It is an undeniable fact that Pokemon Black and White have brought many changes to the competitive Ubers scene. Unfortunately, many of these changes are detrimental to the stall playstyle. The new generation brought with it several Pokemon with ridiculous stats, although only a few have filtered into the Ubers play environment. The legendary Zekrom and Reshiram have already firmly established themselves as exceptional offensive threats in Ubers, and many other monstrous new Pokemon such as Terrakion and Excadrill have become moderately common sights in the metagame, ready to tear teams to shreds without a moment's hesitation.
The new games not only posed new threats to Uber stall but also greatly improved many of the old Uber powerhouses. A new signature move for Mewtwo and the removal of Arceus's previous EV restriction have greatly increased their potential to plow through the typical stall team, and the move Scald has made Kyogre that much more difficult to switch into. Darkrai has also gained a welcomed boost with the change in sleep mechanics that makes Dark Void and other sleep effects more potent than ever. Moreover, the new Dream World abilities will have a greater and greater impact on the game as time goes on, drastically improving Pokemon such as Ho-Oh and Chandelure, while also giving birth to credible threats such as Genesect.
How is it possible for Uber stall to survive with the introduction of new, more powerful, and more diverse threats? Well, BW wasn't all bad for stall. New defensive behemoths such as Ferrothorn, Eviolite Chansey, and 252 HP Arceus have allowed stall to adapt somewhat to this new metagame, while Ferrothorn and the new effect of Sturdy have also increased the viability of Spikers in the metagame. A new phazing move in Dragon Tail has also proven to be a great boon to the playstyle as well. Meanwhile, the new sleep mechanics have caused Rest users to become more susceptible to phazing, which means that stall can now check several threats indirectly. Despite all of the apparent setbacks to stall in this emerging metagame, it is becoming clear that Uber stall is just as viable as ever.
When played correctly, a good stall team will be capable of consistently beating opponents based purely upon extreme defensive prowess and the applied pressure of the entry hazards: Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes. This article will provide an excellent explanation of viable Uber stalling strategies and Pokemon, and will hopefully entice you to try out this excellent playstyle for yourself, while equipping you with the information necessary to do so effectively. If you prefer an offensive playstyle, then you will also find this article is a great asset to you, as understanding how a stall team functions is the first step in figuring out how to break it!
There are many Pokemon that can work well on Uber Stall teams. Each Pokemon has its own specific role. This section contains a list of tried and effective Pokemon that can be used to great effect even in the highly offensive Ubers metagame.
Some of the very best Uber Stall teams are made by using a Pokemon in a previously unheard of way, such as Forretress and Skarmory. Now, both of these underestimated Steel-types are actually quite common in Uber teams, especially stall. The key here is to be creative, and choose a Pokemon that can fit well in your team. In this new generation, the release of Arceus (not Farceus), Zekrom, and Reshiram forces Stall Teams to rearrange their teams to deal with both old and new threats.
These are the Uber walls you should consider when you are trying to stall in Ubers. In a tier where extremely frightening sweepers exist, such as Rayquaza, Ho-Oh, and Arceus, bulky and reliable main walls are a necessity. All these walls have incredible defenses either on one side or both. The main wall for stall teams is usually the wall that will be absorbing a lot of attacks and supporting the team along the way. A * sign is used if the walls can only check but unable to switch in directly or counter the threat fully. The best teammates are mentioned first.
Type: Psychic / Flying
Base Stats: 106 HP / 90 Atk / 130 Def / 90 SpA / 154 SpD / 110 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Multiscale
Arguably the best physical or mixed wall in the game, Lugia still remains as one of the premier walls in BW Ubers. Base 106 HP combined with an impressive base 130 Defense and 154 Special Defense makes Lugia a very formidable wall and is incredibly hard to take down. With Pressure, Lugia can easily stall out the opponent by spamming Recover or Roosts. The ability to utilize Reflect and Light Screen allows Lugia to reinforce his defenses even more. Lugia can learn a variety of coverage moves such as Ice Beam, Earthquake, Thunder, Psyshock and Aeroblast. Lugia can also phaze extremely well with Dragon Tail or Whirlwind. Dragon Tail hits through Taunt and deals some damage in the process and is best paired with Earthquake as a coverage move to hit Steel-types. Whirlwind, on the other hand, should be used with Ice Beam since Whirlwind isn't doing any damage. It is interesting to note that Whirlwind has twice the PP of Dragon Tail, which allows Lugia to win PP wars more easily. All these qualities have earned Lugia the title as the Great Wall of the Pokemon world for four generations. If your team needs a standalone wall and an entry hazard abuser, Lugia is probably the wall you should be using for your team.
Common threats checked by Lugia: Rayquaza (Bold/Impish only for Dragon Dance Rayquaza), Deoxys, Deoxys-A* (watch out for rain Life Orb Thunder and Ice Beam), Groudon* (Bold only for Rock Polish versions), Garchomp, Giratina-O, Ho-Oh* (Bold only, and sun-boosted Sacred Fire will hurt) Bug, Ground, Grass and Dragon Arceus (needs Toxic), Blaziken, Infernape, Dugtrio, Extreme Killer Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, Heracross, Latias, Latios* (needs to avoid Choice Specs Thunder), Lucario, Kingdra, Qwilfish, Ferrothorn* (needs Weather Ball to KO or Lugia will be setup on), Metagross, Mewtwo* (sun-boosted Fire Blast and Ice Beam will leave a mark), Fighting Arceus, Salamence, Shaymin-S, Scizor, Venusaur
Advantages: Able to use Whirlwind and Dragon Tail as phazing moves which prevents Lugia from being set up on. Access to reliable recovery move (Roost and Recover) and dual screens. Has very high defenses on both sides that are made even higher if Multiscale is active. Immune to Grounded attacks including hazards. Fast speed for a wall allowing Lugia to phaze the opponent out before the opposite happens.
Disadvantages: Unable to hit bulky sweepers hard enough. Weak to Stealth Rock, Electric, Ice, Dark, and Ghost moves. Vulnerable to Taunt if using Whirlwind.
Useful moves: Dragon Tail, Whirlwind, Earthquake, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Roost, Recover, Substitute, Reflect, Light Screen, Aeroblast, Ice Beam, Weather Ball (use with Groudon)
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Forretress, Ferrothorn, Chansey, Blissey, Palkia, Kyogre, Zekrom, Giratina-O, Dialga, Magnezone
Type: Ground
Base Stats: 100 HP / 150 Atk / 140 Def / 100 SpA / 90 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Drought
One of the most reliable walls for almost any team, Groudon is a common stall player. Thanks to his magnificent base 140 Defense stat and high HP stat, he is capable of handling a wide range of threats, including Rayquaza, Lucario, Tyranitar, Terrakion, Garchomp, Zekrom, and can check the mighty Extreme Killer Arceus. With access to the move Dragon Tail or Roar, he isn't setup bait either. Groudon's huge base 150 Attack means he is no slouch on the offensive side. Although Groudon sacrifices a lot of offensive power when using a defensive set, his attacks are still powerful enough to KO the threats he needs to counter. Another major reason why Groudon is such a common sight in stall teams is its ability, Drought, which allows Groudon to summon eternal sunlight. The sunlight Groudon brings to the field will severely hamper the offensive prowess of rain abusers such as Kingdra and Kabutops.
Common threats checked by Groudon: Rayquaza* (physical only), opposing Groudon, Extreme Killer Arceus, Ground and Ghost Arceus* (Swords Dance set without Recover only), Excadrill, Jirachi, Garchomp, Dialga* (Draco Meteor will hurt especially Life Orb or Choice Specs Versions), Heracross, Lucario, Metagross, Palkia* (physical only), Salamence, Scizor, Tyranitar, Zekrom* (watch out for mixed versions!), Kabutops, Kingdra, Qwilfish, Terrakion, Rock Arceus, Steel Arceus (physical ones)
Advantages: Electric-type immunity. Resistance to Stealth rock. Brings sunny weather into the battlefield. Access to Stealth Rock. Huge physical attack stat to dish out massive damage as well. Able to use Dragon Tail and isn't Taunt fodder.
Disadvantages: Lowish Special Defense and Speed stat. Lacks recovery outside of Leftovers and Rest. Can only wall effectively on the physical side. Vulnerable to Spikes and Toxic Spikes which will hamper Groudon's bulk significantly.
Useful moves: Earthquake, Dragon Tail, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Fire Punch, Overheat, Roar, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Bulk Up
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Chansey, Blissey, Giratina, Giratina-O, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Palkia
Type: Ghost / Dragon
Base Stats: 150 HP / 100 Atk / 120 Def / 100 SpA / 120 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Telepathy
Boasting defensive stats that make it the bulkiest Uber, Giratina can wall a significant portion of the metagame. A colossal base HP stat along with great defenses more than make up for his lack of offensive power most of the time. It also boasts the move Will-O-Wisp, something the other popular Uber wall, Lugia, can only dream about. The sketchy accuracy of Will-O-Wisp can be disappointing sometimes, but Giratina's bulk allows him to spam it repeatedly. Giratina's attacking stats are still decent enough to ward off or phaze out offensive threats and setup sweepers. Giratina can learn Dragon Tail, which receives a STAB boost, and Roar to counter most setup sweepers such as Groudon. Unlike the other Uber walls, Giratina has tons of resistances and immunities, such as to Water, Electric, Fire, Grass, Bug, Fighting, Normal, and Poison. However, Giratina receives nasty weaknesses to the popular Dragon-, Ice-, and Ghost-type moves which severely impedes his defensive prowess. Being a Ghost-type means Giratina can spinblock as well but it isn't recommended to use it purely for spinblocking, as, without Hidden Power Fire, Giratina is setup bait for the most common Uber spinner, Forretress.
Common threats checked by Giratina: Ho-Oh, Groudon, Extreme Killer Arceus, Swords Dance Ground, Rock, Poison, Ghost* (Will-O-Wisp can cripple Arceus but a +2 Shadow Claw can be damaging) Arceus, Scizor, Metagross, Terrakion, Kyogre* (not Choice Specs), Grass Arceus, Heracross, Lucario, Heatran* (needs Earthquake), Jirachi, Kabutops, Qwilfish, Magnezone, Ferrothorn, Mewtwo* (without Ice Beam), Blaziken, Infernape, Ninjask, Tyranitar* (can't switch in directly and needs Will-O-Wisp)
Advantages: Enormous defenses and a wide array of resistances. Access to Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave and Toxic. Possesses STAB Dragon Tail (hits through Taunt) and Roar to phaze out setup sweepers. Isn't bothered by status due to Rest. Able to spinblock.
Disadvantages: Lacks reliable recovery outside of Rest, forcing it to stay asleep for two turns if lacking Sleep Talk. Vulnerable to all types of entry hazards. Weak to Dragon-type moves. Usually slower than most Ubers.
Useful moves: Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Dragon Tail, Outrage, Earthquake, Dragon Pulse, Roar, Rest, Sleep Talk
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Forretress, Chansey, Blissey, Ferrothorn, Kyogre, Jirachi
Normal Arceus
Type: Normal
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
Usually seen around as the Extreme Killer, Normal Arceus can also go down a defensive route. Base 120 in HP, and both defenses are nothing to scoff at. Access to a variety of coverage moves allows Arceus to counter just about anything. To make things worse for the opponent, Arceus can utilize a myriad of support options such as Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Reflect, Light Screen, Roar, and Toxic. Possessing dual base 120 attacking stats means he is not going to be setup bait anytime soon. If end game set-up sweeps become too annoying, Arceus can even prevent that from happening with a simple Perish Song followed by repeated Recovers.
Common threats checked by Normal Arceus: Rayquaza* (Draco Meteor will badly damage Arceus), Groudon, Extreme Killer Arceus, Ghost Arceus* (without Focus Blast), Ho-Oh* (Arceus is unable to damage Ho-Oh while Arceus will be receiving powerful Sacred Fires and Brave Birds), Garchomp, Dialga* (Choice Specs set will hurt, especially Draco Meteor), Giratina-O, Metagross, Palkia* (Choice Specs Spacial Rend or Draco Meteor will easily 2HKO), Salamence, Scizor* (Superpower can be painful), Tyranitar* (Choice Band Superpower does a ton), Zekrom* (Choice Band Bolt Strike hurts)
Advantages: Lacks Rock-, Electric-, Dragon-, Ice-, and Dark-type weaknesses like the majority of other Uber walls. Access to a reliable healing move (Recover) and a wide support movepool (Stealth Rock can't be learned by most). Able to take down end-game stat boosters with Perish Song. Fast speed.
Disadvantages: Lower Special Defense than the other main Uber walls (Lugia, Giratina, Cresselia) Unable to handle Mixed Attackers (Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Mewtwo) effectively. Vulnerable to all forms of entry hazards. Only has one immunity.
Useful moves: Recover, Will-O-Wisp, Reflect, Roar, Return, Ice Beam, Thunder Wave, Perish Song, Stealth Rock, Flamethrower
Preferred teammates: Blissey, Chansey, Forretress, Ferrothorn, Giratina, Palkia, Groudon
Type: Ground
Base Stats: 108 HP / 112 Atk / 118 Def / 68 SpA / 72 SpD / 47 Spe
Ability: Sand Stream / Sand Force
Hippowdon might be statistically inferior to Groudon and Ground Arceus in every way, but it has certain qualities that allows it to set it apart from the two Uber Ground-types. Hippowdon has access to reliable instant recovery, something that Groudon would kill to get, and having Leftovers is a big advantage over Ground Arceus as a defensive Pokemon. Also, unlike Groudon and Ground Arceus, Hippowdon has the rare Sand Stream ability, which allows it to support its team in a unique way, and can open up some very interesting team options. Something to note is that Hippowdon can actually wall Ho-Oh for some time, while Groudon and Ground Arceus get 2HKOed.
Common threats checked by Hippowdon: Rayquaza* (physical only), Groudon, Extreme Killer Arceus, Ground and Ghost Arceus, Excadrill, Jirachi, Garchomp, Dialga* (Draco Meteor will KO), Heracross, Lucario, Metagross, Palkia, Salamence, Scizor, Tyranitar, Zekrom* (watch out for mixed versions!), Ho-Oh, Rock Arceus, Steel Arceus (physical ones), Terrakion
Advantages: Resists Stealth Rock and has access to it. Access to a reliable healing move (Slack Off), summons Sandstorm, can phaze with Whirlwind.
Disadvantages: Much lower Special Defense than the other main Uber walls (Lugia, Giratina, Cresselia, Groudon) Unable to handle Mixed Attackers (Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Mewtwo), hates Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Very slow. Vulnerable to Taunt.
Useful moves: Slack Off, Whirlwind, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Chansey, Blissey, Giratina, Giratina-O, Ho-Oh, Latias, Excadrill, Palkia, Dialga, Ferrothorn
Type: Psychic
Base Stats: 120 HP / 70 Atk / 120 Def / 75 SpA / 130 SpD / 85 Spe
Ability: Levitate
At first sight, Cresselia might seem completely outclassed by Lugia, but she actually has some notable qualities over Lugia. Cresselia lacks a Rock and Electric-type weakness, meaning she takes less damage from Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, and Zekrom's Bolt Strike, while sporting roughly the same physical durability. Furthermore, the ability to use dual screens allows Cresselia to support the team easily. Obviously Cresselia shouldn't use Lunar Dance in a stall team since sacrificing Cresselia for a teammate is usually not worth it in Uber Stall. Moonlight allows Cresselia to heal 2/3 of her health in sunlight and wall physical powerhouses such as Groudon and Garchomp without much problems. However, Cresselia usually pales in comparison to Lugia, which has both a higher speed stat and more reliable recovery options.
Common threats checked by Cresselia: Rayquaza* (Draco Meteor hurts Cresselia. Swords Dance Outrage will OHKO after Stealth Rock damage), Groudon, Garchomp, Ground Arceus, Dugtrio, Extreme Killer Arceus* (Cresselia needs Reflect and Toxic to even touch it while Arceus sets up multiple Swords Dance on it), Palkia, Dialga* (Cresselia cannot damage Dialga at all, while Choice Specs Draco Meteor hurts, needs sunlight Moonlight to wall it), Metagross*, Mewtwo* (only if using Thunder Wave), Fighting Arceus, Salamence, Shaymin-s, Terrakion, Zekrom* (Life Orb or Choice Band Bolt Strike will 2HKO, can't switch in directly on those moves)
Advantages: Invulnerability to hazards (Immune to both Spikes and neutral to Stealth Rock), heals more efficiently in the sun, lack of Electric, Ice, and Rock weaknesses
Disadvantages: Set-up bait for most sweepers not weak to ice. Lack the ability to phaze. Pathetic offenses. Outside of sunlight, Moonlight is unreliable and only has 8 PP. Weak to bug moves (U-turn). Dead weight against opposing stall teams.
Useful moves: Moonlight, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Ice Beam, Reflect, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Hidden Power Fire, Rest, Safeguard, Magic Coat
Preferred Teammate: Forretress, Groudon (use Cresselia only with Groudon), Blissey, Chansey, Ferrothorn, Ho-Oh, Palkia, Magnezone
Type: Normal
Base Stats: 255 HP / 10 Atk / 10 Def / 75 SpA / 135 SpD / 55 Spe
Ability: Natural Cure / Serene Grace / Healer
Blissey's huge base 255 HP and 135 SpD do a great job of soaking up special attacks. It is the premier special sponge, taking hits like a champ and healing them off with Softboiled or Wish. Even mighty special sweepers such as Choice Specs Dialga and Palkia struggle to muster a 2HKO on Blissey. The new Wish mechanics allow Blissey to pass 50% of her enormous HP to teammates, almost full recovering most walls. Being a Normal-type means Blissey has only one weakness which allows her to wall more effectively. Blissey has a wide movepool but her below average Special Attack means she will be more often seen with Seismic Toss as an attacking move. Natural Cure allows Blissey to take status without fear, while Heal Bell or Aromatherapy allow Blissey to cure the entire team from all status.
Common threats checked by Blissey: Calm Mind Bug, Fire, Ghost, Water, Ice, Dragon, Electric, Fighting* (+2 Judgment will hurt), Dark* (without Refresh), Flying, Grass, and Rock Arceus, Kyogre* (non-Rest versions, and can't come in on a full power Choice Specs Water Spout), Reshiram* (Choice Specs Blue Flare and Outrage can be painful), Hydreigon, Darkrai* (+2 Focus Blasts 2HKOes), Dialga* (can't damage Dialga much while Outrage hurts a bit), Palkia* (rain Aqua Tail and Outrage will do lots of damage), Heatran, Latias, Latios* (without Psyshock), Magnezone
Advantages: Highest HP stat in the game, huge Special Defense score, has only one weakness, able to pass the biggest wish in the game. Learns Aromatherapy, Light Screen, and Heal Bell to support the team.
Disadvantages: Weak Defense stat and vulnerable to entry hazards, pathetic offenses, dependent on Toxic to cause damage
Useful moves: Wish, Toxic, Softboiled, Seismic Toss, Protect, Heal Bell, Aromatherapy, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Thunder, Calm Mind, Light Screen, Stealth Rock, Snatch
Preferred teammates: Lugia, Groudon, Giratina, Forretress, Skarmory, Ho-Oh, Palkia
Type: Normal
Base stats: 250 HP / 5 Atk / 5 Def / 35 SpA / 105 SpD / 50 Spe
Ability: Natural Cure / Serene Grace / Healer
When holding Eviolite, Chansey's overall bulk is even higher than Blissey's! Having 641+ HP with 163 Defense and 508 Special Defense, Chansey survives almost any attack with ease. Even Standard Support Groudon can only muster roughly 39% to Chansey while Garchomp's Outrage fails to 2HKO on average. The ability to survive even physical assaults decently allows Chansey to somewhat function as a Mixed Wall while Blissey fails to do so. Similarly to Blissey, Chansey can pass gigantic wishes, heal the team with Heal Bell or Aromatherapy, or even set up Stealth Rock. Chansey's extremely terrible attacking stats means even super effective moves are utterly useless, leaving Seismic Toss and Toxic as Chansey's only way of dealing damage. However, Chansey can use Counter to surprise and opponent and bounce back their physical attacks at twice the force.
Common threats checked by Chansey: Calm Mind Bug, Fire, Ghosts, Water, Ice, Dragon, Electric, Fighting*, Dark* (without Refresh), Flying, Grass, Rock Arceus, Kyogre* (non-Rest versions, and can't come in on a full power Choice Specs Water Spout), Reshiram, Hydreigon, Darkrai* (+2 Focus Blasts can 2HKO), Dialga* (can't poison Dialga and loses to Bulk Up variants), Palkia, Heatran, Latias, Latios, Magnezone, Garchomp* (not Choice Band or Swords Dance sets), Groudon* (support Groudon only)
Advantages: Second highest HP stat in the game, huge Special Defense score, has only one weakness, able to pass the gigantic wishes. Learns Aromatherapy, Light Screen, and Heal Bell to support the team.
Disadvantages: Average Defense stat and vulnerable to entry hazards, pathetic offenses, dependent on Toxic to cause damage. Lacks passive recovery as Eviolite is the only item she should use. Blissey can take smaller hits better than Chansey such as Shaymin-S's Air Slash a lot better thanks to Leftovers recovery. Lighter hits dealing below approximately 31% are taken better by Blissey who has passive recovery in the form of Leftovers.
