Shooting for Perfect IVs? This Chart might Help.


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I breed a lot of stuff, so I naturally look for ways to eliminate bad Pokemon as soon as I hatch them, and I do this by checking for certain stats at levels.

This lets you eliminate potentially bad Pokemon right off the bat, so you get to check less when you do IV battle.

For any Base Stats that are not on the chart, tell me these numbers so I can add them to the list.

Hopefully it'll save some time when you have a box full of potentials and don't know what to do! At most, you'll probably need 3~5 candies to check if you have a keeper that's worth checking. It tells you when you can first tell the IVs suck, and when can you first tell if the IVs are near flawless.

PS: If some numbers are off (It might be, human error etc), make sure to alert me.

<Stat> At Level # for <Minimum IV>
The Chart.
The Chart is for Neutral Natures. for + Natures, just multiply it by 1.1 and round down. (Basically add 1 for each multiple of 10.)
For the Stat in HP, Add The Level of the Pokemon + 5. So if it's supposed to be 6 Stat at Level 2, it becomes 13 HP.
For all Base Stats in between the numbers, it's best to estimate, I suppose >.>;

Base 5
6 At Level 3 for 24+
7 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 10
6 At Level 2 for 30+
Base 15
6 At Level 2 for 20+
8 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 20
6 At Level 2 for 10+
7 At Level 3 for 27+
12 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 25
7 At Level 3 for 17+
8 At Level 4 for 25+
9 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 30
7 At Level 3 for 7+
8 At Level 4 for 15+
9 At Level 5 for 20+
12 At Level 8 for 28+
14 At level 10 for 30+
Base 35
6 At Level 1 for 30+
Base 40
6 At Level 1 for 20+
16 At level 10 for 30+
Base 45
6 At Level 1 for 10+
11 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 50
10 At Level 4 for 25+
18 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 55
9 At Level 3 for 24+
12 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 60
8 At Level 2 for 30+
Base 65
8 At Level 2 for 20+
13 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 70
8 At Level 2 for 10+
10 At Level 3 for 27+
22 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 75
12 At Level 4 for 25+
14 at Level 5 for 30+
Base 80
12 At Level 4 for 15+
14 At Level 5 for 20+
24 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 85
7 At Level 1 for 30+
Base 90
7 At Level 1 for 20+
26 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 95
16 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 100
14 At Level 4 for 25+
21 At Level 7 for 29+
28 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 105
12 At Level 3 for 24+
17 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 110
10 At Level 2 for 30+
Base 115
10 At Level 2 for 20+
18 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 118
13 At level 3 for 31
Base 120
13 At Level 3 for 27+
32 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 125
13 At Level 3 for 17+
16 At Level 4 for 25+
19 At Level 5 for 30+
Base 130
13 At Level 3 for 7+
16 At level 4 for 15+
19 At level 5 for 20+
25 At Level 7 for 26+
34 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 135
8 At Level 1 for 30+
Base 140
8 At Level 1 for 20+
36 At Level 10 for 30+
Base 160
12 At Level 2 for 30+
Base 230 (lol Shuckle)
24 At Level 4 for 15+
29 At Level 5 for 20+
34 At level 6 for 24+
39 At Level 7 for 26+
54 at Level 10 for 30+
Where is Base 100-130+ Stat to IV thingy? Needing to know what Stat respresent 30+ when they have 100 base stat would really help me with Manphany.
Happiny (100 HP)
Trapinch (100 Atk)
Geodude (100 Def)
Shellder (100 Def)
Gastly (100 SpAtk)
Aron (100 Def)
Voltorb (100 Spd)
Tentacool (100 SpDef)
Omanyte (100 Def)
Tangela (115 Def, 100 SpAtk)
Nosepass (135 Def)
Onix (160 Def)
Munchlax (135 HP)
Wailmer (130 HP)
Gligar (105 Def)
Sneasel (115 Spd)
Scyther (110 Atk, 105 Spd)
Abra (105 SpAtk)
Krabby (105 Atk)
Shieldon (118 Def)
Cranidos (125 Atk)
Well for starters there's Manaphy. Chansey/Happiny have high base HP and SDef. Cranidos has 125 base attack. Shuckle has 230 in both defenses. Snorlax has 110 Attack and SDef and 160 HP. Scyther has 110 Attack and 105 Speed. Tauros has 100 Attack, 110 Speed. Pinsir has 125 Attack and 100 Defense. Aerodactyl has 105 Attack and 130 Speed.

Most pokemon that don't evolve start with good base stats.

Btw good work Tangerine and nice avatar lol.

