NOC A Peaceful Week for the Town of Salem - WON BY THE MAFIA AND THE WITCH

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sunny004 pretty scummy opening post
Care to elaborate beyond "sunny made big post, so bad?"

I agree with you though for the most part; the activity in this first 24h day cycle has been lackluster, to say the least. I am hoping that it is just a consequence of the 11pm deadline (which is why I put all of my thoughts into one post and then fell asleep), but still--not a great look. I would like to see more activity in the thread.
Care to elaborate beyond "sunny made big post, so bad?"
I think he meant "the user known as sunny004 on the website made a post of a length disproportionate with that of the game this far, and therefore may be trying too hard for this point in the game, which seems quite off-putting, if I do say so myself".
I think he meant "the user known as sunny004 on the website made a post of a length disproportionate with that of the game this far, and therefore may be trying too hard for this point in the game, which seems quite off-putting, if I do say so myself".
What an astute observation thus far, good sir. I mean it's not a totally unreasonable observation, I was kinda expecting more activity tbh so wanted to put my thoughts out there without sacrificing my sleep.
Yeah sorry game started when I was asleep and then I had to go to work.

I'm opposed to a public claim because the setups don't say the exact roles with some exceptions. It just says things like "town investigative" or "mafia supportive" most of the times. There are even random town slots that are common for every setup so the risk is too high. Claiming in public this soon is probably a throw. Not even the firefighter should claim in public. Claiming in private is a different thing but it needs a confirmed town from my point of view or someone that is widely townread at worst.

I don't have any experience in Town of salem but it's nice than we get a full list of possible roles, helps a lot with guessing what could happen in the game. We can't talk during the night here right?
My discord is alicekazumi if anyone wants to talk in private. I'm going to miss my stickers this game :eeveehide:
Yeah sorry game started when I was asleep and then I had to go to work.

I'm opposed to a public claim because the setups don't say the exact roles with some exceptions. It just says things like "town investigative" or "mafia supportive" most of the times. There are even random town slots that are common for every setup so the risk is too high. Claiming in public this soon is probably a throw. Not even the firefighter should claim in public. Claiming in private is a different thing but it needs a confirmed town from my point of view or someone that is widely townread at worst.

I don't have any experience in Town of salem but it's nice than we get a full list of possible roles, helps a lot with guessing what could happen in the game. We can't talk during the night here right?
My discord is alicekazumi if anyone wants to talk in private. I'm going to miss my stickers this game :eeveehide:
In my opinion firefighter publicly claiming rn is a good idea, we can’t town confirm anyone and both maf / town are incentivized to keep them alive for fear of arsonist
Re: Firefighter--I think Alice's point above is valid and that it is fine if Firefighter does not pubclaim--as they will immediately become a target to both Arsonists if they do so.

DBD is right to an extent, though--I would recommend that a firefighter (if exists) does privately claim to someone who can then publicize using the method Redless described earlier. Knowing the setup today is very much a nice to have and not a need to have--but we should prioritize it in the early days of this game.
To extend off Sunny, pubclaiming may not be the best option rn so I do agree with you in that front, but I’d say private claiming might be a good lead if we have a Firefighter since both main factions are incentivized to protect them
im gonna look more deeply into the roles today and see if i can reason out what setup we're in, but i doubt w/o claims i can do that but tbh ive already forgotten all the roles
Care to elaborate beyond "sunny made big post, so bad?"

I agree with you though for the most part; the activity in this first 24h day cycle has been lackluster, to say the least. I am hoping that it is just a consequence of the 11pm deadline (which is why I put all of my thoughts into one post and then fell asleep), but still--not a great look. I would like to see more activity in the thread.
it's easy to interpret it as having a nefarious agenda. encouraging people to claim, especially as the first post in the game before everyone has got a voice in yet, increases the likelihood you could score valuable information for free. I dont think anybody should claim, even in private and I feel like it's easy to see why
In my opinion firefighter publicly claiming rn is a good idea, we can’t town confirm anyone and both maf / town are incentivized to keep them alive for fear of arsonist
yeah but a firefighter isn't greenchecked just because they claim. mafia knows the setup if they exist, and that means they know if there is or isn't a firefighter in the game, and no single member of town can determine otherwise. so mafia could fake claim firefighter and confuse town knowing that there isn't one to cc
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