This is an almost complete battle frontier max stats pkmn database, I´ve gathered this info by writing down all the pkmn I encountered during my endless battle factory open level tries (a few legendaries are missing, they are hard to get since most of them show up after 42 wins, anyone who played factory knows how „easy“ is to get that far lol).
And during my work on the battle factory open level database I found out that the exact same rental pkmn (and only these) are used in all the other buildings (except the brains have special pkmn). addition, there are only 2 EV spreads in the whole BF, 255/255 and 170/170/170, so I could figure out the max stats from my factory database...yes, BF hacks 6*31 DV (IV) pkmn...I´m not sure from which moment on you´ll encounter them, but I think after you get gold – at least in the factory (nevertheless you´ll be prepared for the „worst“ from the start)...
the database:
A, B, C, D, E, F
A = Pokémon
*B = (number) - battle factory help (read NOTE)
C = personality
D = item
E = stats - HP, ATTACK, DEFENSE, SPECIAL ATTACK, SPECIAL DEFENSE, SPEED - like in the pkmn status window
F = moves
*B - tells you in which round/set of battle factory battles u see/meet the pkmn:
(1) = 1-7,
(2) = 8-14,
(3) = 15-21,
(4) = 22-28,
(5) = 29-35 -> you can meet every pkmn from the list at 29+ won´t meet a pkmn(2) in battle 1-7, or a pkmn(3) in 22-28, but you can meet a (1)+(3)+(5) from battle 29 onwards, this applies only for open level factory, in factory lv.50 (1)= 22-28, (2) = 29-35 etc., which means the same movesets as in open level appear from battle 22 and higher, 1-21 are three different sets of „weaker“ pkmn like illumise + not fully evolved pkmn like all the starters (ivysaur, wartortle, charmeleon), I have not included these, because I haven´t played lv.50 enough to get all of them and don´t plan to do so + u shouldn´t have problems to beat them (except maybe some guillotine crawdaunt/kingler hax and stuff like that) -> posted an incomplete lv.50 factory list, it´s in the middle of this page
- gender and trait (ability) are not set for a moveset
...enjoy :D
AERODACTYL (1), adamant, king´s rock, 343,316,166,140,186,338, ancientpower, aerial ace, dragonbreath, roar
AERODACTYL (2), adamant, CB, 343,316,166,140,186,338, hyper beam, earthquake, aerial ace, ancientpower
AERODACTYL (3), hardy, king´s rock, 301,309,166,219,186,296, double-edge, rock slide, fire blast, dragon claw
AERODACTYL (4), hardy, king´s rock, 301,309,166,219,186,296, double-edge, earthquake, fire blast, bite
AGGRON (1), adamant, QC, 344,350,396,140,156,136, iron tail, earthquake, aerial ace, roar
AGGRON (2), adamant, scope lens, 344,350,396,140,156,136, focus punch, earthquake, rock slide, thunder wave
AGGRON (3), modest, brightpowder, 344,230,396,240,156,136, surf, thunder, fire blast, blizzard
AGGRON (4), adamant, QC, 344,350,396,140,156,136, double-edge, earthquake, rock slide, aerial ace
ALAKAZAM (1), modest, focus band, 251,122,189,405,206,276, thunderpunch, fire punch, ice punch, thunder wave
ALAKAZAM (2), modest, lum, 251,122,189,405,206,276, psychic, calm mind, thunder wave, recover
ALAKAZAM (3), modest, CB, 251,122,189,405,206,276, trick, disable, psychic, skill swap
ALAKAZAM (4), modest, brightpowder, 251,122,189,405,206,276, psychic, thunderpunch, fire punch, ice punch
ALTARIA (1), docile, cheri, 354,239,216,176,246,196, dragon claw, aerial ace, refresh, body slam
ALTARIA (2), bold, leftovers, 333,158,283,176,288,196, perish song, dragonbreath, pursuit, attract
ALTARIA (3), adamant, lum, 354,262,216,158,246,196, sing, dragon dance, aerial ace, earthquake
ALTARIA (4), docile, shell bell, 291,239,216,239,246,196, dragon claw, earthquake, flamethrower, ice beam
AMPHAROS (1), relaxed, magnet, 384,186,204,329,216,131, rain dance, thunder, thunder wave, attract
AMPHAROS (2), hardy, brightpowder, 321,249,186,329,216,146,thunderpunch, fire punch, focus punch, thunder wave
AMPHAROS (3), hardy, focus band, 321,249,186,329,216,146, thunderbolt, mega kick, iron tail, brick break
AMPHAROS (4), modest, lum, 321,147,249,361,216,146, thunderbolt, fire punch, thunder wave, reflect
ARCANINE (1), adamant, king´s rock, 321,350,196,212,186,289, flamethrower, extremespeed, crunch, body slam
ARCANINE (2), docile, lum, 321,256,196,299,186,289, fire blast, sunny day, crunch, roar
ARCANINE (3), modest, white herb, 321,230,196,328,186,289, overheat, extremespeed, crunch, aerial ace
ARCANINE (4), docile, white herb, 321,256,196,299,186,289, overheat, extremespeed, crunch, double-edge
ARMALDO (1), adamant, scope lens, 354,383,236,158,196,126, slash, aerial ace, ancientpower, protect
ARMALDO (2), adamant, QC, 354,383,236,158,196,126, iron tail, ancientpower, brick break, knock off
ARMALDO (3), adamant, QC, 354,383,236,158,196,126, earthquake, rock slide, brick break, swords dance
ARMALDO (4), adamant, CB, 354,383,236,158,196,126, double edge, earthquake, aerial ace, rock slide
ARTICUNO (5), modest, lum, 321,185,236,317,286,269, ice beam, water pulse, icy wind, roar
ARTICUNO (5), impish, leftovers, 363,206,305,203,328,206, substitute, toxic, blizzard, double team
ARTICUNO (5), docile, focus band, 321,269,236,289,286,206, blizzard, double-edge, agility, swagger
ARTICUNO (5), chesto, reflect, rest, double-edge, blizzard
BLASTOISE (1), modest, shell bell, 362,181,236,295,246,192, rain dance, hydro pump, bite, seismic toss
BLASTOISE (2), brave, shell bell, 341,268,236,248,246,172, hydro pump, mega kick, brick break, mirror coat
BLASTOISE (3), docile, focus band, 341,244,236,248,246,192, surf, earthquake, ice beam, counter
BLASTOISE (4), docile, focus band, 341,244,236,248,246,192, surf, earthquake, ice beam, mirror coat
BLAZIKEN (1), docile, QC, 301,339,176,319,176,196, flamethrower, sunny day, double kick, roar
BLAZIKEN (2), docile, scope lens, 301,339,176,319,176,196, blaze kick, mega kick, thunderpunch, brick break
BLAZIKEN (3), hardy, salac, 301,339,176,256,176,259, overheat, earthquake, endure, reversal
BLAZIKEN (4), hardy, white herb, 301,339,176,319,176,196, overheat, earthquake, rock slide, thunderpunch
BLISSEY (1), bold, brightpowder, 651,50,130,186,369,146, toxic, double team, sing, softboiled
BLISSEY (2), bold, leftovers, 651,50,130,186,369,146, seismic toss, sing, attract, substitute
BLISSEY (3), bold, focus band, 651,50,130,186,369,146, fire blast, blizzard, calm mind, softboiled
BLISSEY (4), bold, focus band, 651,50,130,186,369,146, ice beam, calm mind, counter, softboiled
BLISSEY, substitute, double team, softboiled, seismic toss
BRELOOM (1), jolly, king´s rock, 261,359,196,140,156,262, sky uppercut, mach punch, headbutt, counter
BRELOOM (2), docile, brightpowder, 261,296,196,219,156,239, giga drain, leech seed, focus punch, spore
BRELOOM (3), adamant, leftovers, 261,394,196,140,156, 239, iron tail, focus punch, attract, spore
BRELOOM (4), adamant, QC, 261,394,196,140,156,239, focus punch, sludge bomb, spore, double team
CHARIZARD (1), modest, focus band, 297,183,192,348,206,299, fire blast, sunny day, roar, scary face
CHARIZARD (2), adamant, brightpowder, 297,293,192,228,206,299, earthquake, aerial ace,dragon dance,smokescreen
CHARIZARD (3), modest, lum, 297,183,192,348,206,299, flamethrower, dragon claw, bite, brick break
CHARIZARD (4), hardy, white herb, 297,246,192,296,206,278, overheat, earthquake, rock slide, aerial ace
CLAYDOL (1), adamant, lum, 324,262,246,158,276,186, earthquake, rock slide, swagger, psych up
CLAYDOL (2), calm, leftovers, 303,158,288,176,349,186, psychic, earthquake, double team, cosmic power
CLAYDOL (3), modest, shell bell, 324,158,246,262,276,186, psychic, ice beam, sunny day, solarbeam
CLAYDOL (4), adamant, focus band, 324,262,246,158,276,186, explosion, psychic, earthquake, shadow ball
CLEFABLE (1), brave, leftovers, 331,193,245,206,279,140, metronome, double team, reflect, follow me
CLEFABLE (2), adamant, focus band, 331,262,245,185,216,156, meteor mash, cosmic power, double team, follow me
CLEFABLE (3), modest, lum, 331,158,245,295,216,156, thunderbolt, ice beam, flamethrower, magical leaf
CLEFABLE (4), docile, focus band, 331,239,245,206,216,156, shadow ball, mega kick, psychic, softboiled
CRADILY (1), relaxed, leftovers, 355,198,299,198,292,109, giga drain, rock slide, barrier, confuse ray
CRADILY (2), adamant, sitrus, 376,287,230,178,250,122, earthquake, ancientpower, swagger, psych up
CRADILY (3), modest, leftovers, 313,178,272,264,292,122, solarbeam, sunny day, substitute, recover
CRADILY (4), bold, leftovers, 355,178,299,198,292,122, ingrain, toxic, mirror coat, giga drain
CROBAT (1), quirky, king´s rock, 353,258,196,218,196,296, sludge bomb, bite, astonish, screech
CROBAT (2), calm, leftovers, 353,194,238,176,261,296, toxic, giga drain, confuse ray, double team
CROBAT (3), adamant, scope lens, 311,306,196,158,196,359, air cutter, double-edge, shadow ball, screech
CROBAT (4), adamant, brightpowder, 311,306,196,158,196,359, sludge bomb, shadow ball, confuse ray, aerial ace
DEWGONG (1), quiet, nevermeltice, 384,176,196,262,226,158, ice beam, icy wind, headbutt, fake out
DEWGONG (2), docile, shell bell, 321,239,196,239,226,176, blizzard, double-edge, encore, disable
DEWGONG (3), bold, chesto, 384,158,284,176,226,176, rest, sleep talk, horn drill, sheer cold
DEWGONG (4), docile, lum, 321,239,196,239,226,176, surf, ice beam, signal beam, sheer cold
DODRIO (1), adamant, chesto, 261,350,176,140,156,299, drill peck, tri attack, rest, sleep talk
DODRIO (2), adamant, king´s rock, 261,350,176,140,156,299, double-edge, drill peck, faint attack, protect
DODRIO (3), adamant, lum, 261,350,176,140,156,299, double-edge, drill peck, steel wing, faint attack
DODRIO (4), adamant, salac, 261,350,176,140,156,299, endure, flail, drill peck, facade
DONPHAN (1), adamant, chesto, 384,372,276,140,156,136, earthquake, ancientpower, swagger, rest
DONPHAN (2), jolly, QC, 321,339,276,140,156,218, earthquake, rock tomb, endure, flail
DONPHAN (3), adamant, QC, 384,372,276,140,156,136, fissure, earthquake, rock slide, secret power
DONPHAN (4), adamant, QC, 384,372,276,140,156,136, fissure, earthquake, rock slide, iron tail
DRAGONITE (4), docile, QC, 386,304,226,299,236,196, earthquake, rain dance, surf, thunder
DRAGONITE (5), docile, lum, 323,367,226,299,236,196, double-edge, thunder wave, outrage, roar
DRAGONITE (5), docile, QC, 386,304,226,299,236,196, earthquake, sunny day, fire blast, blizzard
DRAGONITE (5), modest, shell bell, 323,273,226,328,236,259, dragon claw, thunderbolt, ice beam, surf
DRAGONITE (5), modest, shell bell, 323,273,226,328,236,259, dragon claw, thunderbolt, flamethrower, surf
DRAGONITE (5), chesto berry, dragon dance, hyper beam, thunder wave, rest
DRAGONITE, leftovers, thunder wave, double team, hyper beam
DRAGONITE, adamant, brightpowder, dragon dance, earthquake, brick break, aerial ace
DRAGONITE, modest, shell bell, brick break, dragon claw, flamethrower, ice beam
DUGTRIO (1), adamant, soft sand, 211,284,136,122,176,339, earthquake, tri attack, slash, sand tomb
DUGTRIO (2), adamant, king´s rock, 211,284,136,122,176,339, earthquake, ancientpower, aerial ace, tri attack
DUGTRIO (3), adamant, king´s rock, 211,284,136,122,176,339, earthquake, double-edge, sludge bomb, fissure
DUGTRIO (4), adamant, king´s rock, 211,284,136,122,176,339, earthquake, double-edge, rock slide, fissure
DUSCLOPS (1), impish, leftovers, 263,176,371,140,338,86, will-o-wisp, seismic toss, pain split, confuse ray
DUSCLOPS (2), impish, leftovers, 263,176,371,140,338,86, toxic, confuse ray, double team, protect
DUSCLOPS (3), adamant, leftovers, 263,193,338,140,338,86, psych up, swagger, shadow ball, quake
DUSCLOPS (4), adamant, chesto, 284,262,296,140,296,86, curse, shadow ball, double-edge, rest
