Notes about BW2/RNG Reporter 9.96, read before posting:

Please consider making a donation to support RNG Reporter's programmer, Slashmolder! Working on it takes up a great deal of his personal time, and every dollar helps to keep him working on new features to RNG Reporter.
Onsite Guide to RNG Manipulation in Black/White
Onsite Guide to RNG Manipulation in Black/White with PPRNG
Encounter Slots
Smogon's on-site RNG Mechanics Guide
Rough C-Gear Guide (this post)
Standard Seed Guide
Entralink RNG Guide
If you are asking for help, these are questions you need to be answering in your post. Posts asking for help without following these rules will be ignored.
They are for my purposes only, and they do not need to make sense to anyone but me. They are only here to give people a sense of what progress is being made in the meantime.
However, feel free to leave comments on the discussion page. If this gets abused, I will take it down.
A Guide to 5th Generation RNG Manipulation
written by Kaphotics
edited by OmegaDonut
For the past two concurrent Pokémon generations, there was a direct nature–IV relationship for Pokémon captured in the wild, as a result of the random number generator, or RNG, outputting fewer nature-IV combinations than there were nature-IV possibilities.
In the fifth generation of Pokémon, the IVs are determined by a separate RNG instead of along with the PID, which determines nature, gender, ability, and shininess. This means that there is no longer a relationship between IVs and PID. This implies that there is no longer an IV restriction on natures, so any nature can now have any combination of IVs!
This Mersenne Twister based IV RNG (abbreviated MTIVRNG or IVRNG) is very easy to control, so long as you know your initial seeds. There are two types of seeds, called non-C-Gear seeds and C-Gear seeds.
Step 1 – Setup
Non C-Gear seeds:
Videos from bearsfan092:
Pokemon Black and White: Standard Abuse for Legends and Wild Pokemon- Part 1- IV's
Pokemon Black and White: Standard Abuse for Legends and Wild Pokemon- Part 2- Nature/Ability/Shininess
C-Gear seeds:
Hitting your C-Gear seed:
This section concerns determining how far off your target time\delay you were, and finding out how much to adjust accordingly.
There is no method of verifying that you hit your seed, unlike the Gen IV games. You will have to catch a Pokémon and check its IVs.
To find out how far off you were from hitting the correct time, you will have to use RNG Reporter's Seed to Time:
Step 3 – Frames and Spreads
You now know what your MTIVRNG seed is, and you know what frames will get you certain IV spreads. For those who hit C-Gear seeds, leaving it on will cause no side effects, except for changing the resulting nature\gender\ability at a rate of approximately 1 per second. Now to get those spreads on Pokémon!
Things to be sure of:
• For non C-Gear seeds, your initial frame will be 1.
• For C-Gear seeds, your initial frame will be 1 (technically 3, but RNG Reporter takes care of this for you)
You must now advance your initial frame to the frame right before your target frame, accounting for the method of IV generation for your target Pokémon. So far there are three known types of generation:
Advancing the frame:
Advancing the frame for the RNG that determines nature\PID\egg inheritence (the PIDRNG):
Encounter or receive your Pokémon, and verify the IVs. Enjoy!
Video from bearsfan092:
Pokemon Black and White: C Gear Abuse for Legends and Wild Pokemon
Source code can be found on Github.
RNG Reporter has updated to .NET Framework 4.5 (download here) allowing searches to be significantly faster. This does mean that Windows XP is no longer supported. Windows XP version can be downloaded from here.
- Certain Languages are nto supported on DSi, if you want to help us out look here.
- Dream radar is currently not supported in Reporter
- CGear seeds no longer exist, turning on the CGear advances the IVRNG by 2 frames and advances the PIDRNG like usual
- Entralink starts on IV frame 25
- Memory linking offsets the PIDRNG initial frame by 1 so check the box for it in your profile if you have memory linked.
- Timer0 ranges are much wider. Some people have 12-15 different Timer0s. Tip: Using Eon Timer to hit your seed greatly increases your consistency for hitting a specific Timer0.
- Breeding is a total mess, don't even try to breed in BW2 for now. It might never be possible to do much of any breeding. Be happy there's no new egg moves I know of.
- Shiny Charm support will be added at a later date due to the vast amount of work to implement it.

Please consider making a donation to support RNG Reporter's programmer, Slashmolder! Working on it takes up a great deal of his personal time, and every dollar helps to keep him working on new features to RNG Reporter.
