Max. Optimizer
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  • Salut Max!

    Juste passer te dire que j'ai lu ton post sur le thread mental wellness. C'est extrêmement inspirant. Bravo pour ton parcours !
    Et aussi que le projet de trad a de nouveau à sa tête un fr... Moi, en l'occurrence ! :blobuwu:
    Aussi, si jamais tu as du temps, hésites pas à passer sur le discord de trad, même pas nécessairement pour y faire de la trad. Avoir des gens actifs pour juste discuter, en particulier comme toi qui maîtrise plusieurs langues à très haut niveau, c'est toujours d'une aide précieuse :psyglad:
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Merci, c'est très gentil de ta part! Tes mots me font plaisir. Oui, j'ai bien aimé les moments que j'ai vécu avec l'équipe française. Cela a été une expérience unique pour moi. J'aimerais faire quelques traductions, mais je suis vraiment crevé. Peut-être dans l'avenir?
    Bien sûr ! Si tu es intéressé à l'avenir, n'hésites pas à me recontacter. La porte est toujours ouverte :psyglad:
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Greetings, AL. Apologies for not having been chatty recently. I had an awful lot going on but, please, feel free to chat with me if you like.
    ok,wish you all the best. :mad:
    2024 is the year we get a gen 10 announcement and MO can finally move on from gen 9
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I get the distinct impression that Gen 10 will be the same thing as Gen 9, if not worse. Everything is just dumbed down and streamlined these days. All I can hope for is new ribbons and fun multiplayer sessions à la Ogre Ousting and BBQs.
    Hi there, are you still in need of the HA Heavy Mankey you posted about on the Smogon Wifi Discord server a while back?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I am, as a matter of fact. Is there anything I can offer in return for it?
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    I won't need anything, just want to help out! I've got a Jolly 31/31/31/X/31/31 female ready for you, can you ping/DM me on Discord when you want to trade so I'll be sure to see it? :) My 3DS FC is 1693-4472-9274.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Sure thing. Are you sure you don't want anything? You'd be more than welcome to get something from my thread if there's something you want.
    When's the next trade thread update :( I didn't realize it had been so long
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Greetings, zee. How've you been? I hope that things are better on your end. I tried to reach out a while back, but maybe it wasn't the right moment. As for me, I've been on hiatus in an attempt to take care of my mental health and IRL obligations. Things have been an uphill battle ever since the start of this year, but I'll be back in the Wi-Fi business once Gen 9 comes around!
    I just wanted to say that little Litwick image giving a thumbs up is really cute :0
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    It's a picture I found on a Pokémon-themed Discord somewhere.
    I figured I'd use it, given that Litwick and Chandelure are my mascots.
    you're one of the kindest and coolest people on this site and I hope we get to talk more :heart:

    Damn you cgz everyone!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I aim to be supportive towards my fellow contributors (mostly the ones I got to know over time, but also others).
    Amazing :) good job
    you're one of the kindest and coolest people on this site and I hope we get to talk more :heart:
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Oh, I'm just an ordinary person, I assure you.
    You're more than welcome to message me whenever you want!
    Do you have a little brother or something who optimizes just like a little bit
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    No. Why?
    I just feel like going for max optimization is a lot of work and can be a bit of an over design sometimes and cost more than is really necessary
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You're not wrong, but I enjoy myself nonetheless.
    My polymath friend!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Peepood Gee!
    I originally didn't recognize the username. I only realized it was you when I saw your PS! username listed when I randomly browsed your profile.
    haha yeah, I only learned about your Wifi achievements recently, a nice discovery!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    No worries! Thank you for the kind words and the support, it's always appreciated!
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