ELECTABUZZ (1), relaxed, cheri, 313,202,211,268,206,221, thunderbolt, thunder wave, brick break, light screen
ELECTABUZZ (2), quirky, leftovers, 271,244,150,268,206,288, thunder, rain dance, attract, focus punch
ELECTABUZZ (3), quirky, lum, 271,202,150,289,206,309, thunderbolt, cross chop, ice punch, fire punch
ELECTABUZZ (4), docile, scope lens, 271,265,150,289,206,246, thunderbolt, psychic, mega kick, cross chop
ELECTRODE (1), quiet, focus band, 324,136,176,284,196,284, thunderbolt, swift, light screen, protect
ELECTRODE (2), modest, brightpowder, 303,122,218,215,238,316, rain dance, thunder, double team,swagger
ELECTRODE (3), naughty, liechi, 261,218,176,259,176,316, explosion, thunderbolt, thunder wave, endure
ELECTRODE (4), naughty, lum, 261,218,176,259,176,316, thunderbolt, thunder wave, explosion, mirror coat
ENTEI (4), modest, chesto, 371,239,269,237,249,236, flamethrower, calm mind, roar, rest
ENTEI (5), docile, salac, 371,266,269,216,249,236, endure, fire blast, reflect, double-edge
ENTEI (5), modest, king´s rock, 371,239,206,306,186,299, flamethrower, bite, double team, reflect
ENTEI (5), modest, solarbeam, sunny day, fire blast, reflect
ENTEI (5), modest, chesto, 371,239,206,306,186,299, flamethrower, double team, calm mind, rest
ENTEI, double-edge, flamethrower
ESPEON (1), modest, lum, 271,149,198,325,268,298, psychic, charm, calm mind, baton pass
ESPEON (2), docile, chesto, 271,229,156,296,226,319, psychic, shadow ball, calm mind, rest
ESPEON (3), modest, lum, 271,149,156,394,226,319, psychic, bite, wish, reflect
ESPEON (4), modest, brightpowder, 271,149,156,394,226,319, psychic, bite, attract, calm mind
EXEGGUTOR (1), quiet, QC, 331,226,269,314,229,131, sunny day, solarbeam, synthesis, screen
EXEGGUTOR (2), hardy, chesto, 331,289,206,286,229,146, curse, rest, frustration, sleep powder
EXEGGUTOR (3), hardy, leftovers, 373,226,248,286,208,146, leech seed, giga drain, toxic, explosion
EXEGGUTOR (4), hardy, brightpowder, 331,289,206,349,166,146, psychic, giga drain, sludge bomb, explosion
EXPLOUD (1), impish, chesto, 412,281,178,196,162,172, hyper voice, shadow ball, rest, sleep talk
EXPLOUD (2), quirky, focus band, 349,281,162,281,162,172, sunny day, solarbeam, earthquake, counter
EXPLOUD (3), modest, white herb, 349,196,162,309,162,235, overheat, ice beam, thunderpunch, extrasensory
EXPLOUD (4), hardy, white herb, 349,281,162,281,162,172, mega kick, earthquake, shadow ball, overheat
FEAROW (1), adamant, sharp beak, 271,306,166,142,158,299, drill peck, tri attack, facade, mud slap
FEAROW (2), adamant, focus band, 271,306,166,142,158,299, drill peck, tri attack, attract, pursuit
FEAROW (3), hardy, scope lens, 271,279,166,158,158,299, drill peck, frustration, steel wing, faint attack
FEAROW (4), hardy, lum, 271,279,166,221,158,236, drill peck, double-edge, steel wing, sky attack
FERALIGATR (1), quiet, lum, 353,246,236,259,244,172, surf, rain dance, aerial ace, roar
FERALIGATR (2), sassy, QC, 353,246,236,236,268,172, surf, brick break, dragon claw, scary face
FERALIGATR (3), hardy, scope lens, 353,288,236,236,202,192, hydro pump, crunch, earthquake, rock slide
FERALIGATR (4), hardy, scope lens, 353,288,236,236,202,192, hydro pump, ice beam, earthquake, aerial ace
FLAREON (1), modest, sitrus, 271,266,219,317,256,166, flamethrower, roar, bite, sand-attack
FLAREON (2), relaxed, QC, 313,296,217,226,298,149, curse, attract, double-edge, shadow ball
FLAREON (3), jolly, QC, 271,359,156,203,256,251, overheat, endure, flail, shadow ball
FLAREON (4), quiet, QC, 271,359,156,317,256,149, shadow ball, double-edge, overheat, sunny day
FLYGON (1), adamant, brightpowder, 301,328,196,176,196,299, earthquake, steel wing, faint attack, facade
FLYGON (2), modest, brightpowder, 301,212,196,284,196,299, sunny day, solarbeam, fire blast, crunch
FLYGON (3), hardy, scope lens, 301,278,196,238,196,278, earthquake, dragon claw, flamethrower, giga drain
FLYGON (4), hardy, scope lens, 301,278,196,238,196,278, earthquake, dragon claw, double-edge, crunch
FORRETRESS (1), adamant, focus band, 291,306,316,140,219,116, double-edge, rock slide, light screen, spikes
FORRETRESS (2), adamant, lum, 291,306,316,140,219,116, earthquake, double-edge, counter, protect
FORRETRESS (3), quiet, focus band, 291,258,316,217,198,104, explosion, earthquake, giga drain, zap cannon
FORRETRESS (4), adamant, QC, 291,306,316,140,219,116, explosion, earthquake, rock slide, double-edge
GARDEVOIR (1), timid, leftovers, 319,149,208,286,266,261, hypnosis, dream eater, magical leaf, reflect
GARDEVOIR (2), modest, chesto, 340,149,229,314,266,196, psychic, calm mind, double team, rest
GARDEVOIR (3), modest, lum, 277,149,166,383,266,259, psychic, ice punch, fire punch, magical leaf
GARDEVOIR (4), modest, brightpowder, 277,149,166,383,266,259, psychic, ice punch, fire punch, thunderbolt
GARDEVOIR (5), bold, QC, 319,149,228,286,308,196, psychic, calm mind, will-o-wisp, destiny bond
GARDEVOIR (5), psychic, thunderbolt, will-o-wisp, destiny bond
GARDEVOIR (5), modest, brightpowder, 277,149,166,383,266,259, psychic, magical leaf, attract, double team
GARDEVOIR (5), docile, salac,319,166,208,286,266,238, psychic, shadow ball, endure, destiny bond
GENGAR (1), timid, leftovers, 303,149,156,338,186,327, hypnosis, dream eater, confuse ray, attract
GENGAR (2), adamant, leftovers, 261,251,156,266,186,319, sludge bomb, shadow ball, confuse ray, will-o-wisp
GENGAR (3), modest, QC, 261,149,156,394,186,319, psychic, thunderbolt, giga drain, skill swap
GENGAR (4), modest, lum, 261,149,156,394,186,319, psychic, fire punch, ice punch, destiny bond
GENGAR (5), modest, lum, 261,149,156,394,186,319, psychic, thunderbolt, fire punch, destiny bond
GENGAR (5), modest, brightpowder, 261,149,156,394,186,319, psychic, thunderbolt, fire punch, shadowball
GENGAR, thunderbolt, ice punch, psychic, destiny bond
GLALIE (1), modest, petaya, 364,176,196,284,196,196, ice beam, crunch, hail, protect
GLALIE (2), quirky, salac, 301,259,196,196,196,259, explosion, endure, body slam, icy wind
GLALIE (3), hardy, shell bell, 301,238,196,238,196,238, blizzard, earthquake, double-edge, shadow ball
GLALIE (4), hardy, leftovers, 343,238,196,238,196,196, ice beam, crunch, earthquake, shadow ball
GOLEM (1), adamant, QC, 301,350,296,131,229,126, earthquake, body slam, counter, rock tomb
GOLEM (2), adamant, chesto, 364,350,296,131,166,126, double team, focus punch, substitute, rest
GOLEM (3), adamant, QC, 301,350,296,131,229,126, explosion, earthquake, flamethrower, brick break
GOLEM (4), adamant, QC, 301,350,296,131,229,126, explosion, earthquake, rock slide, double-edge
GOLDUCK (1), quiet, shell bell, 301,263,192,317,196,185, hydro pump, dig, brick break, light screen
GOLDUCK (2), quirky, lum, 301,242,192,268,196,248, swagger, psych up, cross chop, surf
GOLDUCK (3), docile, shell bell, 301,263,192,287,196,206, hydro pump, cross chop, protect, blizzard
GOLDUCK (4), docile, scope lens, 301,263,192,226,196,269, surf, ice beam, cross chop, aerial ace
GRANBULL (1), adamant, cheri, 384,372,186,140,156,126, mega kick, smellingsalt, thunder wave, roar
GRANBULL (2), quiet, white herb, 321,276,186,240,219,113, overheat, thunderbolt, ice punch, facade
GRANBULL (3), adamant, QC, 384,372,186,140,156,126, double-edge, earthquake, sludge bomb, rock slide
GRANBULL (4), brave, CB, 321,372,186,219,156,113, mega kick, earthquake, crunch, shadow ball
GYARADOS (1), careful, lum, 394,286,194,140,328,198, frustration, bite, thunder wave, dragon dance
GYARADOS (2), modest, shell bell, 331,257,194,240,236,261, hydro pump, thunderbolt, blizzard, fire blast
GYARADOS (3), quirky, QC, 331,349,194,219,236,198, surf, rain dance, thunder, earthquake
GYARADOS (4), adamant, chesto, 373,314,236,140,278,198, frustration, earthquake, dragon dance, rest
HARIYAMA (1), adamant, focus band, 471,303,198,104,198,136, cross chop, rock slide, counter, fake out
HARIYAMA (2), quiet, QC, 429,339,156,196,156,122, cross chop, fire punch, ice punch, thunderpunch
HARIYAMA (3), adamant, QC, 492,372,156,104,156,136, cross chop, earthquake, rock slide, facade
HARIYAMA (4), adamant, scope lens, 492,372,156,104,156,136, cross chop, earthquake, rock slide, fake out
HERACROSS (1), adamant, focus band, 301,383,249,104,226,206, megahorn, brick break, rock tomb, counter
HERACROSS (2), jolly, lum, 364,286,186,104,226,295, megahorn, earthquake, attract, bulk up
HERACROSS (3), adamant, brightpowder, 301,383,186,104,226,269, megahorn, earthquake, rock slide, brick break
HERACROSS (4), adamant, salac, 301,383,186,104,226,269, megahorn, earthquake, endure, reversal
HOUNDOOM (1), quirky, focus band, 291,258,136,298,196,268, flamethrower, shadow ball, counter, will-o-wisp
HOUNDOOM (2), modest, lum, 291,194,136,350,196,289, fire blast, crunch, roar, rest
HOUNDOOM (3), quirky, white herb, 291,279,136,256,196,289, overheat, shadow ball, sludge bomb, double-edge
HOUNDOOM (4), modest, white herb, 291,194,136,350,196,289, sunny day, solarbeam, overheat, crunch
HYPNO (1), quiet, twistedspoon, 311,182,239,269,266,152, thunderpunch, fire punch, ice punch, hypnosis
HYPNO (2), modest, twistedspoon, 311,163,239,200,329,170, hypnosis, dream eater, psychic, nightmare
HYPNO (3), adamant, lum, 374,269,176,163,266,170, shadow ball, swagger, mega kick, psych up
HYPNO (4), psychic, ice punch, thunderpunch, fire punch
JOLTEON (1), modest, cheri, 271,149,156,350,226,359, thunderbolt, thunder wave, attract, protect
JOLTEON (2), hardy, scope lens, 271,229,156,316,226,296, thunderbolt, dig, double kick, roar
JOLTEON (3), bold, brightpowder, 313,149,217,256,268,296, thunderbolt, thunder wave, agility, baton pass
JOLTEON (4), timid, king´s rock, 271,149,156,319,226,394, thunderbolt, thunder wave, bite, shadow ball
JYNX (1), modest, shell bell, 334,122,106,361,226,226, ice beam, fake out, lovely kiss, attract
JYNX (2), impish, brightpowder, 334,136,185,239,226,226, perish song, mean look, lovely kiss, protect
JYNX (3), hardy, QC, 334,136,169,266,226,226, lovely kiss, dream eater, attract, substitute
JYNX (4), modest, lum, 334,122,106,361,226,226, psychic, ice beam, fake tears, lovely kiss
KANGASKHAN (1), adamant, focus band, 414,317,196,104,196,216, dizzy punch, brick break, counter, fake out
KANGASKHAN (2), adamant, lum, 414,317,196,104,196,216, crush claw, shadow ball, attract, rest
KANGASKHAN (3), jolly, salac, 351,289,196,104,196,306, endure, reversal, thunderbolt, earthquake
KANGASKHAN (4), adamant, brightpowder, 351,317,196,104,196,279, mega kick, earthquake, aerial ace, shadow ball
KINGDRA (1), modest, lum, 354,203,226,317,226,206, hydro pump, dragonbreath, icy wind, attract
KINGDRA (2), modest, chesto, 333,203,268,248,268,206, surf, ice beam, dragonbreath, rest
KINGDRA (3), adamant, salac, 333, 248,268,203,268,206, endure, flail, dragon dance, hydro pump
KINGDRA (4), hardy, chesto, 333,226,268,226,268,206, double-edge, ice beam, dragon dance, rest
KINGDRA (5), dragon dance, double-edge, smokescreen
LANTURN (1), quiet, cheri, 391,152,215,276,188,152, surf, confuse ray, attract, thunder wave
LANTURN (2), docile, salac, 391,215,152,251,188,170, endure, flail, thunderbolt, surf
LANTURN (3), modest, brightpowder, 391,136,152,276,188,233, rain dance, thunder, hydro pump, confuse ray
LANTURN (4), modest, lum, 391,136,152,276,188,233, surf, thunderbolt, ice beam, confuse ray
LAPRAS (1), bold, leftovers, 401,185,284,206,289,156, surf, attract, confuse ray, sing
LAPRAS (2), timid, QC, 401,185,196,269,226,240, surf, ice beam, body slam, roar
LAPRAS (3), docile, brightpowder, 443,206,238,206,268,156, double-edge, psychic, confuse ray, dragon dance
LAPRAS (4), modest, lum, 464,185,196,295,226,156, surf, ice beam, thunderbolt, psychic
LAPRAS (5), calm, leppa, 443,185,238,206,294,156, rest, sleep talk, sheer cold, horn drill