Useful moves: Wish, Toxic, Softboiled, Seismic Toss, Heal Bell, Aromatherapy, Light Screen, Stealth Rock, Counter, Snatch
Preferred teammates: Lugia, Groudon, Giratina, Forretress, Skarmory, Ho-Oh, Palkia
Type: Fire / Flying
Base Stats: 106 HP / 130 Atk / 90 Def / 110 SpA / 154 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Regenerator
With a huge HP and stellar Special Defense stat, Ho-Oh is a great addition to stall. To make things better for Ho-Oh, it hits like a ton of bricks, which allows it to wreck even Arceus using Sacred Fire and Brave Bird. Although Ho-Oh's physical movepool isn't the best, its STABs combined with Earthquake to shatter Zekrom and Rock-types allow it to hit most everything in the game for heavy damage. Even when used as a wall, Ho-Oh can retain much of his offensive prowess. Ho-Oh just needs at least 405 HP and Recover to stall out most threats. Furthermore, Sacred Fire's high burn rate cripples most physical attackers. Ho-Oh can also take advantage of its large bulk by setting up screens, stalling with Toxic, or even phazing with Whirlwind. Unfortunately, Stealth Rock will hurt Ho-Oh as it strips off 50% of Ho-Oh's health upon switching in. However, never underestimate Ho-Oh in Ubers, as it has Regenerator to heal one third of its health every time it switches out, and it only takes a simple Roost or Recover for Ho-Oh to recover off Stealth Rock damage.
Common threats checked by Ho-Oh: Abomasnow, Blaziken, Bronzong, Bug Arceus, Dark Arceus, Deoxys, Deoxys-A, Dialga, Dragon Arceus* (special versions only), Fire Arceus, Flying Arceus, Fighting Arceus, Forretress, Genesect* (without Thunder), Ghost Arceus, Giratina* (can't really hurt Giratina back), Giratina-O* (without Outrage), Heracross, Ice Arceus, Jirachi, Kyurem* (watch out for Stone Edge or Outrage), Latias, Latios, Magnezone* (needs to avoid Electric moves), Metagross, Ninjask, Palkia* (in sun only), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza* (Mixed versions without Outrage), Reshiram, Hydreigon, Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Steel Arceus, Weavile, Venusaur
Advantages: Access to Recover and Roost to recover off damage easily. Has Regenerator for free recovery upon switching. High power STABs and attacking power, and can burn physical attackers with Sacred Fire. Immune to Toxic Spikes and Spikes. Only has 3 weaknesses. Can break opposing stall teams. Able to phaze with Whirlwind. Can stall with Pressure and Recover or Roost.
Disadvantages: Very weak to Stealth Rock. Hates rain. Low speed
Useful moves: Sacred Fire, Brave Bird, Recover, Substitute, Earthquake, Light Screen, Toxic, Whirlwind
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Groudon, Palkia, Giratina, Giratina-O, Chansey, Blissey, Jirachi, Ferrothorn
Grass Arceus
Type: Grass
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
It might seem strange to use a Meadow Plate on Arceus, but by transforming it into a Grass-type, Arceus gains useful resistances such as Water, Ground, and Electric. Grass Arceus is notable for being a counter to some of the biggest threats in the Uber metagame, including Kyogre, Zekrom, and Palkia. It is no slouch offensively either, and can make good use of its base 120 Special Attack and wide movepool. Grass Arceus easily scares off the weather titans that rule the Uber tier with his powerful Grass Knot or Ice Beam. Grass Arceus is also good at spreading paralysis, as its Grass typing allows it to scare off Ground-types attempting to absorb Thunder Wave. Grass Arceus's bulk, Speed, and versatility allow it to function as a great mixed wall as well. Since Grass Arceus tends to attract Flying-types such as Ho-Oh and Rayquaza, it can easily surprise them with a nasty Thunder Wave or Stone Edge. Perish Song is also a nice addition to Arceus as he can take out endgame setup sweepers with it. The ability to outspeed and smack Kyogre and Palkia with a damaging Grass Knot means Grass Arceus can even counter the deadly Choice Specs Kyogre and Mixed Palkia.
Common threats checked by Grass Arceus: Calm Mind Water, Electric, Dark* (needs Perish Song), Grass, Rock Arceus, Kyogre, Hydreigon, Darkrai* (after Sleep Clause is activated), Dialga, Palkia, Latias, Latios* (watch out for Hidden Power Fire in the sun), Magnezone, Garchomp, Groudon* (beware of Fire Punch), Zekrom
Advantages: Resistances to Water, Electric, and Ground. Immune to Trick and Knock Off. A very good counter to Palkia (watch out for sun Fire Blast), Kyogre, and Zekrom. Access to Perish Song and reliable recovery move. High Speed, especially for a wall.
Disadvantages: Weak to Bug, Ice, and Fire. Unable to damage Fire-types (Heatran, Ho-Oh, Fire Arceus, and Reshiram), hurt by all entry hazards, lacks Leftovers, poor STAB coverage.
Useful moves: Grass Knot, Judgment, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Perish Song, Recover, Light Screen, Calm Mind, Roar, Stone Edge
Preferred teammates: Ho-Oh, Heatran, Kyogre, Chansey, Blissey, Palkia, Zekrom, Giratina
Spikers are a critical component of a Uber stall team. Most damage will be dealt through the entry hazards, so getting in as many layers as possible is important, as Stealth Rock alone won't cut it. Spikes and Toxic Spikes also help quickly wear down many Pokemon such as Reshiram and Zekrom, titans that would otherwise give stall teams a lot of trouble. They also work well alongside phazers, which are commonly seen in stall teams. While several Pokemon that can use Spikes or Toxic Spikes don't really fit well on a Uber stall team, or aren't very good Pokemon in general, but the following Pokemon have been shown to work superbly on many successful stall teams. Don't leave home without one of these expert Spikers.
Type: Bug / Steel
Base Stats: 75 HP / 90 Atk / 140 Def / 60 SpA / 60 SpD / 40 Spe
Ability: Sturdy / Overcoat (Unreleased)
Forretress's excellent defensive typing grants it resistances to Normal-, Bug-, Steel-, Ice-, Ghost-, Dark-, and Dragon-type attacks, all fairly common in the Ubers metagame, which allows the little shell to come in and set up Spikes with the greatest of ease. The bagworm also has access to all three entry hazards, most notably Toxic Spikes. Forretress's set of resistances and good defenses make it the best defensive Toxic Spiker in Ubers. Forretress is also one of the only three viable users of Rapid Spin in Ubers, which is important to stop your own walls from being worn down by the opponent's entry hazards. Forretress is also capable of hurting Ghost-types with a decently powerful Payback or Gyro Ball coming off its passable base 90 Attack stat. It is a great lead for your stall team as well. Rapid Spin makes attempts at setting up hazards against it useless, and Sturdy all but ensures Forretress will survive at least one attack, meaning that it will usually be able to quickly set up at least one layer if need be.
Common threats checked by Forretress: Scizor, Metagross, Giratina (that lack a Fire-type attack), Tyranitar (needs Gyro Ball and must avoid Fire attacks) ...that's about it. Forretress isn't really meant to wall anything, it is rather meant to come in on resisted attacks, get up a layer of hazards or spin, and then get back out. However, Forretress does excel at soaking up Outrages thanks to its meaty base 140 Defense stat.
Advantages: Resists Dragon-, Ice-, Dark-, and Ghost-type attacks. Great Defense. Access to Rapid Spin, and can use all three entry hazards. Sturdy.
Disadvantages: Low Special Defense and Speed. Easy to set up on because of relatively low Attack stat. Trapped by Magnezone unless it uses Shed Shell or Earthquake. 4x weakness to Fire-type attacks. Cannot phaze.
Useful moves: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin, Toxic, Gyro Ball, Payback, Volt Change, Earthquake, Reflect, Light Screen
Preferred teammates: Blissey, Giratina, Palkia, Chansey, Giratina-O, Ho-Oh, Groudon, anything that can take a Fire-type attack.
Type: Grass / Steel
Base Stats: 74 HP / 94 Atk / 131 Def / 54 SpA / 116 SpD / 20 Spe
Ability: Iron Barbs
Although Ferrothorn faces severe competition from Forretress, the former boasts quite a few advantages. Ferrothorn has significantly higher Special Defense and a Grass typing, which grants it resistances to Water- and Electric-type attacks in addition to its resistances to Dragon-, Ghost-, Normal-, Dark-, Grass-, and Rock-type attacks. Ferrothorn can set up Stealth Rock or Spikes with ease thanks to its great defenses and set of resistances. Ferrothorn can also heal itself using Leech Seed and Protect combined with Leftovers, an advantage that Forretress cannot boast. It can also hit foes quite hard with Power Whip and Gyro Ball, two very strong STAB attacks that come off a decent base 94 Attack stat.
Common threats checked by Ferrothorn: Groudon* (needs to avoid Fire Punch or Overheat), Kyogre* (can't have Choice Specs), Arceus* (lacking a Fire- or Fighting-type attack), Metagross, Kingdra, Latios* (avoid Hidden Power Fire), Latias* (Hidden Power Fire can KO in the sun), Giratina-O* (needs rain), Giratina, Palkia* (watch out for Fire Blast), Dialga* (watch out for Fire attacks), Garchomp* (2HKOed by +2 Earthquake), Zekrom* (without Focus Blast).
Advantages: Resistances to Water-, Electric-, Dragon-, Grass-, Normal-, Rock-, Ghost-, and Dark-type attacks. Leech Seed for pseudo-healing and to force switches. Great Special Defense. Good 94 Attack with powerful STABs in Power Whip and Gyro Ball. Iron Barbs punishes Pokemon that use direct contact attacks against Ferrothorn, especially Outrage.
Disadvantages: Low Speed, 4x weakness to Fire-type attacks that is compounded by sunlight, faces severe competition from Forretress for a team slot.
Useful moves: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Leech Seed, Protect, Thunder Wave, Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Thunder Wave, Toxic
Preferred teammates: Blissey, Giratina, Palkia, Chansey, Giratina-O, Ho-Oh, Groudon, anything that can take a Fire-type attack.
Type: Steel / Flying
Base Stats: 65 HP / 80 Atk / 140 Def / 40 SpA / 70 SpD / 70 Spe
Ability: Sturdy / Keen Eye / Weak Armor
Skarmory is a very useful Spiker in the Ubers metagame, even if it is only used to stop the menacing Extreme Killer Arceus. However, Skarmory's unique typing grants it many useful resistances, including valuable resistances to the popular Dragon- and Ground-type attacking combo, which lets it wall many powerful Uber physical sweepers such as Rayquaza, Garchomp, and Groudon. Skarmory also has access to Roost to heal itself, and unlike Deoxys-D, is immune to poison, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes, which allows Skarmory to switch in much more easily. Although Skarmory's support movepool aside from Stealth Rock and Spikes is fairly shallow, Whirlwind is really all it needs, as none of the other Spikers can phaze. Taunt also stops Pokemon from setting up on it. Skarmory also boasts a decently strong STAB Brave Bird to smack things around with, which does surprisingly good damage to most Pokemon. Skarmory does face stiff competition from Forretress unfortunately, due to the steel bird's lack of Rapid Spin and Toxic Spikes.
Common threats checked by Skarmory: Garchomp, Salamence* (Fire Blasts hurts), Rayquaza* (Overheat can OHKO), Groudon* (can't have a Fire-type attack), Scizor, Metagross, Shaymin-S, Arceus* (must be a physical variant lacking a Fire- or Electric-type attack), Excadrill, Dugtrio, Giratina-O* (must lack Thunder or Hidden Power Fire in sunlight), Venusaur* (lacking Hidden Power Fire).
Advantages: High Defense and reliable Recovery in Roost allows it to be a very good physical wall. Can phaze with Whirlwind, can leave a mark on things with STAB Brave Bird, immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, resistance to the popular Dragon- and Ground-type attacking combination, one of the few good counters to Extreme Killer Arceus. One of the best defensive partners for Blissey. Taunt can stop things from setting up on it.
Disadvantages: Low Speed, middling Attack, weaknesses to Fire- and Electric-type attacks, support movepool isn't as good compared to the other Spikers, can't take repeated special attacks too well even with investment, easily trapped by Magnezone.
Useful moves: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Whirlwind, Roost, Taunt, Toxic, Brave Bird
Preferred teammates: Blissey, Giratina, Palkia, Chansey, Giratina-O, Ho-Oh, Groudon, Giratina-O, Zekrom.
Type: Water / Poison
Base Stats: 80 HP / 70 Atk / 65 Def / 80 SpA / 120 SpD / 100 Spe
Ability: Liquid Ooze / Clear Body / Rain Dish
In DPP, Tentacruel was a rather horrible Pokemon to use in Ubers. With the introduction of Rain Dish and Ferrothorn however, Tentacruel became a very viable Rapid Spinner and Toxic Spikes user in Ubers. Despite its rather shabby physical defense stat, Tentacruel has considerable bulk on the special department, allowing it to survive even two Thunders from Choice Scarf Palkia factoring in Leftovers and Rain Dish + Protect recovery. Tentacruel also gained a new toy in the form of Scald which allows it to spread random status. Access to certain useful support moves such as Knock Off, Magic Coat, and Rapid Spin makes Tentacruel a decent candidate as a spinner in Ubers.
Common threats checked by Tentacruel: Skarmory, Deoxys-D, Fighting Arceus, Lugia, Terrakion* (KOed by +2 Stone Edge or Earthquake). Tentacruel doesn't check much, but rather spins for your team and launch Toxic Spikes on the field. It functions much like Forretress, and can easily come in on some special moves such as Dragon Pulse, Surf, Fire Blast, Grass Knot, or even Draco Meteor.
Advantages: Rain Dish, access to Scald, Toxic Spikes, gets Rapid Spin and has surprising Speed, better Special bulk than Forretress and Ferrothorn. Ice Beam can take out Rayquaza and Garchomp.
Disadvantages:Poor physical defense. No access to Spikes. Weak attacks. Setup bait for the likes of Bulk Up Dialga. Cannot touch Giratina.
Useful moves: Rapid Spin, Toxic Spikes, Scald, Protect, Knock Off, Ice Beam, Magic Coat
Preferred teammates: Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Groudon, Kyogre, Giratina-O, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Zekrom
Type: Psychic
Base Stats: 50 HP / 70 Atk / 160 Def / 70 SpA / 160 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Pressure
Although Deoxys-D has a middling HP stat, its enormous Defense and Special Defense make up for it. Recover also helps to extend Deoxys-D's lifespan, allowing it to come in and set up Stealth Rock and Spikes repeatedly if needed. Deoxys-D is also one of the only viable users of Knock Off, which can let it cripple Pokemon such as Reshiram that rely on their items for offensive power. Taunt also helps keep Deoxys-D from being setup bait, and Magic Coat lets it combat faster Taunt users. Deoxys-D also gets Reflect and Light Screen to support the team and bolster its own defenses, making it stupidly hard to kill when combined with Recover. Deoxys-D, however, suffers heavily from the four moveslot syndrome because it cannot utilize its myriad of support options on the same set.
Common threats checked by Deoxys-D: Rayquaza* (Swords Dance or Dragon Dance versions can OHKO after a boosts), Groudon* (+2 Earthquake can 2HKO easily), Garchomp* (Choice Band ones 2HKO with Outrage), Salamence* (needs Ice Beam), Terrakion* (must not have Swords Dance), Dialga, Palkia* (in the rain, Palkia can 2HKO with Surf or Aqua Tail), Metagross, Calm Mind Arceus that aren't Steel-, Poison-, Ghost-, Dark-, or Bug-type (will need Toxic.), Giratina-O.
Advantages: Very wide movepool, gets Recover for healing, Magic Coat and Taunt helps keep it from being set up on, Ice Beam lets it take a more direct approach in the handling of Rayquaza, Garchomp, and the like. High Special Defense. Access to Knock Off.
Disadvantages: Poor offenses. Only two resistances. Hit by all entry hazards. Cannot phaze. Suffers heavily from four moveslot syndrome.
Useful moves: Recover, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Ice Beam, Magic Coat, Taunt, Knock Off, Reflect, Light Screen, Toxic, Thunder Wave.
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Blissey, Giratina, Giratina-O, Skarmory, Arceus
A stall team often needs some help from some Pokemon other than walls to function. This is where these supporters come in. Supporting Pokemon help stall teams in many ways, whether it be tanking hits with their resistances to cripple opposing Pokemon with status, or simply setting up Stealth Rock and act as a phazer. The following group of Pokemon are well-known for their impressive supporting abilities.
Type: Water
Base Stats: 100 HP / 100 Atk / 90 Def / 150 SpA / 140 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Drizzle
Known for its sheer offensive might, Kyogre can also utilize a defensive set. A high base 100 HP, acceptable base 90 Defense, and a sexy base 140 Special Defense, along with a Water typing means Kyogre can wall quite a number of threats. Unlike the other walls, Kyogre can wreak havoc and wall at the same time. Rain- and STAB-boosted Surf or Scald will definitely hurt most attackers. Kyogre's support movepool is also surprisingly vast, capable of learning Roar, Safeguard, Toxic and Thunder Wave. Furthermore, Kyogre can pull off a bulky RestTalk set incredibly well to check some deadly threats such as Ho-Oh, Groudon, and Reshiram. Kyogre can also learn Thunder and Ice Beam to KO some top-tier threats, such as Rayquaza and Water Arceus.
Common threats checked by Kyogre: Garchomp* (Choice Banded Outrage will hurt), Salamence* (Kyogre needs Ice Beam), Groudon* (Life Orb Earthquake 2HKOes), Scizor, Metagross, Giratina-O* (watch out for Outrage), Ice*, (without Roar) Fire, Ground, Steel* (without Roar), Rock Arceus, Hydreigon, Darkrai, Mewtwo* (Psystrike can be damaging), Terrakion, Kyurem* (Outrage hurts), Heatran, Jirachi, Ho-Oh* (Brave Bird can 2HKO), Reshiram, Qwilfish, Kingdra, Tyranitar, Weavile, Water Arceus* (Kyogre needs Thunder) and Manaphy* (Kyogre needs Thunder)
Advantages: Massive power. Only 2 weaknesses. Can use Scald to dish out good damage and burn at the same time. Access to Roar and Thunder Wave. Controls the weather.
Disadvantages: Lacks recovery outside of Rest. Slow. Weak to Electric and Grass moves. Main attack walled by all the Dragons. The rain it brings attracts Thunder. Vulnerable to all entry hazards
Useful moves: Scald, Surf, Thunder, Ice Beam, Thunder Wave, Rest, Sleep Talk, Roar, Calm Mind
Preferred teammates: Palkia, Ferrothorn, Groudon, Giratina, Giratina-O, Garchomp, Jirachi, Tyranitar
Type: Steel / Dragon
Base Stats: 100 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 150 SpA / 100 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Telepathy (Unreleased)
Dialga's amazing Defense stat, coupled with resistances to Ghost-, Dark-, Normal-, Poison-, Rock-, Steel-, Bug-, Electric-, Grass-, and Water-type attacks, coupled with a resistance to Stealth Rock and immunity to Toxic Spikes allow Dialga to support a stall team with great ease. Dialga's auspicious typing allows it to pair well with a lot of walls such as Lugia and Cresselia. Dialga can set up Stealth Rock, spread status with Toxic or Thunder Wave, and even phaze the opponent out with Roar or a powerful STAB Dragon Tail. Dialga is very capable of punching holes through the opposing team while using a defensive set thanks to his mighty offensive stats. Its offensive movepool is extremely wide, consisting of STAB Outrage and Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Fire Blast, Thunder, Earthquake, Brick Break, Aura Sphere, Power Gem, and Earth Power, allowing Dialga to strike at the weaknesses of pretty much every Pokemon in the game.
Common threats checked by Dialga: Salamence* (hates Earthquake), Rayquaza* (hates Earthquake, boosted Outrages, and Draco Meteors), Scizor, Metagross, Shaymin-S, Arceus* (must be a physical variant lacking Earthquake and needs Toxic), Giratina-O, Venusaur, non-Recover Calm Mind Grass, Ice, Electric, Dragon Arceus. Kyogre* (not Choice Specs), Palkia* (Lustrous Orb or Choice Specs Spacial Rend hurts, Aura Sphere will leave a mark)
Advantages: Auspicious typing gives Dialga a wide range or resistances and immunities. Access to Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave and Toxic. Hits incredibly hard with its powerful dragon strikes or coverage moves. Immune to Poison. Able to phaze well with STAB Dragon Tail or Roar
Disadvantages: Lacks recovery. Weak to Ground and Fighting moves, which hampers it as a physical wall. Cannot set up screens. Low speed compared to most Ubers.
Useful moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Thunder, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Dragon Tail, Roar, Stealth Rock, Earth Power, Aura Sphere, Outrage
Preferred teammates: Lugia, Ho-Oh, Palkia, Arceus, Kyogre, Giratina-O
Type: Steel / Psychic
Base Stats: 67 HP / 89 Attack / 116 Def / 79 SpA / 116 SpD / 33 Spe
Ability: Levitate / Heatproof / Heavy Metal
Bronzong is an uncommon tank in Ubers, but its supporting niche cannot be ignored. Access to Stealth Rock makes it a very reliable supporter to launch Stealth Rock into the field. Furthermore, Bronzong can utilize dual screens, Thunder Wave, Toxic, or Hypnosis to cripple opponents or support the entire stall team. With the Levitate ability, Bronzong can wall a lot of top threats such as Groudon, Garchomp, Rayquaza, Latias and Giratina-O. Bronzong is blessed with a good defensive typing that leaves it with only one weakness. The lack of recovery moves may be disappointing, but Bronzong's raw bulk and Steel typing grant it a lot of resistances to support a team longer. In addition, Bronzong can inflict heavy damage on fast sweepers with Gyro Ball thanks to his low speed.
Common threats checked by Bronzong: Garchomp, Salamence* (avoid Fire attacks), Rayquaza*, Groudon* (can't take too many Fire-type attacks), Scizor, Metagross, Palkia* (can't take rain-boosted Surf or sun Fire Blast), Dialga* (can't damage Dialga at all without Earthquake and Fire Blast can hurt), Shaymin-S, Arceus* (must be a physical variant lacking a Fire attack and needs Toxic), Latias, Latios, Excadrill, Dugtrio, Giratina-O (beware of Hidden Power Fire in sunlight), Venusaur, non-Recover Calm Mind Grass, Ice, Dragon Arceus.
