CAP 3 CAP 3 – Part 4 (Style)

Between its offensive & defense stats, how would this pokemon be like?

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Detail on the pokemon as of now:
Pokemon Type: [COLOR=Red]Fire[/COLOR]/[COLOR=YellowGreen]Grass[/COLOR]
This pokemon doesn’t evolve from any other pre-existing pokemon
Well after many long discussions and a tough decision later, it has been decided that this pokemon will not evolve from a pervious pokemon. For those who still feel bitter about my decision and/or wanted it to an evolution, may I point you into the CAPE discussion being held here.

Okay, this part of the CaP project we will discuss the first part of this creature's role: style. Now before you ask what does style have to do with a pokemon, here's a description on it to clear things up.

Style: Refers to the relation of the offensive and defensive stats. This relation between them can be offensive, defensive or balanced.

- Offensive: A pokémon is considered offensive if both the defense and special defense stats are at least 20% lower than the higher of the attack and special attack stats.
- Defensive: A pokémon is considered defensive if both the attack and special attack stats are at least 20% lower than the higher of the defense and special defense stats.
- Balanced: If the stats don't fulfill the requisites for being offensive nor defensive, they are considered balanced.
Okay this poll will be a standard poll and will be open for two days. Given that majority of the time, the winner of a poll will be found within a few hours or so, I think two days will be enough. As before, please stay on topic or at least try not to jump far ahead of the project in your discussions.
balanced with a good support movepool

high special attack/defense+reasonable speed (think gardevoir, or a tweaked celebi) with stuff like taunt.
I'm voting Balanced.

I'd prefer if at least one of the attack stats could pound on the enemy a little. Using a 120 as the higher defensive stat, this means an attack type could be higher than 96 without breaking style. Though it doesn't have to be, I like the option for BST.
im always one for balanced.

i want it physical, i want it able to attack very well, but i want it able to take a few hits too. torterra esque.
Balanced, this is because of the typing, if Grass was primary it would have been defensive, but it's not, and we can't destroy the balance of things like Fire is mostly likely always gonna have some fire power!

Reasonable Speed + Even SpA/SpD with Flash Fire / Even Atk/Def with Chlorophyll
I vote offensive, if it was defensive, it would be SR weak, and could ruin it's defensive potential. I'd like it to be somewhat of a sweeper, so we could run this pokemon in sunny day teams. Heck, it would be a beast with FT and Solarbeam with STAB.
Guys, don't forget to vote in the actual poll now. It's a standard poll not a bold poll, I've seen 4 people bold vote for balanced yet only 2 on the standard poll. Make your vote official!
I voted Offensive to best utilize the fearsome attacking duo of Fire and Grass. I'm glad this is coming along so nicely thus far. :) Keep up the good work GT.
Balanced as Grass is more a defensive/support type and fire is an all out attack/speed/sp. attack type. A decent speed with Chlorphyl that can give and take hits sounds good to me.
I'm gonna have to say offensive.

Fire/Grass is a rather good offensive combo seeing how Fire and Grass offensively go together well.

Rock and Water seeking to block fire attacks get smacked around by stabbed grass while Steel types that would block Grass attacks would be burned up by Fire

To be honest i would like it to use Blaze kick and Leaf Blade for main physical stab but still be able to pull off a special set if one wants to so i would focus on obviously on attack/special attack and speed
- Offensive: A pokémon is considered offensive if both the defense and special defense stats are at least 20% lower than the higher of the attack and special attack stats.
- Defensive: A pokémon is considered defensive if both the attack and special attack stats are at least 20% lower than the higher of the defense and special defense stats.
By those guidelines, Bliss isn't defensive, nor is Garchomp offensive...

I think as long as an attacking stat is 20% higher than both defenses, it qualifies as offensive. Likewise for defensive.
Balanced. Grass and Fire seem like neither Offensive or Defensive would be prevalent in this Poke, so Balanced seems the way to go.
By those guidelines, Bliss isn't defensive,
Yes she is. 135 Special Defense, 75 Special attack. Those are the higher of the defensive and offensive stats.

135 * 0.8 = 108

Therefore, unless her special attack were 34 points higher (bringing her to 109), she's more than 20% lower offensively than defensively. This is the very definition of defensive.

nor is Garchomp offensive...
Yes he is. 130 Attack, 95 Defense. Those are the higher of the offensive and defensive stats.

130 * 0.8 = 104

Therefore, unless his defense were 10 points higher (bringing him to 105), he's more than 20% lower defensively than offensively. This is the very definition of offensive.

I think as long as an attacking stat is 20% higher than both defenses, it qualifies as offensive. Likewise for defensive.
Close, but wrong. I showed this in the process thread, but being 20% higher than the lower stat is not the same as the lower stat being 20% less than the higher stat.

You don't base the independant variable off of the dependant variable... that's the opposite of what they are. If the main style is determined to be offensive, then you base the defense off that. You don't base the offensive off of the defense, on an offensive Pokemon.

Using Garchomp again as the example:
  • Using 130 Attack, defense would have to be 104 or lower to be offensive with "secondary 20% lower than main" form.
  • Using the 104 Defense required from the previous statement, attack would only have to be 125 or higher to be offensive with "main 20% more than secondary" form.
  • Using the 125 Attack required from the previous statement, Defense would have to be 100 or lower to be offensive with "secondary 20% lower than main" form.
Might not seem like much, but right there is a 5 point difference using the two methods.

I can't see a grass pokemon being offensive, TBH. Maybe there are some out there (like roserade to an extent), but it doesn't feel natural. Grass has a better potential being a support pokemon, with all the powders and leech seed and all.

Fire, in the other hand, is more offensive, with few support moves like WoW
. Fire Blast/Flamethrower on the special side and Flare Blitz on the physical side makes this type pack quite a punch.

All in all, I can't see grass being overall offensive and Fire being overall defense, so a pokemon capable of playing both styles effectivelly (but not too effectivelly) seems liek the best option, IMO.
I voted Defensive, we need a mixed wall =S

I would have voted Balanced, but it needs to be more defensive IMO.
I voted Offensive mainly because it is also part Fire, which are generally destructive in most cases. After all, Fire is the main type, not Grass.
I think this guy has good offensive and defensive typing. His stab has decent coverage, and I can see him running so many possible sets with this typing, from subseeding to sunnybeaming to special and physical sweeping, plus a recovery move and good typing, I want this pokemon to be an essential pallete.
After some thinking, I'm going with Offensive. I'm an offensively-minded guy and have a natural bias, but I also believe that Fire/Grass is a better offensive combonation than defensive (mainly thanks to SR weak). Also, the style suggestion I like best (pepper) lends itself to a more offensive stat spread.

Fire/Grass has few resistances plus stealth rock weak, not suited at all for a defensive pokémon. It's also too good an opportunity for awesome offensive STAB to pass up. Yeah, offensive all the way.
Voted offensive. I want to see Fire and Grass being taken advantage of because being half fire, Stealth Rocks already screws a defensive set, and I want to see the type combo taken more advantage of than we did with Ghost/Fighting.
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