LAPRAS (5), rain dance, hydro pump, blizzard, thunder
LAPRAS (5), docile, shell bell, 401,269,196,269,226,156, iron tail, psychic, thunderbolt, double edge
LATIAS (4), modest, brightpowder, 343,176,258,281,338,256, dragon claw, thunder wave, calm mind, recover
LATIAS (4), docile, leftovers, 343,238,216,298,296,256, mist ball, shadow ball, charm, reflect
LATIAS (5), adamant, leftovers, 364,215,279,230,296,256, earthquake, shadow ball, psych up, swagger
LATIAS (5), modest, shell bell, 336,176,216,350,296,256, mist ball, dragon claw, attract, thunder wave
LATIAS (5), modest, lum, 336,176,216,350,296,256, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, dragon claw
LATIAS (5), docile, king´s rock, 301,238,216,298,296,298, psychic, shadow ball, earthquake, aerial ace
LATIAS (5), docile, focus band, 301,259,216,319,296,256, dragon claw, thunderbolt, ice beam, earthquake
LATIAS (5), docile, QC, 301,259,216,319,296,256, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, earthquake
LATIOS (5), modest, calm mind, dragon claw, thunderwave
LATIOS (5), docile, shell bell, 301,279,196,359,256,256, luster purge, dragon claw, shadow ball, thunder wave
LATIOS (5), docile, focus band, 301,279,196,359,256,256, dragon claw, thunderbolt, ice beam, earthquake
LATIOS (5), docile, QC, 301,279,196,359,256,256, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, earthquake
LATIOS (5), hardy, shadowball, earthquake, psychic, aerial ace
LATIOS (5), luster purge, ice beam, thunderbolt
LATIOS (5), adamant, brightpowder, 364,237,259,266,256,256, earthquake, shadow ball, dragon dance, recover
LUDICOLO (1), quiet, shell bell, 343,176,218,283,236,158, rain dance, surf, thunderpunch, fire punch
LUDICOLO (2), modest, shell bell, 364,158,176,306,236,176, surf, ice beam, thunderpunch, fire punch
LUDICOLO (3), bold, leftovers, 343,158,239,216,278,176, leech seed, rain dance, double team, giga drain
LUDICOLO (4), bold, leftovers, 343,158,239,216,278,176, leech seed, rain dance, double team, toxic
MACHAMP (1), adamant, scope lens, 384,394,196,149,206,146, cross chop, rock tomb, counter, scary face
MACHAMP (2), adamant, chesto, 363,325,238,149,248,146, cross chop, earthquake, bulk up, rest
MACHAMP (3), hardy, QC, 321,359,196,229,206,146, cross chop, fire blast, thunderpunch, ice punch
MACHAMP (4), hardy, scope lens, 321,359,196,229,206,146, cross chop, earthquake, rock slide, flamethrower
MACHAMP (5), adamant, focus band, 384,394,196,149,206,146, revenge, rock slide, facade, counter
MACHAMP (5), double team, focus punch
MAGMAR (1), relaxed, rawst, 313,226,211,278,206,199, flamethrower, smokescreen, brick break, barrier
MAGMAR (2), modest, QC, 271,203,150,328,206,285, fire blast, smokescreen, confuse ray, thunderpunch
MAGMAR (3), impish, scope lens, 271,289,234,212,206,222, mega kick, cross chop, iron tail, counter
MAGMAR (4), docile, scope lens, 334,226,213,236,206,222, flamethrower, psychic, cross chop, confuse ray
MANECTRIC (1), modest, magnet, 281,167,156,339,156,309, thunderbolt, flash, quick attack, roar
MANECTRIC (2), modest, petaya, 281,167,156,339,156,309, thunder, rain dance, crunch, roar
MANECTRIC (3), quirky, lum, 281,186,156,309,156,309, thunderbolt, iron tail, thunder wave, roar
MANECTRIC (4), modest, lum, 281,167,156,339,156,309, thunderbolt, crunch, thunder wave, roar
MAROWAK (1), adamant, club, 324,284,256,122,196,126, bonemerang, rock slide, icy wind, headbutt
MAROWAK (2), adamant, club, 261,284,256,122,196,189, earthquake, rock slide, swords dance, icy wind
MAROWAK (3), adamant, club, 261,284,256,122,196,189, earthquake, rock slide, swords dance, brick break
MAROWAK (4), adamant, club, 261,284,256,122,196,189, earthquake, rock slide, swords dance, mega kick
MEDICHAM (1), docile, focus band, 261,219,186,156,186,259, psychic, hi jump kick, calm mind, baton pass
MEDICHAM (2), hardy, salac, 261,219,186,156,186,259, endure, reversal, psychic, fake out
MEDICHAM (3), hardy, scope lens, 261,156,186,219,186,259, dynamicpunch, thunderpunch, ice punch, fire punch
MEDICHAM (4), hardy, lum, 261,219,186,219,186,196, mega kick, psychic, shadow ball, rock slide
MEGANIUM (1), modest, brightpowder, 364,179,236,291,236,196, sunnybeam, synth., screen
MEGANIUM (2), calm, leftovers, 343,179,278,202,305,196, leech seed, substitute, double team, grasswhistle
MEGANIUM (3), jolly, salac, 301,263,236,181,236,284, earthquake, endure, flail, giga drain
MEGANIUM (4), hardy, brightpowder, 343,242,236,244,236,196, giga drain, earthquake, ancientpower, body slam
METAGROSS (1), adamant, leftovers, 301,382,296,203,258,218, meteor mash, aerial ace, facade, light screen
METAGROSS (2), adamant, lum, 343,336,296,203,258,218, meteor mash, earthquake, swagger, psych up
METAGROSS (3), adamant, chesto, 343,382,296,203,216,218, meteor mash, earthquake, double team, rest
METAGROSS (4), hardy, QC, 301,369,296,289,216,176, meteor mash, psychic, earthquake, shadow ball
METAGROSS (5), jolly, QC, 343,348,296,203,216,239, brick break, earthquake, rock slide, explosion
METAGROSS (5), hardy, brightpowder, 301,369,296,289,216,176, meteor mash, psychic, ice punch, thunderpunch
METAGROSS (5) ice punch, thunderpunch, aerial ace, earthquake
METAGROSS (5), meteor mash, explosion
MILOTIC (1), modest, lum, 373,140,236,305,286,198, hydro pump, icy wind, recover, mirror coat
MILOTIC (2), modest, focus band, 394,140,194,328,286,198, surf, ice beam, safeguard, mirror coat
MILOTIC (3), bold, leftovers, 373,140,259,236,328,198, surf, blizzard, attract, recover
MILOTIC (4), modest, leftovers, 331,140,236,305,328,198, surf, ice beam, recover, mirror coat
MILTANK (1), careful, focus band, 373,196,288,104,239,236, facade, shadow ball, counter, milk drink
MILTANK (2), careful, leftovers, 373,238,246,104,239,236, focus punch, shadow ball, attract, thunder wave
MILTANK (3), adamant, salac, 331,284,246,104,239,236, endure, reversal, earthquake, shadow ball
MILTANK (4), adamant, lum, 331,284,246,104,239,236, curse, double team, double-edge, milk drink
MISDREAVUS (1), impish, focus band, 324,156,240,185,206,206, pain split, shadow ball, confuse ray, thunder wave
MISDREAVUS (2), bold, leftovers, 261,140,240,269,206,206, psychic, attract, thunder wave, confuse ray
MISDREAVUS (3), bold, brightpowder, 324,140,240,206,206,206, mean look, perish song, thunder wave, confuse ray
MISDREAVUS (4), timid, lum, 261,140,156,269,206,295, destiny bond, psychic, shadow ball, thunderbolt
MOLTRES (5), docile, white herb, 321,236,216,349,206,279, sunny day, overheat, swagger, facade
MOLTRES (5), docile, lum, 321,299,216,349,206,216, flamethrower, aerial ace, mud-slap, roar
MOLTRES (5), docile, white herb, 321,299,216,349,206,216, aerial ace, protect, double team, overheat
MOLTRES (5), white herb, overheat, double-edge, steel wing, safeguard
MOLTRES, fire blast, double team, sunny day
MR.MIME (1), relaxed, leftovers, 284,126,251,236,276,194, psychic, magical leaf, fake out, reflect
MR.MIME (2), adamant, liechi, 263,138,208,212,318,216, baton pass, swagger, psych up, psychic
MR.MIME (3), modest, CB, 284,113,166,328,276,216, trick, torment, psychic, thunderbolt
MR.MIME (4), modest, brightpowder, 284,113,166,328,276,216, psychic, thunderbolt, ice punch, fire punch
MUK (1), adamant, poison barb, 414,339,186,149,236,136, sludge bomb, body slam, screech, minimize
MUK (2), hardy, chesto, 351,309,249,166,236,136, curse, rest, sludge bomb, dynamicpunch
MUK (3), quiet, lum, 351,246,249,251,236,122, sludge bomb, thunderbolt, flamethrower, ice punch
MUK (4), brave, QC, 351,339,249,166,236,122, sludge bomb, brick break, giga drain, explosion
NIDOKING (1), adamant, QC, 366,311,190,185,186,206, horn drill, double kick, body slam, counter
NIDOKING (2), adamant, shell bell, 366,311,190,185,186,206, mega kick, earthquake, shadow ball, brick break
NIDOKING (3), modest, leppa, 366,197,190,295,186,206, horn drill, fire blast, blizzard, surf
NIDOKING (4), docile, lum, 303,283,190,269,186,206, megahorn, sludge bomb, earthquake, thunder
NIDOQUEEN (1), adamant, focus band, 384,289,210,167,206,188, sludge bomb, double kick, body slam, counter
NIDOQUEEN (2), adamant, shell bell, 384,289,210,167,206,188, double-edge, earthquake, aerial ace, rock slide
NIDOQUEEN (3), modest, lum, 384,179,210,273,206,188, thunderbolt, ice beam, thunder, crunch
NIDOQUEEN (4), adamant, white herb, 384,289,210,167,206,188, superpower, earthquake, sludge bomb, shadow ball
NINETALES (1), modest, rawst, 287,169,186,287,236,299, flamethrower, roar, confuse ray, will-o-wisp
NINETALES (2), quirky, lum, 287,188,186,261,236,299, body slam, grudge, sunny day, heat wave
NINETALES (3), quirky, brightpowder, 287,188,186,261,236,299, fire blast, iron tail, confuse ray, attract
NINETALES (4), quirky, white herb, 287,188,186,261,236,299, overheat, double-edge, confuse ray, will-o-wisp
PORYGON2 (1), adamant, leftovers, 376,284,216,221,226,156, tri attack, shadow ball, aerial ace, recover
PORYGON2 (2), modest, lum, 374,176,216,339,226,156, sunny day, solarbeam, thunder wave, recover
PORYGON2 (3), modest, lum, 374,176,216,339,226,156, psychic, tri attack, thunder wave, recover
PORYGON2 (4), modest, brightpowder, 374,176,216,339,226,156, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, recover
QUAGSIRE (1), adamant, focus band, 331,295,206,149,229,106, earthquake, brick break, counter, mud-slap
QUAGSIRE (2), sassy, leftovers, 331,206,269,166,251,95, curse, attract, yawn, ancientpower
QUAGSIRE (3), adamant, QC, 331,295,206,149,229,106, earthquake, double-edge, sludge bomb, curse
QUAGSIRE (4), sassy, leftovers, 331,248,206,208,228,95, surf, earthquake, ice beam, amnesia
QUAGSIRE, leftovers, curse, yawn, earthquake
RAICHU (1), modest, brightpowder, 261,194,188,283,196,278, thunderbolt, quick attack, light screen, double team
RAICHU (2), adamant, lum, 261,306,146,194,196,299, thunderbolt, endure, reversal, agility
RAICHU (3), docile, cheri, 261,216,146,279,196,299, thunder, rain dance, iron tail, attract
RAICHU (4), thunderbolt, protect, thunder wave, mega kick
RAIKOU (5), modest, chesto, 384,185,249,292,236,266, thunderbolt, calm mind, substitute, rest
RAIKOU (5), modest, lum, 321,185,186,361,236,329, thunderbolt, thunder wave, bite, reflect
RAIKOU (5), modest, brightpowder, 321,185,186,361,236,329, thunderbolt, double-edge, roar, reflect
RAIKOU, double team, thunder
RAIKOU, modest, chesto, thunderbolt, calm mind, thunder wave, rest
RAPIDASH (1), quiet, charcoal, 271,236,176,284,196,278, flamethrower, double kick, quick attack, protect
RAPIDASH (2), docile, leftovers, 271,278,176,238,196,288, fire blast, bounce, double team, attract
RAPIDASH (3), modest, white herb, 313,212,176,261,196,288, overheat, solarbeam, sunny day, hypnosis
RAPIDASH (4), docile, white herb, 271,278,176,238,169,288, overheat, double-edge, iron tail, double kick
REGICE (4), brave, leftovers, 343,149,278,278,436,122, curse, earthquake, ice beam, counter
REGICE (5), bold, leftovers, 364,122,328,236,436,136, ice beam, hail, double team, thunder wave
REGICE (5), modest, chesto, 364,122,236,328,436,136, thunderbolt, ice beam, rest, sleep talk
REGICE (5), quiet, brightpowder, 364,136,236,328,436,122, thunder, rain dance, blizzard, brick break
REGICE, amnesia, ice beam, rest, thunder wave
REGICE (5), modest, chesto berry, 364,122,236,298,436,136, ice beam, thunderbolt, amnesia, rest
REGIROCK (5), double team, focus punch,
REGIROCK (5), adamant, brightpowder, 364,259,436,122,299,136, swagger, psych up, rock slide, explosion
REGIROCK (5), adamant, chesto, 364,259,436,122,299,136, earthquake, rock slide, curse, rest
REGIROCK (5), adamant, quick claw, 364,328,436,122,236,136, hyper beam, focus punch, rock slide, double team
REGIROCK (5), counter, rock slide, ?explosion?
