Project The Lunatic's Workshop [OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS]


Thanks everybody for submissions, Cycle 4 Voting Phase is now upon us.
Voting phase begins now! Vote for your favourite nomination with the corresponding letter, biggest week yet with a load of submissions! vote away
Nomination A

Nomination B

Nomination C

Nomination D

Nomination E

Nomination F

Nomination G

Nomination H

Nomination I

Nomination J

Biggest week yet make sure to cast your votes by March 27th for them to be counter! Good luck everybody

Thanks everyone for your votes! Here are the teams that are gonna happen this week:

Zygarde-10% @ Choice Band
Ability: Aura Break
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Extreme Speed
- Thousand Waves
- Toxic / Glare

The Dog received 5 votes this week, boasting a good Speed tier and a spammable move in Choice Band Thousand Arrows, as well as strong priority in Extreme Speed.
Possible changes: maybe slot outrage somewhere idk

Blaziken @ Razor Claw
Ability: Speed Boost
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Overheat
- Substitute
- Close Combat
- Focus Energy

NEW LAMBORGINI received 3 votes this week, with its guaranteed crits and unmatched Speed if given free turns to set up.
Possible changes: maybe focus blast if you can hit them

Haxorus @ Lum Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Iron Head
- Tera Blast
- Swords Dance

The Scourge of Stall received 2 votes this week, but technically also received 3 in second votes, which are not counted but say something about its popularity. Mold Breaker allows it to ignore Unaware and thus beat up stall like Clefable and Dondozo. (is unaware clef still real?) Tera Blast Electric allows it to shoot down Corviknight, Toxapex and Alomomola.
Possible changes: his name makes him too obvious that hes not sshot

Ogerpon (F) @ Razor Claw
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Ivy Cudgel
- Play Rough
- Superpower

Another crit spammer, Wogerpon receieved 2 votes this week (and also got some attention in ND room). Ivy Cudgel with 50% crit chances can slice through balance rather easily, backed up by its coverage.
Possible changes: play rough seems odd idk

:jellicent: and :shiftry: both received one vote. They will also be built if there are enough builders to accommodate.

Teams will be sent out before 3 April. Non builders are allowed to post teams on 1 April to fool the public
Stay tuned! :woop::woo::wo:
Hey all, this is my team that features Zydog. Funni dog is best dog. Descriptions are in the paste because I know you all don’t want to see a 1467 word essay on a mon that hasn’t ever had a niche in its lifetime (except that one time it got an analysis in Gen 7) in one post so for convenience I’ll put it in a paste. Have a good day and Happy Easter!

:Zygarde-10%: :Raging Bolt: :Tapu Lele: :heatran: :landorus-Therian: :Urshifu-rapid strike:
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Synthesis: SD Haxorus HO
:grimmsnarl: :haxorus: :hatterene: :volcarona: :zamazenta: :archaludon:

(please listen to tn-shi's other stuff its all insanely good)

When I chose the anti-stall pokemon, there was only one route this was going. Screens HO. The team turned out pretty well and I even
peaked like top 300. Go forth and spam the most mid pseudo to ever legendary in the ndou tier.

Team Breakdown:

GENESIS (Grimmsnarl) (M) @ :light-clay:
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Taunt / Thunder Wave
- Spirit Break

Every screens team needs its setter, and I elected to use Grimmsnarl as mine. Prankster giving its moves priority lets it set screens up ASAP, as well as giving it access to a fast taunt. Thunder Wave is also a great option, as it allows you to cripple pokemon like IDBP Zama or SD Ogerpon-W. Tera Steel is bog standard, but you could maybe run ghost if you're that scared of running into Dnite


IMPETUS (Haxorus) @ :Lum-Berry:
Ability: Mold Breaker
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Outrage
- Iron Head
- Tera Blast
- Swords Dance

Well you knew this pokemon was coming at some point. Haxorus was the build-around for this week and it's a quite good fit for this team. Once your traders have cleared out the fast threats this can often take over a game incredibly quickly, after one SD if you click your buttons right you will often just win on the spot. Heavily thuds into teams with good speed control however, especially when without screens support. I got a great replay where this just obliterated a stall team but unfortunately I lost it.


ORACLE (Hatterene) @ :leftovers:
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Draining Kiss
- Stored Power
- Mystical Fire

Kinda off-beat pick but I like it here. Having a stored power wincon is basically required for any screens team worth its salt, as being able to force tera on unaware mons like clodsire or you just win is a great option. Hatterene also has a very funny interaction with Defog, as it does not remove your own screens. Since MBounce works as if the pokemon itself used the move, if Hatterene is defogged on, it will simply not remove the screens, giving you more setup turns. Mystical Fire is the last move in order to deal with Ferrothorn or other steels easily, you can pp stall tran out of magma storms by setting up and spamming Stored Power.


