Harry Potter Mafia II - Post-game Discussion

I like the last post in that stickied thread... it made me lol

Also why was I the only one to get an insult along with my "role"

I understand you hate me Dak, but no need to insult me. :)
You did some stupid stuff, I guess.

EDIT: To Kira

Well I know for a fact that Dak hates me... and how is winning the game for my mafia faction despite all odds stupid? Jackal told me I was considered a student for simply changing my vote 9million times the first day... which wasn't so stupid since it made them think I was a student.
Well I know for a fact that Dak hates me... and how is winning the game for my mafia faction despite all odds stupid? Jackal told me I was considered a student for simply changing my vote 9million times the first day... which wasn't so stupid since it made them think I was a student.

Notice the "I guess." I didn't put that on there...so it could just be Dak. You winning came WAY after that list.
You know, I only wished that Tooth had kept me in the loop about what he was doing. I kept PMing him for the information he had, but he never gave me anything. I have a good idea why he did it, but I still didn't like it.

By the way, apparently no one bothered to read this edit I had made in my last pre-death post shortly after I was killed (It was in the middle of the Thunderpup lynch, in fact.):

EDIT (after my death, even though no one will probably read it): What the hell?! Someone's fucking with the game; lynch 'em dead, Tooth! Fuck!

For the record, I didn't even squeal about my role to anyone--well, only to GreenPikachu after he was dead, but that doesn't count, nor does it really matter. Shit...

Anyway, since Tooth kept me out of the loop (perhaps for my own good), I didn't get much of a chance to find out everyone's role, but my suspicions lie with Pidgeot79 and Kira... and GTS... and Dak. (Actually, it might be either Kira or Dak; I'm not certain that both are bad or good.) It's only speculation, though.

*tries his best ghost imitation--and it sucks*

I knew someone was screwing with the game (No one probably would've known about my role, otherwise), but I couldn't put my finger on who it was since Tooth never gave me his information. At least I had the finger pointed GENERALLY in Kira's direction.

Been reading all the old De posts aswell as ministry.

How naive we were eh? Kira.

OH knows we fecked they know who we all our, we're screwed :P

Still what did i say about CK, GTS and Thunder :P
i killed coth.

also man chill kira this is the internet, i dont hate people over the internet that is stupid

i put the "dumb student" in there because you changed your vote about 34939 times at the time so it looked as though you had no clue what you were doing, and having no clue what you are doing is clearly dumb, isnt it?

i didnt change anything in that post after i died (night 10 i think) so i obviously didnt include my newer thougts, which would have been "obviously death eater"

i admit you played a good game here but there was much luck involved too!
Well, the rules said no more posting in the thread--didn't say anything about edits. ;)

EDIT: The other rules were too open to interpretation IMO.

Even I can see that editing your post is the same as dead posting... and I was probably the loophole king in Mekkahs mind.

Also, I could have sworn you said you hated me on IRC, but whatever. Not like I know you or anything so it doesn't matter.

Also I realize that I got really lucky at points. If you guys had killed Melon at any point I would have been auto-killed. That is just one example.

At one point you guys were killing off our leaders like flies... I thought for sure Pim was a mole type role, but I never told Melon since if Pim wasn't and we killed him then our numbers would just drop even more.

I was somewhat right about Pim... was he able to change his role back and forth or only one pick the entire game?
I know I was killed by Dak, but was it a random, or what was his thoughts about killing me :P

CoTh, you were the target of the ministry, they then found out that Zephyr was the inspector and targeted him instead, and we were given the option to target you.
man this game was crazy, i really enjoyed it. Props to Kira for taking the mole role and running with it, although i thought with each passing day you became painfully obvious. Hip was hilarious to in the early game, im just sad to see he was playing kiras game. I would not have been.

Uh the best part about this game was the ministry coming together at the beginning, and obi and dak automatically thinking I was a spy. Toothache telling me that the inspector was arthur weasely was what ultimately caused the ministry to form, whether he knew it or not, so thanks tooth xD They all thought I was arthur and that i was trying to spy ont he ministry. Also toothache never outright said it but he gave me enough hints that karrot was important to warrant us killing karrot, so i blame that on him too.

We kind of thought tooth wasnt getting protected, we just never killed him cause we thought I could use him more, and he wasnt playing the best game anyways. When i died he said he highly suspected me, but i really dont think thats the case. I just got really unlucky (fuck you bk) as me and dak would have been pretty stealth in the late game. The two brains of the ministry die back to back on random kills ;( We had no chance after that, as no offense to anyone, a lot of the remaining ministry werent the best, not because you are dumb but you just dont have experience.

and thank god i never went through with my PLan HEh xD

EDIT: to answer the above peoples questions it was mostly me/dak/ck stealing information from people and putting 2+2 together. We did all the dirty work, then the death eaters took us down and won. sucks :( That list you see on our forums was pretty full early on in the game, and the only one we were wrong about was kira (go figure)