REGIROCK (5), careful, leftovers, 343, 278, 436, 122, 305, 136, rock slide, brick break, double team, thunder wave
REGISTEEL (5), adamant, QC, 343, 204,378,167,378,136, ancientpower, amnesia, counter, explosion
REGISTEEL (5), chesto, curse, amnesia, rest, metal claw
REGISTEEL, substitute, focus punch, double team, toxic
REGISTEEL (5), brightpowder, ice punch, thunderbolt, earthquake, aerial ace
REGISTEEL (5), adamant, white herb, 343,204,378,167,378,136, superpower, aerial ace, swagger, psych up
REGISTEEL (5), leftovers, thunder wave, double team, ancientpower, earthquake
RHYDON (1), adamant, QC, 393,371,276,113,168,116, earthquake, rock tomb, scary face, brick break
RHYDON (2), adamant, QC, 351,394,276,113,189,116, earthquake, horn drill, rock slide, brick break
RHYDON (3), adamant, QC, 414,394,276,113,126,116, earthquake, megahorn, crush claw, horn drill
RHYDON (4), adamant, QC, 414,394,276,113,126,116, earthquake, megahorn, rock slide, horn drill
SALAMENCE (1), hardy, king´s rock, 331,369,196,256,196,299, dragon claw, aerial ace, headbutt, rock slide
SALAMENCE (2), hardy, leftovers, 331,348,196,298,176,278, double-edge, crunch, swagger, protect
SALAMENCE (3), hardy, salac, 331,369,196,319,196,236, double-edge, earthquake, crunch, endure
SALAMENCE (4), adamant, brightpowder, 394,405,196,230,196,236,dragon dance, aerial ace, earthquake, double-edge
SALAMENCE (5), modest, leftovers, 331,275,196,350,196,299, flamethrower, crunch, dragon claw, attract
SALAMENCE (5), hardy, lum, 373,306,238,256,238,236, headbutt, aerial ace, crunch, dragon dance
SALAMENCE (5), dragon dance, rock slide
SALAMENCE (5), lum, flamethrower, brick break
SCEPTILE (1), modest, leftovers, 281,185,166,339,206,339, leaf blade, leech seed, aerial, detect
SCEPTILE (2), modest, lum, 281,185,166,339,206,339, leaf blade, thunderpunch, attract, double team
SCEPTLIE (3), docile, scope lens, 281,248,166,288,206,318, leaf blade, earthquake, crush claw, aerial ace
SCEPTILE (4), modest, brightpowder, 281,185,166,339,206,339, leaf blade, dragon claw, crunch, thunderpunch
SCIZOR (1), adamant, focus band, 281,394,236,131,259,166, metal claw, aerial ace, counter, quick attack
SCIZOR (2), adamant, QC, 281,394,236,131,259,166, silver wind, steel wing, swords dance, ligh screen
SCIZOR (3), careful, focus band, 281,359,236,131,284,166, endure, reversal, agility, slash
SCIZOR (4), careful, brightpowder, 344,296,236,131,284,166, swords dance, agility, baton pass, silver wind
SHIFTRY (1), quiet, miracle seed, 321,236,198,283,198,176, giga drain, faint attack, quick attack, fake out
SHIFTRY (2), impish, chesto, 321,236,240,194,219,196, leech seed, dig, double team, rest
SHIFTRY (3), quirky, focus band, 321,299,156,279,156,196, sunny day, solarbeam, synthesis, explosion
SHIFTRY (4), hardy, focus band, 321,299,156,279,156,196, explosion, giga drain, mega kick, fake out
SHUCKLE (1), brave, chesto, 181,61,559,56,559,41, rollout, defense curl, rest, sleep talk
SHUCKLE (2), careful, leftovers, 181,56,559,50,614,46, sandstorm, dig, flash, double team
SHUCKLE (3), careful, leftovers, 181,56,559,50,614,46, substitute, toxic, attract, double team
SHUCKLE (4), careful, chesto, 181,56,559,50,614,46, toxic, wrap, double team, rest
SKARMORY (1), adamant, scope lens, 313,261,316,104,218,176, steel wing, air cutter, counter, agility
SKARMORY (2), careful, brightpowder, 313,238,316,104,239,176, spikes, roar, drill peck, toxic
SKARMORY (3), careful, chesto, 334,196,316,104,262,176, curse, rest, toxic, fly
SKARMORY (4), adamant, QC, 334,284,316,104,176,176, drill peck, steel wing, counter, rock slide
SLAKING (1), adamant, scope lens, 483,391,278,203,208,236, yawn, bulk up, swagger, aerial ace
SLAKING (2), adamant, leftovers, 441,391,299,203,229,236, mega kick, shadow ball, yawn, amnesia
SLAKING (3), admant, CB, 441,391,299,203,229,236, earthquake, shadow ball, aerial ace, brick break
SLAKING (4), modest, lum, 441,320,236,317,229,236, thunderbolt, ice beam, flamethrower, yawn
SLOWBRO (1), quiet, shell bell, 394,186,256,259,259,86, surf, rain dance, headbutt, ice punch
SLOWBRO (2), modest, leftovers, 331,224,256,259,259,96, surf, ice beam, calm mind, yawn
SLOWBRO (3), quiet, QC, 331,186,256,328,259,86, surf, psychic, shadow ball, attract
SLOWBRO (4), sassy, QC, 331,186,256,299,284,86, surf, psychic, earthquake, ice beam
SLOWKING (1), quiet, leftovers, 394,186,259,259,256,86, psychic, brick break, amnesia, attract
SLOWKING (2), modest, shell bell, 331,167,259,328,256,96, yawn, thunder wave, surf, psychic
SLOWKING (3), quiet, QC, 331,228,238,305,256,86, psychic, surf, ice beam, earthquake
SLOWKING (4), modest, QC, 331,167,259,328,256,96, psychic, surf, ice beam, flamethrower
SNORLAX (1), adamant, leftovers, 461,350,229,149,256,96, facade, shadow ball, attract, double team
SNORLAX (2), adamant, chesto, 503,281,208,149,298,96, earthquake, rock slide, curse, rest
SNORLAX (3), adamant, QC, 461,281,229,149,319,96, mega kick, shadow ball, swagger, psych up
SNORLAX (4), adamant, QC, 461,350,229,149,256,96, double-edge, shadow ball, curse, brick break
SNORLAX (5), adamant, chesto, 503,281,208,149,298,96, frustration, shadow ball, rest, belly drum
SNORLAX (5), counter, shadow ball, brick break, earthquake
SNORLAX (5), return, shadowball
STARMIE (1), modest, shell bell, 324,167,206,328,206,266, psychic, confuse ray, thunder wave, recover
STARMIE (2), modest, shell bell, 303,167,248,259,248,266, rain dance, hydro pump, thunder, recover
STARMIE (3), modest, lum, 261,167,206,328,206,329, surf, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam
STARMIE (4), modest, lum, 261,167,206,328,206,329, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, recover
STARMIE (5), modest, lum, cosmic power, psychic, ice beam, recover
STARMIE (5), modest, lum, cosmic power, surf, thunderbolt, recover
STARMIE (5), leftovers, surf, thunder wave, confuse ray
STEELIX (1), adamant, sitrus, 291,295,436,131,229,96, earthquake, dragonbreath, rock tomb, roar
STEELIX (2), hardy, leftovers, 291,269,436,146,229,96, earthquake, dragonbreath, sandstorm, block
STEELIX (3), adamant, 291,295,436,131,229,96, earthquake, body slam, rock slide, explosion
STEELIX (4), adamant, QC, 291,295,436,131,229,96, earthquake, iron tail, double-edge, explosion
SUICUNE (5), calm, leftovers, 383,176,308,216,338,206, toxic, dive, double team, protect
SUICUNE (5), modest, lum, 404,167,266,306,266,206, calm mind, surf, ice beam, icy wind
SUICUNE (5), modest, chesto, 383,167,308,237,308,236, calm mind, surf, ice beam, rest
SUICUNE (5), modest, brightpowder, 341,167,266,306,266,269, surf, ice beam, bite, reflect
SUICUNE (5), modest, chesto, 341,167,266,306,266,269, surf, double team, calm mind, rest
SWAMPERT (1), adamant, lum, 383,281,258,185,258,156, earthquake, counter, curse, rest
SWAMPERT (2), docile, QC, 383, 256,258,206,258,156, surf, earthquake, counter, mirror coat
SWAMPERT (3), brave, shell bell, 341,350,216,269,216,140, surf, ice beam, earthquake, counter
SWAMPERT (4), quiet, shell bell, 341,319,216,295,216,140, surf, ice beam, earthquake, mirror coat
TAUROS (1), adamant, persim, 291,328,226,104,176,319, earthquake, thrash, swagger, facade
TAUROS (2), adamant, chesto, 354,328,226,104,176,256, double-edge, earthquake, double team, rest
TAUROS (3), docile, leftovers, 291,299,226,179,176,256, double-edge, earthquake, flamethrower, ice beam
TAUROS (4), docile, brightpowder, 291,299,226,179,176,256, double-edge, rock tomb, surf, thunderbolt
TENTACRUEL (1), impish, persim, 301,239,251,176,276,236, sludge bomb, icy wind, barrier, confuse ray
TENTACRUEL (2), hardy, leftovers, 343,176,208,238,276,236, toxic, giga drain, confuse ray, surf
TENTACRUEL (3), modest, shell bell, 301,158,208,261,276,278, surf, giga drain, ice beam, mirror coat
TENTACRUEL (4), quirky, shell bell, 301,218,208,238,276,236, hydro pump, sludge bomb, ice beam, mirror coat
TYPHLOSION (1), modest, focus band, 297,183,192,348,206,299, sunny day, fire blast, smokescreen, roar
TYPHLOSION (2), hardy, scope lens, 297,246,192,296,206,278, flamethrower, thunderpunch, aerial ace, rock slide
TYPHLOSION (3), adamant, salac, 297,293,192,228,206,299, earthquake, overheat, endure, reversal
TYPHLOSION (4), hardy, white herb, 297,246,192,296,206,278, overheat, earthquake, thunderpunch, crush claw
TYRANITAR (4), hardy, brightpowder, 341,367,256,289,236,158, earthquake, aerial ace, thunderbolt, surf
TYRANITAR (5), hardy, brightpowder, 341,367,256,289,236,158, earthquake, rock slide, crunch, thunderbolt
TYRANITAR (5), adamant, lum, 383,334,298,203,278,158, dragon dance, thunder wave, rock slide, rest
TYRANITAR (5), adamant, chesto, 383,334,298,203,278,158, earthquake, rock slide, curse, rest
TYRANITAR (5), modest, QC, 404,273,256,317,236,158, crunch, thunderbolt, ice beam, flamethrower
TYRANITAR (5), adamant, focus band, 383,334,298,203,278,158, earthquake, rock slide, counter, dragon dance
TYRANITAR (5), quick claw, curse, rock slide, brick break
TYRANITAR (5), hardy, quick claw, 341,367,256,289,236,158, crunch, aerial ace, earthquake, attract
TYRANITAR, chesto, rock slide, earthquake, dragon dance, rest
UMBREON (1), bold, brightpowder, 373,149,327,156,338,166, confuse ray, faint attack, double team, baton pass
UMBREON (2), adamant, leftovers, 373,228,256,140,338,166, curse, screech, double team, double-edge
UMBREON (3), bold, brightpowder, 373,149,327,156,338,166, swagger, psych up, attract, shadow ball
UMBREON (4), bold, leftovers, 373,149,327,156,338,166, double team, toxic, confuse ray, faint attack
URSARING (1), docile, QC, 363,338,186,228,186,146, mega kick, crunch, aerial ace, counter
URSARING (2), adamant, QC, 384,394,186,167,186,146, double-edge, earthquake, brick break, counter
URSARING (3), modest, lum, 363,266,186,250,186,188, thunderpunch, fire punch, ice punch, crunch
URSARING (4), adamant, brightpowder, 384,394,186,167,186,146, double-edge, earthquake, rock slide, aerial ace
URSARING (5), docile, QC, 363,338,186,228,186,146, facade, earthquake, crunch, bulk up
VAPOREON (1), modest, mystic water, 401,149,198,327,268,166, surf, roar, bite, quick attack
VAPOREON (2), docile, shell bell, 443,166,198,256,268,166, surf, ice beam, body slam, shadow ball
VAPOREON (3), calm, QC, 443,149,198,256,294,166, surf, ice beam, acid armor, baton pass
VAPOREON (4), calm, lum, 443,149,156,298,294,166, surf, ice beam, acid armor, rest
VENUSAUR (1), quiet, chesto, 364,200,202,328,236,176, giga drain, sunny day, synthesis, sleep powder
VENUSAUR (2), bold, brightpowder, 343,179,268,236,278,196, leech seed, giga drain, double team, light screen
VENUSAUR (3), adamant, scope lens, 301,266,244,212,278,196, double-edge, sludge bomb, earthquake, sleep powder
VENUSAUR (4), docile, lum, 301,242,202,278,278,196, sunny day, solarbeam, earthquake, sludge bomb
VICTREEBEL (1), quiet, sitrus, 301,246,229,259,219,158, giga drain, sleep powder, sweet scent, synthesis
VICTREEBEL (2), serious, leftovers, 301,309,166,299,156,176, giga drain, sludge bomb, sleep powder, attract
VICTREEBEL (3), quirky, brightpowder, 301,309,166,299,156,176, stun spore, ingrain, giga drain, sludge bomb
VICTREEBEL (4), quirky, brightpowder, 301,309,166,299,156,176, giga drain, double-edge, sludge bomb, synthesis
VILEPLUME (1), impish, persim, 354,259,226,212,216,136, sludge bomb, petal dance, moonlight, aromatherapy
VILEPLUME (2), bold, brightpowder, 333,176,272,236,258,136, double team, toxic, giga drain, ingrain
VILEPLUME (3), quirky, leftovers, 291,259,206,299,216,136, attract, stun spore, sludge bomb, giga drain
VILEPLUME (4), quiet, QC, 291,259,206,328,216,122, sunny day, solarbeam, sludge bomb, synthesis
WAILORD (1), sassy, shell bell, 523,216,168,216,184,140, surf, icy wind, body slam, roar
WAILORD (2), adamant, chesto, 523,237,168,194,168,156, double-edge, rest, curse, amnesia
WAILORD (3), modest, chesto, 523,194,168,237,168,156, hydro pump, fissure, double team, rest
WAILORD (4), hardy, QC, 523,216,168,216,168,156, surf, ice beam, earthquake, fissure
WALREIN (1), quiet, leftovers, 403,196,258,248,258,149, blizzard, hail, yawn, protect
WALREIN (2), quirky, focus band, 403,196,258,226,258,166, earthquake, ice beam, curse, double team
WALREIN (3), hardy, QC, 403,196,258,226,258,166, sheer cold, fissure, surf, attract
WALREIN (4), quiet, brightpowder, 361,259,216,317,216,149, surf, ice beam, earthquake, sheer cold
WEEZING (1), adamant, brightpowder, 334,306,276,185,176,156, sludge bomb,will-o-wisp, shadow ball,smokescreen
WEEZING (2), adamant, sitrus, 334,306,276,185,176,156, sludge bomb, memento, facade, destiny bond
WEEZING (3), quirky, focus band, 271,279,276,269,176,156, explosion, sludge bomb, flamethrower, thunderbolt
WEEZING (4), adamant, focus band, 334,306,276,185,176,156, explosion, sludge bomb, frustration, shadow ball
WHISCASH (1), adamant, chesto, 424,280,182,169,178,156, earthquake, rock slide, amnesia, rest
WHISCASH (2), hardy, shell bell, 361,255,182,251,178,156, spark, earthquake, surf, future sight
WHISCASH (3), hardy, chesto, 361,192,245,188,241,156, rest, sleep talk, surf, fissure
WHISCASH (4), quiet, QC, 361,255,182,276,178,140, fissure, surf, earthquake, ice beam
XATU (1), hardy, sharp beak, 313,228,176,268,176,226, drill peck, night shade, wish, future sight
XATU (2), impish, leftovers, 313,186,239,203,218,226, fly, toxic, confuse ray, attract
XATU (3), jolly, king´s rock, 271,228,176,241,176,294, drill peck, psychic, giga drain, steel wing
XATU (4), docile, petaya, 271,249,176,289,176,226, psychic, drill peck, shadow ball, confuse ray
ZAPDOS (5), docile, scope lens, 321,279,206,349,216,236, thunderbolt, drill peck, double-edge, thunder wave
ZAPDOS (5), docile, shell bell, 321,279,206,349,216,236, thunderbolt, drill peck, thunder wave, light screen
ZAPDOS (5), modest, thunder, rain dance, double team
ZAPDOS (5), thunder, double-edge, drill peck, rain dance
ZAPDOS (5), docile, thunderbolt, drill peck, thunder wave, roar
by Peterko
And during my work on the battle factory open level database I found out that the exact same rental pkmn (and only these) are used in all the other buildings (except the brains have special pkmn). addition, there are only 2 EV spreads in the whole BF, 255/255 and 170/170/170, so I could figure out the max stats from my factory database...yes, BF hacks 6*31 DV (IV) pkmn...I´m not sure from which moment on you´ll encounter them, but I think after you get gold – at least in the factory (nevertheless you´ll be prepared for the „worst“ from the start)...