DIFFRACTION (Volcarona) @ :heavy-duty-boots:
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Tera Blast
- Flamethrower
- Bug Buzz / Giga Drain

This team desparately needed a fairy resist, so I dropped the unreliable Darkrai for the much more consistent Volcarona. This set is pretty bog-standard, bug buzz is being used over giga because healing is for cowards, but you can run it if you really want to.


TERMINUS (Zamazenta) @ :leftovers:
Ability: Dauntless Shield
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 80 HP / 176 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Substitute
- Heavy Slam

Shield Dog always has a way of cropping up on my teams. It's just a stupidly consistent wincon and with how often lando just dies to the next pokemon on this team it tears holes through most teams. Ineros gave me the ev spread, which 2hkos standard physdef zap after getting to +6 def. Tera Steel + Hslam to get lele and ival, body press the rest.


METACOGNITION (Archaludon) @ :power-herb:
Ability: Stamina
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Flash Cannon
- Electro Shot
- Body Press

This mon is a phenomenal trader, it baits lando super hard and has a pretty good roll to oneshot standard physdef lando with +1 draco. Sometimes this also just chains def boost after def boost and can run games over, especially if you commit to a second electro shot. It also rounds out the team nicely with its steel typing + water resist making it an immense boon into rain matchups, especially when paired with tera

Team Weaknesses:
none (trust me)

Team Replays:
none (trust me)

go crazy go stupid please dont miss draco.
Note: I edited this team a number of times after posting, if you used it before 4 april pls redownload

idk why people like to put music when showcasing teams

Overcooked - critken sun
:torkoal::blaziken::lilligant-hisui::heatran::tornadus-therian::raging-bolt: (<= click for paste)

sun last longer. yay

this guy destroys any team that lets it set up. unfortunately thats not many so i dropped my account to 1200 (and at some point 1100) to get replays.. and then forgot to save most of them D:
here is one from roomtour
the team showcased is a really old version before i upended the entire team and made it sun but its still just blaziken doing blaziken things
skip to turn 17 to see blaziken beat up stall
in short, if you can get free turns to sub up (on a toxic? or a weak koff? anything) and then focus energy u can just 2hko like everything and be faster than everything
performs super well into stall and balance. folds to HO just sack it in that mu

this guy destroys those fast frail picks like ival weavile you name it i kill it, but theres lots and lots that just resist both STABs like imoth latios flying types and more, so just sleep them and SD up >:)
performs super well into offense. still does quite good vs slower teams cos it can SD
whoever wrote this guys epic analysis inspired me to use this mon btw

this guy is SINGLEHANDEDLY the reason i wish i saved more replays.
outspeeds smogset scarf lando, nuke everything with eruption in sun
hpice is just funny but u can slot tera blast (grass)
fblast is in case u get low
this guy is also your saving grace when tork dies and u slow
performs super well into literally everything honestly this is insane

chose this as my button user because of regen allowing him to do more stuff later, also fogger
this guy has defog
used to carry sunny day but i never found myself clicking it

Ineros said this could help when i told him rain was an issue
its interaction with opposing sun is pretty hilarious tho, u lead rbolt and they lead tork and they coooooked (something dies to meteor turn 1)

some other versions of the team:
in case u didnt notice u cld click the sprites at the top, original team
overcooked but less fun
overcooked but MORE fun
old version
very old version

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:sm/ogerpon: Ogerpon Grass Spam :sm/ogerpon:
:ogerpon: :hawlucha: :hatterene: :diancie-mega: :rillaboom: :volcarona:

I literally have nothing to explain about this team, u just get grassy terrain up, get ogerpon in, sd+Tera and deal big damage to everything, the high crit chance makes this even more and hard too wall.Only downside of base ogerpon is the fact that no matter what moves u carry, u will always have 4mss.This team lacks removal so i put in 2 magic bounce mons, hatt also helps me set up terrain or can momentum by switching into u-turns/fake outs and so on.Volc can also be a pretty good second win condition in late game.
:Zygarde-10%: :Raging Bolt: :Landorus-Therian: :Tyranitar-mega: :Slowking-galar: :Ogerpon-wellspring:
Zygarde + Taunt Raging Bolt Bulky Offense

