Expert Evan
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  • I can invite you to a Mesprit raid. 8006 0569 7020, I have a fairly active group so it's likely there'll be at least 3 of us. Usually raid in the daytime at the moment but if I see one today between 3pm-9pm UK time I'll let you know.
    Ah fab. Will invite to any others I see.
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    There's an azelf hatching here at 1:05 my time if you're interested. I've been going to a discord channel lately with a private account to escort others to azelf raids here so should expect company
    Quite busy today so might not be able to get on that, but if I'm online please do invite. :)
    Hey EE, been awhile. Thought I’d say hey and ask how you’ve been?
    I’m doing okay, my sun game corrupted and took everything with it. I realized your shiny Salamence was in there and I thought of you and figured I’d say hi.
    Still doing battle tower stuff?
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    Hi there, been inactive with the video games these day hence am now a forum moderator alumnus though have been more active with Pokemon GO these days instead. Sorry to hear about your game corruption, hope all works out in the end.
    No worries. Yeah shame about my save. I can start over so meh. Been playing a lot of Pokémon go too. It’s really fun.
    Greetings, Mr. Expert Evan,

    I have small request:
    I want the posts #60, #61, #96, #97 and #98 to be removed from my trading thread, if that's possible.
    The reason is that they belong to a user that never got back to me during a pending trade and the remaining 3 are just off-topic from another user.
    I want to keep my thread clean.

    Let me know what you think.

    Best greetings.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Please accept my genuine apologies for bothering you again with a request:

    Would it be possible to delete post #113 from my thread. Some user repeatedly didn't have the courtesy to read the rules and seemingly confused my thread with the SQR thread. It's insane how many people blatantly ignore the rules and post without thinking.

    Let me know what you think.

    Best greetings.
    Expert Evan
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Thank you very much. Much appreciated as always. Sigh, I hope that I'm not bothering you too much, but this seems to be the only real way to keep my thread free from off-topic posts.

    Best greetings.
    Greetings mister! I'm sorry to disturb you, but I've had some issues with my trade thread and could really do with some help... It keeps bugging out on me, perhaps I have too many images or too much content per post? Was thinking is it possible to add another post for me inbetween #2 and #3? I think I've seen that being done before! :)
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    I have a duplicate of post 2 for now.
    Awesome! Thank you so much for your help. Sorry to bother you with such trivial things. ^_^
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    no problem, I know it's trickier with this newer board format.
    Hi EE. I don't have any requests or questions just saying hi. We don't see too much of you around here these days.
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    Hi, I'm still around, usually more so in IRC than on the forum.
    Hi there, I'm leaving a message here just in case you didn't get the message regarding the TSV 3877 on reddit.
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    got it, shall be online for a short while.
    Hey ExpertEvan, I've been looking around for an Adamant Landorus and noticed you have one in your trade thread. I hope you don't mind the VM but could you CMT for it? Thanks.
    The hearts are on the symbol screen silly you can choose at the bottom of the screen in the nickname screen or scroll over with the --->
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    was wondering how/what/where do those symbols come from, thanks.
    can you revert changes on my thread? i just messed up the original post big time with aligning. can you set it to how it was a few hours ago/yesterday?
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    doubt it possibly can revert once changes are made, not like we have that wayback archives capability.
    Saw the thing in game, cross checked here, Happy Birthday, turning 50:D
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    Thanks Arhan
    Why should I be banned from the IRC now that I am not banned at smogon?Are there any other problems?
    Expert Evan
    Expert Evan
    Haven't really been as active much in IRC lately, check with Nexus.
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