the database:
A, B, C, D, E, F
A = Pokémon
*B = (number) - battle factory help (read NOTE)
C = personality
D = item
E = stats - HP, ATTACK, DEFENSE, SPECIAL ATTACK, SPECIAL DEFENSE, SPEED - like in the pkmn status window
F = moves
*B - tells you in which round/set of battle factory battles u see/meet the pkmn:
(1) = 1-7,
(2) = 8-14,
(3) = 15-21,
(4) = 22-28,
(5) = 29-35 -> you can meet every pkmn from the list at 29+ won´t meet a pkmn(2) in battle 1-7, or a pkmn(3) in 22-28, but you can meet a (1)+(3)+(5) from battle 29 onwards, this applies only for open level factory, in factory lv.50 (1)= 22-28, (2) = 29-35 etc., which means the same movesets as in open level appear from battle 22 and higher, 1-21 are three different sets of „weaker“ pkmn like illumise + not fully evolved pkmn like all the starters (ivysaur, wartortle, charmeleon), I have not included these, because I haven´t played lv.50 enough to get all of them and don´t plan to do so + u shouldn´t have problems to beat them (except maybe some guillotine crawdaunt/kingler hax and stuff like that) -> posted an incomplete lv.50 factory list, it´s in the middle of this page
- gender and trait (ability) are not set for a moveset
...enjoy :D
AERODACTYL (1), adamant, king´s rock, 343,316,166,140,186,338, ancientpower, aerial ace, dragonbreath, roar
AERODACTYL (2), adamant, CB, 343,316,166,140,186,338, hyper beam, earthquake, aerial ace, ancientpower
AERODACTYL (3), hardy, king´s rock, 301,309,166,219,186,296, double-edge, rock slide, fire blast, dragon claw
AERODACTYL (4), hardy, king´s rock, 301,309,166,219,186,296, double-edge, earthquake, fire blast, bite
AGGRON (1), adamant, QC, 344,350,396,140,156,136, iron tail, earthquake, aerial ace, roar
AGGRON (2), adamant, scope lens, 344,350,396,140,156,136, focus punch, earthquake, rock slide, thunder wave
AGGRON (3), modest, brightpowder, 344,230,396,240,156,136, surf, thunder, fire blast, blizzard
AGGRON (4), adamant, QC, 344,350,396,140,156,136, double-edge, earthquake, rock slide, aerial ace
ALAKAZAM (1), modest, focus band, 251,122,189,405,206,276, thunderpunch, fire punch, ice punch, thunder wave
ALAKAZAM (2), modest, lum, 251,122,189,405,206,276, psychic, calm mind, thunder wave, recover
ALAKAZAM (3), modest, CB, 251,122,189,405,206,276, trick, disable, psychic, skill swap
ALAKAZAM (4), modest, brightpowder, 251,122,189,405,206,276, psychic, thunderpunch, fire punch, ice punch
ALTARIA (1), docile, cheri, 354,239,216,176,246,196, dragon claw, aerial ace, refresh, body slam
ALTARIA (2), bold, leftovers, 333,158,283,176,288,196, perish song, dragonbreath, pursuit, attract
ALTARIA (3), adamant, lum, 354,262,216,158,246,196, sing, dragon dance, aerial ace, earthquake
ALTARIA (4), docile, shell bell, 291,239,216,239,246,196, dragon claw, earthquake, flamethrower, ice beam
AMPHAROS (1), relaxed, magnet, 384,186,204,329,216,131, rain dance, thunder, thunder wave, attract
AMPHAROS (2), hardy, brightpowder, 321,249,186,329,216,146,thunderpunch, fire punch, focus punch, thunder wave
AMPHAROS (3), hardy, focus band, 321,249,186,329,216,146, thunderbolt, mega kick, iron tail, brick break
AMPHAROS (4), modest, lum, 321,147,249,361,216,146, thunderbolt, fire punch, thunder wave, reflect
ARCANINE (1), adamant, king´s rock, 321,350,196,212,186,289, flamethrower, extremespeed, crunch, body slam
ARCANINE (2), docile, lum, 321,256,196,299,186,289, fire blast, sunny day, crunch, roar
ARCANINE (3), modest, white herb, 321,230,196,328,186,289, overheat, extremespeed, crunch, aerial ace
ARCANINE (4), docile, white herb, 321,256,196,299,186,289, overheat, extremespeed, crunch, double-edge
ARMALDO (1), adamant, scope lens, 354,383,236,158,196,126, slash, aerial ace, ancientpower, protect
ARMALDO (2), adamant, QC, 354,383,236,158,196,126, iron tail, ancientpower, brick break, knock off
ARMALDO (3), adamant, QC, 354,383,236,158,196,126, earthquake, rock slide, brick break, swords dance
ARMALDO (4), adamant, CB, 354,383,236,158,196,126, double edge, earthquake, aerial ace, rock slide
ARTICUNO (5), modest, lum, 321,185,236,317,286,269, ice beam, water pulse, icy wind, roar
ARTICUNO (5), impish, leftovers, 363,206,305,203,328,206, substitute, toxic, blizzard, double team
ARTICUNO (5), docile, focus band, 321,269,236,289,286,206, blizzard, double-edge, agility, swagger
ARTICUNO (5), chesto, reflect, rest, double-edge, blizzard
BLASTOISE (1), modest, shell bell, 362,181,236,295,246,192, rain dance, hydro pump, bite, seismic toss
BLASTOISE (2), brave, shell bell, 341,268,236,248,246,172, hydro pump, mega kick, brick break, mirror coat
BLASTOISE (3), docile, focus band, 341,244,236,248,246,192, surf, earthquake, ice beam, counter
BLASTOISE (4), docile, focus band, 341,244,236,248,246,192, surf, earthquake, ice beam, mirror coat
BLAZIKEN (1), docile, QC, 301,339,176,319,176,196, flamethrower, sunny day, double kick, roar
BLAZIKEN (2), docile, scope lens, 301,339,176,319,176,196, blaze kick, mega kick, thunderpunch, brick break
BLAZIKEN (3), hardy, salac, 301,339,176,256,176,259, overheat, earthquake, endure, reversal
BLAZIKEN (4), hardy, white herb, 301,339,176,319,176,196, overheat, earthquake, rock slide, thunderpunch
BLISSEY (1), bold, brightpowder, 651,50,130,186,369,146, toxic, double team, sing, softboiled
BLISSEY (2), bold, leftovers, 651,50,130,186,369,146, seismic toss, sing, attract, substitute
BLISSEY (3), bold, focus band, 651,50,130,186,369,146, fire blast, blizzard, calm mind, softboiled
BLISSEY (4), bold, focus band, 651,50,130,186,369,146, ice beam, calm mind, counter, softboiled
BLISSEY, substitute, double team, softboiled, seismic toss
BRELOOM (1), jolly, king´s rock, 261,359,196,140,156,262, sky uppercut, mach punch, headbutt, counter
BRELOOM (2), docile, brightpowder, 261,296,196,219,156,239, giga drain, leech seed, focus punch, spore
BRELOOM (3), adamant, leftovers, 261,394,196,140,156, 239, iron tail, focus punch, attract, spore
BRELOOM (4), adamant, QC, 261,394,196,140,156,239, focus punch, sludge bomb, spore, double team
CHARIZARD (1), modest, focus band, 297,183,192,348,206,299, fire blast, sunny day, roar, scary face
CHARIZARD (2), adamant, brightpowder, 297,293,192,228,206,299, earthquake, aerial ace,dragon dance,smokescreen
CHARIZARD (3), modest, lum, 297,183,192,348,206,299, flamethrower, dragon claw, bite, brick break
CHARIZARD (4), hardy, white herb, 297,246,192,296,206,278, overheat, earthquake, rock slide, aerial ace
CLAYDOL (1), adamant, lum, 324,262,246,158,276,186, earthquake, rock slide, swagger, psych up
CLAYDOL (2), calm, leftovers, 303,158,288,176,349,186, psychic, earthquake, double team, cosmic power
CLAYDOL (3), modest, shell bell, 324,158,246,262,276,186, psychic, ice beam, sunny day, solarbeam
CLAYDOL (4), adamant, focus band, 324,262,246,158,276,186, explosion, psychic, earthquake, shadow ball
CLEFABLE (1), brave, leftovers, 331,193,245,206,279,140, metronome, double team, reflect, follow me
CLEFABLE (2), adamant, focus band, 331,262,245,185,216,156, meteor mash, cosmic power, double team, follow me
CLEFABLE (3), modest, lum, 331,158,245,295,216,156, thunderbolt, ice beam, flamethrower, magical leaf
CLEFABLE (4), docile, focus band, 331,239,245,206,216,156, shadow ball, mega kick, psychic, softboiled
CRADILY (1), relaxed, leftovers, 355,198,299,198,292,109, giga drain, rock slide, barrier, confuse ray
CRADILY (2), adamant, sitrus, 376,287,230,178,250,122, earthquake, ancientpower, swagger, psych up
CRADILY (3), modest, leftovers, 313,178,272,264,292,122, solarbeam, sunny day, substitute, recover
CRADILY (4), bold, leftovers, 355,178,299,198,292,122, ingrain, toxic, mirror coat, giga drain
CROBAT (1), quirky, king´s rock, 353,258,196,218,196,296, sludge bomb, bite, astonish, screech
CROBAT (2), calm, leftovers, 353,194,238,176,261,296, toxic, giga drain, confuse ray, double team
CROBAT (3), adamant, scope lens, 311,306,196,158,196,359, air cutter, double-edge, shadow ball, screech
CROBAT (4), adamant, brightpowder, 311,306,196,158,196,359, sludge bomb, shadow ball, confuse ray, aerial ace
DEWGONG (1), quiet, nevermeltice, 384,176,196,262,226,158, ice beam, icy wind, headbutt, fake out
DEWGONG (2), docile, shell bell, 321,239,196,239,226,176, blizzard, double-edge, encore, disable
DEWGONG (3), bold, chesto, 384,158,284,176,226,176, rest, sleep talk, horn drill, sheer cold
DEWGONG (4), docile, lum, 321,239,196,239,226,176, surf, ice beam, signal beam, sheer cold
DODRIO (1), adamant, chesto, 261,350,176,140,156,299, drill peck, tri attack, rest, sleep talk
DODRIO (2), adamant, king´s rock, 261,350,176,140,156,299, double-edge, drill peck, faint attack, protect
DODRIO (3), adamant, lum, 261,350,176,140,156,299, double-edge, drill peck, steel wing, faint attack
DODRIO (4), adamant, salac, 261,350,176,140,156,299, endure, flail, drill peck, facade
DONPHAN (1), adamant, chesto, 384,372,276,140,156,136, earthquake, ancientpower, swagger, rest
DONPHAN (2), jolly, QC, 321,339,276,140,156,218, earthquake, rock tomb, endure, flail
DONPHAN (3), adamant, QC, 384,372,276,140,156,136, fissure, earthquake, rock slide, secret power
DONPHAN (4), adamant, QC, 384,372,276,140,156,136, fissure, earthquake, rock slide, iron tail
DRAGONITE (4), docile, QC, 386,304,226,299,236,196, earthquake, rain dance, surf, thunder
DRAGONITE (5), docile, lum, 323,367,226,299,236,196, double-edge, thunder wave, outrage, roar
DRAGONITE (5), docile, QC, 386,304,226,299,236,196, earthquake, sunny day, fire blast, blizzard
DRAGONITE (5), modest, shell bell, 323,273,226,328,236,259, dragon claw, thunderbolt, ice beam, surf
DRAGONITE (5), modest, shell bell, 323,273,226,328,236,259, dragon claw, thunderbolt, flamethrower, surf
DRAGONITE (5), chesto berry, dragon dance, hyper beam, thunder wave, rest
DRAGONITE, leftovers, thunder wave, double team, hyper beam
DRAGONITE, adamant, brightpowder, dragon dance, earthquake, brick break, aerial ace
DRAGONITE, modest, shell bell, brick break, dragon claw, flamethrower, ice beam
DUGTRIO (1), adamant, soft sand, 211,284,136,122,176,339, earthquake, tri attack, slash, sand tomb
DUGTRIO (2), adamant, king´s rock, 211,284,136,122,176,339, earthquake, ancientpower, aerial ace, tri attack
DUGTRIO (3), adamant, king´s rock, 211,284,136,122,176,339, earthquake, double-edge, sludge bomb, fissure
DUGTRIO (4), adamant, king´s rock, 211,284,136,122,176,339, earthquake, double-edge, rock slide, fissure
DUSCLOPS (1), impish, leftovers, 263,176,371,140,338,86, will-o-wisp, seismic toss, pain split, confuse ray
DUSCLOPS (2), impish, leftovers, 263,176,371,140,338,86, toxic, confuse ray, double team, protect
DUSCLOPS (3), adamant, leftovers, 263,193,338,140,338,86, psych up, swagger, shadow ball, quake
DUSCLOPS (4), adamant, chesto, 284,262,296,140,296,86, curse, shadow ball, double-edge, rest
ELECTABUZZ (1), relaxed, cheri, 313,202,211,268,206,221, thunderbolt, thunder wave, brick break, light screen
ELECTABUZZ (2), quirky, leftovers, 271,244,150,268,206,288, thunder, rain dance, attract, focus punch
ELECTABUZZ (3), quirky, lum, 271,202,150,289,206,309, thunderbolt, cross chop, ice punch, fire punch
ELECTABUZZ (4), docile, scope lens, 271,265,150,289,206,246, thunderbolt, psychic, mega kick, cross chop
ELECTRODE (1), quiet, focus band, 324,136,176,284,196,284, thunderbolt, swift, light screen, protect
ELECTRODE (2), modest, brightpowder, 303,122,218,215,238,316, rain dance, thunder, double team,swagger