Alright so this is my ACTUAL team. It’s nowhere as good as my April fools team I will admit, but this will suffice (probably) as forgiveness of that troll. Zygarde was what was built on here. With a good offensive typing and an actually pretty good offensive movepool, it’s able to threaten out common defensive pieces like Heatran and Glowking. Thousand Arrows is also a very good offensive option, hitting potential checks like Zapdos and Tornt. On to the team!
:zygarde-10%: This Pokémon, as was just said, is the Pokemon that was built. On top of all the traits said before, Extreme Speed is a good priority tool that although it is lacking in power makes up for in revenge killing monsters like Darkrai and Tornadus-T. Toxic is a good tool to pressure switchins like Alomomola, Landorus-T, and Great Tusk. Outrage was changed out for Thousand Waves to immediately pressure Pokémon like the Latis and Ogerpon-W. The nature was changed to jolly so then it didn’t have just… the worst speed tier ever, allowing it to outspeed Pokemon like Serperior and Ogerpon-Wellpring. As for what it does for the team, It mainly helps as an early - mid game breaker, weakening a team so Ogerpon-W and Scarf Lando have a much easier time cleaning up. It also helps break through Slowking-Galar, heatran, and Mtar for Raging Bolt.
:raging bolt: You may be looking at the set confused, wondering why there isn’t Tclap on the set. Well friends, that set is actually viable! This set mainly helps break through bulkier structures that rely on stuff like Glisc and Ferro to be bolt checks, shutting them down with taunt and in the case of Glisc with Tera as well. It’s also an excellent trader as well. Tera flying allows Bolt to gain a ground immunity, allowing it to take advantage of Glisc and Lando. Raging Bolt’s purpose on this structure is to help break through bulkier structures that are able to easily play around zydog. It uses Tera flying taunt to lure in stuff like ferro, ting, Glisc, and Lando which Zydog really appreciates while also using its good typing to beat bulky waters like Mola and Rotom wash.
:Landorus-Therian: May the truth be told, Zydog isn’t doing what a ground normally does (provide good utility, momentum, or offense) so here we have imo the best ground in the tier. Scarf Lando fulfills multiple roles on this team: being an actual ground, speed control, ground immune, gouging, mmaw, and mmedi check, hazard removal, this mon does it all. U turn is nice for letting stuff like bolt and Zydog in safely. What else needs to be said?
:tyranitar-mega:: This mon is one of the 2 parts to the famous core that is quite good at checking Tapu lele and is just a good core in general. Mtar uses its good typing to switch into Pokemon like the aforementioned lele, bolt, and Darkrai. It also brings quite nice utility, having access to stealth rock to wear down things like Lando and Glisc (among others) and pursuit to remove things like lele and Mtias.
:Slowking-Galar: Yet another odd set to many, but it works. No fsight may seem weird, but since you need flamethrower to check idbp zama and weaken msciz / ferro and twave to cripple things like waterpon, mtios and heatran as well as for speed control you can’t really drop anything else. 36 spatk helps you break a zama sub with sludge bomb, allowing you to more consistently beat it. Glowking is also very good into fairies, checking lele and ival mainly. It’s also a consistent, good pivot which zydog kinda needs to do what it wants to do. Tera steel is just because it’s good defensively but you can also go Tera dragon for waterpon mu.
:Ogerpon-wellspring: This is the main wincon for this team, and what a wincon it is! This Pokémon is… in short probably the best breaker in the tier. It mainly helps break through grounds like Glisc and Lando, preventing them from just destroying this team. Spower pon is particularly good for Zydog since it lures in ferro (or at least threatens it to some degree). Pon is also good to clean more weakened teams when “checks” like Tera Dragon glowking, raging bolt, and serp have been removed. Besides that, there’s not really much else; just do the clicky clicky and then win.
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zydog team by Dead by Daylight but he doesnt feel like doing the writeup so


some nice looking balance team

dog click thousand arrow. opponen take damage. dog happy
breaks defensive cores so easily since u cant cheese its ground move with a lando anymore, every defensive mon bar alo (and tangrowth i GUESS) gets worn down very quickly by this beast
also it is very fast so u can revenge stuff like pon mtios, espeed is also there just in case

this is a set im not really familiar with, usually when i see/use Z lele its fightinium but psychium sounds cool to break stuff like garg glowking gliscor
cm mon that beats dozo and clod (bar tera dark clod..) makes this an epic stallbreaker also

weav is here to kill grass types faster
and remove opposing boots from stuff i guess
and pursuit things i guess
weavile does weavile things

reliable passive fogger because weavile no like pointy stones
tera dragon to not autolose to rain (altho maybe better used on garg)
also that helps vs the dire waterpon mu

spatker sponge, tera water matches ok into rain
also rocks setter and gets some chip around

spatker sponge 2
also spikes setter
this and garg probably function as double switch machines

