.
Is a co-leader of the Portuguese Translations project.
Contributed Pokémon analyses, written articles, and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Was a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was a co-leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Ran the Grammar-Prose Team in Contributions and Corrections.
Was the head of The Smog.
Was the fifth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 13, Necturna.
Was the leader of the Smogon Pokémon Online simulator.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Rocket Grunt
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a major contributor to the Spanish Translations project.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Contributed several SM RU and Monotype analyses.
Was an active member of the SM RU QC team.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed written articles, Pokémon analyses, and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Rory Mercury
Was the leader of German Translations.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to German Translations.
Was an active member of the SS OM QC team.
Contributed some SS OM Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS OU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS LC analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM LC QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS Little Cup.
Started numerous jokes about his age (lil roy).
Is a soccer stud!!
Refused to add himself to the credits.
Contributed some SM PU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM PU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS PU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS NU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS NU, ORAS AAA, and SM NU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of the SM NeverUsed tier.
Is a co-leader of SS NeverUsed.
Is an active member of the SS OM QC team.
Contributed some SS OU Pokémon analyses.
Is an active member of the SS OU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Was a Programmer.
Helped to create the Quote Database.
Ryota Mitarai
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed several Black/White NU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was a co-leader of the Smogon Mentorship program.
Was an active member of the BW and ORAS NU QC teams.
Was the leader of Smogon's Other Metagames.
Was a leader of the official Smogon IRC channel.
Was a co-leader of ORAS NeverUsed.


S. Court
Contributed Pokémon analyses and written articles to Spanish Translations.
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a co-leader of ORAS and SM UnderUsed.
Contributed research to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a major contributor to the Chinese Translations project.
Created the SmogDex Teambuilder.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Contributed scripts and other programming data to Smogon's official simulator server.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Wrote some ability descriptions.
Was a researcher on Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl.
Contributed research to the site.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed several BW NU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS NU QC team.
Was a co-leader of Smogon's Other Metagames.
Contributed several BW, XY, and SM Pokémon analyses and articles.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Contributed and revised several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was a researcher on Diamond/Pearl.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed and revised several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Wrote several in-game articles.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Led the Pokémon Research for Black/White in-game data.
Was the leader of The Smog.
Was the founder of The Competitor.
Was the head of the Spanish Translations Project.
Was the leader of Battling 101.
Was the leader of the DPP and BW OU QC teams.
Seven Deadly Sins
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White OU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was a co-leader of the BW OU QC team.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Was a co-leader of the Smogcast project.
Was the leader of Social Forums.
Was the leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Contributed several ORAS Doubles OU analyses.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS Doubles OU QC team.
Was an active member of the SM Doubles OU QC team.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Shame That
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was the leader of Battling 101.
Contributed artwork to the site.
shiny finder
Contributed several in-game articles.
Is a co-leader of the in-game expansion project.
Is the leader of Smogon Wi-Fi.
Contributed a ton of Diamond/Pearl LC Pokémon analyses.
Helped to create the Quote Database.
Was an active member of the XY OU and ORAS Ubers QC teams.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was the seventh generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 26, Equilibra.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl UU and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the BW and XY RU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of the BW RU tiering project.
Was a co-leader of XY RarelyUsed.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to French Translations.
Was a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Was a leader of the Smogon site.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was a co-leader of the Smogon Mentorship program.
Maintained the Smogon Info / Intro Hub.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a Programmer.
Maintained the Black/White RNG Reporter and has contributed a ton of RNG research.
Was a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed several ORAS analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several SM Monotype analyses.
Was the seventh generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 23, Pajantom.
Contributed several ORAS and SM CAP analyses.
Was a co-leader of the SM CAP QC team.
Is a co-leader of the SS CAP QC team.
Contributed a couple of Diamond/Pearl and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was a co-leader of the Rate My Team forum.
Was an active member of the BW UU QC team.
Was a co-leader of the BW UU tiering project.
Was the leader of the GBU Pokédex project.
Was an active member of the VGC QC team.
Was the leader of the Smogon VGC community.
Solaros & Lunaris
Contributed several NatDex analyses.
Is an active member of the NatDex QC team.
Co-leads NatDex C&C.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl UU and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Thinks Energy Ball Jellicent is dumb quite frankly.
Contributed and edited a few Red/Blue and Gold/Silver Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Updated the Tournaments site.
Soul Fly
Contributed a ton of Dex verifications for the accuracy of the Smogon Dex.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS NU QC team.
Contributed a few ORAS Doubles OU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM LC QC teams.
Was the leader of ORAS CAP Analyses.
Was the sixth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Co-Leader for CAP 22, Kerfluffle.
Contributed several ORAS NU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM NU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS NeverUsed.
Contributed several SS Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was the HTML Leader of The Smog.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed research to the site.
Was the leader of Orange Islands.
Was a co-leader of the official Smogon Discord.
Steven Snype
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to The Competitor.
Contributed several ORAS Doubles analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS Doubles OU QC team.
Was a co-leader of ORAS Doubles OU.
Was the sixth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 19, Plasmanta.
Was a leader of Smogon's Youtube and Twitch accounts.
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Was the leader of the Smogon Youtube and Smogcast projects.
Is the head tiering leader of SS OverUsed.
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Subject 18
Was an active member of the XY and SM OU QC teams.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 4, Fidgit.
Was a Programmer.
Was a lead developer of Shoddy Battle, Pokémon Laboratory, and Smogon's Pokémon Online simulator.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of the Grammar-Prose team in Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several XY and SM Ubers analyses.
Contributed some SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Was a Programmer.
Was a co-developer of the Pokémon Competitor simulator.
Swamp Link
Contributed several XY analyses.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Contributed several BW and ORAS Ubers analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS Ubers and RU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of ORAS Ubers.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Uploaded many videos to and maintained the Smogon Youtube channel.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Was a leader of the Smogon VGC community.