ELECTRODE (3), naughty, liechi, 261,218,176,259,176,316, explosion, thunderbolt, thunder wave, endure
ELECTRODE (4), naughty, lum, 261,218,176,259,176,316, thunderbolt, thunder wave, explosion, mirror coat
ENTEI (4), modest, chesto, 371,239,269,237,249,236, flamethrower, calm mind, roar, rest
ENTEI (5), docile, salac, 371,266,269,216,249,236, endure, fire blast, reflect, double-edge
ENTEI (5), modest, king´s rock, 371,239,206,306,186,299, flamethrower, bite, double team, reflect
ENTEI (5), modest, solarbeam, sunny day, fire blast, reflect
ENTEI (5), modest, chesto, 371,239,206,306,186,299, flamethrower, double team, calm mind, rest
ENTEI, double-edge, flamethrower
ESPEON (1), modest, lum, 271,149,198,325,268,298, psychic, charm, calm mind, baton pass
ESPEON (2), docile, chesto, 271,229,156,296,226,319, psychic, shadow ball, calm mind, rest
ESPEON (3), modest, lum, 271,149,156,394,226,319, psychic, bite, wish, reflect
ESPEON (4), modest, brightpowder, 271,149,156,394,226,319, psychic, bite, attract, calm mind
EXEGGUTOR (1), quiet, QC, 331,226,269,314,229,131, sunny day, solarbeam, synthesis, screen
EXEGGUTOR (2), hardy, chesto, 331,289,206,286,229,146, curse, rest, frustration, sleep powder
EXEGGUTOR (3), hardy, leftovers, 373,226,248,286,208,146, leech seed, giga drain, toxic, explosion
EXEGGUTOR (4), hardy, brightpowder, 331,289,206,349,166,146, psychic, giga drain, sludge bomb, explosion
EXPLOUD (1), impish, chesto, 412,281,178,196,162,172, hyper voice, shadow ball, rest, sleep talk
EXPLOUD (2), quirky, focus band, 349,281,162,281,162,172, sunny day, solarbeam, earthquake, counter
EXPLOUD (3), modest, white herb, 349,196,162,309,162,235, overheat, ice beam, thunderpunch, extrasensory
EXPLOUD (4), hardy, white herb, 349,281,162,281,162,172, mega kick, earthquake, shadow ball, overheat
FEAROW (1), adamant, sharp beak, 271,306,166,142,158,299, drill peck, tri attack, facade, mud slap
FEAROW (2), adamant, focus band, 271,306,166,142,158,299, drill peck, tri attack, attract, pursuit
FEAROW (3), hardy, scope lens, 271,279,166,158,158,299, drill peck, frustration, steel wing, faint attack
FEAROW (4), hardy, lum, 271,279,166,221,158,236, drill peck, double-edge, steel wing, sky attack
FERALIGATR (1), quiet, lum, 353,246,236,259,244,172, surf, rain dance, aerial ace, roar
FERALIGATR (2), sassy, QC, 353,246,236,236,268,172, surf, brick break, dragon claw, scary face
FERALIGATR (3), hardy, scope lens, 353,288,236,236,202,192, hydro pump, crunch, earthquake, rock slide
FERALIGATR (4), hardy, scope lens, 353,288,236,236,202,192, hydro pump, ice beam, earthquake, aerial ace
FLAREON (1), modest, sitrus, 271,266,219,317,256,166, flamethrower, roar, bite, sand-attack
FLAREON (2), relaxed, QC, 313,296,217,226,298,149, curse, attract, double-edge, shadow ball
FLAREON (3), jolly, QC, 271,359,156,203,256,251, overheat, endure, flail, shadow ball
FLAREON (4), quiet, QC, 271,359,156,317,256,149, shadow ball, double-edge, overheat, sunny day
FLYGON (1), adamant, brightpowder, 301,328,196,176,196,299, earthquake, steel wing, faint attack, facade
FLYGON (2), modest, brightpowder, 301,212,196,284,196,299, sunny day, solarbeam, fire blast, crunch
FLYGON (3), hardy, scope lens, 301,278,196,238,196,278, earthquake, dragon claw, flamethrower, giga drain
FLYGON (4), hardy, scope lens, 301,278,196,238,196,278, earthquake, dragon claw, double-edge, crunch
FORRETRESS (1), adamant, focus band, 291,306,316,140,219,116, double-edge, rock slide, light screen, spikes
FORRETRESS (2), adamant, lum, 291,306,316,140,219,116, earthquake, double-edge, counter, protect
FORRETRESS (3), quiet, focus band, 291,258,316,217,198,104, explosion, earthquake, giga drain, zap cannon
FORRETRESS (4), adamant, QC, 291,306,316,140,219,116, explosion, earthquake, rock slide, double-edge
GARDEVOIR (1), timid, leftovers, 319,149,208,286,266,261, hypnosis, dream eater, magical leaf, reflect
GARDEVOIR (2), modest, chesto, 340,149,229,314,266,196, psychic, calm mind, double team, rest
GARDEVOIR (3), modest, lum, 277,149,166,383,266,259, psychic, ice punch, fire punch, magical leaf
GARDEVOIR (4), modest, brightpowder, 277,149,166,383,266,259, psychic, ice punch, fire punch, thunderbolt
GARDEVOIR (5), bold, QC, 319,149,228,286,308,196, psychic, calm mind, will-o-wisp, destiny bond
GARDEVOIR (5), psychic, thunderbolt, will-o-wisp, destiny bond
GARDEVOIR (5), modest, brightpowder, 277,149,166,383,266,259, psychic, magical leaf, attract, double team
GARDEVOIR (5), docile, salac,319,166,208,286,266,238, psychic, shadow ball, endure, destiny bond
GENGAR (1), timid, leftovers, 303,149,156,338,186,327, hypnosis, dream eater, confuse ray, attract
GENGAR (2), adamant, leftovers, 261,251,156,266,186,319, sludge bomb, shadow ball, confuse ray, will-o-wisp
GENGAR (3), modest, QC, 261,149,156,394,186,319, psychic, thunderbolt, giga drain, skill swap
GENGAR (4), modest, lum, 261,149,156,394,186,319, psychic, fire punch, ice punch, destiny bond
GENGAR (5), modest, lum, 261,149,156,394,186,319, psychic, thunderbolt, fire punch, destiny bond
GENGAR (5), modest, brightpowder, 261,149,156,394,186,319, psychic, thunderbolt, fire punch, shadowball
GENGAR, thunderbolt, ice punch, psychic, destiny bond
GLALIE (1), modest, petaya, 364,176,196,284,196,196, ice beam, crunch, hail, protect
GLALIE (2), quirky, salac, 301,259,196,196,196,259, explosion, endure, body slam, icy wind
GLALIE (3), hardy, shell bell, 301,238,196,238,196,238, blizzard, earthquake, double-edge, shadow ball
GLALIE (4), hardy, leftovers, 343,238,196,238,196,196, ice beam, crunch, earthquake, shadow ball
GOLEM (1), adamant, QC, 301,350,296,131,229,126, earthquake, body slam, counter, rock tomb
GOLEM (2), adamant, chesto, 364,350,296,131,166,126, double team, focus punch, substitute, rest
GOLEM (3), adamant, QC, 301,350,296,131,229,126, explosion, earthquake, flamethrower, brick break
GOLEM (4), adamant, QC, 301,350,296,131,229,126, explosion, earthquake, rock slide, double-edge
GOLDUCK (1), quiet, shell bell, 301,263,192,317,196,185, hydro pump, dig, brick break, light screen
GOLDUCK (2), quirky, lum, 301,242,192,268,196,248, swagger, psych up, cross chop, surf
GOLDUCK (3), docile, shell bell, 301,263,192,287,196,206, hydro pump, cross chop, protect, blizzard
GOLDUCK (4), docile, scope lens, 301,263,192,226,196,269, surf, ice beam, cross chop, aerial ace
GRANBULL (1), adamant, cheri, 384,372,186,140,156,126, mega kick, smellingsalt, thunder wave, roar
GRANBULL (2), quiet, white herb, 321,276,186,240,219,113, overheat, thunderbolt, ice punch, facade
GRANBULL (3), adamant, QC, 384,372,186,140,156,126, double-edge, earthquake, sludge bomb, rock slide
GRANBULL (4), brave, CB, 321,372,186,219,156,113, mega kick, earthquake, crunch, shadow ball
GYARADOS (1), careful, lum, 394,286,194,140,328,198, frustration, bite, thunder wave, dragon dance
GYARADOS (2), modest, shell bell, 331,257,194,240,236,261, hydro pump, thunderbolt, blizzard, fire blast
GYARADOS (3), quirky, QC, 331,349,194,219,236,198, surf, rain dance, thunder, earthquake
GYARADOS (4), adamant, chesto, 373,314,236,140,278,198, frustration, earthquake, dragon dance, rest
HARIYAMA (1), adamant, focus band, 471,303,198,104,198,136, cross chop, rock slide, counter, fake out
HARIYAMA (2), quiet, QC, 429,339,156,196,156,122, cross chop, fire punch, ice punch, thunderpunch
HARIYAMA (3), adamant, QC, 492,372,156,104,156,136, cross chop, earthquake, rock slide, facade
HARIYAMA (4), adamant, scope lens, 492,372,156,104,156,136, cross chop, earthquake, rock slide, fake out
HERACROSS (1), adamant, focus band, 301,383,249,104,226,206, megahorn, brick break, rock tomb, counter
HERACROSS (2), jolly, lum, 364,286,186,104,226,295, megahorn, earthquake, attract, bulk up
HERACROSS (3), adamant, brightpowder, 301,383,186,104,226,269, megahorn, earthquake, rock slide, brick break
HERACROSS (4), adamant, salac, 301,383,186,104,226,269, megahorn, earthquake, endure, reversal
HOUNDOOM (1), quirky, focus band, 291,258,136,298,196,268, flamethrower, shadow ball, counter, will-o-wisp
HOUNDOOM (2), modest, lum, 291,194,136,350,196,289, fire blast, crunch, roar, rest
HOUNDOOM (3), quirky, white herb, 291,279,136,256,196,289, overheat, shadow ball, sludge bomb, double-edge
HOUNDOOM (4), modest, white herb, 291,194,136,350,196,289, sunny day, solarbeam, overheat, crunch
HYPNO (1), quiet, twistedspoon, 311,182,239,269,266,152, thunderpunch, fire punch, ice punch, hypnosis
HYPNO (2), modest, twistedspoon, 311,163,239,200,329,170, hypnosis, dream eater, psychic, nightmare
HYPNO (3), adamant, lum, 374,269,176,163,266,170, shadow ball, swagger, mega kick, psych up
HYPNO (4), psychic, ice punch, thunderpunch, fire punch
JOLTEON (1), modest, cheri, 271,149,156,350,226,359, thunderbolt, thunder wave, attract, protect
JOLTEON (2), hardy, scope lens, 271,229,156,316,226,296, thunderbolt, dig, double kick, roar
JOLTEON (3), bold, brightpowder, 313,149,217,256,268,296, thunderbolt, thunder wave, agility, baton pass
JOLTEON (4), timid, king´s rock, 271,149,156,319,226,394, thunderbolt, thunder wave, bite, shadow ball
JYNX (1), modest, shell bell, 334,122,106,361,226,226, ice beam, fake out, lovely kiss, attract
JYNX (2), impish, brightpowder, 334,136,185,239,226,226, perish song, mean look, lovely kiss, protect
JYNX (3), hardy, QC, 334,136,169,266,226,226, lovely kiss, dream eater, attract, substitute
JYNX (4), modest, lum, 334,122,106,361,226,226, psychic, ice beam, fake tears, lovely kiss
KANGASKHAN (1), adamant, focus band, 414,317,196,104,196,216, dizzy punch, brick break, counter, fake out
KANGASKHAN (2), adamant, lum, 414,317,196,104,196,216, crush claw, shadow ball, attract, rest
KANGASKHAN (3), jolly, salac, 351,289,196,104,196,306, endure, reversal, thunderbolt, earthquake
KANGASKHAN (4), adamant, brightpowder, 351,317,196,104,196,279, mega kick, earthquake, aerial ace, shadow ball
KINGDRA (1), modest, lum, 354,203,226,317,226,206, hydro pump, dragonbreath, icy wind, attract
KINGDRA (2), modest, chesto, 333,203,268,248,268,206, surf, ice beam, dragonbreath, rest
KINGDRA (3), adamant, salac, 333, 248,268,203,268,206, endure, flail, dragon dance, hydro pump
KINGDRA (4), hardy, chesto, 333,226,268,226,268,206, double-edge, ice beam, dragon dance, rest
KINGDRA (5), dragon dance, double-edge, smokescreen
LANTURN (1), quiet, cheri, 391,152,215,276,188,152, surf, confuse ray, attract, thunder wave
LANTURN (2), docile, salac, 391,215,152,251,188,170, endure, flail, thunderbolt, surf
LANTURN (3), modest, brightpowder, 391,136,152,276,188,233, rain dance, thunder, hydro pump, confuse ray
LANTURN (4), modest, lum, 391,136,152,276,188,233, surf, thunderbolt, ice beam, confuse ray
LAPRAS (1), bold, leftovers, 401,185,284,206,289,156, surf, attract, confuse ray, sing
LAPRAS (2), timid, QC, 401,185,196,269,226,240, surf, ice beam, body slam, roar
LAPRAS (3), docile, brightpowder, 443,206,238,206,268,156, double-edge, psychic, confuse ray, dragon dance
LAPRAS (4), modest, lum, 464,185,196,295,226,156, surf, ice beam, thunderbolt, psychic
LAPRAS (5), calm, leppa, 443,185,238,206,294,156, rest, sleep talk, sheer cold, horn drill
LAPRAS (5), rain dance, hydro pump, blizzard, thunder
LAPRAS (5), docile, shell bell, 401,269,196,269,226,156, iron tail, psychic, thunderbolt, double edge
LATIAS (4), modest, brightpowder, 343,176,258,281,338,256, dragon claw, thunder wave, calm mind, recover