Advantages: Steel typing and Levitate gives it a wide array of resistances. Virtually immune to entry hazards thanks to Levitate. Access to Stealth Rock and dual screens. Wide support movepool. One of only two viable Pokemon that resist Ground + Dragon attacks.
Disadvantages: Unable to damage slower and bulkier threats. Vulnerable to Taunt and Low speed. Lacks recovery. Dead weight against opposing stall.
Useful moves: Gyro Ball, Stealth Rock, Hypnosis, Reflect, Light Screen, Toxic, Payback, Earthquake
Preferred teammates: Kyogre, Chansey, Blissey, Palkia, Ho-Oh, Giratina, Zekrom
Type: Steel / Psychic
Base Stats: 100 HP / 100 Atk / 100 Def / 100 SpA / 100 SpD / 100 Spe
Ability: Serene Grace
Jirachi is an excellent defensive pivot in the Uber tier. Its balanced defensive stats, resistance to Stealth Rock, immunity to Toxic Spikes, and Steel typing enable it to function well in stall teams. A wide support movepool including Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Light Screen, and U-turn enables Jirachi to support a stall team easily. Serene Grace Body Slam / Thunder together with Iron Head can easily annoy the opponent. Jirachi only has two weaknesses and is resistant to Dragon and Ice moves, which gives Jirachi the capacity to even stomach a Choice Specs Draco Meteor from Reshiram. Wish is a wonderful addition to Jirachi's movepool allowing it to support a team even further.
Common threats checked by Jirachi: Garchomp* (only on Choice-locked Dragon moves), Salamence* (in rain or without Earthquake), Scizor, Metagross* (watch out for Earthquake), Shaymin-S, Giratina-O (beware of Hidden Power Fire in sunlight), Calm Mind Grass Arceus* (needs to flinch it to death or Toxic), Ice Arceus* (needs Thunder Wave and Iron Head), Rock Arceus* (needs Thunder Wave and Iron Head) Dragon Arceus Arceus* (needs to paralyze and flinch it to death), Latias, Latios* (watch out for rain Thunder or sun Hidden Power Fire), Palkia* (Fire Blast hurts), Dialga* (can't really hurt Dialga and Fire attacks will hurt), Hydreigon* (Fire Blast outside of rain will 2HKO), Darkrai* (+2 Dark Pulse 2HKOes), Mewtwo* (lacking Fire attacks) Ludicolo, Terrakion* (+2 Close Combat OHKOes), Abomasnow, Kyurem
Advantages: Wish support. Dragon, Ice, Rock resistances. Immune to Toxic Spikes and resistant to Stealth Rock. Wide support movepool. U-turn to scout. Serene Grace will annoy opponents.
Disadvantages: Weak attacks. Hurt by Spikes. Powerless against any threat with Rest or a faster Substitute.
Useful moves: Thunder Wave, Body Slam, Iron Head, Fire Punch, Wish, Thunder, U-turn, Ice Punch, Toxic, Light Screen
Preferred teammates: Palkia, Kyogre, Giratina, Chansey, Blissey, Ho-Oh, Lugia
Each stall team needs a spinblocker to prevent the hard work of setting up hazards from being eliminated--teams lacking a spinblocker will not have the upper hand against opposing stall. The move Rapid Spin is Normal-type: thus, unless the spinner has Foresight, Ghost-types can easily spinblock. The only common Rapid Spin user in Ubers is Forretress, which unfortunately can't learn Foresight. Furthermore, the best spinblockers are found in the Uber tier. Giratina, while possessing a Ghost typing, shouldn't be used purely as a spinblocker because it is unable to damage Forretress, which uses it as setup bait. However, the following Ghost-types are excellent spinblockers.
Type: Ghost / Dragon
Base Stats: 150 HP / 120 Atk / 100 Def / 120 SpA / 100 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Levitate
At first glance, Giratina-O might seem like an inferior version of its bulkier cousin, Giratina. This however, is far from the truth. Giratina-O possesses a titanic base 150 HP, combined with respectable base 100 Defense and Special Defense, granting it a great amount of bulk to switch into attacks repeatedly. Levitate makes this even easier, as it can avoid Toxic Spikes and Spikes, and allows Giratina-O to act as the team's Ground-type immunity. Giratina just begs for Levitate, as it is greatly affected by the grounded hazards. On the offensive side, Giratina-O completely outclasses his other forme, with access to high-powered moves such as Draco Meteor and Outrage. Giratina-O has a decent defensively typing that grants it plenty of resistances and immunities. However, this comes at a price of having weaknesses to the common Dragon, Ice, and Dark attacks. Thanks to its STABs, high offensive stats, and the boost from Griseous Orb, though, Giratina-O is a deadly mixed attacker, which is something the other spinblockers struggle to do.
Common threats checked by Giratina-O: Ho-Oh* (watch out for burn and Brave Bird), Groudon, Swords Dance Ground Arceus*, Rock Arceus*, Poison Arceus* (needs Will-O-Wisp or some residual damage), Scizor, Metagross*, Terrakion, Grass Arceus* (avoid Ice Beam and needs Outrage), Heracross, Lucario, Heatran* (Giratina-O needs Earthquake), Kabutops, Qwilfish, Magnezone, Ferrothorn, Mewtwo* (without Ice Beam and Shadow Ball), Blaziken, Infernape, Ninjask
Advantages: Levitate. Near-immunity to entry hazards. Powerful STABs with Griseous Orb boost. Access to Shadow Sneak for revenging frailer threats such as Mewtwo. Can phaze remarkably well with powerful Dragon Tail.
Disadvantages: Weakness to common Dragon, Ice, Dark and Ghost attacks. Can only hold the Griseous Orb and lacks passive recovery. Hates passive damage, such as sand and hail.
Useful moves: Shadow Sneak, Draco Meteor, Hidden Power Fire, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Will-O-Wisp, Dragon Pulse, Thunder, Dragon Tail, Shadow Force (only for OHKOing StallTwo), Magic Coat
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Ferrothorn, Ho-Oh, Palkia, Groudon, Skarmory, Jirachi, Chansey, Blissey, Deoxys-D, Lugia, Excadrill
Ghost Arceus
Type: Ghost
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
As the only Arceus forme capable of spinblocking, Ghost Arceus is a staple in stall teams. With a mammoth HP stat and great defenses, Ghost Arceus can block and eliminate any Rapid Spinners with ease. Being, one of the most versatile Arceus formes, Ghost Arceus can learn a variety of support options to aid the team and spinblocking along the way, such as Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, and Perish Song. Will-O-Wisp will cripple any non-Fire-type physical attacker that dares to tackle Ghost Arceus, and a burn will make even max attack Forretress's Gyro Ball do laughable damage. Unlike most walls, Ghost Arceus is fully capable of sweeping unprepared teams with a Calm Mind set due to its impressive speed and attacking sets. The lack of a Dragon typing is actually a blessing to Ghost Arceus, as it isn't harmed too much by the commonly launched Dragon attacks.
Common threats checked by Ghost Arceus: Rayquaza* (Draco Meteor and Outrage will be hard to stomach), Groudon* (needs a ton of defense EVs or Will-O-Wisp), Garchomp, Ground Arceus* (needs Will-O-Wisp, Dugtrio, Extreme Killer Arceus* (needs Will-O-Wisp), Palkia* (Surf in rain will 2HKO), Dialga* (needs Calm Mind and doesn't enjoy Draco Meteor), Metagross* (Choice Band Meteor Mash 2HKOes), Mewtwo* (+1 Fire Blast will OHKO in the sun after some prior damage) , Fighting Arceus* (needs Toxic or Calm Mind), Salamence, Shaymin-S, Terrakion, Zekrom* (needs Will-O-Wisp), Giratina-O* (needs to avoid Shadow Ball and Shadow Force), Mew, Lucario, Ferrothorn
Advantages: Immune to Trick and Knock Off. A very offensive and defensive spinblocker, counters most Spikes users easily. Perish Song and reliable recovery move. High Speed, especially for a wall. Lacks Dragon and Ice weaknesses
Disadvantages: Lacks a lot of resistances. Countered by two common spinner partners (Ho-Oh and Kyogre). Fails to damage special walls. Affected by entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes.
Useful moves: Judgment, Shadow Claw, Recover, Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Reflect, Roar, Flamethrower, Thunder, Perish Song, Ice Beam
Preferred teammates: Blissey, Chansey, Palkia, Groudon, Forretress, Ferrothorn
Even in stall, it sometimes becomes necessary to go on the offensive, using a fast Pokemon equipped with a Choice Scarf to prevent powerful sweepers such as Dragon Dance Rayquaza or the like from tearing huge holes in your team. The following Pokemon are usually the best and most common choices for a stall team to employ as Choice Scarf users.
Type: Water / Dragon
Base Stats: 90 HP / 120 Atk / 100 Def / 150 SpA / 120 SpD / 100 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Telepathy (Unreleased)
Palkia's massive base 150 Special Attack is the most eyeopening stat of them; however, its base 120 Attack is not bad by any standards. Palkia also hits the vital base Speed of 100, allowing it to outspeed Rayquaza and the numerous base 90s such as +1 Flame Charge Reshiram, all Zekrom variants, and offensive Kyogre. Palkia's typing gives him 4x resistance to Fire and Water, allowing him to even absorb a Kyogre's full power Water Spout or Reshiram's most powerful Blue Fire in the sun. Palkia's movepool is incredibly wide. Among the common moves used by Choice Scarf Palkia in stall teams are Spacial Rend, Draco Meteor, Surf, Fire Blast, Thunder, Outrage, and Aura Sphere. Palkia's ability to handle the few special threats that Blissey or Chansey cannot make Palkia the most common Choice Scarf user seen in Stall teams.
Common threats revenged by Palkia: Kyogre, Reshiram* (can't come in on Dragon attacks), Groudon, Ho-Oh* (needs Stone Edge or Power Gem), Zekrom* (Palkia is OHKOed by Zekrom's Dragon attacks or Choice Band Bolt Strike), Dragon Arceus* (Come in only on non-attacking moves or ExtremeSpeed), Metagross, Ferrothorn* (outside of rain), Kyurem* (Draco Meteor OHKOes), Latias* (Palkia needs Outrage to OHKO boosted ones), Latios* (can't come in on Dragon moves), Lucario, Rayquaza* (Dragon attacks will OHKO), Garchomp* (without Choice Scarf), Heracross, Blaziken, Hydreigon* (can't come in on Draco Meteor or Outrage directly), Weavile, Manaphy, Mewtwo* (Only Hydro Pump in rain can OHKO it)
Advantages: Unique typing. Able to come in on Choice Specs Kyogre and Reshiram. Powerful attacking stats with high powered moves. Can work well under almost any weather condition
Disadvantages: Average Defense stat. Affected by all entry hazards. Weakened easily.
Useful moves: Draco Meteor, Spacial Rend, Fire Blasts, Thunder, Surf, Outrage, Stone Edge, Power Gem, Aura Sphere, Flamethrower, Hydro Pump
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Ferrothorn, Chansey, Blissey, Skarmory, Kyogre, Groudon
Type: Rock / Fighting
Base Stats: 91 HP / 129 Atk / 90 Def / 72 SpA / 90 SpD / 108 Spe
Ability: Justified
Terrakion may seem like an odd choice for stall teams, but it is one of the best checks to Extreme Killer Arceus and Rayquaza. It has fantastic offensive typing and excellent Attack and Speed stats, which let it hit everything other than the nonexistent Claydol for neutral damage at worst. Being a Fighting-type means Terrakion can muscle its way through stallbreakers such as Steel and Dark Arceus. Furthermore, Justified allows Terrakion to snag an Attack boost when it is hit with a Dark-type attack. Its mighty Close Combat and Stone Edge can even allow him to break walls with the right moves.
Common threats checked by Terrakion: Abomasnow* (Wood Hammer can KO), Blissey, Bug Arceus, Chansey, Dark Arceus, Darkrai, Dialga* (might not OHKO it and Draco Meteor hurts), Excadrill* (in Sand, Excadrill outspeeds and KO Terrakion first), Fire, Flying Arceus, Heatran, Ho-Oh*, Ice Arceus, Kingdra* (can't come in on Waterfall), Kyurem, Lucario* (hates Close Combat), Magnezone, Ferrothorn* (hates Power Whip and Gyro Ball), Normal Arceus, Rayquaza* (can only come in on resisted attacks), Reshiram* (Blue Flare and Draco Meteor KOes), Rock Arceus, Salamence* (hates Earthquake), Hydreigon, Steel Arceus* (OHKOed by Judgment), Weavile
Advantages: Resists ExtremeSpeed. High Speed. Powerful STABs with excellent coverage. Resists Dark- and Rock-type attacks.
Disadvantages: Mediocre defenses. Hates Toxic Spikes and Spikes. Countered by the common weather ubers. Weak to Ground and Water.
Useful moves: Stone Edge, Close Combat, Sacred Sword, Earthquake, X-Scissors
Preferred teammates: Chansey, Blissey, Giratina-O, Kyogre, Palkia, Ghost Arceus, Lugia
Type: Dragon / Electric
Base Stats: 100 HP / 150 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 100 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Teravolt
Zekrom's mighty offensive stats might make him look like an odd choice for stall teams, but his ability to break down some top tier threats earns him a spot on some stall teams. STAB Bolt Strike coming off a base 150 Attack is nothing to laugh at, and even bulky sweepers such as boosting tank Kyogre are OHKOed. Instead of hitting hard with special attacks, Zekrom bulldozes his way through Calm Mind users with ease on the physically. Choice Scarf Zekrom still has enough power to 2HKO max HP Arceus with Bolt Strike, and can outspeed Mewtwo.
Common threats checked by Zekrom: Blissey, Bronzong, Bug Arceus*, Chansey*, Dark Arceus*, Darkrai, Deoxys, Deoxys-A*, Dragon Arceus*, Flying Arceus, Garchomp* (non-Choice Scarf), Giratina*, Giratina-O*, Ho-Oh*, Kyogre*, Kyurem*, Latias*, Latios*, Lucario, Lugia, Mewtwo, Normal Arceus*, Scizor*, Steel Arceus*, Tyranitar
Advantages: Huge Attack stat and good physical Defense. Resist Fire, Water, Electric and Flying. Powerful near unresisted dual physical STABs.
Disadvantages: Outsped by other Choice Scarf users. Affected by all hazards. Main STAB is easily absorbed by Ground-types. Shallow movepool but good type coverage.
Useful moves: Bolt Strike, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Cross Thunder, Draco Meteor, Focus Blast
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Palkia, Forretress, Lugia, Chansey, Blissey, Jirachi, Kyogre, Giratina, Giratina-O, Excadrill
Type: Dragon / Fire
Base Stats: 100 HP / 120 Atk / 100 Def / 150 SpA / 120 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Turbo Blaze
Reshiram's staggering base 150 Special Attack, complemented by a respectable base 120 Attack, allows Reshiram to tear gaping holes into many teams even when used in stall teams. In fact, the main reason Reshiram is used in stall teams is to abuse it's sheer offensive power. Immunity to burn and its ability to blow through otherwise hard to revenge threats such as Mewtwo and Arceus earn Reshiram a place in sun-based stall teams. However, it isn't all good news, as a weakness to Stealth Rock, as well as vulnerability to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, severely hampers it as a Choice Scarf user. Luckily, stall teams can usually deal with this issue through Wish support from the likes of Blissey or Chansey, or through Rapid Spinning.
Common threats checked by Reshiram: Bronzong, Bug Arceus, Cresselia, Dark Arceus (unboosted), Darkrai, Deoxys, Deoxys-A*, Dragon Arceus*, Grass, Ice Arceus, Garchomp* (non-Choice Scarf), Giratina*, Giratina-O*, Ho-Oh*, Kyurem*, Latias, Latios*, Lucario, Lugia*, Mewtwo, Normal Arceus*, Scizor, Steel Arceus, Weavile
Advantages: Huge Special Attack stat and great Special Defense. Resists Fire and cannot be burnt. Powerful, unresisted dual STABs.
Disadvantages: Outsped by other Choice Scarf users. Weak to all hazards. Main STAB is easily absorbed by Kyogre, the most common Pokemon in Ubers. Shallow movepool.
Useful moves: Blue Flare, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Stone Edge, Flamethrower, Draco Meteor, Focus Blast
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Palkia, Forretress, Lugia, Chansey, Blissey, Jirachi, Ferrothorn, Giratina, Giratina-O
Type: Dragon / Ground
Base Stats: 108 HP / 130 Atk / 95 Def / 80 SpA / 85 SpD / 102 Spe
Ability: Sand Veil / Rough Skin (Unreleased)
Zekrom's higher attack stat means it is usually picked over Garchomp in stall teams. Nevertheless, Garchomp has several key advantages over Zekrom. Garchomp's unique speed stat allows it to outsped even Choice Scarf Palkia and a Dragon Dance-boosted Rayquaza! While Zekrom cannot revenge kill Dragon Dance Rayquaza and Salamence, Garchomp can do it with ease. Garchomp's defenses are also pretty decent as well, allowing it to survive even a +2 ExtremeSpeed from Rayquaza after Stealth Rock damage. It also has STAB for the invaluable Earthquake, which allows Garchomp to even muscle pass certain Arceus such as Steel and Electric Arceus. It's Ground typing allows Garchomp to come in on the frequent Thunders or Bolt Strike and wreak havoc with powerful Outrages and Earthquakes. Sand Veil is pretty useless unless you are using a Sand Streamer, though Rough Skin can be useful sometimes when the opponent uses a contact move. Keep in mind that Rough Skin is not legal with Outrage. However, if Rayquaza uses ExtremeSpeed, Garchomp can pick Rayquaza off with a Dragon Claw.
Common threats checked by Garchomp: Blaziken, Bug Arceus* (needs Stone Edge and some hazards), Deoxys* (Ice Beam OHKOes), Deoxys-A* (Ice Beam kills), Dialga* (needs to be weaken first), Excadrill, Dragon Arceus, Electric Arceus, Fire Arceus, Flying Arceus* (needs Stone Edge), Giratina-O* (can't come in on Dragon moves), Heatran, Ho-Oh* (hates burn and Brave Bird), Jirachi, Kyurem, Latias* (can't come in on Dragon moves), Latios* (Draco Meteor / Dragon Pulse will KO easily), Magnezone, Metagross, Mewtwo* (weaken it first), Palkia* (Dragon attacks kill Garchomp easily), Posion Arceus, Rayquaza* (can't come in on Dragon attacks), Reshiram* (Blue Flare and Dragon attacks can KO), Rock Arceus, Salamence* (can't eat a Dragon attack), Hydreigon* (Can't survive a Draco Meteor, Steel Arceus, Tyranitar, Zekrom* (Dragon attacks will KO)
Advantages: Faster than most Choice Scarf users. Almost unresisted dual-STAB and access to powerful moves. Resistant to Stealth Rock and immune to Thunder Wave.
Disadvantages: Needs to use Outrage for major damage. Weak against most stall teams. setup bait for Spikers. Affected greatly by Spikes and Toxic Spikes.
Useful moves: Outrage, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Toxic, Dual Chop, Fire Fang, Fire Blast
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Lugia, Kyogre, Jirachi, Bronzong, Chansey, Blissey, Palkia, Tyranitar, Ferrothorn, Excadrill
Type: Bug / Fighting
Base Stats: 80 HP / 125 Atk / 75 Def / 40 SpA / 95 SpD / 85 Spe
Ability: Swarm / Guts / Moxie (Unreleased)
Heracross is sometimes seen in Ubers stall for one main reason: it's almost a hard counter to Darkrai. Heracross resists the two common moves seen on Darkrai, Focus Blast and Dark Pulse, and by giving it Sleep Talk, it can hit it for super-effective damage with either of its two STABs with a Guts boost thrown in, dealing huge damage to other things as well. Unlike most Bug-types, Heracross has STAB Fighting-type moves allowing it to break through steels such as Ferrothorn. Heracross's STAB Megahorn / Close Combat are very powerful and dealing super-effective damage to the many Psychic- and Steel-, Dark-typed Pokemon in the tier. Heracross also boasts Guts which allows him to abuse Toxic Spikes for major power increase. With a Guts boost, this bug can even threaten Groudon to an extent.
Common threats checked by Heracross: Abomasnow, Bug Arceus, Chansey, Blissey, Dark Arceus, Darkrai, Deoxys, Deoxys-A* (Fire Punch and Psycho Boosts OHKOes), Deoxys-D, Dialga* (needs some prior damage and hates Fire attacks), Excadrill, Dugtrio, Grass Arceus, Heatran* (can't take a Fire attack), Ice Arceus, Latias, Latios, Mew, Mewtwo, Ferrothorn, Normal Arceus* (+2 ExtremeSpeed OHKOes), Psychic Arceus, Rock Arceus, Hydreigon, Steel Arceus, Tyranitar* (Stone Edge will hurt), Weavile
Advantages: Powerful STABs. Megahorn for KOing the abundant Psychic-types. Guts ability to abuse status.
Disadvantages: Pretty frail. Walled by Flying-types if not locked on Stone Edge.
Useful moves: Megahorn, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Sleeptalk, Toxic, Earthquake (only for Poison Arceus and Tentacruel), Night Slash
Preferred teammates: Heatran, Ho-Oh, Skarmory, Kyogre, Giratina-O, Mewtwo, Lugia, Palkia, Dialga, Arceus, Zekrom
Type: Dark / Dragon
Base Stats: 92 HP / 105 Atk / 90 Def / 125 SpA / 90 SpD / 98 Spe
Ability: Levitate
Hydreigon's stats may lead you to believe that it is not a threatening Pokemon in any way; however, the fact that it has a very wide movepool can make it a very effective Choice Scarf user for stall teams. Hydreigon can open up holes in the opponent's team with Draco Meteor or scout switch-ins with U-turn. Having Dark as a secondary STAB is very useful in Ubers, allowing Hydreigon to hit many Pokemon in the tier for super-effective damage. This dragon also has access to the rarely seen Head Smash. It might seem terrible move for a non-Rock Head Pokemon to use, but Hydreigon can OHKO Ho-Oh even with an Attack reducing nature. Levitate is perhaps the biggest advantage it has over Palkia, as it allows Hydreigon to ignore the deadly Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Hydreigon's unique typing and ability grants it resistances to the commonly used Psychic (Mewtwo), Electric, Fire, Water, Ghost and Dark attacks.