i like playing this kind of team
this team looks quite fun
remember dbd made this not me
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zydog team by Dead by Daylight but he doesnt feel like doing the writeup so


some nice looking balance team

dog click thousand arrow. opponen take damage. dog happy
breaks defensive cores so easily since u cant cheese its ground move with a lando anymore, every defensive mon bar alo (and tangrowth i GUESS) gets worn down very quickly by this beast
also it is very fast so u can revenge stuff like pon mtios, espeed is also there just in case

this is a set im not really familiar with, usually when i see/use Z lele its fightinium but psychium sounds cool to break stuff like garg glowking gliscor
cm mon that beats dozo and clod (bar tera dark clod..) makes this an epic stallbreaker also

weav is here to kill grass types faster
and remove opposing boots from stuff i guess
and pursuit things i guess
weavile does weavile things

reliable passive fogger because weavile no like pointy stones
tera dragon to not autolose to rain (altho maybe better used on garg)
also that helps vs the dire waterpon mu

spatker sponge, tera water matches ok into rain
also rocks setter and gets some chip around

spatker sponge 2
also spikes setter
this and garg probably function as double switch machines

i like playing this kind of team
this team looks quite fun
remember dbd made this not me
ye fintans did the work on the write up, but I’ll just explain a few things that make the team work

Zydog finds its niche over other Grounds since it can spam its ground move without being walled by like Corv or Air Balloon, while being able to function as a revenge killer if things have gone very far south

Clod is the main wall and spikes setter as fintans touched on, Garg and Corv form a very nice defensive core with it to spread insane passive damage and be able to regain momentum with timely double switching

Psychium Lele is something I always wanted to try, shatters many common stall structures in conjunction with the two physical wallbreakers (hell it just CMs once and anything that’s not a Dark-type takes upwards of 60% from Z-Psy, so no need for Fightinium imo)

cb weav does cb weav things, forces great damage on the grass-types that sponge tarrows from zygod and removes key items in the stall MU

Cycle 5 is live! Post sets until 11 April!

edit: i just remembered, after this cycle we are gonna do a policy review again and may mix things up so feedback about any aspect of TLW is always welcome! :D
one thing ive been thinking of is maybe the cycle system and voting process is unecessary and it can just be you post -> we build within a week, in the meantime i want to see how effective the current system is
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Hello! I've been admiring this thread for a while now, some of the teams here primarily by Ineros got me into Natdex OU for the first time and i'm very grateful for that.

I hope my first idea for a set isn't too shabby. I literally just realized something that could be explored more (?) on Gouging Fire

Bulwark Staller (Gouging Fire) @ Leftovers
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
- Burning Bulwark
- Morning Sun
- Dragon Tail
- Flare Blitz

My hope was for this mon to be a decent surprise supporter for stall or slower teams by virtue of it's signature move Burning Bulwark hard-punishing certain physical threats alongside (mostly?) reliable healing in Morning Sun, and presumably decent defensive typing. This is nonetheless a huge twist from the usual Gouging Fire, and if anyone feels like it, i'd appreciate even more a build that somehow allows it to use Burning Bulwark while keeping it's insane offensive profile as a sweeper or wallbreaker
:xy/Heracross: @ :Heracronite:
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Rock Blast
- Pin Missle
- Trail Blaze / Sword Dance

Mega Heracross is quite the mon of all time a jaw dropping high attack and held back by it's shit speed althought it can be fixed with Trail Blaze but in return you lose the ability to set up by Sword dance it's not living a hit to set up anyways
Make sure to knock out a foe mon before Mega evolving to get the moxie boost

252+ Atk :Heracross-Mega: Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 40+ Def :Ferrothorn: 392-464 (111.3 - 131.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk :Heracross-Mega: Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def :Heatran: 190-225 (49.2 - 58.2%) -- approx. 60.5% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk :Heracross-Mega: Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 16 Def :Slowking-Galar: 350-420 (88.8 - 106.5%) -- approx. 37.5% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk :Heracross-Mega: Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 64 HP / 28 Def :Raging Bolt: 315-375 (77.3 - 92.1%) -- approx. 2HKO
252+ Atk :Heracross-Mega: Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 104 Def :Zapdos: 400-480 (104.1 - 125%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk :Heracross-Mega: Pin Missile (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 244+ Def :Rotom-Wash: 210-245 (69 - 80.5%) -- approx. 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Clefable @ Sticky Barb
Ability: Magic Guard
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Soft-Boiled
- Moonblast
- Stealth Rock
- Trick

Pretty cool set from gen 8 era. provided permanent chip to ur opponent so you'll be able to wear down the opponent. Loads better into defensive teams that rely on longevity