Announcements the well #88 - Gimmicky - if not, then oh Well

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"A stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a well and his guide says "On any day except Tuesday, you can shout any question down that well and you'll be told the answer." The man seems pretty impressed, and so he shouts down, "Why not on Tuesday?" A voice from in the well shouts back, "Because on Tuesday, it's your day in the well."

Hello "kind" citizens of Smogoff, I'm Gimmicky / April. I'm 19 years old, infamously from Chicago, and preparing to start college for an Associate of Applied Science in Cannabis Studies of all things. You may know me for my beloved dog Sage whom I hate (pictured below), or for being Lieutenant General of the [GOOSE] Army. Beyond getting everything ready for college and looking for a job that won't conflict with that, I spend a lot of my time listening to music (something I'm really passionate about), cooking meals that always end up too big, and contributing entirely positively to the OM and Smogcord communities. I am not, despite the allegations, a "larper", nor am I a negative influence on my fellow users.

Pokemon was one of the first interests I can even remember and it's always been a part of my life. I played Emerald, Leaf Green (better version) and Crystal on very real hardware when I was around 7-8 and from there I entirely fell in love with the series. I technically made ventures onto PS as a young teen/preteen, being drawn to the chatrooms, but I didn't take an actual interest in competitive or Smogon until 2021. Even after officially joining, I still didn't really consider this my community until 2022, when I decided to climb the Gen 8 Mix and Mega ladder with as many accounts as I could, which spiraled into me falling in love with OMs and contributing to the ever growing OM takeover. Now I'm stuck here, and I've become part of the OM Room Staff as well as having written some pretty good articles about OMs. I've also become a positive influence in the Smogon Discord, as the co-leader of the TOTW Project.

I don't know what else to add, but ask me all the groundbreaking, earthmoving questions you have! and maybe vote a real person into the well next time
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Ignoring all the blatant misinformation such as "contributing entirely positively to the OM and Smogcord communities" and "I am not, despite the allegations, a "larper", I'll ask a real question; what does studying Applied Science of Cannabis Studies actually entail, aka what subject are included, what jobs does it lead to and simply what is there to study about Cannabis specifically?
why are u gay

I like girls... girls pretty

do you feel there is a correlation between your enjoyment of "Leaf Green" and your studies of the "Green Leaf" ?

I suppose in a way it was foreshadowing. Like the author trying to hint to the audience that something isn't quite right here.

Can u apply cannabis to me pls hehehhhe (Dont Smoke,, Kids)

Unfortunately, corrupt smogon (as well as federal and international law, i guess) forbids me from doing so.

What’s favorite place to go to in Chicago?

So many wonderful places to eat and fun adventures to have wherever you look, but my favorite would have to be Oasis Cafe right up in the loop, I stop there for some lovely falafel and a really good grape leaves plate whenever i can

Ignoring all the blatant misinformation such as "contributing entirely positively to the OM and Smogcord communities" and "I am not, despite the allegations, a "larper", I'll ask a real question; what does studying Applied Science of Cannabis Studies actually entail, aka what subject are included, what jobs does it lead to and simply what is there to study about Cannabis specifically?

I can only speak about the curriculum that the local city colleges provide, so it may be different in other places, but here, I'm going to be study the science of how it's grown, processed, how different strains are bred, and what different cannabinoids do in the final product. I'm also going to be taking classes around the legality of cannabis, the social stigmas around it and the inherent racism/classism that leads to a lot of anti-weed sentiment in law, as well as business classes.

As for jobs, it's a rapidly growing industry so who knows what will end up being available in a few years, but my hope is to become either an official consultant or a lab technician helping grow and develop it.
was told to direct hate mail here, but idk how to write it. ur super good at it so can you help?
i wouldnt help you if i was paid to

Gimmicky why do you do what you do you are so MEAN to everyone your presense ruins smogcord... please get better
it's not an easy job but its the one that pays the bills.

why are you that bad
why do you love me..
where are either of you getting this false information from.
why did you tell me to go make a sandwich. is it cause im a woman….
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3 questions
  1. Cubs or Sox (there is a right answer)
  2. opinion on Home Run Pizza (im a chicagoan)
  3. what’s with these homies dissing my girl
Sox all the way
The restaurant is good but overrated, the frozen pizzas are great
i have arrived to ask the one true question of gimmicky. why do you enjoy putting people through fates worse than death. (uwubans) and why were you given this power.
I enjoy it because you deserve it <3
I was given this power through the power of friendship bub. You've been told this before. Let me warlock in peace.
if there were 2 guys on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what
jeez dude that would be a little fucked up unless one of them was evil
I'm basic. Parmesean
gimmicky is like the anti flash but instead of being fast she just plays pokemon
not entirely sure what this means but thats pretty true
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