Common threats checked by Hydreigon: Abomasnow* (Blizzard will be dangerous), Darkrai, Deoxys, Deoxys-A (watch out for Superpower and Ice Beam), Deoxys-D, Dragon Arceus (can't come in on Dragon moves), Whimsicott, Garchomp (non-Choice Scarf and can't take an Outrage), Ghost Arceus* (before Calm Mind boosts), Giratina-O (Draco Meteor will OHKO), Grass Arceus, Groudon* (hates Dragon Tail), Heatran (needs Earth Power), Ho-Oh (needs Head Smash), Jirachi* (hates paralysis), Latias* and Latios* (hates Dragon attacks), Lucario (can't come in on Close Combat), Ludicolo* (can't take too many Ice Beams), Magnezone, Metagross (Meteor Mash hurts), Rayquaza (can't stomach a Dragon attack), Reshiram (Dragon attacks will OHKO), Scizor* (don't come in on U-turn), Skarmory, Zekrom* (can't take any Dragon attack)
Advantages: Levitate, not vulnerable to all hazards. Dark typing. Access to Head Smash for OHKOing Ho-Oh. Can scout very well with U-turn
Disadvantages: Average Attacking stats by Ubers standards. Weak to Dragon and Ice. Less speed than base 100s such as Palkia and Mew
Useful moves: Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, U-turn, Head Smash, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Surf, Crunch
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Ferrothorn, Giratina-O, Heatran, Jirachi, Chansey, Blissey, Lugia, Ho-Oh
Type: Fire / Psychic
Base Stats: 100 HP / 100 Atk / 100 Def / 100 SpA / 100 SpD / 100 Spe
Ability: Victory Star
Victini might seem to be outclassed by Reshiram at first due to inferior stats, but it has a trump card: V-create. V-create is a move with staggering power, so powerful that, when backed by sun and STAB, it reaches an incredible 405 Base Power. Furthermore, it hits for physical damage, which allows it to bypass the Calm Mind boosts from the likes of Arceus or Mewtwo. Fusion Bolt allows it to somewhat hurt Kyogre on the switch in. Useful resistances to Fire-, Psychic-, Ice- and Grass- allows it to revenge kill dangerous threats to stall such as Steel Arceus, Mewtwo and Shaymin-S. Victini isn't the best defensively though, as it is weak to all forms of entry hazards, but that can be alleviated with the use of Rapid Spin users, which are common in stall such as Forretress.
Common threats checked by Victini: Bronzong, Bug Arceus, Cresselia, Dark Arceus* (must be weakened), Darkrai, Deoxys, Deoxys-A, Ground Arceus* (must be weakened), Grass, Ice Arceus, Garchomp* (non-Choice Scarf and needs Hidden Power Ice), Ho-Oh* (Stealth Rock must be out), Kyurem, Latias, Latios*, Lucario, Mewtwo, Normal Arceus* (+2 ExtremeSpeed kills), Rayquaza, Scizor, Steel Arceus, Weavile
Advantages: Immensely powerful V-Create, faster than base 90 Choice Scarf users. Has U-turn to scout, can revenge kill Mewtwo easily, strikes on the physical side allowing it to defeat Calm Mind users.
Disadvantages: Weak to all hazards. Main STAB is easily absorbed by Kyogre, the most common Pokemon in Ubers. Relies on weather for power. Average stats.
Useful moves: V-Create, Fusion Bolt, U-turn, Zen Headbutt, Hidden Power Ice, Overheat, Brick Break
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Palkia, Forretress, Lugia, Chansey, Blissey, Ho-Oh Ferrothorn, Giratina, Giratina-O, Excadrill, Tentacruel
Some Pokemon can't just be classified into the above categories. That's what this section is for. This lack of a way to classify them by no means they are bad though!
Type: Ground / Flying
Base Stats: 75 HP / 95 Atk / 125 Def / 45 SpA / 75 SpD / 95 Spe
Ability: Sand Veil / Hyper Cutter / Poison Heal
This annoying little bugger can stall out teams with a simple Toxic + Taunt combination. Poison Heal is an amazing method of recovery. Gliscor also has STAB Earthquake to bash the occasional Poison- and Steel-types that are immune to Toxic. Taunt makes most walls useless and with Gliscor's unique typing, it is capable of walling Groudon efficiently. In terms of Speed, Gliscor isn't too shabby either. It outruns the slow base 90s easily. Gliscor's great physical defense is a huge plus to it's stalling capabilities. The lack of Roost can easily be ignored when you are healing 12.5% every turn: Protect + Poison Heal is effective healing even in Ubers. Gliscor has some drawbacks though because it has rather pathetic Attack stat and Special Defense stat making it vulnerable to the powerful Special attackers who dominate Ubers.
Common threats checked by Gliscor: Bronzong, Blaziken, Groudon (Gliscor hates +2 Fire Punch), physical Arceus* (Gliscor can't hurt it much outside of Toxic), Forretress, Ferrothorn, Chansey, Blissey, Rayquaza* (not mixed ones), Garchomp, Salamence, Heatran, Metagross, Zekrom, Ground Arceus, Fighting Arceus* (without Ice Beam), Rock Arceus* (physical ones, watch out for +2 Stone Edge!).
Advantages: Poison Heal, Ground and Electric immunity, Fighting resistance, access to Taunt.
Disadvantages: Terrible Special Defense. Weak to Ice and Water. Weak attacks.
Useful moves: Taunt, Earthquake, Substitute, Protect, Toxic, Fling, Acrobatics, Ice Fang, Stone Edge
Preferred teammates: Kyogre, Dialga, Palkia, Ferrothorn, Forretress, Grass Arceus, Chansey, Blissey, Deoxys-D, Steel Arceus, Giratina-O, Giratina, Skarmory.
Type: Fire / Fighting
Stats: 80 HP / 120 Atk / 70 Def / 110 SpA / 70 SpD / 80 Spe
Ability: Blaze / Speed Boost
Blaziken might seem out of place in a stall team, but its ability is a huge boon to its usability. With enough Speed boosts gathered, Blaziken can sweep rather easily with its sizable Attack stat, mighty STAB Hi Jump Kick, and Flare Blitz, which is further boosted in the sun. While you are not planning to sweep in stall teams, Blaziken can abuse Protect which allows it to revenge kill many deadly threats to stall, Heatran, Dark Arceus, Darkrai, Mewtwo, and Steel Arceus being a few of them. Due to the popularity of Groudon in stall teams, Blaziken can easily blast through otherwise hard to kill offensive threats, such as Mewtwo, with Flare Blitz in one hit. Blaziken does have some flaws though; it is incredibly frail by Ubers standards and needs the weather or the use of Protect to revenge kill properly.
Common threats checked by Blaziken: Abomasnow, Blissey, Bug Arceus, Chansey, Dark Arceus, Darkrai, Dialga, Excadrill* (in Sand, Excadrill outspeeds and KO you even at +2), Fire, Heatran, Ho-Oh* (Blaziken must use Stone Edge), Ice Arceus, Kyurem, Lucario* (Blaziken hates Close Combat), Magnezone, Mewtwo* (Psystrike OHKOes), Ferrothorn, Normal Arceus, Rock Arceus, Steel Arceus* (OHKOed by Earthquake), Weavile
Advantages: Powerful STABs. Has resistances to Dark-type attacks. Becomes very powerful in the sun. Is not weak to Stealth Rock. Can sweep if given the chance. Burn immunity means it can bash through defensive Mewtwo lacking Psystrike.
Disadvantages: Horrible defenses. Hates Toxic Spikes and Spikes. Gets walled a lot easier in rain. Needs Protect to be useful in revenge killing.
Useful moves: High Jump Kick, Protect, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Flare Blitz, Overheat, Shadow Claw
Preferred teammates: Giratina-O, Groudon, Palkia, Ghost Arceus, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Blissey, Chansey, Ferrothorn, Zekrom
Type: Fire / Steel
Base Stats: 91 HP / 90 Atk / 106 Def / 130 SpA / 106 SpD / 77 Spe
Ability: Flash Fire / Flame Body (Unreleased)
Heatran, while rarely seen in Ubers, is still something to watch out for. Heatran's Fire-type attacks in the sun are one of the most powerful Fire-type moves in the game, only falling short of Chandelure and Reshiram. Heatran uses a more defensive set in stall, thanks to his numerous resistances, good stats, Roar, Taunt, and even Torment, and Lava Plume, which has a 30% chance to cause burn, helping it greatly against Groudon and Zekrom. Heatran has resistances to common Uber attacks such as Dragon, Ice, Dark, Ghost, and Fire making him a fine choice even in stall teams. Heatran can also shut down several well-known stallbreakers such as Steel and Dark Arceus through the combination of Taunt and Flamethrower or Lava Plume. Heatran can also harass great walls with Taunt, Roar and Toxic.
Common threats checked by Heatran: Abomasnow, Bronzong, Bug Arceus, Dark Arceus, Deoxys, Deoxys-A* (Superpower hurts), Dialga* (Earth Power OHKOes), Dragon Arceus* (Earthquake kills), Fire Arceus, Flying Arceus, Forretress, Ghost Arceus (avoid Focus Blasts), Giratina*, Giratina-O* (without Earthquake), Ho-Oh* (without Earthquake), Ice Arceus, Jirachi, Kyurem, Latias, Latios* (Thunder and Surf in rain hurt), Magnezone, Metagross*, Ninjask, Palkia* (only under the sun), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza* (without Brick Break or Earthquake), Hydreigon, Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Steel Arceus, Weavile
Advantages: Immune to Toxic Spikes. Able to use Taunt and Torment effectively, Can phaze with Roar and use Stealth Rock. Packs a wide array of resistances.
Disadvantages: Lacks recovery. Slow and stopped by Rain. Hates Spikes. Main STAB resisted by many Dragon- and Water-types.
Useful moves: Flamethrower, Roar, Taunt, Torment, Stealth Rock, Protect, Lava Plume, Dragon Pulse, Toxic
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Palkia, Ferrothorn, Forretress, Skarmory
Type: Grass / Flying
Base Stats: 75 HP / 55 Atk / 70 Def / 55 SpA / 85 SpD / 110 Spe
Ability: Chlorophyll / Leaf Guard / Infiltrator
Jumpluff sports great Speed, reaching 700 in the sun, and is only outsped under Sunny Day by Choice Scarf Deoxys-S. It's wide support movepool includes double status, Encore, and Leech Seed. Jumpluff now faces severe competition from Whimsicott, but Jumpluff does provide several advantages over its Grass-type counterpart; it is immune to Ground attacks and Toxic Spikes, and has access to Sleep Powder, which is invaluable. Toxic Spikes in particular will completely ruin Whimsicott.
Common threats checked by Jumpluff: Jumpluff can't counter anything but come in on resisted hits or one it is immune to, such as Earthquake. From there, Jumpluff can set up accordingly.
Advantages: Very fast in the sun, and has access to double status, Leech Seed and Encore, immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes.
Disadvantages: Lacks any offensive power, weak to Stealth Rock, average defenses and relies on weather for blazing Speed, still very fast without it though.
Useful moves: Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Encore, Leech Seed, Substitute, U-turn
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Forretress, Palkia, Giratina, Giratina-O, Chansey, Blissey, Jirachi, Heatran, Ho-Oh, Reshiram
Type: Grass
Base Stats: 60 HP / 67 Atk / 85 Def / 77 SpA / 75 SpD / 116 Spe
Ability: Prankster / Infiltrator / Chlorophyll (Unreleased)
Initially, Whimsicott looks like a worse Shaymin. However, Whimsicott's combination of its abilities and its decent defensive stats along with Prankster make it the fastest SubSeeder in the game. Whimsicott can neglect his speed stat due to Prankster and invest fully in defenses to stay alive longer. Unlike Jumpluff, Whimsicott can use Taunt as well. It can also use Stun Spore, priority Tickle, and Worry Seed to cripple sweepers. A fast U-turn allows Whimsicott to scout easily. A combination of four support moves is already adequate to annoy most teams. Whimsicott is also a good emergency stop to setup sweepers.
Common threats checked by Whimsicott: Darkrai, Dark Arceus* (Whimsicott can't kill it), Deoxys* (Ice Beam will KO), Deoxys-A* (Ice Beam KOes), Deoxys-D, Groudon* (Fire Punch will hurt), Kyogre* (Ice Beam kills easily), Excadrill, Dugtrio, Ground Arceus, Jirachi. Note: Whimsicott isn't meant to come on powerful attacks, but rather on setup moves or weak attacks.
Advantages: Priority support moves, can invest fully in defenses. Access to Encore, Leech Seed and Taunt.
Disadvantages: Lacks offensive power, screwed by Toxic Spikes. Average defenses. Cannot switch in on powerful attacks
Useful moves: Taunt, Encore, Leech Seed, Substitute, Tickle, Worry Seed, U-turn
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Poison Arceus, Palkia, Giratina, Giratina-O, Chansey, Blissey, Jirachi, Heatran, Ho-Oh, Skarmory
Type: Grass/Flying
Base Stats: 100 HP/ 103 Atk / 75 Def / 120 SpA / 75 SpD / 127 Spe
Ability: Serene Grace
Shaymin-S's stats may make you believe its cousin Shaymin can fit better in stall teams, but thanks to its blazing speed and great offensive stats, Shaymin-S can puncture holes in an opposing team and utilize the SubSeed Strategy at the same time. STAB Seed Flare coupled with Serene Grace can halve an opponent's Special Defense 80% of the time, provided it hits. Air Slash, while only at a 70 Base Power, is nothing to laugh at either, as it can flinch 60% of the time thanks to Shaymin-S's ability. It's worth nothing that the only Shaymin-S set commonly seen in Quick Stall teams is the SubSeed set. It can also abuse its fantastic Speed and push it even further with a Choice Scarf. With said item, Shaymin-S can even outspeed Kabutops and standard Kingdra in the rain.
Common Threats checked by Shaymin-S: Abomasnow* (Blizzard OHKOes), Blaziken* (Fire attacks OHKO), Bug Arceus, Deoxys* (Ice attacks kill Shaymin-S), Deoxys-A* (Ice Beam can KO), Fighting Arceus, Forretress, Garchomp (Needs Hidden Power Ice to OHKO and beware of Stone Edge and Outrage), Grass Arceus (without Ice Beam), Kyogre* (Ice Beam OHKOes), Magnezone (needs Earth Power), Poison Arceus, Hydreigon* (Fire Blast will be painful), Terrakion. (Shaymin-S cannot absorb many attacks and needs to get in safely to be effective)
Advantages: Very impressive Speed stat. High Special attack with awesome moves like Seed Flare and Air Slash together with Serene Grace. Access to Leech Seed and Growth to even sweep some teams. Immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes.
Disadvantages: Low defenses. Weak to Stealth Rock, and cursed with a quadruple weakness to Ice-type moves. Main STAB walled by many common Ubers (Ho-Oh, Lugia, Rayquaza, Dialga, Zekrom, Reshiram, Giratina).
Useful moves: Seed Flare, Air Slash, Leech Seed, Substitute, Earth Power, Hidden Power Ice, Growth
Preferred teammates: Kyogre, Heatran, Forretress, Ho-Oh, Dialga, Palkia, Skarmory
Type: Psychic
Base Stats: 106 HP / 110 Atk / 90 Def / 154 SpA / 90 SpD / 130 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Unnerve (Unreleased)
Since RBY, Mewtwo has served as an offensive terror on Ubers teams; BW continues that trend. Mewtwo's base 154 Special Attack, combined with base 130 Speed, allow it to outspeed and outdamage everything commonly seen in Ubers, with the exceptions of Deoxys-S and Deoxys-A. Despite Mewtwo's amazing offensive stats, it can also go on the defensive. Mewtwo's access to Light Screen, Reflect, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, and Recover allow it to stop offensive threats and even opposing stall teams. Unfortunately, Mewtwo's average defenses somewhat hamper its walling abilities since it can't switch in directly on powerful foes such as Kyogre. If Mewtwo does manage to switch in safely, however, it can easily stall out many threats and force a lot of switches due to Taunt and status. Its blazing Speed allows it to Taunt an opponent, hide behind a screen, or burn the opponent before it hits Mewtwo.
Common threats checked by Mewtwo: Abomasnow, Blaziken* (Flare Blitz will leave a mark and can't be burned), Bronzong* (Gyro Ball will hurt), Bug Arceus, Chansey, Blissey, Deoxys, Deoxys-A* (Shadow Ball can deal major damage), Dialga* (can't take Choice Specs or LO Draco Meteor), Dragon Arceus* (+2 Outrage hurts even through burn), Fighting Arceus, Forretress, Garchomp, Giratina, Giratina-O* (Draco Meteor and Shadow Sneak will KO), Jirachi, Kyurem* (Choice Specs Blizzards will do lots of damage), Latias, Latios* (Choice Specs Draco Meteor can OHKO), Lugia, Magnezone, Metagross* (needs a burn), Palkia* (Choice Scarf ones can outspeed and 2HKO while Choice Specs set will hit Mewtwo hard), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza* (can't stomach a Draco Meteor or Outrages), Hydreigon* (Dark Pulse will be painful), Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Steel Arceus* (Boosted Judgments can hurt), Terrakion
Advantages: Very high Speed. Pressure and Recover stall. Access to Taunt, dual screens and Will-O-Wisps.
Disadvantages: Average defenses and affected by all hazards. Weak to Pursuit and unable to burn Fire-types such as Ho-Oh.
Useful moves: Will-O-Wisp, Light Screen, Taunt, Recover, Psystrike, Flamethrower, Thunder, Reflect, Ice Beam
Preferred teammates: Giratina, Chansey, Blissey, Forretress, Kyogre, Palkia, Arceus, Dialga, Heatran
Ground Arceus
Type: Ground
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
Unlike most Arceus formes, Ground Arceus can hit incredibly hard with physical attacks. STAB Earthquake combined with Stone Edge forms a nearly unresisted combo, and Ground Arceus's Speed, great bulk, and wide movepool set it apart from Groudon. Ground Arceus has access to the invaluable Will-O-Wisp and Perish Song as well. Unlike Garchomp or Groudon, Ground Arceus can take an Ice Beam from Choice Specs Kyogre and live to tell the tale. If you team desperately needs someone to setup Stealth Rock, Ground Arceus can do it as well. Or, if you want a bulky sweeper, Ground Arceus will fit perfectly in your team.
Common threats checked by Ground Arceus: Bronzong (Needs Gravity), Bug Arceus (needs Stone Edge or Toxic / Perish Song), Dark Arceus (Needs Swords Dance or Perish Song), Deoxys, Deoxys-A* (Grass Knot hurts), Dialga* (Choice Specs Draco Meteor will hurt), Flying Arceus, Forretress, Ghost Arceus (Needs Toxic), Giratina* (can't really kill it without Calm Mind and Ice Beam), Giratina-O, Ho-Oh (needs Stone Edge), Jirachi, Latias* (watch out for Grass Knot), Latios* (Grass Knot can leave a mark), Magnezone, Metagross, Ninjask, Palkia* (rain-boosted Surf OHKOes), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza, Reshiram (can't take a Choice Specs Blue Flare), Hydreigon, Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Steel Arceus, Tyranitar, Weavile, Zekrom
Advantages: Resists Stealth Rock. Immune to Knock Off and Trick. Fast Speed with Perish Song for end game sweepers. Has Recover to stay healthy. Powerful STAB and coverage moves form near unresisted combos. Can sweep with Swords Dance.
Disadvantages: Lacks passive recovery, weak to Ice and Water moves. Affected by Spikes, hates Toxic, and crippled by Will-O-Wisp.
Useful moves: Judgment, Earthquake, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Recover, Ice Beam, Will-O-Wisp, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Gravity, Perish Song
Preferred teammates: Palkia, Kyogre, Ferrothorn, Forretress, Zekrom, Giratina-O
Steel Arceus
Type: Steel
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
Steel Arceus is one of the most resilient Arceus formes. Its typing grants it resistances to many common attack types in the Ubers environment, including Dragon-, Ghost-, Dark-, and Ice-type attacks. Steel Arceus can easily take advantage of its brilliant defensive stats, Speed, and Recover to Calm Mind against the majority of foes, even being able to outlast Fire-types if it is raining. Although STAB Steel-type attacks don't offer much in the way coverage, Steel Arceus can still check and eliminate many threats to stall such as Palkia and Dark Arceus. A wide support movepool such as Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Light Screen, Reflect, and Perish Song allows Steel Arceus to act as a team player. Being the bulkiest Steel-type around, Steel Arceus makes a fine counter to most Dragon-types. The ability to utilize Spacial Rend, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Earth Power, and Thunder allows Steel Arceus to smack at the weaknesses of threats.
Common threats checked by Steel Arceus: Abomasnow, Bronzong, Bug Arceus, Dark Arceus, Deoxys, Deoxys-A* (Superpower hurts), Dialga* (Fire Blasts will hurt), Dragon Arceus* (Earthquake will leave a dent), Flying Arceus, Forretress, Ghost Arceus* (avoid Focus Blasts), Giratina* (can't really kill it without Calm Mind), Giratina-O* (without Earthquake), Ice Arceus, Jirachi, Kyurem, Latias, Latios* (Hidden Power Fire in the sun can leave a mark), Magnezone, Metagross* (Earthquake can be problematic), Ninjask, Palkia* (Fire Blast and rain-boosted Surf will be damaging), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza* (without Fire moves or Earthquake), Hydreigon, Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Steel Arceus, Tyranitar, Weavile
Advantages: Steel typing gives a lot of resistances. Immune to Toxic Spikes and resist Stealth Rock. Immune to Knock Off and Trick. Fast Speed with Perish Song for end game sweepers. Has Recover to stay healthy.