Edit: wow I'm pretty slow.
Someone also get me a list of Pokemon with Base Stats that are not divisible by 5. I'm sure there were couple...
Kricketot (37 HP, 41 Def, 41 SpDef)
Cleffa (28 Def)
Burmy (29 Atk, 29 SpAtk, 36 Spd)
Combee (42 Def, 42 SpDef)
Makuhita (72 HP)
Pidgey (56 Spd)
Rattata (56 Atk, 72 Spd)
Hoothoot (36 SpAtk, 56 SpDef)
Spearow (31 SpAtk, 31 SpDef)
Shinx (34 Def, 34 SpDef)
Nincada (31 HP)
Surskit (32 Def, 52 SpDef)
NidoranF (46 HP, 57 Atk)
Cherubi (62 SpAtk, 53 SpDef)
NidoranM (47 Atk, 52 Def, 41 Spd)
Barboach (48 Atk, 43 Def, 46 SpAtk, 41 SpDef)
Ekans (44 Def, 54 SpDef)
Shippet (44 HP, 63 SpAtk, 33 SpDef)
Vulpix (38 HP, 41 Atk)
Bronzor (57 HP, 24 Atk, 86 Def, 24 SpAtk, 86 SpDef, 23 Spd)
Croagunk (48 HP, 61 Atk, 61 SpAtk)
Dratini (41 HP, 64 Atk)
Gible (58 HP, 42 Spd)
Larvitar (64 Atk, 41 Spd)
Gulpin (43 Atk, 53 Def, 43 SpAtk, 53 SpDef)
Corphish (43 HP)
Charmander (39 HP, 52 Atk, 43 Def)
Chimchar (44 HP, 58 Atk, 44 Def, 58 SpAtk, 44 SpDef, 61 Spd)
Cyndaquil (39 HP, 52 Atk, 43 Def)
Glameow (49 HP, 42 Def, 42 SpAtk, 37 SpDef)
Piplup (53 HP, 51 Atk, 53 Def, 61 SpAtk, 56 SpDef)
Squirtle (44 HP, 48 Atk, 64 SpDef, 43 Spd)
Totodile (64 Def, 44 SpAtk, 48 SpDef, 43 Spd)
Bulbasaur (49 Atk, 49 Def)
Chikorita (49 Atk, 49 SpAtk)
Turtwig (68 Atk, 64 Def, 31 Spd)
Goldeen (67 Atk, 63 Spd)
Psyduck (52 Atk, 48 Def)
Shellos (76 HP, 48 Atk, 48 Def, 57 SpAtk, 62 SpDef, 34 Spd)
Drowzee (48 Atk, 43 SpAtk, 42 Spd)
Stunky (63 HP, 63 Atk, 47 Def, 41 SpAtk, 41 SpDef, 74 Spd)
Chinchou (38 Atk, 38 Def, 56 SpAtk, 56 SpDef, 67 Spd)
Finneon (49 HP, 49 Atk, 56 Def, 49 SpAtk, 61 SpDef, 66 Spd)
Hippopotas (68 HP, 72 Atk, 78 Def, 38 SpAtk, 42 SpDef, 32 Spd)
Drifloon (34 Def, 44 SpDef)
Buneary (66 Atk, 44 Def, 44 SpAtk, 56 SpDef)
Cranidos (67 HP, 58 Spd)
Shieldon (42 Atk, 118 Def, 42 SpAtk, 88 SpDef)
Lileep (66 HP, 41 Atk, 77 Def, 61 SpAtk, 87 SpDef, 23 Spd)
Clamperl (64 Atk, 74 SpAtk, 32 Spd)
Murkrow (42 Def, 42 SpDef, 91 Spd)
Wynaut (23 Atk, 48 Def, 23 SpAtk, 48 SpDef, 23 Spd)

[EDIT] Also, don't Base Stats work differently for HP than other stats. A mention of how that works and the numbers for HP should be mentioned.
Added a note for HP.

For all of those Base Stats: Do you think it'll be better to just have people estimate these or should I just go ahead and calculate them all in? :P
I guess if you want to you can. I think something good (if you can be bothered) is the levels of when stats are 27+ because that would instantly tell you it's 31 due to characteristics.
I'd be willing to help with the oddballs, if you want to split up the load or something. What method are you using to calculate these values?
I'd be willing to help with the oddballs, if you want to split up the load or something. What method are you using to calculate these values?

I essentially calculated them off the stat formula, then found the pattern, and worked from there.
This also works for Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald right? Because the base stats haven't changed, but I don't know if the IV formulation has. If it works for ADV, then this is a great news, and I can actually start IV breeding more quickly.
Holy shit! I'm bookmarking this baby. Thanks again, Tangerine, for doing the dirty work so the little guy doesn't have to, you beautiful person, you!

But yeah, the more base numbers you can offer, the better. I'd definitely do Skarmory's 140 base next, though~ <3