Onsite Guide to RNG Manipulation in Black/White
Onsite Guide to RNG Manipulation in Black/White with PPRNG
Encounter Slots
Smogon's on-site RNG Mechanics Guide
Rough C-Gear Guide (this post)
Standard Seed Guide
Entralink RNG Guide
If you are asking for help, these are questions you need to be answering in your post. Posts asking for help without following these rules will be ignored.
- Please list which version of RNG Reporter or PPRNG you are using. If you are not using the latest version, don't ask questions until you do.
- What are you trying to capture\hatch? Please specify whether you are attempting to breed a shiny Pokémon, breed IVs onto a Pokémon, or capture a Pokémon.
- What is your target seed and frame? What is the delay of that seed? What is the MAC address of the DS you are using?
- How did you verify your seed?
- If you tried and failed, what results did you get? You NEED to know this so you can figure out what went wrong. Results are either the IV\nature of the Pokemon you caught, or an ID\SID if you are attempting ID\SID abuse.
General Posting Rules: - Please do not ask for AR codes. Please do not give them to people to ask for them. Please do not answer with AR codes. They are all out there on the internet and can be googled.
- Please do not make "Help me find my SID" requests in this thread! For that you may use the Simple Questions sticky in this forum.
- DO NOT ASK when the next release of RNG Reporter will be out.
- And once again, do not ask about AR codes.
They are for my purposes only, and they do not need to make sense to anyone but me. They are only here to give people a sense of what progress is being made in the meantime.
However, feel free to leave comments on the discussion page. If this gets abused, I will take it down.
A Guide to 5th Generation RNG Manipulation
written by Kaphotics
edited by OmegaDonut
For the past two concurrent Pokémon generations, there was a direct nature–IV relationship for Pokémon captured in the wild, as a result of the random number generator, or RNG, outputting fewer nature-IV combinations than there were nature-IV possibilities.
In the fifth generation of Pokémon, the IVs are determined by a separate RNG instead of along with the PID, which determines nature, gender, ability, and shininess. This means that there is no longer a relationship between IVs and PID. This implies that there is no longer an IV restriction on natures, so any nature can now have any combination of IVs!
This Mersenne Twister based IV RNG (abbreviated MTIVRNG or IVRNG) is very easy to control, so long as you know your initial seeds. There are two types of seeds, called non-C-Gear seeds and C-Gear seeds.
- Non-C-Gear seeds do not require delay to hit, only precision down to the second. These seeds are determined the second you soft reset your game as opposed to pressing continue. The downside is that we cannot yet manipulate these initial seeds to selectively target spreads, but they are extremely easy to hit.
- C-Gear seeds use delay, and are set when you turn on the C-Gear. There are two points in which you can activate the C-Gear:
- At the continue screenActivating the C-Gear at the continue screen have a postponed seeding, the MTRNG is reseeded once you regain control of your character. This is why it is best to get your C-Gear seed in game. By turning on the C-Gear via the Power button at the bottom right and pressing yes, the seed is instantly set.
- In game
- Pokémon Black or Pokémon White (1/2)
- RNG Reporter 9 (latest version is 9.96.5) | RNG Reporter 10 (Admiral-Fish's fork) OR
- PPRNG, a Mac-only program.
- Knowledge of how to hit seeds in Generation 4
Step 1 – Setup
- Save next to a stationary legendary, Delivery Man, or in a cave/patch of grass with sweet scent. You can also RNG the base IVs of eggs if you choose, but you will need to use Power items to force certain IVs to be passed down. Just have the egg ready to be grabbed from the Daycare Man. Alternatively for high frame IV spreads, you can be near the target Pokémon at the closest PC.
- Have 5 or less Pokémon in your party.
- Have your DS synced to an external clock, or know what time it is on your DS via the main menu.
- Save your game.
- Open up RNG Reporter and select Method 5 in the Time Finder.
Non C-Gear seeds:
Videos from bearsfan092:
Pokemon Black and White: Standard Abuse for Legends and Wild Pokemon- Part 1- IV's
Pokemon Black and White: Standard Abuse for Legends and Wild Pokemon- Part 2- Nature/Ability/Shininess
C-Gear seeds:
- Open up seed Time Finder in RNG Reporter, click the Capture tab and select Method 5 from the Method drop down.