Disadvantages: Lacks passive recovery, Weak to Fire and Ground moves. Bad offensive STAB.
Useful moves: Judgment, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Recover, Iron Head, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunder, Reflect, Light Screen, Will-O-Wisp, Earth Power, Stealth Rock
Preferred teammates: Ho-Oh, Palkia, Kyogre, Lugia, Zekrom, Giratina-O
Poison Arceus
Type: Poison
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
Although Poison has always been considered a subpar typing due to a lack of offensive coverage (being resisted or immune by five types, four of which are common in Ubers and only hitting super effectively against one type, which is rather rare), Poison Arceus has a unique niche in Ubers. Poison Arceus brings some useful resistances, good bulk, and the ability to absorb Toxic Spikes. It has a wide support movepool like the other Arceus formes that includes Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Light Screen, Reflect, and Perish Song. However, unless your team is very weak to Toxic Spikes, Poison Arceus should never be considered in a stall team, as the resistances it provides for the team are nearly useless. Bug, Grass, Poison, and Fighting moves are usually considered rare moves in Ubers.
Common threats walled by Poison Arceus: Abomasnow, Bronzong* (can't hurt Bronzong back), Bug Arceus, Dark Arceus* (Arceus needs Perish Song to win), Deoxys and Deoxys-A* (Psycho Boost OHKOes), Dialga* (Arceus can't damage Dialga back), Dragon Arceus* (Arceus needs Toxic and Earthquake will leave a dent), Flying Arceus, Forretress, Ghost Arceus* (Needs Perish Song or Toxic), Giratina* (Can't really kill it without Calm Mind), Giratina-O* (without Earthquake), Ice Arceus, Jirachi, Kyurem, Latias* (Choice Specs Draco Meteor and Psyshock can leave a mark), Latios* (Draco Meteor and Psyshock can leave a mark), Magnezone, Metagross* (Earthquake can be problematic), Ninjask, Palkia* (rain-boosted Surf and Draco Meteor will be damaging), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza* (without Earthquake), Hydreigon, Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Tyranitar (needs Toxic or Focus Blast), Weavile
Advantages: Toxic Spikes absorption. Fast Speed and access to wide support movepool. Can use Perish Song for end game sweepers. Immune to Trick and Knock Off. Has Recover to stay alive longer.
Disadvantages: Outclassed by other Arceus formes and lacks passive recovery. Sucky offensive typing.
Useful moves: Ice Beam, Stealth Rock, Roar, Recover, Perish Song, Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Thunder Wave
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Giratina-O, Giratina, Chansey, Blissey, Giratina, Lugia
Rock Arceus
Type: Rock
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
Rock Arceus might seem like a weird choice for stall teams, but it has everything it needs to be a deadly tank. Access to useful support moves like all the other Arceus variants just makes it a whole lot better. Rock Arceus functions best in sand stall, where it can act as a very resilient wall with more Special Defense than even Lugia. The main niche Rock Arceus has over the other Arceus variants is that Rock Arceus is arguably the best counter for Reshiram and Ho-Oh that ever existed. Choice Specs Focus Blast or Life Orb Earthquake from Ho-Oh can 2HKO, but Rock Arceus can finish them off before that happens. It also has the advantage of defeating Calm Mind Giratina-O due to the Special Defense buff it receives from the sand, something other Arceus variants struggle to do. Arceus Rock isn't without flaws though; for example, its typing just invites Kyogre to switch in and drown it.
Common threats walled by Rock Arceus: Abomasnow, Bronzong* (can't hurt Bronzong back), Bug Arceus, Dark Arceus* (needs Perish Song to win), Deoxys and Deoxys-A* (Superpower hurts), Dialga, Dragon Arceus* (Needs Will-O-Wisp and Earthquake will leave a dent), Flying Arceus, Forretress, Ghost Arceus* (Needs Perish Song or Toxic), Giratina* (Can't really kill it without Calm Mind), Giratina-O, Ho-Oh, Heatran, Ice Arceus, Kyurem, Latias, Latios, Magnezone, Ninjask, Palkia* (only outside of rain), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza* (watch out for boosted Earthquake), Reshiram, Hydreigon, Skarmory, Tyranitar, Weavile
Advantages: High Speed and access to wide support movepool. Can use Perish Song for end game sweepers. Immune to Trick and Knock Off. Has Recover to stay alive longer. Special Defense becomes extremely high in the sand, counters Reshiram and Ho-Oh easily.
Disadvantages: Has nasty weakness to Ground- and Water-type attacks, weak to both weather Ubers. Lacks Leftovers and takes damage from all forms of entry hazards.
Useful moves: Judgment, Fire Blast, Calm Mind, Stealth Rock, Roar, Recover, Perish Song, Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Grass Knot
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Giratina-O, Giratina, Chansey, Blissey, Giratina, Lugia, Hippowdon, Tyranitar, Excadrill
Steel / Ground
Base Stats: 110 HP / 135 Atk / 60 Def / 50 SpA / 65 SpD / 88 Spe
Ability: Sand Rush / Sand Force / Mold Breaker (Unreleased)
Excadrill's very high Attack stat means it is more commonly seen in offensive teams. Outside of puncturing holes in an opposing team, Excadrill is a fantastic Spinner even in the Ubers tier, since it can break through almost every Ghost-type not named Giratina and pull of a Rapid Spin. While Excadrill struggles to break Giratina-A, it can smash any other spinblocker, such as Ghost Arceus, with a boosted Earthquake, something Forretress cannot boast. Excadrill's unique typing allows it to wall several top threats such as Zekrom and some Dialga. Access to a usable movepool allows Excadrill to fit in stall teams just fine, particularly rain teams. Excadrill can actually beat most Calm Mind Dark and Steel Arceus one-on-one (both can break apart most unprepared stall teams).
Common threats checked by Excadrill: Bug Arceus, Dark Arceus, Deoxys, Deoxys-A* (Superpower kills), Dialga* (Fire Blasts OHKOes), Dragon Arceus* (Earthquake / Fire Blast kills), Electric Arceus, Fire Arceus (only in the sand and fire attacks will OHKO), Flying Arceus, Forretress, Jirach, Latias, Latios, Magnezone, Metagross* (Earthquake kills), Ninjask, Palkia* (Surf and Fire attacks will kill), Poison Arceus, Skarmory (can't kill Skarmory but can spin away the Spikes easily), Steel Arceus, Tyranitar, Weavile
Advantages: Immune to Toxic Spikes and Thunder Wave. Has a wide array of resistances. Very good attack stat and can sweep with Swords Dance. Takes little damage from Stealth Rock. Can use Rapid Spin effectively.
Disadvantages: Lacks recovery. Slow without sandstorm support. Hates Spikes. Many Uber are immune to it's main STAB. Low defenses.
Useful moves: Earthquake, Rapid Spin, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, X-Scissor, Swords Dance
Preferred teammates: Tyranitar, Lugia, Kyogre, Ferrothorn, Palkia, Giratina-O
Type: Rock / Dark
Base Stats: 100 HP / 134 Atk / 110 Def / 95 SpA / 100 SpD / 61 Spe
Ability: Sand Stream / Unnerve
Although weak to many common types and extremely slow, Tyranitar gains a free Special Defense buff thanks to Sand Steam. Thus, it makes a great lead for stall teams, guaranteeing most opposing leads only get one layer of entry hazards while setting up your own layer of Stealth Rock. The boost from sandstorm also allows Tyranitar to come in on most special attacks with ease and retaliate with its enormous Attack. STAB Crunch allows Tyranitar to nail most Ubers on their softer Defense for super effective damage. Furthermore, access to phazing moves allows Tyranitar to even surprise someone. A wide movepool lets Tyranitar to land super effective hits on almost every opponent.
Common threats walled by Tyranitar: Abomasnow, Bug Arceus* (Judgment hurts), Dark Arceus* (Tyranitar needs Superpower to win), Deoxys and Deoxys-A* (Superpower OHKOes), Dialga* (Aura Sphere and Brick Break will KO), Dragon Arceus* (Special versions one only), Electric Arceus, Fire Arceus, Flying Arceus, Forretress, Ghost Arceus* (watch out for Focus Blast), Giratina* (without Will-O-Wisp versions only), Giratina-O* (without Will-O-Wisp, Earthquake, and Outrage or you will get 2HKOed), Ho-Oh, Ice Arceus, Kyurem, Latias, Latios, Magnezone, Ninjask, Palkia* (Aura Sphere, Surf, and Choice Specs Draco Meteors will be damaging), Poison Arceus, Hydreigon, Skarmory (Tyranitar needs Fire Blast)
Advantages: Sandstorm boosts Special Defense. High power with Dark typing. STAB Stone Edge and access to Stealth Rock.
Disadvantages: Very slow and weak to Toxic Spikes and Spikes. Has a lot of common weaknesses such as to Fighting, Water, Steel, and Ground.
Useful moves: Stealth Rock, Fire Blast, Crunch, Stone Edge, Superpower, Earthquake, Ice Punch
Preferred teammates: Giratina, Garchomp, Ferrothorn, Skarmory, Arceus, Kyogre, Palkia, Lugia, Jirachi
At the time of the creation of this guide, the Pokemon below are not legally obtainable and will be separated accordingly. Dream World contains quite a few great choices for stall, from the formidable Chandelure, from whose purging flames no Forretress can hope to survive without the help of a Shed Shell, to the near unbreakable Multiscale Lugia and Regenerator Ho-Oh; good luck taking those down.
Type: Fire / Flying
Base Stats: 106 HP / 130 Atk / 90 Def / 110 SpA / 154 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Regenerator (Unreleased)
With an amazing base 130 Attack coupled with mighty HP and colossal Special Defense, it is not difficult to see why the fiery phoenix deserves a spot in a variety of stall teams. In Dream World, Ho-Oh gets an ability that makes even Lugia jealous: Regenerator. With the help of Regenerator, Ho-Oh can hop in and out of the battlefield with ease, as it will recover a third of its total HP every time it switches out. Moreover, Ho-Oh is incredibly potent offensively-it can wreck even Arceus with Sacred Fire and Brave Bird. Although Ho-Oh's physical movepool isn't the best, it has all it needs to succeed. Its STABs have good coverage, and when combined with Earthquake, which shatters Zekrom and Rock-types, Ho-Oh can hit most everything in the game for heavy damage. Even when used as a wall, Ho-Oh can retain much of its offensive prowess-it just needs at least 405 HP and Recover to stall out most threats. In particular, Sacred Fire's high burn rate deters most physical attackers from hitting Ho-Oh hard on its weaker defense. Ho-Oh can also take advantage of its huge bulk to set up screens, stall with Toxic, or even phaze with Whirlwind. Stealth Rock is extremely annoying to Ho-Oh, as it strips off 50% of Ho-Oh's health, but this problem is mitigated by Regenerator, which allows Ho-Oh to survive as long as it has more than 17% HP before it switches out.
Common threats checked by Ho-Oh: Abomasnow, Blaziken, Bronzong, Bug Arceus, Dark Arceus, Deoxys, Deoxys-A, Dialga, Dragon Arceus* (special versions only), Fire Arceus, Flying Arceus, Fighting Arceus, Forretress, Ghost Arceus, Giratina* (can't really hurt Giratina back), Giratina-O* (without Outrage), Heracross, Ice Arceus, Jirachi, Kyurem* (watch out for Stone Edge or Outrage), Latias* (hates Thunder), Latios* (Psyshock and Thunder are annoying), Magnezone (needs to avoid Electric moves)*, Metagross, Ninjask, Palkia* (in sun only), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza* (mixed versions without Outrage), Reshiram, Hydreigon, Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Steel Arceus, Weavile, Venusaur
Advantages: Access to Recover and Regenerator ability. Powerful STABs and immense attacking power. Immune to Toxic Spikes and Spikes. Only has 3 weaknesses. Great stallbreaker. Can phaze with Whirlwind.
Disadvantages: Very weak to Stealth Rock. Hates rain. Low Speed.
Useful moves: Sacred Fire, Brave Bird, Recover, Substitute, Earthquake, Light Screen, Toxic, Whirlwind
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Groudon, Palkia, Giratina, Giratina-O, Chansey, Blissey, Jirachi, Ferrothorn
Type: Dragon / Psychic
Base Stats: 80 HP / 90 Atk / 80 Def / 110 SpA / 130 SpD / 110 Spe
Ability: Levitate
While Latias can still be useful without Soul Dew, the loss of it in standard play is an undeniably huge blow. However, in Dream World, Latias can use her precious mystical item again. Many of Latias's flaws remain, though. Perhaps most significantly, her average Defense stat means she is easily trapped by the likes of Tyranitar and Scizor. Nonetheless, Latias is as useful as ever; access to moves such as Wish, Reflect, and Light Screen make her a great addition to stall teams. Unlike Chansey and Blissey, who often compete with her for the role of special wall, Latias packs great power, allowing her to KO the opponent directly. Latias also counters Kyogre, using Calm Mind to set up alongside Kyogre and eventually killing it with Thunder or Psyshock; additionally, Latias boasts the ability to survive Reshiram's Blue Flare and Kyogre's Water Spout with ease. Latias's odd typing gives her resistances to Electric-, Fire-, and Water-type attacks, as well as an immunity to Ground-type attacks. Psyshock allows Latias to strike opponents on the physical side with her impressive Special Attack. Thanks to Psyshock, Latias can beat most Calm Mind users, even most Steel Arceus!
Common threats checked by Latias: Blaziken, Deoxys, Deoxys-A, Dialga, Fire Arceus, Flying Arceus, Fighting Arceus, Forretress, Giratina* (hates Outrage and Dragon Tail), Giratina-O, Kyogre, Kyurem* (can't come in on Choice Specs STABs or Outrage), Ludicolo, Magnezone, Mew, Mewtwo* (can't hurt it without equal Calm Minds), Palkia* (Choice Scarf versions can 2HKO while Outrage can OHKO), Poison Arceus, Rayquaza* (can't take an Outrage or Dragon Claw), Reshiram* (hates Draco Meteor and Outrage), Hydreigon, Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Steel Arceus* (needs Calm Mind), Terrakion, Venusaur, Water Arceus, Zekrom* (unable to come in on Dragon attacks)
Advantages: High offensive power. Excellent Speed. Takes little damage from hazards-immune to Spikes. Resists Fire, Electric, and Water attacks. Can utilize a wide support movepool and coverage moves. Can pass average Wishes.
Disadvantages: Low HP stat. Mediocre Defense stat. Weak to Pursuit. Walled by Steel-types if not using Thunder or Hidden Power Fire.
Useful moves: Dragon Pulse, Psyshock, Recover, Roost, Thunder, Calm Mind, Hidden Power Fire, Wish, Safeguard, Refresh, Roar
Preferred teammates: Forretress, Ferrothorn, Blissey, Chansey, Groudon, Arceus, Jirachi, Heatran
Type: Psychic / Flying
Base Stats: 106 HP / 90 Atk / 130 Def / 90 SpA / 154 SpD / 110 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Multiscale (Unreleased)
Lugia is mentioned once more, this time in Dream World. Its defensive prowess stems from a mighty base 106 HP, combined with an impressive base 130 Defense and 154 Special Defense; these stats make Lugia a very formidable wall that is incredibly hard to take down. Dream World grants Lugia the Multiscale ability, which halves damage done to a full health Lugia, allowing it to tank hits even more easily. It gets even better; Recover allows Lugia to easily heal itself back up to full health and reactivate Multiscale. Furthermore, Lugia can force many threats out with ease, such as Arceus and Rayquaza.
Common threats checked by Lugia: Rayquaza (Bold only for Dragon Dance Rayquaza), Deoxys, Deoxys-A*, Groudon* (Bold only for Rock Polish versions), Garchomp, Giratina-O, Ho-Oh* (Bold only) Bug, Ground, Grass and Dragon Arceus (needs Toxic), Blaziken (watch out for Flare Blitz in the sun), Infernape, Dugtrio, Extreme Killer Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, Heracross, Latias, Latios* (avoid Thunder if Multiscale is inactive), Lucario, Kingdra, Qwilfish, Ferrothorn* (needs Weather Ball in the sun to KO), Metagross, Mewtwo* (Ice Beam and sun-boosted Fire Blast hurt), Fighting Arceus, Salamence, Shaymin-S, Scizor, Terrakion* (Stone Edge can hurt), Venusaur
Advantages: Multiscale. Access to both Whirlwind and Dragon Tail, which prevents opponents from setting up on it. Access to reliable recovery move and dual screens. Excellent balanced defenses. Immune to Ground attacks, including hazards. Good Speed for a wall.
Disadvantages: Unable to hit bulky sweepers hard enough. Weak to Stealth Rock, Electric, Ice, and Dark moves. Vulnerable to Taunt if using Whirlwind.
Useful moves: Dragon Tail, Whirlwind, Earthquake, Substitute, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Recover, Reflect, Light Screen, Aeroblast, Ice Beam, Weather Ball (use with Groudon)
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Forretress, Ferrothorn, Chansey, Blissey, Palkia, Kyogre, Zekrom, Giratina-O, Dialga, Magnezone, Chandelure, Ho-Oh, Latias, Genesect
Type: Fire / Ghost
Base Stats: 60 HP / 55 Atk / 90 Def / 145 SpA / 90 SpD / 80 Spe
Ability: Flash Fire / Flame Body / Shadow Tag
Chandelure is the new viable spinblocker in Dream World, and much more. With the Shadow Tag ability and its dual STABs in Overheat and Shadow Ball, Chandelure can trap and eliminate all Spikers that lack Shed Shell. Chandelure also possesses a move many other stall Pokemon beg to have: Curse. While it might seem foolish to sacrifice Chandelure for the sake of annoying the opponent, Curse is a stall team's best weapon against late-game sweepers-losing a quarter of their health every turn isn't fun for even the toughest of sweepers. Furthermore, Chandelure's Overheat is a force to be reckoned with; in the sun, even Extreme Killer Arceus and Groudon risk getting OHKOed by Overheat. Finally, Chandelure's unique typing grants it immunity to Normal and Fighting moves, and important resistances to Fire-, Poison-, Bug-, Grass-, Ice-, and Steel-type moves.
Common threats trapped and eliminated by Chandelure: Abomasnow, Blaziken, Bronzong, Bug Arceus, Deoxys* (Psycho Boost will OHKO), Deoxys-A* (Psycho Boost will KO), Dialga* (avoid Draco Meteor; needs to be weakened), Excadrill* (not in sandstorm), Whimsicott, Flying Arceus* (Calm Mind sets are hard to deal with), Fighting Arceus* (unboosted), Forretress, Groudon* (Earthquake OHKOes), Ground Arceus (weakened), Ghost Arceus* (without Calm Mind), Giratina* (can't KO easily), Giratina-O* (weakened), Heracross, Ho-Oh (needs Hidden Power Rock), Ice Arceus, Jirachi, Kyurem* (watch out for Stone Edge and Draco Meteor), Latias* (bulky Calm Mind sets are hard to deal with), Latios* (weakened), Magnezone, Metagross, Ninjask, Poison Arceus* (without Calm Mind), Rayquaza* (Dragon Dance versions outspeed and KO), Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Steel Arceus, Weavile, Venusaur
Advantages: Shadow Tag. Very powerful Fire-type attacks in sun. STAB Shadow Ball to hit Psychic-types. Can use Curse to prevent a last-Pokemon sweep.
Disadvantages: Mediocre defenses. Weak to all hazards.
Useful moves: Overheat, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Curse, Hidden Power Ice, Hidden Power Rock
Preferred teammates: Groudon, Forretress, Ferrothorn, Chansey, Blissey, Arceus, Lugia, Skarmory, Genesect
Type: Bug / Steel
Base Stats: 71 HP / 120 Atk / 95 Def / 120 SpA / 95 SpD / 99 Spe
Ability: Download
While its fellow Bug / Steel Pokemon Forretress can be a great supporter in stall teams, Genesect is an extremely reliable scout and revenge killer. As with Forretress, Genesect's typing grants it valuable resistances to common attacks in the Uber tier, most notably the ability to switch in on Outrage. Genesect's special movepool is quite wide; some the moves it receives are Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunder, Flash Cannon, Bug Buzz, and Techno Blast. Its physical movepool, however, is horrible-U-turn and Explosion are the only physical moves Genesect should use. U-turn is boosted by STAB, and allows Genesect to scout and deal good damage along the way. Download is a very welcome ability for Genesect; as most Ubers are more specially defensive, Genesect can often snag an Attack boost before U-turning out, preserving momentum in addition to dealing some major damage. Genesect has decent defenses as well-it boasts much more special bulk than Scizor, in exchange for a little less physical defense. In terms of Speed, Choice Scarf Genesect can outrun everything up to Choice Scarf Hydreigon. Getting outsped by boosted Palkia and Salamence, however, is disappointing.
Common threats checked by Genesect: Abomasnow, Blissey* (she can recover off damage with Wish + Protect) , Bronzong* (can wear it down with boosted U-turns), Bug Arceus* (avoid Flamethrower), Dark Arceus, Darkrai, Deoxys, Deoxys-A, Deoxys-D, Dragon Arceus* (needs +1 Ice Beam), Dugtrio, Garchomp, Giratina-O* (in rain only), Groudon* (Fire Punch will OHKO), Ground Arceus* (needs +1 Ice Beam), Ice Arceus* (needs Flash Cannon-or sun-boosted Flamethrower), Latias, Latios, Magnezone* (only when locked into Flamethrower), Manaphy* (needs +1 Thunder), Mew, Mewtwo, Ferrothorn, Psychic Arceus, Rayquaza, Hydreigon, Shaymin-S, Skarmory, Tyranitar, Weavile, Zekrom* (Bolt Strike will KO).
Advantages: STAB U-turn. Acceptable attacking stats. Download for boosts. Decent typing; immunity to Toxic Spikes. Large number of resistances to common attacking types. Makes a good scout with U-turn.