LATIAS (4), docile, leftovers, 343,238,216,298,296,256, mist ball, shadow ball, charm, reflect
LATIAS (5), adamant, leftovers, 364,215,279,230,296,256, earthquake, shadow ball, psych up, swagger
LATIAS (5), modest, shell bell, 336,176,216,350,296,256, mist ball, dragon claw, attract, thunder wave
LATIAS (5), modest, lum, 336,176,216,350,296,256, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, dragon claw
LATIAS (5), docile, king´s rock, 301,238,216,298,296,298, psychic, shadow ball, earthquake, aerial ace
LATIAS (5), docile, focus band, 301,259,216,319,296,256, dragon claw, thunderbolt, ice beam, earthquake
LATIAS (5), docile, QC, 301,259,216,319,296,256, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, earthquake
LATIOS (5), modest, calm mind, dragon claw, thunderwave
LATIOS (5), docile, shell bell, 301,279,196,359,256,256, luster purge, dragon claw, shadow ball, thunder wave
LATIOS (5), docile, focus band, 301,279,196,359,256,256, dragon claw, thunderbolt, ice beam, earthquake
LATIOS (5), docile, QC, 301,279,196,359,256,256, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, earthquake
LATIOS (5), hardy, shadowball, earthquake, psychic, aerial ace
LATIOS (5), luster purge, ice beam, thunderbolt
LATIOS (5), adamant, brightpowder, 364,237,259,266,256,256, earthquake, shadow ball, dragon dance, recover
LUDICOLO (1), quiet, shell bell, 343,176,218,283,236,158, rain dance, surf, thunderpunch, fire punch
LUDICOLO (2), modest, shell bell, 364,158,176,306,236,176, surf, ice beam, thunderpunch, fire punch
LUDICOLO (3), bold, leftovers, 343,158,239,216,278,176, leech seed, rain dance, double team, giga drain
LUDICOLO (4), bold, leftovers, 343,158,239,216,278,176, leech seed, rain dance, double team, toxic
MACHAMP (1), adamant, scope lens, 384,394,196,149,206,146, cross chop, rock tomb, counter, scary face
MACHAMP (2), adamant, chesto, 363,325,238,149,248,146, cross chop, earthquake, bulk up, rest
MACHAMP (3), hardy, QC, 321,359,196,229,206,146, cross chop, fire blast, thunderpunch, ice punch
MACHAMP (4), hardy, scope lens, 321,359,196,229,206,146, cross chop, earthquake, rock slide, flamethrower
MACHAMP (5), adamant, focus band, 384,394,196,149,206,146, revenge, rock slide, facade, counter
MACHAMP (5), double team, focus punch
MAGMAR (1), relaxed, rawst, 313,226,211,278,206,199, flamethrower, smokescreen, brick break, barrier
MAGMAR (2), modest, QC, 271,203,150,328,206,285, fire blast, smokescreen, confuse ray, thunderpunch
MAGMAR (3), impish, scope lens, 271,289,234,212,206,222, mega kick, cross chop, iron tail, counter
MAGMAR (4), docile, scope lens, 334,226,213,236,206,222, flamethrower, psychic, cross chop, confuse ray
MANECTRIC (1), modest, magnet, 281,167,156,339,156,309, thunderbolt, flash, quick attack, roar
MANECTRIC (2), modest, petaya, 281,167,156,339,156,309, thunder, rain dance, crunch, roar
MANECTRIC (3), quirky, lum, 281,186,156,309,156,309, thunderbolt, iron tail, thunder wave, roar
MANECTRIC (4), modest, lum, 281,167,156,339,156,309, thunderbolt, crunch, thunder wave, roar
MAROWAK (1), adamant, club, 324,284,256,122,196,126, bonemerang, rock slide, icy wind, headbutt
MAROWAK (2), adamant, club, 261,284,256,122,196,189, earthquake, rock slide, swords dance, icy wind
MAROWAK (3), adamant, club, 261,284,256,122,196,189, earthquake, rock slide, swords dance, brick break
MAROWAK (4), adamant, club, 261,284,256,122,196,189, earthquake, rock slide, swords dance, mega kick
MEDICHAM (1), docile, focus band, 261,219,186,156,186,259, psychic, hi jump kick, calm mind, baton pass
MEDICHAM (2), hardy, salac, 261,219,186,156,186,259, endure, reversal, psychic, fake out
MEDICHAM (3), hardy, scope lens, 261,156,186,219,186,259, dynamicpunch, thunderpunch, ice punch, fire punch
MEDICHAM (4), hardy, lum, 261,219,186,219,186,196, mega kick, psychic, shadow ball, rock slide
MEGANIUM (1), modest, brightpowder, 364,179,236,291,236,196, sunnybeam, synth., screen
MEGANIUM (2), calm, leftovers, 343,179,278,202,305,196, leech seed, substitute, double team, grasswhistle
MEGANIUM (3), jolly, salac, 301,263,236,181,236,284, earthquake, endure, flail, giga drain
MEGANIUM (4), hardy, brightpowder, 343,242,236,244,236,196, giga drain, earthquake, ancientpower, body slam
METAGROSS (1), adamant, leftovers, 301,382,296,203,258,218, meteor mash, aerial ace, facade, light screen
METAGROSS (2), adamant, lum, 343,336,296,203,258,218, meteor mash, earthquake, swagger, psych up
METAGROSS (3), adamant, chesto, 343,382,296,203,216,218, meteor mash, earthquake, double team, rest
METAGROSS (4), hardy, QC, 301,369,296,289,216,176, meteor mash, psychic, earthquake, shadow ball
METAGROSS (5), jolly, QC, 343,348,296,203,216,239, brick break, earthquake, rock slide, explosion
METAGROSS (5), hardy, brightpowder, 301,369,296,289,216,176, meteor mash, psychic, ice punch, thunderpunch
METAGROSS (5) ice punch, thunderpunch, aerial ace, earthquake
METAGROSS (5), meteor mash, explosion
MILOTIC (1), modest, lum, 373,140,236,305,286,198, hydro pump, icy wind, recover, mirror coat
MILOTIC (2), modest, focus band, 394,140,194,328,286,198, surf, ice beam, safeguard, mirror coat
MILOTIC (3), bold, leftovers, 373,140,259,236,328,198, surf, blizzard, attract, recover
MILOTIC (4), modest, leftovers, 331,140,236,305,328,198, surf, ice beam, recover, mirror coat
MILTANK (1), careful, focus band, 373,196,288,104,239,236, facade, shadow ball, counter, milk drink
MILTANK (2), careful, leftovers, 373,238,246,104,239,236, focus punch, shadow ball, attract, thunder wave
MILTANK (3), adamant, salac, 331,284,246,104,239,236, endure, reversal, earthquake, shadow ball
MILTANK (4), adamant, lum, 331,284,246,104,239,236, curse, double team, double-edge, milk drink
MISDREAVUS (1), impish, focus band, 324,156,240,185,206,206, pain split, shadow ball, confuse ray, thunder wave
MISDREAVUS (2), bold, leftovers, 261,140,240,269,206,206, psychic, attract, thunder wave, confuse ray
MISDREAVUS (3), bold, brightpowder, 324,140,240,206,206,206, mean look, perish song, thunder wave, confuse ray
MISDREAVUS (4), timid, lum, 261,140,156,269,206,295, destiny bond, psychic, shadow ball, thunderbolt
MOLTRES (5), docile, white herb, 321,236,216,349,206,279, sunny day, overheat, swagger, facade
MOLTRES (5), docile, lum, 321,299,216,349,206,216, flamethrower, aerial ace, mud-slap, roar
MOLTRES (5), docile, white herb, 321,299,216,349,206,216, aerial ace, protect, double team, overheat
MOLTRES (5), white herb, overheat, double-edge, steel wing, safeguard
MOLTRES, fire blast, double team, sunny day
MR.MIME (1), relaxed, leftovers, 284,126,251,236,276,194, psychic, magical leaf, fake out, reflect
MR.MIME (2), adamant, liechi, 263,138,208,212,318,216, baton pass, swagger, psych up, psychic
MR.MIME (3), modest, CB, 284,113,166,328,276,216, trick, torment, psychic, thunderbolt
MR.MIME (4), modest, brightpowder, 284,113,166,328,276,216, psychic, thunderbolt, ice punch, fire punch
MUK (1), adamant, poison barb, 414,339,186,149,236,136, sludge bomb, body slam, screech, minimize
MUK (2), hardy, chesto, 351,309,249,166,236,136, curse, rest, sludge bomb, dynamicpunch
MUK (3), quiet, lum, 351,246,249,251,236,122, sludge bomb, thunderbolt, flamethrower, ice punch
MUK (4), brave, QC, 351,339,249,166,236,122, sludge bomb, brick break, giga drain, explosion
NIDOKING (1), adamant, QC, 366,311,190,185,186,206, horn drill, double kick, body slam, counter
NIDOKING (2), adamant, shell bell, 366,311,190,185,186,206, mega kick, earthquake, shadow ball, brick break
NIDOKING (3), modest, leppa, 366,197,190,295,186,206, horn drill, fire blast, blizzard, surf
NIDOKING (4), docile, lum, 303,283,190,269,186,206, megahorn, sludge bomb, earthquake, thunder
NIDOQUEEN (1), adamant, focus band, 384,289,210,167,206,188, sludge bomb, double kick, body slam, counter
NIDOQUEEN (2), adamant, shell bell, 384,289,210,167,206,188, double-edge, earthquake, aerial ace, rock slide
NIDOQUEEN (3), modest, lum, 384,179,210,273,206,188, thunderbolt, ice beam, thunder, crunch
NIDOQUEEN (4), adamant, white herb, 384,289,210,167,206,188, superpower, earthquake, sludge bomb, shadow ball
NINETALES (1), modest, rawst, 287,169,186,287,236,299, flamethrower, roar, confuse ray, will-o-wisp
NINETALES (2), quirky, lum, 287,188,186,261,236,299, body slam, grudge, sunny day, heat wave
NINETALES (3), quirky, brightpowder, 287,188,186,261,236,299, fire blast, iron tail, confuse ray, attract
NINETALES (4), quirky, white herb, 287,188,186,261,236,299, overheat, double-edge, confuse ray, will-o-wisp
PORYGON2 (1), adamant, leftovers, 376,284,216,221,226,156, tri attack, shadow ball, aerial ace, recover
PORYGON2 (2), modest, lum, 374,176,216,339,226,156, sunny day, solarbeam, thunder wave, recover
PORYGON2 (3), modest, lum, 374,176,216,339,226,156, psychic, tri attack, thunder wave, recover
PORYGON2 (4), modest, brightpowder, 374,176,216,339,226,156, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, recover
QUAGSIRE (1), adamant, focus band, 331,295,206,149,229,106, earthquake, brick break, counter, mud-slap
QUAGSIRE (2), sassy, leftovers, 331,206,269,166,251,95, curse, attract, yawn, ancientpower
QUAGSIRE (3), adamant, QC, 331,295,206,149,229,106, earthquake, double-edge, sludge bomb, curse
QUAGSIRE (4), sassy, leftovers, 331,248,206,208,228,95, surf, earthquake, ice beam, amnesia
QUAGSIRE, leftovers, curse, yawn, earthquake
RAICHU (1), modest, brightpowder, 261,194,188,283,196,278, thunderbolt, quick attack, light screen, double team
RAICHU (2), adamant, lum, 261,306,146,194,196,299, thunderbolt, endure, reversal, agility
RAICHU (3), docile, cheri, 261,216,146,279,196,299, thunder, rain dance, iron tail, attract
RAICHU (4), thunderbolt, protect, thunder wave, mega kick
RAIKOU (5), modest, chesto, 384,185,249,292,236,266, thunderbolt, calm mind, substitute, rest
RAIKOU (5), modest, lum, 321,185,186,361,236,329, thunderbolt, thunder wave, bite, reflect
RAIKOU (5), modest, brightpowder, 321,185,186,361,236,329, thunderbolt, double-edge, roar, reflect
RAIKOU, double team, thunder
RAIKOU, modest, chesto, thunderbolt, calm mind, thunder wave, rest
RAPIDASH (1), quiet, charcoal, 271,236,176,284,196,278, flamethrower, double kick, quick attack, protect
RAPIDASH (2), docile, leftovers, 271,278,176,238,196,288, fire blast, bounce, double team, attract
RAPIDASH (3), modest, white herb, 313,212,176,261,196,288, overheat, solarbeam, sunny day, hypnosis
RAPIDASH (4), docile, white herb, 271,278,176,238,169,288, overheat, double-edge, iron tail, double kick
REGICE (4), brave, leftovers, 343,149,278,278,436,122, curse, earthquake, ice beam, counter
REGICE (5), bold, leftovers, 364,122,328,236,436,136, ice beam, hail, double team, thunder wave
REGICE (5), modest, chesto, 364,122,236,328,436,136, thunderbolt, ice beam, rest, sleep talk
REGICE (5), quiet, brightpowder, 364,136,236,328,436,122, thunder, rain dance, blizzard, brick break
REGICE, amnesia, ice beam, rest, thunder wave
REGICE (5), modest, chesto berry, 364,122,236,298,436,136, ice beam, thunderbolt, amnesia, rest
REGIROCK (5), double team, focus punch,
REGIROCK (5), adamant, brightpowder, 364,259,436,122,299,136, swagger, psych up, rock slide, explosion
REGIROCK (5), adamant, chesto, 364,259,436,122,299,136, earthquake, rock slide, curse, rest
REGIROCK (5), adamant, quick claw, 364,328,436,122,236,136, hyper beam, focus punch, rock slide, double team
REGIROCK (5), counter, rock slide, ?explosion?
