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Who are some good Scizor and Latias counters? I've been away from the Metagame for quite a while and my few loses are usually accountable to these two pokes. Thanks
I got a Spiker Skarmory with great IVs, but I dont want to have to breed in Brave Bird, cause ill have to IV breed again.

What should I replace it with? I could go for Air Slash and the 30% Flinch, or mabye another support move, like Protect or Toxic?
You should give it aerial ace since drill peck breeding can take forever. However if you dont fear taunt by all means toxic.
I plan on breeding a 3rd gen snorlax to tutor it SD in XD real quick like. Does the Everstone-Nature Trick work in RS, or E only?
King Yoshi: Toxic is probably the best option if you do not wish to rebreed. You definitely do not want to use Air Slash with Skarmory's 40 Base Special Attack. If you want an attack, you're better off with Steel Wing for generic STAB attack that hits most things for neutral. Aside from Brave Bird though, Skarmory really lacks the power to hit anything decently hard, so personally I'd just go for Toxic. If Skarmory is taunted and does not have Brave Bird, it's not going to be doing much damage anyway even if it has Steel Wing / Aerial Ace.
Who are some good Scizor and Latias counters? I've been away from the Metagame for quite a while and my few loses are usually accountable to these two pokes. Thanks

Scizor gets countered by Zapdos and Gyarados can set up in front of it, along with Rotom-h as long as you watch out for Pursuit, while Ttar and Scizor handle Latias.
Is speed all that important on a Spiker Skarm? It would be better for defence EVs, right?

Def EV's over Spe EV's. You want to life long enough to put an extra layer of spikes right? Skarmory isn't going to outspeed most Pokemon anyway, so why bother?
The Multitype really prevent item loss?

I know Arceus cannot have his plates removed, but items like Life Orb can be removed from it right?
Yes, because Multitype only applies to the plates. So if it's in normal mode because you had something besides a plate attached, it can certainly lose the item.
Yes, because Multitype only applies to the plates. So if it's in normal mode because you had something besides a plate attached, it can certainly lose the item.

Yeah I thought so. Thanks.
Perhaps the comments on "Multitype" has to be changed.
"Type changes depending on the held plate. Also prevents item loss."

Right. Multitype actually has nothing to do with preventing item theft (or even plate theft really). Arceus can't have his plates taken simply because Pokemon that can have forms outside of battle can't just change during a battle. This applies to Giratina and Shaymin as well.
If I trade a Beldum, for example, from my Diamond to my Pearl (which doesn't have the National Dex) and evolve it twice, then when I get my National Dex, will Beldum and Metang appear in it as caught?
Hopefully last hypnosis mew question

in 7 pages i didnt see a reply to my last question, so I reitterate :

We have now made sure that i cannot get Hypnosis on timid 252hp 252 speed transformer Mew, what alternative move should I choose? or should I try to make a bp/transformer?
Making a team..

I've been thinking about making a team that is built around a SD Lucario. I can't really think of any ideas, does anyone have some ideas that could help Lucario setup or sweep?
I've been thinking about making a team that is built around a SD Lucario. I can't really think of any ideas, does anyone have some ideas that could help Lucario setup or sweep?

It'd help if we had the set? Counters vary, as SDCario usually uses one of the following moves, alongside the omnipresent Extremespeed/Close Combat/Swords Dance:
-Ice Punch
-Stone Edge

For example, is Stone Edge is absent, Gyarados is a viable counter. If Ice Punch/Crunch are both absent, Celebi becomes a counter, as so on.
Who are some good Scizor and Latias counters? I've been away from the Metagame for quite a while and my few loses are usually accountable to these two pokes. Thanks

latias is countered by scizor and umbreon while scizor is countered by all ou bulky waters not named empoleon.
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