Disadvantages: Average defenses. Weaker than most Choice Scarf users without appropriate Download boosts. Terrible physical movepool.
Useful moves: U-turn, Ice Beam, Thunder, Flamethrower, Explosion, Bug Buzz, Shadow Claw
Preferred teammates: Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Giratina-O, Giratina, Latias, Chansey, Blissey, Arceus, Forretress
Such stall teams typically employ bulkier Pokemon, such as Lugia, Blissey, and Chansey. The strategy in using this type of team is rather simple: set up entry hazards and rack up damage with phazers. Of the different types of stall, full stall teams can deal with mispredictions best. Full stall teams are prone to being swept by bulky sweepers such as Calm Mind Kyogre with Rest.
Quick stall is still a relatively new stall strategy. Instead of having a team full of defensive Pokemon, quick stall usually features Pokemon that are both speedy and annoying, such as Mewtwo and Whimsicott, who can harass the opponent with status or support moves. Toxic Spikes are very important for these teams. This playstyle combines the reliability of stall with the speed and tempo of offense. Quick stall teams usually fall apart faster than full stall teams though.
Sun stall is, as the name suggests, stalling in the sun. As Groudon is an amazing wall and supporter, expect to bump into these teams pretty often. A few sun abusers might be used in such stall teams; Jumpluff utilizes Chlorophyll well, while Ho-Oh can destroy virtually everything under the sun. Choice Scarf Reshiram is an amazing revenge killer in the sun with its immensely powerful Blue Flare. The downside of sun stall is Kyogre's presence in the Ubers metagame. Kyogre alone can smash unprepared sun teams just by itself.
Rain stall is used quite often in today's metagame, as seen from the incredible popularity of Kyogre and Ferrothorn. Tentacruel is also a top contender as a Rapid Spin user in rain-based stall teams. While it might look strange at first, Excadrill is a fantastic fit on rain teams thanks to its typing, powerful Earthquake, and access to Rapid Spin. Jirachi is also sometimes used on rain stall because its Fire-type weakness is nullified in the rain, allowing it to beat would-be counters, such as Calm Mind Grass Arceus with Fire Blast. Rain stall requires an Electric-type immune even more so than standard teams and the Water-types in rain stall attract the abundant Thunders that are frequently thrown around in Ubers.
Sand stall plays a little differently from usual stall simply because of the popularity of sun and rain-controlling the weather will be a tough challenge. Nevertheless, Hippowdon is a tough physical wall to crack, and it also walls Groudon, so you can always switch Hippowdon in on Groudon to easily nab the weather advantage. Tyranitar, on the other hand, has great special bulk, which enables it to switch in on special attackers with greater ease. Excadrill is usually present on such teams as it can abuse its Sand Rush ability to the fullest.
These sample teams are designed as a guide to new battlers who want to try each playstyle in Ubers. Please note that it will likely be harder to play stall than offense in Ubers when you first start. This is due to the fact that you might not know the best switch-ins in a given situation; however, these teams have been proven to work well in the new BW Ubers metagame. Creating your own team is a great way of learning the metagame, so in order to truly master Ubers, you should aim to make your own team after a few games with these teams.
The Spiker
Forretress @ Leftovers / Red Card
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spe)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Gyro Ball
Since Sturdy essentially provides Forretress with a Focus Sash, it can function as a suicide lead if it has to. More often than not, however, Forretress grabs one layer of Spikes and Toxic Spikes by virtue of its typing. If the opposing team lacks Steel-types or a grounded Poison-type, setting up two layers of Toxic Spikes allows your team to more easily stall out the opponent. In Dream World Ubers, Forretress can even make use of Custap Berry for an extra layer of hazards. Rapid Spin allows Forretress to spin if it survives until later in the game. Gyro Ball is for some attacking power, and coupled with the nature and EV spread, it can actually pack a punch; in fact, Gyro Ball can OHKO Salamence and Rayquaza after Stealth Rock damage. Toxic Spikes is the team's key to success, so getting a layer of those up on the first turn is important. Red Card can be used instead of Leftovers to phaze foes that attack Forretress.
The Star
Whimsicott @ Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SpD (0 Speed IVs)
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
- Leech Seed
- Substitute
- Encore
- Taunt
The EVs might seem strange at first, but it grants Whimsicott decent mixed defenses. The Defense EVs allows its Substitute to survive a Support Groudon's Dragon Tail on average, while the special bulk prevents Whimsicott from being 2HKOed by Lugia's Ice Beam after Stealth Rock damage. When coupled with poison damage, Leech Seed will annoy and bring down the opponent swiftly. Encore makes Whimsicott an excellent counter to setup sweepers such as Rock Polish Groudon, while Taunt easily stops walls such as Blissey from recovering or using support moves. Whimsicott's Speed is minimized to reduce the damage it takes from Gyro Ball, as Prankster allows Whimsicott to always move first unless the opponent is using priority as well. All in all, good prediction skills are needed to utilize Whimsicott effectively.
The Special Sponge
Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Softboiled
- Seismic Toss
- Toxic
- Wish
The happy pink blob shows her face yet again. The reason is simple: Chansey is one of the two best special walls in the game. Arceus can absorb opposing Toxic Spikes without a problem, allowing Chansey to wall fearsome sweepers such as Reshiram and Palkia with ease; Chansey can even wall the likes of Choice Specs Kyogre once it takes Stealth Rock or Spikes damage. Wish is crucial to some of the team members, notably Giratina-O; Wish enables it to continue its spinblocking duties successfully. Softboiled gives her reliable recovery while Toxic allows her to stall out Flying or Levitating threats, such as Lugia. While Chansey may not immediately look suitable for a quick stall team, her magnificent bulk earns her a spot in this team by checking nearly every special attacker; furthermore, she works well with Toxic Spikes support.
The Revenge Killer
Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Double Chop
- Stone Edge
Garchomp can easily blow past weakened teams with its mighty Outrages. The reason it is picked over Terrakion is that Garchomp isn't worried about being trapped by Chandelure, and its STAB Outrage is capable of ripping through weakened teams. However, Garchomp should be wary of Ferrothorn and Forretress when trying to spam Outrage. Garchomp's Ground typing gives the team a welcome Electric immunity, and its STAB Earthquake complements Outrage well by smacking Steel-types such as Steel Arceus and Jirachi for some major damage. While Terrakion struggles to get past Jirachi and is OHKOed by Steel Arceus's Judgment, Garchomp has no issues scaring away these threatening Steel-types. Stone Edge allows it to OHKO Ho-Oh, another major threat to the team. Dual Chop might seem like an inferior Dragon Claw, but it breaks through Substitutes easily. Dragon Dance Rayquaza, Salamence, Dialga, Zekrom, Giratina-O, Latias, Latios, Mewtwo, and Darkrai are all checked by Garchomp thanks to the land shark's unique Speed stat and powerful STABs.
The Bulky Spinblocker
Giratina-O @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 208 HP / 60 Atk / 188 Def / 44 SpA / 8 Spe
Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SpD)
- Draco Meteor
- Hidden Power Fire
- Shadow Sneak
- Dragon Tail
The EV spread looks weird, but it accomplishes a few specific roles. The HP EVs allows Giratina-O to always survive a Spacial Rend from Palkia at full health. The Defense EVs enable Giratina-O to survive Extreme Killer Arceus's +2 Life Orb Shadow Claw even after two rounds of Stealth Rock damage, and counter with Dragon Tail to phaze Arceus out. Even with minimal Special Attack investment, Griseous Orb-boosted STAB Draco Meteor is nothing to laugh at, and Hidden Power Fire nukes Forretress while also dealing some good damage to Metagross, Lucario, and Ferrothorn outside of rain. Despite Shadow Sneak's low Base Power, it can 2HKO Mewtwo after a little damage, and thanks to the Defense EVs, Giratina-O can even survive a +1 Psystrike from Mewtwo with ease. Levitate and stronger attacks are the reason it is chosen over Giratina. The Speed EVs help outrun slow base 90s such as Groudon.
The Wild Card
Poison Arceus @ Toxic Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Roar / Perish Song
Poison Arceus may be one of the worst Arceus formes, but it serves one important role: eliminating enemy Toxic Spikes for the team. Absorbing Toxic Spikes is crucial to the team's strategy, which is to stall with Whimsicott and Chansey. Stealth Rock completes the trio of entry hazards, while Ice Beam is for slaying the many Dragon-types in Ubers, such as Rayquaza and Zekrom. Recover keeps Arceus healthy, while Roar allows it to phaze and rack up residual damage. However, Perish Song makes a fine alternative to deal with late-game sweepers, such as Bulk Up Dialga. Poison Arceus also checks Extreme Killer Arceus by Roaring it out and always surviving a boosted Earthquake.
This is an evaluation of the sample team. Do they all come together?
The Sun Monster
Groudon @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 56 Def / 200 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast
Groudon is one of the best walls for a stall team, as it almost always manages to reliably get Stealth Rock up; as it also happens to summon s Type: Dragon Common threats checked by Latiasun, this is considered sun stall. Groudon can also phaze well with Dragon Tail, which not only deals damage from Groudon's massive physical Attack stat, but also smashes through Taunt as well. Earthquake is a powerful STAB attack, and is needed to check threats such as Bulk Up Dialga and Zekrom, and even Heatran. Fire Blast deals with opposing Steel-type Spikers, such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory, who are otherwise extremely annoying to the team. Fire Blast also takes a chunk out of Gliscor and prevents it from getting a free Substitute on Groudon. The EVs give Groudon good mixed defenses; extra physical Defense is not needed too much as Lugia and Giratina are present on the team. The extra Special Defense allows Groudon to better take on Dialga and Darkrai.
The Ancient Spinner
Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Payback
Forretress is the only viable spinner in Ubers that functions well in the sun. Toxic Spikes help stall out many threatening Pokemon, such as Mewtwo and Arceus. Forretress is also chosen for his ability to lay Spikes to prevent the opponent from switching frequently. The metal bug is also very useful due to its Steel typing, which grants it the ability to easily switch into Dragon-type attacks and set up more entry hazards. Rapid Spin removes hazards that greatly hamper this team's defensive core, while Payback prevents Giratina-O from setting up free Substitutes on it, and deals respectable damage to Mewtwo. A Careful nature, as well as maximum special bulk, ensures that Forretress isn't crushed by most special attacks. Alternatively, Volt Switch can also be used to take out Cloyster and to scout; if used, Forretress should also run a Calm nature.
The New Queen of Special Walling
Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Seismic Toss / Snatch
- Softboiled
- Wish
- Toxic
Chansey is a key member on any Uber stall team due to her ability to wall nearly every single special attacker in the game. Unlike in standard play, Ubers Chansey needs a Calm nature due to the presence of special powerhouses such as Reshiram. Wish allows Chansey to restore her teammates practically to full health, and Softboiled lets her heal herself efficiently. Toxic lets Chansey stall out Pokemon that are immune to Toxic Spikes due to either Levitate or a Flying typing; examples are Latias and Lugia. Seismic Toss so it is the preferred option. Seismic Toss is Chansey's only way of dealing damage. In particular, Seismic Toss is Chansey's only way of damaging Dialga and Heatran, both annoying stallbreakers, therefore it is the preferred option. On the other hand, Snatch, in combination with Toxic, lets Chansey beat Dark Arceus one-on-one; it also prevents Ghost Arceus inflicted with regular poison from sweeping the team.
The Great Wall
Giratina @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest
- Sleep Talk / Earthquake
- Dragon Tail
Giratina walls many threats, including opposing Groudon, Choice Scarf Kyogre, and the deadly Ho-Oh. With its extremely high defenses, it blocks Rapid Spin attempts from virtually all users. In fact, the only one who stands a chance at breaking Giratina is Excadrill, who needs entry hazards on the field, in addition to some hax to do it. Will-O-Wisp is standard on Giratina; it cripples physical attackers and Steel-types such as Steel Arceus, who can be troublesome otherwise. Giratina is also the team's answer to Victini and Blaziken, both of whom become incredibly powerful in the sun. Rest and Sleep Talk is all Giratina has for recovery. Dragon Tail fills up the last slot so that Giratina can phaze, and deals decent damage in the process thanks to STAB. Should you hate Heatran very much, however, Earthquake can be used to squash it. Keep in mind, though, that Heatran is a rare threat, and without Sleep Talk, Giratina will be dead weight for two turns and Rest's sleep counter is reset if it switches out.
The Spout Absorber
Palkia @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Thunder
- Earth Power
Palkia fits in the team as an absorber of Water Spout and Blue Flare. In fact, as Giratina is using a physically defensive spread, Palkia is the only one in the team capable of absorbing Choice Specs Water Spout. Draco Meteor maims the many Dragon-types in the tier and is Palkia's strongest attack in neutral weather. Fire Blast destroys Steel-types, while Earth Power picks off Heatran, who enjoys coming in to spam Roar; Earth Power also hits Dialga fairly hard. This Choice Scarf Palkia is relatively standard; it is chosen over Latias because Darkrai and Mewtwo are top threats. Palkia also destroys Manaphy with Thunder.
The Beast
Lugia @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Roost
- Reflect
- Whirlwind
Lugia fills the last slot as a general check to threats its teammates fail to cover, such as Mixed Bulk Up Dialga; it also brings additional phazing utility. A Bold nature is used to absorb more hits, while the listed Special Defense EVs let it survive two Thunders from most Palkia and Kyogre. Reflect allows Lugia to support the entire team and beef up its already impressive defenses, Whirlwind allows it to make better use of hazards and phaze out setup sweepers, and Ice Beam destroys Rayquaza and Salamence, and hurts Groudon and Ground Arceus. In conjunction with Roost, Reflect helps Lugia stall out Stone Edge Groudon, while Pressure lets it stall out even Ho-Oh. Though it hasn't changed much from DPP, Lugia hardly needs to: by phazing and walling foes at the same time, it is probably an offensive team's worst nightmare.
This is an evaluation of the sample team. Do they all come together?
Tank and Phazer
Dialga @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 56 SpA / 200 SpD
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Stealth Rock
- Roar
- Fire Blast
Dialga is a fantastic support Pokemon for stall, especially rain-based ones. Specifically, in rainy weather, Dialga is the team's check to Shaymin-S and Ho-Oh. Draco Meteor nails Dragon-types and Groudon for major damage, and is also Dialga's most powerful attack in general. Roar helps Dialga phaze and make use of its teammates's entry hazards. By simply using Roar with entry hazards on the field, Dialga can make for a great stallbreaker. Fire Blast 2HKOes Groudon and OHKOes any Spiker in neutral weather; the only exceptions, Deoxys-D and full health Skarmory, both cannot touch Dialga anyway.
Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
- Power Whip
- Leech Seed
- Spikes
- Protect
This is standard Ubers Ferrothorn-with a slight twist in the EV spread. More physical Defense is needed to stop Extreme Killer Arceus, Excadrill, and Swords Dance Ghost Arceus, as Gliscor alone isn't enough to stop these all the time. Power Whip hits the weather inducers for decent damage, as Groudon, Kyogre, Hippowdon, and Tyranitar are all weak to it. Leech Seed allows for some way of healing, which can be further enhanced by the use of Protect. Spikes is standard on Ferrothorn, and lets it stack entry hazards on the opposing team's side of the field. Its unique typing contributes a lot to the team's powerful synergy.
Revenge Killer
Palkia @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Spacial Rend
- Thunder
- Hydro Pump
- Fire Blast
Standard Choice Scarf Palkia for defensive teams. Spacial Rend gives Palkia some chance to sweep once the opponent's team is weakened, Thunder owns Kyogre, and hits Lugia for some decent damage. Hydro Pump is Palkia's strongest attack in the rain; with the weather boost, it OHKOes Mewtwo and 2HKOes Arceus. Surf can also be used if you hate Hydro Pump's shaky accuracy, but the latter is needed to deal serious damage to +1 Mewtwo. Even in rain, Fire Blast is still needed to remove Steel-types, most notably Ferrothorn. Palkia helps the team revenge kill otherwise dangerous threats such as Rayquaza, Zekrom, Reshiram, Giratina-O, Kyogre, and Ho-Oh in the rain.
The Annoyer
Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Taunt
- Substitute
Gliscor might seem like an odd addition to rain teams, but it actually plays a fairly important role. It walls almost any Groudon variant bar those that carry Fire Blast, it also somewhat checks Extreme Killer Arceus, Swords Dance Ghost and Ground Arceus, it completely walls Excadrill, and deals with Tyranitar and Hippowdon. Earthquake is Gliscor's strongest attack, and hits Steel-types who are immune to Toxic-bar Bronzong and Skarmory-for decent damage. Toxic helps Gliscor wear down foes even more quickly, and it is especially useful to cripple Groudon and Lugia. Taunt lets Gliscor break opposing stall and prevents Groudon from setting up Stealth Rock, giving the team an advantage over sun teams. Substitute eases prediction, and thanks to the physically defensive spread, Gliscor's Substitutes are bulky enough to survive support Groudon's Stone Edge and Fire Punch.
The Backbone
Kyogre @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 SpD
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Rest
- Scald
- Sleep Talk
- Calm Mind
Kyogre is a must on any rain team, and this one is no different. Rest and Sleep Talk allows Kyogre to stay alive for longer and continue setting up rain, interfering with sun abusers such as Blaziken and Ho-Oh. This spread lets Kyogre survive a +2 Groudon Earthquake, while the extra Special Defense is useful for Calm Mind Arceus and Reshiram. Calm Mind allows Kyogre to defeat Calm Mind Arceus and sometimes sweep. Scald is a good move to use on defensive Kyogre because the burn rate is very useful in certain situations, and thanks to rain and STAB, it is still powerful enough anyway.
The Spinblocker
Giratina-O @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 Atk / 252 SpA / 8 Spe
Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SpD)
- Shadow Sneak
- Dragon Tail
- Draco Meteor
- Thunder
Giratina-O is the team's spinblocker of choice. Giratina-O is selected over Ghost Arceus for its additional resistances, and over Giratina for its greater power. Shadow Sneak is a good move to pick off weakened threats such as Mewtwo, Ghost Arceus, and Palkia. With all the entry hazards around, it will not be that hard to weaken them to the point where Shadow Sneak can pick them off. Dragon Tail is another reason to choose Giratina-O over Ghost Arceus: it deals decent damage and bashes through stall. Draco Meteor, on the other hand, deals major damage to almost anything and is a good move to annihilate Groudon, the nemesis of all rain teams. Thunder fills up the last slot to KO opposing Kyogre and possibly spread paralysis; it also tears off a decent chunk from Forretress.
This is an evaluation of the sample team. Do they all come together?
Have switch-ins to the major Ubers? Yes.
Have a special wall? Kyogre, Dialga
Have a physical wall? Yes (Gliscor, Ferrothorn).
Have resistances to Dragon, Ice, Electric, Dark, Ghost, Bug, Fighting, Ground, Water, Fire, Steel, and Rock? Yes.
Have a spinner? No, but the team does not need it
Have a phazer? Yes. Dialga and Giratina-O
Have a weather changer? Yes, Kyogre.
Have a user of Spikes / Stealth Rock? Yes.
Have a Sleep Talk user? Yes. Kyogre.
Have a spinblocker? Yes. Giratina-O.
Physical Wall
Skarmory @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Def / 236 SpD / 4 Spe
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Roost
- Spikes
- Whirlwind
- Taunt
Skarmory makes a fantastic addition to this team by checking a plethora of physical threats, mainly Extreme Killer Arceus, Groudon, Excadrill, and Garchomp, all of whom could otherwise prove deadly to the team. Even though Skarmory's purpose is to counter physical threats, the listed EV spread is in fact its most useful in Ubers. A Bold nature is needed to avoid the 2HKO from +1 Rayquaza's Outrage and support Groudon's Fire Punch, as well as the OHKO from Rock Arceus's +2 Stone Edge. No further physical investment is required, because physical attacks that KO standard Skarmory, such as Zekrom's Bolt Strike and Ho-Oh's sun-boosted Sacred Fire, will still kill it anyway. Additionally, Special Defense is actually very useful for Skarmory, because it can make use of its typing to soak up hits such as Draco Meteor. Spikes is a must on stall teams, and Skarmory is probably one of the best Spikers around. Whirlwind allows Skarmory to abuse Spikes on its own while Taunt shuts down some Lugia, opposing Spikers such as Ferrothorn, and pink blobs.
The Wall
Tyranitar @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SpD
Sassy Nature (+SpD, -Spe)
- Low Kick
- Fire Blast
- Crunch
- Stealth Rock
Tyranitar is the base of this team; without it, the team will likely fall. A Sassy nature maximizes Tyranitar's special bulk, letting it survive a Water Spout from Choice Scarf Kyogre. Low Kick nails Dialga and Arceus for major damage, and hits hard in general because most Ubers are extremely heavy. Fire Blast rounds off the coverage by blasting Ferrothorn, Forretress, and Skarmory into oblivion-but keep in mind that specially defensive Skarmory can shrug it off with Roost. Crunch smacks every Psychic- and Ghost-type bar Giratina for massive damage; it also allows the team to get rid of Giratina-O. Stealth Rock is a must for stall teams, and Tyranitar sets it up reliably.
The Spinner and Sweeper
Excadrill @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 136 Atk / 180 SpD / 192 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide
Finally, in this team, Excadrill gets the chance to fully abuse its Sand Rush ability. Earthquake is Excadrill's main way of dealing damage, and Rock Slide complements it very well, striking Flying-types such as Ho-Oh and Rayquaza. Rapid Spin is needed for this team, and Excadrill does it better than any other spinner. Even Ghost Arceus is always 2HKOed by a +2 Earthquake, while Giratina-O can't really hurt Excadrill without Earthquake. The EV spread seems messy, but it is what works best for this team. 136 Attack EVs gives Excadrill decent power and a good chance to 2HKO Groudon at +2 while, the Speed EVs allows Excadrill to outspeed everything up to Choice Scarf Terrakion in the sand. The rest are thrown into special bulk, as Excadrill already has a lot of HP. The bulk allows Excadrill to survive even Dialga's Fire Blast and Mewtwo's Aura Sphere.
