This was probably my last try in Factory, because :D
Well, at first a load of new Pokés and then some hints for people who still want to earn the gold symbol.
Most stats need to be recalculated again.. The minus behind a number in brackets means that I may have fought it at least one series before I actually got it. (Nevertheless, I still think that 5 is identical to anything above.)
~ LATIOS (5), adamant, brightpowder, 348,220,243,252,240,240, earthquake, shadow ball, dragon dance, recover
~ REGIROCK (5), adamant, quick claw, 348,311,420,108,220,120, hyper beam, focus punch, rock slide, double team
~ REGISTEEL (5), thunder wave, double team, ancientpower
~ STARMIE (5), leftovers, surf (might not be the twave/cray set, because lefties aren't known there)
~ DRAGONITE (6), modest, shell bell, 313,264,216,317,226,249, dragon claw, thunderbolt, surf, flamethrower - tyvm for luckhaxing me to gold, Draggy :D
~ ENTEI (6), modest, chesto berry, 361,230,196,295,176,289, flamethrower, double team, calm mind, rest (looks suspicious, but no, I haven't taken it :D)
~ SALAMENCE (6), dragon dance, rock slide
~ REGISTEEL (7-), adamant, white herb, 343,204,378,167,378,136, superpower, aerial ace, swagger, psych up
~ TYRANITAR (7), hardy, quick claw, 341,367,256,289,236,158, crunch, aerial ace, earthquake, attract
~ MOLTRES (7), safeguard, double-edge, steel wing (probably the similar 5-Moltres; supporting my belief about 5+ lol)
And now some advice about Factory:
~ The original sixpack Pokés are better than the others, but the difference isn't too great in (1)-(3). You'll want as many legends as possible from (5) on, that's why try to swap whenever there is something interesting to get.
~ Avoid swapping from (4)/(5) on, because the better-DV'ed Pokés start to gain the advantage you need to survive 42 battles in total. (In (7) all my sixpack Pokés which were in the database were completely 31, but the Gardy and later Meta I got for Espy were only 3. I might not have lost the 49th battle if I hadn't traded. :D)
Good luck/hax, you'll need