Contributed some SM OU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM OU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS OU QC team.
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several ORAS Doubles OU analyses.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS and SM Doubles OU QC teams.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Was a co-leader of SM Doubles OU.
Is an active member and co-leader of the SS Doubles OU QC team.
Is a co-leader of SS Doubles OU.
Was the leader of The Smog.
Helped write The Introduction to Competitive Battling Guide.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Was a co-leader of SM PU.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several XY LC analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS LC QC team.
Was the head tiering leader of ORAS OverUsed and SM OverUsed.
Is a co-leader of SS OU and UnderUsed.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS OU QC team.
Was an active member of the SM OU QC team.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Is an active member of the SS OU QC team.
Is the head tiering leader of SS OverUsed.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Team Rocket Elite
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Wrote and rewrote many entries in the CAP Process and other assorted CAP articles.
Was an active member of the BW NU QC team.
Was the leader of the BW NU tiering project.
Was the fourth generation Create-A-Pokémon Topic Leader for CAP 5, Stratagem.
Contributed research to the site.
Was an active member of the XY NU QC team.
Was the leader of Smogon Social Media.
Was a co-leader of Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was an active member of the SS and SM Monotype QC teams.
Contributed several SM Monotype analyses.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Was a co-leader of ORAS OverUsed.
Texas Cloverleaf
Was an active member of the BW RU QC team.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
The Avalanches
Contributed several XY LC analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS LC QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
The Immortal
Developed the TIBot for use on IRC and Pokémon Showdown.
Was a programmer.
Was a lead developer of Pokémon Showdown!.
Was the leader of Smogon's Other Metagames.
The Mega Lotad
Contributed artwork to the site.
The Scientist
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several XY OU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS OU QC team.
Contributed to various miscellaneous projects in Contributions and Corrections.
Updated hundreds of analyses onsite via the SCMS to keep up with the tier shifts from usage stats.
Helped maintain the Smogon Facebook page.
Was the leader of the Smogon VGC community.
Was an active member of the VGC 2015 and 2016 QC teams.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Was a head researcher on Diamond/Pearl.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Uber and Black/White Uber Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the DPP, BW, and XY Ubers QC teams.
Was a leader of the official Smogon IRC channel.
Was the leader of SM Battle Spot Analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Was an active member of the SM OM QC team.
Is the leader of SS Battle Stadium Analyses.
Is an active member of the SS Battle Stadium QC team.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a member of the DPP UU QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Is the leader of Battling 101.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Is a head artist for The Flying Press.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Is the Art co-leader.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed several ORAS PU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several SM PU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM PU QC team.
Contributed a few in-game articles.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Is the leader of Battling 101.
Is an active member of the SS PU QC team.
Was a co-leader of French Translations.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to French Translations.
Developed EonTimer / ZomgTimer and contributed to RNG Reporter.
Provided HTML/scripts for a large number of on-site articles and projects.
Contributed to Gen 4 & 5 RNG research.
Contributed Gen 6 research.
Made a large design update to the credits page.
Was the HTML Leader of The Smog.
Was the leader of The Smog.
Was a Programmer.
Was an active member of the BW Uber QC team.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the leader of the Dream World tiering project.
Was the leader of Smogon VGC community.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Tokyo Tom
Contributed a few BW OU analyses.
Contributed several ORAS OU analyses.
Was a co-leader of the ORAS OU QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Contributed several ORAS PU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS PU QC team.
Was an active member and co-leader of the SM PU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS PU QC team.
Was the Head Tournament Director.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Is a co-leader of the Rate My Team and OverUsed forum.
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Trafalgar Shambles
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Contributed some ADV OU Pokémon analyses.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed several XY OU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS OU and PU QC teams.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS and SM LC QC teams.
Was an active member of the BW Uber QC team.
Contributed several Black/White Uber Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed to various miscellaneous projects in Contributions and Corrections.
Was a co-leader of SS Overused.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Contributed several SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Is an active member of the SS UU QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses and strategy guides.
Contributed and edited several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Contributed some SM UU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM UU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS UU QC team.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM PU QC team.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Contributed several SM Monotype Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SS Monotype and SM QC teams.