The Ghost
Giratina-O @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 220 Atk / 252 SpA / 36 Spe
Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SpD)
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Tail
- Hidden Power Fire
- Shadow Sneak
Giratina-O acts as this team's spinblocker as entry hazards need to be preserved in order for Excadrill to sweep well. Giratina-O has the advantage of blasting through stall by abusing hazards with Dragon Tail, while Draco Meteor makes opposing Giratina cry. With Giratina out of the way, or at least weakened, Excadrill is free to spin and wreak havoc on the opposing team. Hidden Power Fire lets Giratina-O remove Forretress and deal some damage to Ferrothorn outside of rain. Shadow Sneak picks off Mewtwo should Excadrill fail to revenge kill it; Shadow Sneak is also useful for dealing with weakened foes, such as Ghost Arceus and Rayquaza. Even though it is damaged by sandstorm, Giratina-O still has some decent bulk, which is useful for checking Excadrill and friends.
The Kyogre Killer
Grass Arceus @ Meadow Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 248 HP / 148 SpD / 112 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Judgment
- Recover
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
A sand team without a Kyogre counter is just asking to be destroyed. Grass Arceus fills in this slot as one of the best Kyogre checks in the game. Judgment destroys the main weather Ubers while Calm Mind gives Arceus the ability to sweep even when acting as a wall. Ice Beam wrecks Rayquaza and Giratina-O for some damage. Recover keeps Arceus healthy throughout the match. Should we bump into an opposing Excadrill, Grass Arceus can also deal with it by 2HKOing with Judgment.
Rocky Revenge Killer
Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
- Close Combat
- Sacred Sword
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
Terrakion has the added bonus of receiving a Special Defense buff from the sandstorm, which can sometimes be crucial. For example, it allows Terrakion to actually survive Mewtwo's Life Orb Aura Sphere, which is a pretty impressive feat which always OHKOes standard Choice Scarf Dialga. Terrakion's unique Speed allows it to outspeed Rayquaza, Garchomp, and even Palkia. Close Combat tears through Ferrothorn, Dialga, and Arceus, while Sacred Sword bashes through Bulk Up Dialga, and has perfect accuracy. Stone Edge destroys most Flying-types, as even Bold Lugia risks a 2HKO after sandstorm damage. X-Scissor is Terrakion's best option against threats such as Mewtwo and Grass Arceus.
Team check
This is an evaluation of the sample team. Do they all come together?
Have switch-ins to the major Ubers? Yes.
Have a special wall? Tyranitar, Grass Arceus
Have a physical wall? Yes (Skarmory).
Have resistances to Dragon, Ice, Electric, Dark, Ghost, Bug, Fighting, Ground, Water, Fire, Steel, and Rock? Lacks an Ice-type resistance but Ice-type attacks are rare and does not hurt this team much. Grass Arceus can even stall out on Choice Scarf Kyogre's Ice Beam.
Have a spinner? Yes, Excadrill
Have a phazer? Yes. Skarmory and Giratina-O
Have a weather changer? Yes, Tyranitar.
Have a user of Spikes / Stealth Rock? Yes.
Have a Sleep Talk user? No, the team doesn't need it.
Have a spinblocker? Yes. Giratina-O.
The Main Wall
Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Slack Off
- Earthquake
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
Hippowdon has the advantage over Tyranitar by walling both Groudon and Excadrill. It has almost the same physical bulk as Groudon, and Slack Off ensures it is not worn down easily by repeated attacks. Hippowdon can even stall out Dialga if it Draco Meteors Hippowdon as it uses Slack Off on the same turn. Earthquake gets STAB and destroys Zekrom, Reshiram, Excadrill, and Dialga. Roar gives Hippowdon something to do after entry hazards are up, and it can phaze out Swords Dance Arceus will little problem. Stealth Rock is as always needed on every team, and Hippowdon's shallow movepool makes Stealth Rock a perfect fit for it. Sandstorm also prevents Calm Mind Giratina-O from sweeping the team so easily.
The Special Sponge
Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Wish
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss
- Protect
Unlike Chansey, Blissey has Leftovers to nullify the damage from sandstorm, allowing her to make use of the passive damage from sandstorm to weaken the opponent more quickly. In sandstorm, Blissey can also wall Reshiram and Kyogre quite well, as their main STABs will no longer be as powerful. Blissey's Wish is enormous and it can nearly fully heal all the other members. Toxic is Blissey's only way of dealing substantial damage to most Ubers particularly bulky ones such as Arceus. Seismic Toss's consistent damage combined with Toxic and sandstorm damage can add up pretty quickly to devastating effects. Protect allows Blissey to scout the opponent and force them to take more sandstorm damage. Blissey fills a fairly standard role, absorbing special hits and passing huge Wishes to the other members.
The Spinner
Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Toxic
Standard Forretress with Toxic. Toxic is needed to take out Arceus and Ho-Oh expecting a free setup opportunity, and also nails Giratina-O switch-ins, making them faint more quickly unless they have Rest. Giratina-O can do nothing to touch Forretress, so it is largely setup bait as well. Ghost Arceus too must use a Fire-type attack, or Forretress can set up on it. Speaking of setting up, Spikes and Toxic Spikes are the bread and butter of Forretress and help rack up residual damage, while Rapid Spin clears opposing hazards once opposing spinblockers are gone. The EV spread is the good old Jibaku spread, which is now standard for Ubers Forretress, allowing it to take advantage of its typing.
Bulky Tank
Rock Arceus @ Stone Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 248 HP / 148 SpD / 112 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Judgment
- Recover
- Perish Song
- Ice Beam / Flamethrower
Rock Arceus receives a massive boost to its special bulk in the sand, which allows it to shrug off even Mewtwo's Aura Sphere easily; it is also the best counter to most Fire-types, such as Victini, Reshiram, and Ho-Oh. Judgment OHKOes the aforementioned threats, and 2HKOes Lugia after Stealth Rock. Mixed Rayquaza is also defeated by Rock Arceus, who resists ExtremeSpeed. Recover keeps Arceus healthy, while Perish Song prevents the team from being swept by last Pokemon Bulk Up Dialga or Dark Arceus. Ice Beam fills the last slot for killing Garchomp and Groudon; the EV spread enables Arceus to outspeed non-Choice Scarf Garchomp so Arceus can revenge kill it. Alternatively, Flamethrower can be used for an easy 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Forretress.
Giratina @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Dragon Tail
Giratina walls pretty much any sun abuser, including Groudon itself. Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers not named Ho-Oh or Blaziken, both of whom are walled by Giratina anyway. Rest and Sleep Talk keeps Giratina healthy throughout the match, while its resistances make Giratina a great pivot and grant it great synergy with Rock Arceus. As a bonus, Giratina is a great spinblocker. While it cannot prevent Forretress from setting up on it, it can burn Forretress; you can then switch to your own Forretress to deal with it. Dragon Tail phazes through Taunt and deals damage in general. The move allows Giratina to abuse entry hazards easily, and with those colossal defenses, Giratina isn't going down soon.
The Revenge Killer
Palkia @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Thunder
- Surf
Palkia fills the last slot as a Kyogre check. As Giratina is using a physically defensive spread to deal better with Excadrill, Ground Arceus, Blaziken, and Groudon, Palkia is the only one in the team capable of absorbing Kyogre's Choice Specs Water Spout. Draco Meteor maims the many Dragon-types in the tier, and is Palkia's strongest attack in neutral weather. Fire Blast destroys Steel-types, particularly Ferrothorn, while Thunder KOes Kyogre and does a ton to Lugia. Surf 2HKOes Ho-Oh outside of the sun, and is a reliable STAB move to spam. Surf is also boosted in the rain, which is likely since Kyogre is the most-used Pokemon in the metagame.
Team check
This is an evaluation of the sample team. Do they all come together?
Have switch-ins to the major Ubers? Yes.
Have a special sweeper (for stall change sweeper to wall)? Rock Arceus, Blissey
Have a physical wall? Yes (Giratina, Hippowdon).
Have resistances to Dragon, Ice, Electric, Dark, Ghost, Bug, Fighting, Ground, Water, Fire, Steel, and Rock? Yes.
Have a spinner? Yes
Have a phazer? Yes. Hippowdon, Giratina and Rock Arceus
Have a weather changer? Yes, Hippowdon.
Have a user of Spikes / Stealth Rock? Yes.
Have a Sleep Talk user? Yes. Giratina
Have a spinblocker? Yes. Giratina.
The Spiker and Spinner
Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Def / 240 SpD
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch
Forretress is the only viable Rapid Spin user in Ubers, and the Toxic Spikes it provides help stall out a lot of Pokemon. Forretress is also chosen for his ability to lay Spikes, which make it difficult for the opponent to switch frequently. Additionally, Forretress's Steel typing is also very useful, as it lets Forretress easily switch into Dragon-type attacks and set up more entry hazards while taking little damage. An Impish nature and lots of special bulk are chosen to ensure Forretress isn't crushed by not very effective special attacks, such as Dragon Pulse from Dialga. Rapid Spin is an invaluable move for stall teams as it eases the duty of walls. Volt Switch is useful to break opposing Forretress's Sturdy and switch to Chandelure, who will OHKO the opposing metal bug, giving you the advantage over opposing teams.
The King
Lugia @ Leftovers
Ability: Multi-Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SpD
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Reflect
- Whirlwind
Lugia is a general all purpose wall as it is the one who will switching around often to counter threats. A Bold nature is used to absorb more hits while the random Special Defense EVs are for surviving 2 Thunders from most Palkia and Kyogre. Reflect allows Lugia to support the entire team and beef up it's already impressive defenses. Whirlwind allows the team to abuse the hazards and phaze out setup sweepers. Multiscale is a welcome addition to any wall. In Lugia's case it is made near unbreakable with that ability activated.
The Spiker Killer
Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 72 HP / 252 SpA / 184 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Hidden Power Rock
- Shadow Ball
- Overheat
- Curse
Chandelure may not seem to fit on a stall team like this, but it is needed to check powerful set-up sweepers in Ubers, such as Swords Dance Rayquaza, Groudon, Arceus and Ho-Oh. Hidden Power [Rock] is solely for killing Ho-Oh but it is worth noting Ho-Oh will be extremely annoying to kill due to its massive bulk and Regenerator. Shadow Ball strikes many Ubers hard due to their Psychic typing. Overheat is for major damage and will be used a lot to tear holes in the opponent's team and kill opposing Spikers in general. Curse is for handling end game sweepers, such as Dark Arceus.
The Special Wall
Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Seismic Toss
- Softboiled
- Wish
- Toxic
Chansey is a key member on any Uber stall team due to her unmatched ability to wall nearly every single special attacker in the game. Wish allows Chansey to fully heal her teammates, and Softboiled lets her heal herself efficiently. Seismic Toss is mandatory as it is Chansey's only way of dealing damage, and Toxic lets Chansey stall out Pokemon such as Latias and Lugia, who are immune to Toxic Spikes due to their Levitate ability or Flying typing. The EV spread might look weird on Chansey, but it maximizes Chansey's mixed walling abilities. With this spread, Chansey is still capable of walling Choice Scarf Kyogre and Reshiram, and with the presence of Latias on the team, the extra special bulk is not necessary. Thanks to the Eviolite, Chansey is deceptively bulky on the physical side—bulkier than even Kyogre. As a last resort, Chansey can actually stall out Choice Scarf Zekrom and Rock Polish Groudon with Softboiled, as both of them fail to OHKO Chansey even after Stealth Rock and Spikes.
The Backup Wall
Groudon @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
Groudon is one of the best walls for a stall team as it almost always manages to reliably get Stealth Rock up, and can even come in later to sponge a physical hit or two. Groudon is useful because it activates sunlight too, which the majority of offensive teams don't like. Groudon also provides important phazing, allowing stall teams to check the powerful setup sweepers in Ubers. Stone Edge lets Groudon effectively check Ho-Oh, who can 2HKO Latias with Brave Bird. Earthquake is a powerful STAB attack, and is needed to check threats such as Bulk Up Dialga and Zekrom. The Special Defense EVs are crucial for surviving an Overheat from Chandelure, while the remaining EVs are thrown into Defense.
The Powerhouse
Latias @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Psyshock
- Recover
Thanks to the massive power and bulk Soul Dew provides her with, Latias is considered to be one of the best Kyogre counters in the game. Great Speed and numerous resistances allows Latias to easily find a way to switch in, nab a Calm Mind boost, and punch holes in—or even sweep—the opposing team. Latias also acts as a great defensive check to many dangerous Pokemon, such as Garchomp, non-Choice Scarf Palkia, Reshiram, Zekrom, Shaymin-S, Manaphy, and even Mewtwo. Psyshock is chosen as its coverage attack to slam Blissey, Ho-Oh, Fighting Arceus, and Poison Arceus: Steel-types aren't a problem due to Chandelure's trapping abilities. Recover keeps Latias nice and healthy so she can continue to sweep and check threats on the opponent's team.
This is an evaluation of the sample team. Do they all come together?
As Soul Dew is currently unavailable in BW Ubers, this team can only be in Dream World Ubers.
The Weather changer
Groudon @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Earthquake
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
Groudon has been a staple on stall teams since the beginning of DP, and as always, it is one of the best walls for a stall team, as it almost always manages to get Stealth Rock up. Additionally, Groudon summons sunlight, which hampers the ever-present offensive teams. Groudon can also phaze well with Roar, which is important for most stall teams due to the extremely hard hitting Ubers. Roar is used to phaze through substitutes from the likes of Ho-Oh who can be problematic while behind a sub. Dragon Tail is used on Giratina instead. Stone Edge allows Groudon to effectively check Ho-Oh, a major threat to Stall. Earthquake is a powerful STAB attack, and is needed to check things like Bulk Up Dialga and Zekrom or even Heatran.
The Boosting Tank
Kyogre @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 SpD
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
Kyogre appears on this team over Lugia to check a variety of potentially dangerous threats, such as Darkrai, Ho-Oh, Calm Mind Steel Arceus, and Reshiram. A Calm nature gives Kyogre some initial special bulk, while the rest is thrown into physical defense; Kyogre needs the extra bulk to handle Reshiram and special variants of Arceus. Scald is used for its reliability and decent burn chance. Also, due to the sheer physical bulk this team possesses thanks to the likes of Groudon, Giratina, and Forretress, Kyogre can afford to sacrifice some physical bulk. After a few Calm Mind boosts, even Scald can rip through unprepared teams in the rain, which also weaken sun-centric teams. Rest brings Kyogre back to full health and cures it of any status. Kyogre can also deal with Cloyster and Omastar even after a Shell Smash.
The Land Mine
Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Payback
The only defensive spinner in Ubers, the Toxic Spikes it provides help stall out a lot of Pokemon. Forretress is also chosen for its ability to lay Spikes to harass offensive teams, who love to switch around. Its Steel typing is a gift, which enables it to come in easily on Dragon-type attacks and set up more entry hazards to further hinder the opponent. Payback is needed to hit Giratina-O hard if it attempts to block Forretress's Rapid Spin attempts, but you should only attack Giratina-O when you know they lack Hidden Power Fire and Will-O-Wisp. Although Payback no longer hits a switch-in for 100 Base Power, it is needed to prevent Substitute + Calm Mind Giratina-O from sweeping the team. A Careful nature and maximum special bulk are used to ensure Forretress isn't crushed by most special attacks.
The Queen of Special Walling
Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Wish
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss
- Protect
A staple on any Uber stall team due to her ability to wall a large portion of special attackers. In Ubers, unlike standard, Blissey needs a Calm nature due to special powerhouses such as Dialga running rampant. Wish allows Blissey to restore her teammates' health almost fully, and Protect in tandem with Wish lets her heal herself efficiently. Seismic Toss is Blissey's only way of dealing consistent damage, and Toxic lets Blissey stall out defensive Pokemon. Blissey is quite resilient as well thanks to tremendous special bulk and access to Wish. Additionally, Blissey takes weaker hits, such as Shaymin-S's Air Slash, much better than Chansey can; Blissey is also a better scout than Chansey with Protect. Due to the new Wish mechanics, Blissey can nearly fully restore the health of Groudon, Kyogre, Latias, and Forretress.
The Bulky Dragon
Latias @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 112 HP / 204 SpA / 192 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunder
- Recover
The power and bulk provided by Soul Dew make Latias the best Kyogre counter in the game. Great Speed and numerous resistances allow Latias to easily find a way to switch in, get a Calm Mind boost, and punch holes in the opposing team. Latias acts as a great defensive check to many dangerous Pokemon, such as Garchomp, non-Choice Scarf Palkia, Reshiram, Zekrom, Shaymin-S, and Manaphy; she can even take a hit or two from the likes of Mewtwo or Darkrai and fire back a powerful STAB Dragon Pulse, and beat Calm Mind Giratina one-on-one. Thunder is chosen as her coverage attack to slam Manaphy, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Kyogre, and Water Arceus; Steel-types aren't a problem as most of them dislike Thunder. Recover keeps Latias nice and healthy so she can consistently switch in and check threats on the opponent's team.
The Forgotten Wall
Giratina @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Dragon Tail
Nicknamed the Great Wall, Giratina is still a very formidable wall for any team. As this team is based on classic stall, Giratina is the obvious choice both as a wall and a spinblocker. The EV spread is straightforward, maximizing its physical bulk to better handle the likes of Groudon, Ho-Oh, Ground Arceus, Extreme Killer Arceus, Tyranitar, and Metagross. Will-O-Wisp cripples most physical attackers, such as Groudon. Rest keeps Giratina alive and immune to status, and Sleep Talk is used so that Giratina will not be a sitting duck while asleep. Of the two Sleep Talk users, Giratina is the main status absorber for the team. Dragon Tail is an awesome gift to Giratina, as it allows Giratina to not only phaze through Taunt, but also does some reasonable damage thanks to the STAB boost. Giratina is unable to hurt Forretress, however, which is where its teammates come in.
This is an evaluation of the sample team. Do they all come together?
Note: This team has some flaws and is outdated but I am keeping it here as a reference just in case people want to view it.
The Lead
Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Payback
Forretress is the only viable defensive spinner in Ubers, and the Toxic Spikes it provides help stall out a lot of Pokemon. Forretress is also chosen for its ability to lay Spikes, which punishes the opponent for switching frequently. Forretress's Steel typing is also very useful, as it lets it easily switch into Dragon-type attacks and set up more entry hazards to further hinder the opponent. Payback is needed to dent the Giratina formes who attempt to block Rapid Spin attempts, but only attack them if you know they lack Hidden Power Fire or Will-O-Wisp. A Careful nature and maximum special bulk makes sure that Forretress isn't crushed by most special attacks.
The Physical Wall
Groudon @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 136 Def / 120 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
Groudon is one of the best walls for a stall team as it almost always manages to reliably get Stealth Rock up, all the while keeping itself healthy enough to come in and sponge physical attacks later. It also activates sunlight, hampering the majority of offensive teams. Furthermore, Groudon's Dragon Tail provides phazing, which is important for most stall teams due to the offensive nature of Ubers. Stone Edge allows Groudon to effectively check Ho-Oh, who can otherwise 2HKO the entire team. Earthquake is a powerful STAB attack, and is needed to check threats such as Bulk Up Dialga and Zekrom.
The Revenge Killer
Palkia @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature (+Spe, -Def)
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Thunder
- Stone Edge
Palkia might not seem like the most obvious choice for a stall team, but it is needed to check powerful setup sweepers in Ubers, such as Dragon Dance Rayquaza and Flame Charge Reshiram. Draco Meteor provides a powerful STAB attack and a way to hit Dragon-types for massive damage, whereas Fire Blast complements Spacial Rend nicely by roasting pesky Steel-types, especially if sunlight is present. Thunder is used to check Kyogre, who can be a big threat to this team as its Water Spout can 2HKO even Blissey. Stone Edge is in the last slot to decimate Ho-Oh, who can be a nuisance to deal with.
The Offensive Tank
Ho-Oh @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature: (+Atk, - SpA)
- Brave Bird
- Sacred Fire
- Earthquake
- Recover
With its amazing base 130 Attack, coupled with its potent STABs in Sacred Fire and Brave Bird, Ho-Oh can wreck opposing stall teams. In the sunlight, Ho-Oh's Sacred Fire becomes even more powerful, as if it wasn't deadly enough with its crippling 50% burn rate. Earthquake OHKOes the problematic Heatran, as well as the deadly Choice Specs Reshiram. Ho-Oh's amazing base 106 HP and 154 Special Defense allow it to take many hits and keep on attacking, thanks to Recover keeping it healthy. In addition to bringing an important Ground immunity to the team, Ho-Oh can deal with all Calm Mind Arceus bar Water, Electric, and Rock variants.
The Spinblocker
Arceus @ Spooky Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Perish Song
- Judgment
- Recover
- Flamethrower
Ghost Arceus provides the team with much needed mixed walling and spinblocking capabilities; it also checks mixed Palkia, Dialga, and Rayquaza for the team. Perish Song lets Arceus handle late-game setup sweepers and prevents boosting tank Kyogre from sweeping the team, while Judgment allows Arceus to wreck most Ubers for super effective damage and gives it a reliable move to use. Flamethrower OHKOes most Spikers in the Sun and kills Steel-types in general. Recover keeps Arceus alive for the entire match.
The Special Sponge
Blissey @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
- Wish
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss
- Protect
Blissey is a key member on any Ubers stall team due to her ability to wall nearly every single special attacker in the game. Unlike in standard, Ubers Blissey needs a Calm nature due to special powerhouses, such as Dialga, running rampant around the tier. Wish allows Blissey to restore her teammates' health almost fully, and Protect in tandem with Wish lets her heal herself efficiently. Seismic Toss is Blissey's only way of dealing consistent damage, and Toxic lets Blissey stall out Pokemon that are immune to Toxic Spikes due to Levitate or a Flying typing. Blissey is usually the wall who will be taking the most hits as special moves are so commonly thrown around in Ubers.
