Battle Finder is Down, Ask for Battles Here (Locked)

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Nice dc mate can't take losing don't play the damn game WTF....
Dude I didnt dc'd . My connection was green. I never dc'd on purpose. Thats childish. I think you just trying to start something. I think it was you who dc so you can make it look like i dc. Trying to give people bad name. You won the game . I go back on and run and give you your win.
Dude I didnt dc'd . My connection was green. I never dc'd on purpose. Thats childish. I think you just trying to start something. I think it was you who dc so you can make it look like i dc. Trying to give people bad name. You won the game . I go back on and run and give you your win.
Kk gg but make sure connection good next time I enjoyed that game xD
Looking for a Pokèmon White OU Battle ^^. My Friend code is : 3697-8183-0779. PM me if you're interested :D I'm on like everyday so we can be like battle buddies ;p
Hi I'm been looking for a daily battle friend for awhile and you are it lol so u already added you now add me my friend code for Pokemon white is 0046 6830 1667
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