Contributed several SM PU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM PU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS PU QC team.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Organized and wrote the ADV OU Threat List.
Contributed countless stats for SPL.
Was an active member of the DPP UU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl UU Pokémon analyses.
Is a Programmer.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was a leader of Other Metagames Analyses.


Was Little Cup.
Contributed research to the site.
Was a Programmer.
Was a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Was a co-founder of The Player.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Was an active member of the XY OU QC team.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Contributed several ADV OU Pokémon analyses.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to German Translations.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a Programmer.
Was a lead developer of SweeperCalc and bReakMyTeam.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Contributed several ORAS and SM OU analyses.
Was an active member of the SS Monotype and SM QC teams.
Contributed several SM Monotype analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed to the site in its early stages.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.


Was a co-leader of SS Monotype.
Water Drone
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
We Three Kings
Is an active member of the BW OU QC team.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was the co-founder of the Grammar-Prose Team in Contributions and Corrections.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.
Contributed several BW NU analyses.
Was a co-founder of ORAS PU.
Contributed research to the site.
Wild Eep
DP Encounter slot research.
Wrote the first version of Receiving Perfect Wondercard Pokémon.
Wrote Pandora's Box.
Was the leader of Smogon Wi-Fi.
Was an active member of the BW OU QC team.
Was an active member of the BW RU QC team.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several XY Pokémon analyses.
Was a co-leader of Other Metagames Analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS STABmons QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several ORAS Ubers analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS Ubers QC team.
Made a very large number of minor edits to the site via the SCMS/CMS.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.


Did research on, wrote, and co-wrote several articles, including: DP Damage Formula, Breeding Guide, Normalized Base Stats, Maximizing Pokémon's Defenses, and PID and IV of non-Bred Pokémon.
Did research and created the Pokémon Base Stats Ratings.
Created the Type Coverage Sheet.
Overall PokéMath guru.
Contributed several Diamond/Pearl Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several SM LC Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM LC and SM OM QC teams.
Was a Programmer.
Was a Pokémon Showdown! developer.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!
Is a co-leader of SS OverUsed.
Contributed several ORAS Doubles OU analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS Doubles OU QC team.
Contributed written articles to the site's various webzines.


Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to French and Portuguese Translations.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Portuguese Translations.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed Pokémon analyses and grammar checks to French Translations.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Contributed several SM PU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM PU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.


Is a co-leader of SS Monotype.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Wrote several articles and strategy guides.
Contributed written articles and grammar checks to Italian Translations.
Contributed several OM Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM OM and SS Monotype QC teams.
Is a Programmer.
Developed many awesome things for Smogon, such as the Pokémon Online replay player and the Pokémon Showdown battle simulator.
Contributed research to the site.
Is a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Contributed research to the site.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a member of the XY LC QC team.
Was a major contributor to the Spanish Translations project.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Was an active member of the BW RU QC team.
Contributed to the XY Sprite Project.
Contributed several Gold/Silver and Ruby/Sapphire Pokémon analyses.
Contributed several SM RU Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the SM RU QC team.
Is an active member of the SS LC and RU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of Pokémon Showdown!.
Contributed several SM Pokémon analyses.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was an Art co-leader.
Was the graphic designer behind The Competitor and various other Smogon projects.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed a couple Diamond/Pearl and Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Provided the HTML of several articles so they could be uploaded to the site.
Contributed written articles to The Smog.


Contributed several Black/White LC Pokémon analyses.
Contributed written articles to Smogon's Flying Press.
Contributed several ORAS Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the ORAS RU QC team.
Fixed many spelling, grammar, and presentation errors.
Contributed several Black/White Pokémon analyses.
Was an active member of the BW RU, XY OU, XY RU, and SM RU QC teams.
Was a co-leader of SM RarelyUsed.
Contributed artwork to the site.
Was a head researcher on RNG research for Diamond/Pearl and Black/White.
Expanded the RNG Reporter for use with Black/White.
Was a Programmer.
Sits on his ass.

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