REGIROCK (5), careful, leftovers, 343, 278, 436, 122, 305, 136, rock slide, brick break, double team, thunder wave
REGISTEEL (5), adamant, QC, 343, 204,378,167,378,136, ancientpower, amnesia, counter, explosion
REGISTEEL (5), chesto, curse, amnesia, rest, metal claw
REGISTEEL, substitute, focus punch, double team, toxic
REGISTEEL (5), brightpowder, ice punch, thunderbolt, earthquake, aerial ace
REGISTEEL (5), adamant, white herb, 343,204,378,167,378,136, superpower, aerial ace, swagger, psych up
REGISTEEL (5), leftovers, thunder wave, double team, ancientpower, earthquake
RHYDON (1), adamant, QC, 393,371,276,113,168,116, earthquake, rock tomb, scary face, brick break
RHYDON (2), adamant, QC, 351,394,276,113,189,116, earthquake, horn drill, rock slide, brick break
RHYDON (3), adamant, QC, 414,394,276,113,126,116, earthquake, megahorn, crush claw, horn drill
RHYDON (4), adamant, QC, 414,394,276,113,126,116, earthquake, megahorn, rock slide, horn drill
SALAMENCE (1), hardy, king´s rock, 331,369,196,256,196,299, dragon claw, aerial ace, headbutt, rock slide
SALAMENCE (2), hardy, leftovers, 331,348,196,298,176,278, double-edge, crunch, swagger, protect
SALAMENCE (3), hardy, salac, 331,369,196,319,196,236, double-edge, earthquake, crunch, endure
SALAMENCE (4), adamant, brightpowder, 394,405,196,230,196,236,dragon dance, aerial ace, earthquake, double-edge
SALAMENCE (5), modest, leftovers, 331,275,196,350,196,299, flamethrower, crunch, dragon claw, attract
SALAMENCE (5), hardy, lum, 373,306,238,256,238,236, headbutt, aerial ace, crunch, dragon dance
SALAMENCE (5), dragon dance, rock slide
SALAMENCE (5), lum, flamethrower, brick break
SCEPTILE (1), modest, leftovers, 281,185,166,339,206,339, leaf blade, leech seed, aerial, detect
SCEPTILE (2), modest, lum, 281,185,166,339,206,339, leaf blade, thunderpunch, attract, double team
SCEPTLIE (3), docile, scope lens, 281,248,166,288,206,318, leaf blade, earthquake, crush claw, aerial ace
SCEPTILE (4), modest, brightpowder, 281,185,166,339,206,339, leaf blade, dragon claw, crunch, thunderpunch
SCIZOR (1), adamant, focus band, 281,394,236,131,259,166, metal claw, aerial ace, counter, quick attack
SCIZOR (2), adamant, QC, 281,394,236,131,259,166, silver wind, steel wing, swords dance, ligh screen
SCIZOR (3), careful, focus band, 281,359,236,131,284,166, endure, reversal, agility, slash
SCIZOR (4), careful, brightpowder, 344,296,236,131,284,166, swords dance, agility, baton pass, silver wind
SHIFTRY (1), quiet, miracle seed, 321,236,198,283,198,176, giga drain, faint attack, quick attack, fake out
SHIFTRY (2), impish, chesto, 321,236,240,194,219,196, leech seed, dig, double team, rest
SHIFTRY (3), quirky, focus band, 321,299,156,279,156,196, sunny day, solarbeam, synthesis, explosion
SHIFTRY (4), hardy, focus band, 321,299,156,279,156,196, explosion, giga drain, mega kick, fake out
SHUCKLE (1), brave, chesto, 181,61,559,56,559,41, rollout, defense curl, rest, sleep talk
SHUCKLE (2), careful, leftovers, 181,56,559,50,614,46, sandstorm, dig, flash, double team
SHUCKLE (3), careful, leftovers, 181,56,559,50,614,46, substitute, toxic, attract, double team
SHUCKLE (4), careful, chesto, 181,56,559,50,614,46, toxic, wrap, double team, rest
SKARMORY (1), adamant, scope lens, 313,261,316,104,218,176, steel wing, air cutter, counter, agility
SKARMORY (2), careful, brightpowder, 313,238,316,104,239,176, spikes, roar, drill peck, toxic
SKARMORY (3), careful, chesto, 334,196,316,104,262,176, curse, rest, toxic, fly
SKARMORY (4), adamant, QC, 334,284,316,104,176,176, drill peck, steel wing, counter, rock slide
SLAKING (1), adamant, scope lens, 483,391,278,203,208,236, yawn, bulk up, swagger, aerial ace
SLAKING (2), adamant, leftovers, 441,391,299,203,229,236, mega kick, shadow ball, yawn, amnesia
SLAKING (3), admant, CB, 441,391,299,203,229,236, earthquake, shadow ball, aerial ace, brick break
SLAKING (4), modest, lum, 441,320,236,317,229,236, thunderbolt, ice beam, flamethrower, yawn
SLOWBRO (1), quiet, shell bell, 394,186,256,259,259,86, surf, rain dance, headbutt, ice punch
SLOWBRO (2), modest, leftovers, 331,224,256,259,259,96, surf, ice beam, calm mind, yawn
SLOWBRO (3), quiet, QC, 331,186,256,328,259,86, surf, psychic, shadow ball, attract
SLOWBRO (4), sassy, QC, 331,186,256,299,284,86, surf, psychic, earthquake, ice beam
SLOWKING (1), quiet, leftovers, 394,186,259,259,256,86, psychic, brick break, amnesia, attract
SLOWKING (2), modest, shell bell, 331,167,259,328,256,96, yawn, thunder wave, surf, psychic
SLOWKING (3), quiet, QC, 331,228,238,305,256,86, psychic, surf, ice beam, earthquake
SLOWKING (4), modest, QC, 331,167,259,328,256,96, psychic, surf, ice beam, flamethrower
SNORLAX (1), adamant, leftovers, 461,350,229,149,256,96, facade, shadow ball, attract, double team
SNORLAX (2), adamant, chesto, 503,281,208,149,298,96, earthquake, rock slide, curse, rest
SNORLAX (3), adamant, QC, 461,281,229,149,319,96, mega kick, shadow ball, swagger, psych up
SNORLAX (4), adamant, QC, 461,350,229,149,256,96, double-edge, shadow ball, curse, brick break
SNORLAX (5), adamant, chesto, 503,281,208,149,298,96, frustration, shadow ball, rest, belly drum
SNORLAX (5), counter, shadow ball, brick break, earthquake
SNORLAX (5), return, shadowball
STARMIE (1), modest, shell bell, 324,167,206,328,206,266, psychic, confuse ray, thunder wave, recover
STARMIE (2), modest, shell bell, 303,167,248,259,248,266, rain dance, hydro pump, thunder, recover
STARMIE (3), modest, lum, 261,167,206,328,206,329, surf, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam
STARMIE (4), modest, lum, 261,167,206,328,206,329, psychic, thunderbolt, ice beam, recover
STARMIE (5), modest, lum, cosmic power, psychic, ice beam, recover
STARMIE (5), modest, lum, cosmic power, surf, thunderbolt, recover
STARMIE (5), leftovers, surf, thunder wave, confuse ray
STEELIX (1), adamant, sitrus, 291,295,436,131,229,96, earthquake, dragonbreath, rock tomb, roar
STEELIX (2), hardy, leftovers, 291,269,436,146,229,96, earthquake, dragonbreath, sandstorm, block
STEELIX (3), adamant, 291,295,436,131,229,96, earthquake, body slam, rock slide, explosion
STEELIX (4), adamant, QC, 291,295,436,131,229,96, earthquake, iron tail, double-edge, explosion
SUICUNE (5), calm, leftovers, 383,176,308,216,338,206, toxic, dive, double team, protect
SUICUNE (5), modest, lum, 404,167,266,306,266,206, calm mind, surf, ice beam, icy wind
SUICUNE (5), modest, chesto, 383,167,308,237,308,236, calm mind, surf, ice beam, rest
SUICUNE (5), modest, brightpowder, 341,167,266,306,266,269, surf, ice beam, bite, reflect
SUICUNE (5), modest, chesto, 341,167,266,306,266,269, surf, double team, calm mind, rest
SWAMPERT (1), adamant, lum, 383,281,258,185,258,156, earthquake, counter, curse, rest
SWAMPERT (2), docile, QC, 383, 256,258,206,258,156, surf, earthquake, counter, mirror coat
SWAMPERT (3), brave, shell bell, 341,350,216,269,216,140, surf, ice beam, earthquake, counter
SWAMPERT (4), quiet, shell bell, 341,319,216,295,216,140, surf, ice beam, earthquake, mirror coat
TAUROS (1), adamant, persim, 291,328,226,104,176,319, earthquake, thrash, swagger, facade
TAUROS (2), adamant, chesto, 354,328,226,104,176,256, double-edge, earthquake, double team, rest
TAUROS (3), docile, leftovers, 291,299,226,179,176,256, double-edge, earthquake, flamethrower, ice beam
TAUROS (4), docile, brightpowder, 291,299,226,179,176,256, double-edge, rock tomb, surf, thunderbolt
TENTACRUEL (1), impish, persim, 301,239,251,176,276,236, sludge bomb, icy wind, barrier, confuse ray
TENTACRUEL (2), hardy, leftovers, 343,176,208,238,276,236, toxic, giga drain, confuse ray, surf
TENTACRUEL (3), modest, shell bell, 301,158,208,261,276,278, surf, giga drain, ice beam, mirror coat
TENTACRUEL (4), quirky, shell bell, 301,218,208,238,276,236, hydro pump, sludge bomb, ice beam, mirror coat
TYPHLOSION (1), modest, focus band, 297,183,192,348,206,299, sunny day, fire blast, smokescreen, roar
TYPHLOSION (2), hardy, scope lens, 297,246,192,296,206,278, flamethrower, thunderpunch, aerial ace, rock slide
TYPHLOSION (3), adamant, salac, 297,293,192,228,206,299, earthquake, overheat, endure, reversal
TYPHLOSION (4), hardy, white herb, 297,246,192,296,206,278, overheat, earthquake, thunderpunch, crush claw
TYRANITAR (4), hardy, brightpowder, 341,367,256,289,236,158, earthquake, aerial ace, thunderbolt, surf
TYRANITAR (5), hardy, brightpowder, 341,367,256,289,236,158, earthquake, rock slide, crunch, thunderbolt
TYRANITAR (5), adamant, lum, 383,334,298,203,278,158, dragon dance, thunder wave, rock slide, rest
TYRANITAR (5), adamant, chesto, 383,334,298,203,278,158, earthquake, rock slide, curse, rest
TYRANITAR (5), modest, QC, 404,273,256,317,236,158, crunch, thunderbolt, ice beam, flamethrower
TYRANITAR (5), adamant, focus band, 383,334,298,203,278,158, earthquake, rock slide, counter, dragon dance
TYRANITAR (5), quick claw, curse, rock slide, brick break
TYRANITAR (5), hardy, quick claw, 341,367,256,289,236,158, crunch, aerial ace, earthquake, attract
TYRANITAR, chesto, rock slide, earthquake, dragon dance, rest
UMBREON (1), bold, brightpowder, 373,149,327,156,338,166, confuse ray, faint attack, double team, baton pass
UMBREON (2), adamant, leftovers, 373,228,256,140,338,166, curse, screech, double team, double-edge
UMBREON (3), bold, brightpowder, 373,149,327,156,338,166, swagger, psych up, attract, shadow ball
UMBREON (4), bold, leftovers, 373,149,327,156,338,166, double team, toxic, confuse ray, faint attack
URSARING (1), docile, QC, 363,338,186,228,186,146, mega kick, crunch, aerial ace, counter
URSARING (2), adamant, QC, 384,394,186,167,186,146, double-edge, earthquake, brick break, counter
URSARING (3), modest, lum, 363,266,186,250,186,188, thunderpunch, fire punch, ice punch, crunch
URSARING (4), adamant, brightpowder, 384,394,186,167,186,146, double-edge, earthquake, rock slide, aerial ace
URSARING (5), docile, QC, 363,338,186,228,186,146, facade, earthquake, crunch, bulk up
VAPOREON (1), modest, mystic water, 401,149,198,327,268,166, surf, roar, bite, quick attack
VAPOREON (2), docile, shell bell, 443,166,198,256,268,166, surf, ice beam, body slam, shadow ball
VAPOREON (3), calm, QC, 443,149,198,256,294,166, surf, ice beam, acid armor, baton pass
VAPOREON (4), calm, lum, 443,149,156,298,294,166, surf, ice beam, acid armor, rest
VENUSAUR (1), quiet, chesto, 364,200,202,328,236,176, giga drain, sunny day, synthesis, sleep powder
VENUSAUR (2), bold, brightpowder, 343,179,268,236,278,196, leech seed, giga drain, double team, light screen
VENUSAUR (3), adamant, scope lens, 301,266,244,212,278,196, double-edge, sludge bomb, earthquake, sleep powder
VENUSAUR (4), docile, lum, 301,242,202,278,278,196, sunny day, solarbeam, earthquake, sludge bomb
VICTREEBEL (1), quiet, sitrus, 301,246,229,259,219,158, giga drain, sleep powder, sweet scent, synthesis
VICTREEBEL (2), serious, leftovers, 301,309,166,299,156,176, giga drain, sludge bomb, sleep powder, attract
VICTREEBEL (3), quirky, brightpowder, 301,309,166,299,156,176, stun spore, ingrain, giga drain, sludge bomb
VICTREEBEL (4), quirky, brightpowder, 301,309,166,299,156,176, giga drain, double-edge, sludge bomb, synthesis
VILEPLUME (1), impish, persim, 354,259,226,212,216,136, sludge bomb, petal dance, moonlight, aromatherapy
VILEPLUME (2), bold, brightpowder, 333,176,272,236,258,136, double team, toxic, giga drain, ingrain
VILEPLUME (3), quirky, leftovers, 291,259,206,299,216,136, attract, stun spore, sludge bomb, giga drain
VILEPLUME (4), quiet, QC, 291,259,206,328,216,122, sunny day, solarbeam, sludge bomb, synthesis
WAILORD (1), sassy, shell bell, 523,216,168,216,184,140, surf, icy wind, body slam, roar
WAILORD (2), adamant, chesto, 523,237,168,194,168,156, double-edge, rest, curse, amnesia
WAILORD (3), modest, chesto, 523,194,168,237,168,156, hydro pump, fissure, double team, rest
WAILORD (4), hardy, QC, 523,216,168,216,168,156, surf, ice beam, earthquake, fissure
WALREIN (1), quiet, leftovers, 403,196,258,248,258,149, blizzard, hail, yawn, protect
WALREIN (2), quirky, focus band, 403,196,258,226,258,166, earthquake, ice beam, curse, double team
WALREIN (3), hardy, QC, 403,196,258,226,258,166, sheer cold, fissure, surf, attract
WALREIN (4), quiet, brightpowder, 361,259,216,317,216,149, surf, ice beam, earthquake, sheer cold
WEEZING (1), adamant, brightpowder, 334,306,276,185,176,156, sludge bomb,will-o-wisp, shadow ball,smokescreen
WEEZING (2), adamant, sitrus, 334,306,276,185,176,156, sludge bomb, memento, facade, destiny bond
WEEZING (3), quirky, focus band, 271,279,276,269,176,156, explosion, sludge bomb, flamethrower, thunderbolt
WEEZING (4), adamant, focus band, 334,306,276,185,176,156, explosion, sludge bomb, frustration, shadow ball
WHISCASH (1), adamant, chesto, 424,280,182,169,178,156, earthquake, rock slide, amnesia, rest
WHISCASH (2), hardy, shell bell, 361,255,182,251,178,156, spark, earthquake, surf, future sight
WHISCASH (3), hardy, chesto, 361,192,245,188,241,156, rest, sleep talk, surf, fissure
WHISCASH (4), quiet, QC, 361,255,182,276,178,140, fissure, surf, earthquake, ice beam
XATU (1), hardy, sharp beak, 313,228,176,268,176,226, drill peck, night shade, wish, future sight
XATU (2), impish, leftovers, 313,186,239,203,218,226, fly, toxic, confuse ray, attract
XATU (3), jolly, king´s rock, 271,228,176,241,176,294, drill peck, psychic, giga drain, steel wing
XATU (4), docile, petaya, 271,249,176,289,176,226, psychic, drill peck, shadow ball, confuse ray
ZAPDOS (5), docile, scope lens, 321,279,206,349,216,236, thunderbolt, drill peck, double-edge, thunder wave
ZAPDOS (5), docile, shell bell, 321,279,206,349,216,236, thunderbolt, drill peck, thunder wave, light screen
ZAPDOS (5), modest, thunder, rain dance, double team
ZAPDOS (5), thunder, double-edge, drill peck, rain dance
ZAPDOS (5), docile, thunderbolt, drill peck, thunder wave, roar
by Peterko