This is an evaluation of the sample team. Do they all come together?
A well-built stall team usually has the correct resistances in the right places. A good Uber stall team is no exception. The most commonly used attacks in Ubers are Dragon-, Ice-, and Ghost-type attacks. Here are some of the most common threats to stall teams. Some checks are listed, but be warned that in Ubers, one turn of setup can be game-ending.
Dark Arceus
Type: Dark
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
Possibly the biggest threat to most stall teams, especially those that use Forretress over Ferrothorn or Excadrill. Dark Arceus is a formidable threat due to its ability to ditch its coverage move for Refresh. Thanks to Refresh, it will not fall to Toxic Spikes or be stopped by neither Chansey nor Blissey. Commonly seen utilizing a mono-attacking set with Refresh and Recover, Dark Arceus is a threat all Uber stall teams should be prepared for, even though Dark Arceus isn't as common as the other Arceus formes. Perish Song Arceus, Ho-Oh, or Curse Chandelure are the best ways to annoy Dark Arceus.
Checks: Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Genesect (Dream World), Terrakion, Perish Song Steel Arceus, Grass Arceus* (needs Perish Song), Curse Chandelure with Blissey or Chansey (Dream World), Bulk Up Dialga, Steel Arceus
Steel Arceus
Type: Steel
Base Stats: 120 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 120 SpD / 120 Spe
Ability: Multitype
As Steel Arceus is immune to both Toxic and Toxic Spikes, it is another large threat to stall teams. It is also unhindered by Stealth Rock, and access to Will-O-Wisp can sometimes allow it to get past Groudon. Its bulk, combined with Speed and access to Recover, makes Steel Arceus incredibly hard to kill. If it carries Roar, even Kyogre can lose to it in a Calm Mind war. Ho-Oh is arguably the best check to it thanks to huge bulk, reliably recovery, and Sacred Fire, which burns Steel Arceus to a crisp. In Dream World, however, Steel Arceus has a major flaw because it is vulnerable to being trapped by Chandelure.
Checks: Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Reshiram, Heatran, Groudon, Skarmory* (can only phaze and Taunt), Hippowdon* (Swords Dance variant only), Garchomp, Terrakion, Heracross
Type: Ghost / Dragon
Base Stats: 150 HP / 120 Atk / 100 Def / 120 SpA / 100 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Levitate
While a common sight on stall teams, Giratina-O is itself actually very capable of tearing these teams apart. STAB Dragon and Ghost attacks allows it to strike at the weaknesses of most walls, such as opposing Giratina and Ghost Arceus. The most dangerous set to Uber stall teams is the Substitute + Calm Mind set. Pink blobs cannot stop this set due to Substitute blocking Toxic. However, it is not infallible: Lugia with Whirlwind can force out even Giratina-O with a Substitute, while Double Chop Garchomp can damage Giratina-O through Substitutes—but it will not KO. Latias can boost alongside Giratina-O and KO it with Dragon Pulse.
Checks: Latias, Lugia, Palkia, Dialga, Ho-Oh, Ghost Arceus, Steel Arceus, Garchomp, Ferrothorn* (needs Gyro Ball for Calm Mind set, but Aura Sphere 3HKOes), Calm Mind Blissey, Chansey (for mixed variants lacking Outrage), Abomasnow
Type: Psychic
Base Stats: 106 HP / 110 Atk / 90 Def / 154 SpA / 90 SpD / 130 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Unnerve (Unreleased)
The mighty Mewtwo's massive power allows it to plow through most teams with ease. Stall usually depends on the set Mewtwo is running to counter it. As Mewtwo is very versatile, that is easier said than done. The most common set is the Calm Mind Psycho Killer. With Psystrike striking on the physical side, Blissey no longer stands a chance in checking Mewtwo, let alone countering it. Choice Scarf users, especially Chandelure and Genesect, are the best ways to eliminate Mewtwo, but at present they can only be used in Dream World. If Mewtwo lacks Ice Beam, Giratina is probably the best check to it. If Mewtwo leaves the house without weather support or Ice Beam, Lugia can easily take any attack and force it out. Ghost Arceus defeats Mewtwo with Judgment if Mewtwo lacks Fire Blast.
Checks: Giratina, Chandelure, Latias and Genesect (Dream World), Palkia, Dialga, Lugia, Zekrom, Ghost Arceus, Garchomp, Kyogre, Cresselia, Deoxys-D, Jirachi
Type: Dragon / Electric
Base Stats: 100 HP / 150 Atk / 120 Def / 120 SpA / 100 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Teravolt
Despite Zekrom's shallow movepool, countering it is extremely hard even for stall teams. A groundbreaking base 150 Attack and respectable base 120 Special Attack means Zekrom can actually utilize a mixed set to break stall teams apart. Bolt Strike and Draco Meteor can easily bash through the main Uber walls, namely Lugia and Giratina. Every stall team needs a good check for this fearsome Dragon. Groudon and Choice Scarf Dragons are great ways to counter Zekrom. Garchomp is also capable of coming in on a Bolt Strike for free, and can KO with Outrage or Earthquake.
Checks: Groudon, Ferrothorn, Ground Arceus, Excadrill, Normal Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Latias, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Cresselia, Hippowdon
Type: Steel / Dragon
Base Stats: 100 HP / 120 Atk / 120 Def / 150 SpA / 100 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Telepathy (Unreleased)
Due to Dialga's unique typing and its immunity to Toxic Spikes, taking it down will be incredibly annoying. Dialga's massively powerful Draco Meteor and incredible movepool gives it the potential to puncture stall teams that lack a suitable counter. Mixed Dialga is probably the deadliest set for Uber stall teams to handle. Choice sets however, are walled much easily. Bulk Up sets can be annoying if they are the last Pokemon, as they can longer be phazed. Groudon is the best answer to most Dialga sets barring the Choice Specs one, as Groudon can deal heavy damage to Dialga with its powerful Earthquake. Heatran is also a reliable way to check Dialga lacking Earth Power.
Checks: Chansey, Blissey, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Heatran, Groudon, Garchomp, Ferrothorn (physical sets or in rain), Skarmory (physical sets only), Chandelure, Deoxys-D, Normal Arceus, Ghost Arceus, Steel Arceus (only in rain), Hippowdon
Type: Fire / Steel
Base Stats: 91 HP / 90 Atk / 106 Def / 130 SpA / 106 SpD / 77 Spe
Ability: Flash Fire / Flame Body (Unreleased)
Though still a rare sight in Ubers, Heatran's decent typing and Toxic immunity allow it to harass Uber stall teams with ease. A combination of Taunt and Roar will force a lot of switches and weaken stall teams through entry hazards damage. STAB Flamethrower or Lava Plume means Forretress cannot come in on Heatran to spin away hazards. Heatran's multiple resistances can cause headaches to most Uber stall teams. Using random Ground moves on your walls is a good way to eliminate Heatran; for example, the likes of Earthquake Lugia can catch an enemy Heatran off guard and OHKO it after Spikes damage. Earth Power Palkia is also capable of KOing Heatran, who enjoys coming in on Fire Blast and Dragon attacks.
Checks: Kyogre, Ho-Oh* (needs Earthquake), Lugia* (needs Earthquake), Giratina* (needs Earthquake), Garchomp, Terrakion, Groudon, Blissey, Chansey, Hippowdon
Type: Fire / Flying
Base Stats: 106 HP / 130 Atk / 90 Def / 110 SpA / 154 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Regenerator (Unreleased)
Massive defenses and powerful attacks make Ho-Oh a deadly threat to stall teams; it can even carry Substitute to set up on Chansey and Blissey for free. Sun-boosted Sacred Fire and Brave Bird put the hurt on most Uber stall teams. Most commonly, a Pokemon carrying Whirlwind or Roar and who is bulky enough to take some hits from Ho-Oh is needed to phaze out Ho-Oh hiding behind a Substitute. Stealth Rock is a very effective way for keeping Ho-Oh in check, as it is not going to enjoy taking 50% every time it switches in to wreak havoc. Putting random Rock moves on your Choice Scarf user or wall is a good way to take out Ho-Oh. For example, using a Chandelure with Hidden Power Rock can trap and kill Ho-Oh before Ho-Oh can damage your team too much.
Checks: Giratina, Zekrom, Terrakion, Garchomp, Groudon* (must invest in Speed and use Stone Edge or Rock Slide), Lugia, Heatran, Hippowdon
Type: Dragon / Flying
105 HP / 150 Atk / 90 Def / 150 SpA / 90 SpD / 95 Spe
Ability: Air Lock
Rayquaza has incredible base 150 offensive stats, a nice base 95 Speed stat, and a great movepool including impressive offensive options in the form of Dragon Dance and Swords Dance, which magnify Rayquaza’s capabilities as stallbreaker. Rayquaza's moves are very deadly and can attack from both sides. Most physical walls not named Lugia or Arceus will fear Mixed Rayquaza while special walls will hate facing Dragon Dance or Swords Dance Rayquaza. The only walls capable of handling all Rayquaza sets are Lugia, Arceus, Bold Kyogre with Ice Beam, and Cresselia.
Checks: Lugia, Groudon, Cresselia, Arceus, Palkia, Garchomp, Terrakion, Hydreigon, Deoxys-D, Genesect, Dialga
Type: Water / Dragon
Base Stats: 90 HP / 120 Atk / 100 Def / 150 SpA / 120 SpD / 100 Spe
Ability: Pressure / Telepathy (Unreleased)
Palkia can be a Choice Scarf user or a deadly mixed attacker and cause some mayhem. The Choice Scarf set is generally not threatening to Uber stall teams, but the mixed attacker has the potential to break apart many stall teams. Having access to a wide array of moves such as Outrage, Spacial Rend, Aqua Tail, Thunder, and Fire Blast, Palkia can sweep stall teams if given the chance. Fortunately, it is vulnerable to all forms of hazards and doesn't have the best of defenses. Putting a Choice Scarf on your own Palkia or Dialga allows your team to KO mixed Palkia easily; Garchomp is also a decent choice as it can even outrun Choice Scarf Palkia.
Checks: Chansey, Blissey, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Groudon, Arceus, Dialga, Heatran, Garchomp, Cresselia
Type: Dragon / Fire
Base Stats: 100 HP / 120 Atk / 100 Def / 150 SpA / 120 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Turboblaze
Reshiram's insanely powerful Blue Flare is enough to warrant the use of Kyogre or Ho-Oh on a Uber Stall team. STAB Draco Meteor will hurt all but the main special walls on Uber stall teams: Chansey and Blissey can stomach the hit without many problems. However, Life Orb Outrage from the mixed set will hurt most counters to the Choice Specs set. Thankfully, Chansey and Kyogre can usually survive an Outrage or two and reply with status or a powerful attack. Ho-Oh and Kyogre are the best checks to most Reshiram sets, and getting entry hazards out quickly will easily reduce Reshiram's lifespan. Toxic Spikes in particular will ruin the Flame Charge set. Having a Choice Scarf Garchomp or Palkia is a reliable way to take out all Reshiram sets. Garchomp cannot switch directly in on any attack, however.
Checks: Chansey, Kyogre, Ho-Oh, Blissey, Latias, Palkia, Terrakion, Garchomp, Dialga
Type: Dark
Base Stats: 70 HP / 90 Atk / 90 Def / 135 SpA / 90 SpD / 125 Spe
Ability: Bad Dreams
A fast Dark Void will be annoying to Uber stall teams, as someone will have to take the sleep first before Darkrai can be countered. Nasty Plot boosts its already stellar Special Attack to astronomical levels. However, Darkrai has poor defenses and is very vulnerable to Toxic Spikes. Slapping a Choice Scarf on either Palkia, Garchomp, Dialga, Kyogre, Zekrom, or Terrakion is a very effective way to eliminate Darkrai. As an alternative, Sleep Talk users can absorb the sleep first before a better counter is sent out to kill Darkrai.
Checks: Heracross, Genesect (Dream World), Terrakion, Palkia, Dialga* (mono-attacking Darkrai only), Garchomp, Kyogre, Ho-Oh, Chansey, Blissey
Type: Water
Base Stats: 100 HP / 100 Atk / 90 Def / 150 SpA / 140 SpD / 90 Spe
Ability: Drizzle
Kyogre's insanely powerful Water assaults forces Uber Stall teams to either use Palkia or Latias to absorb a full power Choice Specs Water Spout. After some damage, both pink blobs do well at walling Kyogre. Sometimes, boosting tank Kyogre can be problematic to stall teams lacking Zekrom, Groudon, Latias, Arceus, or Shaymin-S. Thanks to Calm Mind, Kyogre can beat Palkia easily or even stall it out, barring critical hits. Kyogre doesn't enjoy Toxic Spikes either; generally, Spikes and Toxic Spikes prevents Kyogre from abusing its mighty Water Spout.
Checks: Grass Arceus, Palkia, Latias, Chansey, Blissey, Zekrom, Shaymin-S, Giratina, Groudon* (can only come in on Thunder, but sun severely reduces Kyogre's power)
Xatu and Espeon
Type: Psychic / Flying (Xatu), Espeon (Psychic)
Base Stats:
Xatu: 65 HP / 75 Atk / 70 Def / 95 SpA / 75 SpD / 95 Spe
Espeon: 65 HP / 65 Atk / 60 Def / 130 SpA / 95 SpD / 110 Spe
Ability: Magic Bounce
Both of these are threats to stall only because of their Magic Bounce ability, which bounces back entry hazards and Spikes as the enemy lays them. One must not carelessly launch entry hazards and status moves when they are seen. Thankfully, Espeon's movepool is rather shallow and its defenses—especially on the physical side—are rather weak, so most neutral attacks will 2HKO it, if not OHKO. Xatu is harder to kill due to its access to Roost and better physical Defense, but most hard-hitters, such as Dialga, will destroy Xatu anyway.
Checks: You can't stop them from coming in. Think twice before launching Spikes when you see these Magic Bounce users. Using Tyranitar to Pursuit them can be a solution; Xatu might survive with Reflect up though.
A checklist to help you create your own Uber Stall team.
When you are playing in the Ubers metagame, make sure you cover all of these items.383.pngp Use this checklist as a guide to build your team. It is very important to cover the vast majority of threats; of course, place more importance on covering the more common ones. Stall teams usually play at a slower pace, and they are more reliant on entry hazards to be effective. In the Ubers tier, however, a single free turn or wrong prediction can allows some dangerous sweepers, such as Rayquaza, to rampage through your stall team.
All Uber stall teams should have at least one physical and special wall. You need resistances to the following types: Dragon, Water, Ice, Ground, Electric, Dark, Normal, and Ghost, as these are the types of the most common attacks in Ubers. Grass- and Bug-type attacks are much more uncommon than the others, because they hit only some of the Ubers threats, which can be a big drawback in constructing a good moveset.
The most important thing to make sure you have when checking for key resistances is a Dragon-type resist; it is crucial that your team has a method to absorb the powerful Dragon-type attacks that are thrown around in Ubers, or your team will be destroyed easily. However, equally, some Pokemon have defensive stats so high that resistances aren't necessary: both Blissey and Chansey laugh at most Draco Meteors and Dragon Pulses. Conversely, though, sheer bulk might sometimes not be enough to wall the threats seen in Ubers. An example of this is Giratina: while Giratina appears to have gargantuan defenses, it is unfortunately far from unbreakable: weaknesses to said common Dragon-type attacks prevent Giratina from walling the majority of Dragon sweepers commonly seen in Ubers. Therefore, if you are using Giratina as your team's main wall, be sure to also pack additional checks to the Dragon sweepers that dominate the tier.
Special attacks might be more common than physical attacks, but the latter do exist, as some players try to exploit the lower physical Defense of most Ubers by using powerful physical sweepers, such as Groudon and Rayquaza. In an Uber stall team, physical walls are needed to counter the sweepers that attack on the physical side. It is worth noting that the walls you selected must suit your team well. For example, Lugia is an impressive wall, but to fully utilize its defensive prowess, lots of entry hazards—Spikes in particular—should be used alongside it. The best physical walls to use in Ubers are Lugia, Groudon, Giratina, Normal Arceus, and Skarmory; Hippowdon can also be used on sandstorm teams. Each of them has their own key advantages; choose a wall accordingly to suit your team.
The two best special walls in the entire game are Blissey and Chansey: these two pink blobs have such titanic special bulk that it takes more than a Choice Specs user to bring them down. In fact, they don't really mind sponging even Choice Scarf Kyogre's Water Spout. Blissey takes less passive damage, can abuse Leftovers, and takes weaker hits better while Chansey has the advantage of higher bulk on both sides. Latias is a fantastic special wall to aid Chansey or Blissey in taking special hits as long as she has her Soul Dew; alternatively, Ho-Oh can threaten opposing stall teams with its powerful Sacred Fire and Brave Bird.
Phazers such as Lugia and Giratina are always important to stall teams, as they help rack up residual damage. The new move Dragon Tail allows a wall to phaze through Taunt, but not Substitute; it is therefore advised to use both moves in your stall teams but not necessarily on the same phazer. For instance, Groudon can use Dragon Tail while Arceus can utilize Roar, covering both Taunt users such as Mew and Substitute users such as Ho-Oh.
It is impossible to fully counter everything, as some sweepers, such as Palkia, do not have hard counters. Nonetheless, you should try to counter as many of them as possible. You must have something to switch into common attacks, such as a Kyogre's Water Spout and Rayquaza's Outrage. Pokemon such as Latias and Palkia fare well against Kyogre, as they are faster and have good Special Defense. Similarly, physical walls such as Lugia and Arceus work well, as they are not weak to Dragon. One of the biggest mistakes newcomers make is to switch Blissey or Chansey into a full power Choice Specs Kyogre's Water Spout. Remember, even the special sponges are 2HKOed by the beast, making them very poor switch-ins. Zekrom and Reshiram are both top threats every stall teams should be prepared for. Blissey and Chansey do fine againt Reshiram as long as they avoid burns or Life Orb Outrage in Blissey's case; Kyogre and Ho-Oh are also great checks to all Reshiram sets. As for Zekrom, Groudon is generally a stall team's best answer to it. Ground Arceus, too, counters Zekrom, as Arceus is faster and can OHKO Zekrom with a mighty Earthquake. Finally, Choice Scarf users such as Garchomp and Palkia are great at taking out the BW Uber Dragons.
There is only one Uber capable of using sleep moves (Darkrai), but sleep is no less of a threat. Due to the Uber metagame's quick pace, losing a Pokemon to a sleep move can be fatal to your team. A sleep absorber mitigates this by packing the move Sleep Talk to comfortably take the status condition and activate Sleep Clause, preventing more Pokemon from being slept. It isn't necessary to use a Sleep Talk user in your stall team, but if you have one, it can greatly assist your team in absorbing status. Aside from utilizing Heal Bell or Aromatherapy to cure the entire team from status, Chansey and Blissey can also act as status absorbers thanks to their Natural Cure abilities.
Spinning helps reduce the pressure on walls as they enter the field. However, in the Uber metagame, there aren't many spinners to choose from: the only Pokemon that should be considered are Forretress, Tentacruel, and Excadrill. Forretress can also help by sponging physical attacks such as Outrage, setting up its own entry hazards, and possibly scouting with Volt Switch. Tentacruel works well in the rain due to Rain Dish and its many support moves, such as Toxic Spikes, Haze, Knock Off, and Scald. Excadrill is the hardest hitter of the three, and it checks many threats to stall such as Dialga, Dark Arceus, and Steel Arceus. Having a spinner isn't mandatory, but it's a nice thing to have as entry hazards limit your walls from switching in and out freely. A spinner also gives you the upper hand against opposing stall teams if they lack a Ghost-type to spinblock; sometimes, crippling your opponent's spinblocker can be the key to winning. While Tentacruel has access to Scald, and Forretress can land a nasty Toxic on potential Giratina-O or Ghost Arceus switch-ins, Excadrill doesn't need to bother with status due to the sheer power of its attacks.
There are a few options here: Skarmory, Forretress, Ferrothorn, and Deoxys-D can learn both Spikes and Stealth Rock. Other Pokemon that learn Stealth Rock but not Spikes are Dialga, Groudon, Blissey, Heatran, and Metagross. Stealth Rock will help you weaken a lot of Rock-weak powerhouses such as Reshiram, Ho-Oh, and Rayquaza, while Spikes hurt all grounded Pokemon. The only two Pokemon viable in Ubers stall that learn Toxic Spikes are Forretress and Tentacruel, making them key players on stall teams. Tentacruel is better for rain-based stall, while Forretress is more commonly seen on sun-based teams. Spikes is not as necessary for offensive teams, but they are mandatory for all Uber stall teams; with Spikes support, phazers will be far more effective and dangerous to the opposing team.
Tyranitar, Kyogre, Hippowdon, and Groudon are the main weather changers in Ubers: they help against weather-based teams, which can be very dangerous in their respective weathers. Even if you only have one weather changer, it can impact the game significantly. Weather control helps you to prevent weather-dependent sweepers, such as Qwilfish and Venusaur, from destroying your team.
Spinblockers aren't necessary, but are important in order to gain the upper hand over opposing stall teams. Both Giratina formes, Ghost Arceus, and Dream World Chandelure are the best choices. Giratina must use Hidden Power Fire, though, or it will be setup bait for Forretress. After setting up multiple layers, it is crucial to prevent them from being removed with a simple Rapid Spin.
Despite all of the changes that have been made in BW that would appear to entirely invalidate the playstyle, stall remains as enduring as the walls that compose it and the players that champion it. Stall is a powerful, adaptive, and consistent strategy that should never be underestimated, especially in an environment as centralized as the Uber metagame. If the above article has not persuaded you to try this fabulous strategy for yourself, then hopefully it has at least given you the knowledge necessary to better handle any opposing stall teams that you encounter on your journey up the ladder. If you lose anyway, do not become discouraged, as that is simply a testament to the resilience and potency of the stall approach, and perhaps it will give you an appreciation for the style that the above article could not impart to you. Good luck and have fun!