- In your game, look up the MAC address of your DS.
- Copy down all 12 digits (leave out the dashes) and put them into the DS MAC Address box.
- Specify the criteria for an IV spread(s) you want. It is suggested to have a max frame below 2500.
- Generate the seed list. This will take quite some time, depending on how fast your computer is and how large of a range you specified.
Hitting your C-Gear seed:
- Obtain your C-Gear seed from RNG Reporter. Press Seed to Time and find a time to hit for your C-Gear seed with your given MAC Address.
- Start a two stage delay timer to hit your delay and time.
- Start the game at the time that will give you the correct seconds\delay when the timer ends.
- When the game asks you to turn on the C-Gear right at the Continue screen, do NOT say yes. Say no and proceed into the game.
- Click the C-Gear power button. You will see a Yes\No prompt.
- When the second timer ends, you should be pressing Yes at this screen.
This section concerns determining how far off your target time\delay you were, and finding out how much to adjust accordingly.
There is no method of verifying that you hit your seed, unlike the Gen IV games. You will have to catch a Pokémon and check its IVs.
To find out how far off you were from hitting the correct time, you will have to use RNG Reporter's Seed to Time:

- Enter the necessary date, time, and MAC address into Seed to Time.
- Generate a list of adjacents. If this is your first time attempting this, it is recommended you use a wide range of adjacents, in the hundreds.
- Catch the first Pokémon you encounter immediately after turning on the game. It is preferred that this Pokémon be a stationary legendary or a Pokémon attracted with Sweet Scent in Victory Road, so it's IVs can be easily determined.
- Determine the Pokémon's IVs. Search for these IVs among the adjacents (the "Search IVs" button).
- Adjust your timer based on how far off the target you were.
Step 3 – Frames and Spreads
You now know what your MTIVRNG seed is, and you know what frames will get you certain IV spreads. For those who hit C-Gear seeds, leaving it on will cause no side effects, except for changing the resulting nature\gender\ability at a rate of approximately 1 per second. Now to get those spreads on Pokémon!
Things to be sure of:
- Correct setup for what you are trying to RNG the IVs onto, and at the correct in game starting position (Step 1).
- Knowing what seed your game has been seeded with (Step 2).
- Not entered a single battle, or moved at all since you hit that particular seed.
• For non C-Gear seeds, your initial frame will be 1.
• For C-Gear seeds, your initial frame will be 1 (technically 3, but RNG Reporter takes care of this for you)
You must now advance your initial frame to the frame right before your target frame, accounting for the method of IV generation for your target Pokémon. So far there are three known types of generation:
- Regular Generation (for wild Pokémon and stationary legendaries)
- Starting Frame is 1 - Egg Generation
- Starting Frame is 8 - Roamer Generation
- Starting Frame is 1* (The speed IV will be put before the SpA IV, shifting them right)
Advancing the frame:
- Moving 128 steps with Z Pokémon in your party.
- Advances the frame by Z. - Moving a Pokémon to your party from the PC Box (Withdraw/Move)
- Advances the frame by 7. - Engaging in a battle.
- Advances at approximately 120 frames per second. Requires Frame Check code to pull off.
- This is how you hit frames above 1000. You probably will not have to hit these frames.
Advancing the frame for the RNG that determines nature\PID\egg inheritence (the PIDRNG):
- Turning in areas with wild Pokémon
- Advances the frame by 2 per step. - Walking in areas with wild Pokémon
- Advances the frame by 2 per step. - Saving
- Advances the frame by 1 per save. - Chattering Chatot
- After you have recorded a Chatter, advances the frame by 1 every time you hear its call on the status screen. - The C-Gear
- Advances at approximately 1 frames per second, but the exact number has not been tested. - Wandering NPCs
After you advanced the frame correctly, you may use the IV frame check code to see if you are at the right point.
Target – Monster – 624*n – C = 0
C =<624; n being an integer.
C is the value displayed with the IV frame check code.
C + Monster Frame = Target Frame
Target – Monster – 624*n – C = 0
C =<624; n being an integer.
C is the value displayed with the IV frame check code.
C + Monster Frame = Target Frame
Encounter or receive your Pokémon, and verify the IVs. Enjoy!
Video from bearsfan092:
Pokemon Black and White: C Gear Abuse for Legends and Wild Pokemon
Source code can be found on Github.
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