Neverused Mini-Tournament 17: Viability Jam (Won by scorpdestroyer)

Just one more slot left to fill!

Round one should be interesting, at least. I wonder what sort of quirky sets people will come up with to counter each others' counters to their quirky sets. :3 And if everything goes to shit, it's double elimination anyway.
Alrighty! We have our 32 people, so no more signups! You can still be a substitute if you want to take over for a john though. Matchups for round one are as follows:

Skylight vs Sidfrid
atomicllama vs aladynn
Nozzle vs bobbyvaporeon
Demist vs Metal Sonic
Raseri vs FireMage
Annoyer vs Ilvallejoll
Treecko vs Celever
Lasagne21 vs majaspic22
cbt vs scorpdestroyer
Othesmo vs D4RR3N
Shuckleking87 vs The Quasar
Robert Alfons vs Dr Ciel
Soulgazer vs Magical Magmortar
Haund vs FLCL
Lolkomori vs Moose V
Zebraiken vs bazion

Good luck, have fun, and get wacky with your six statistical superior species. I'll make a banner shortly.

(Also, since this is going to be one of the twilight tournaments for Gen V NU, the top three finishers will receive a free coupon to get art from me Subjects suggestable, but quality not insured. :3 )
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Skylight vs Sidfrid
Fight of the round, but Skylight will ask Enguarde some help to make gimmicky sets and take the win.

atomicllamas vs aladynn
I don't want to lose to you in the finals :mad:
Nozzle vs bobbyvaporeon

Demist vs Metal Sonic

vs FireMage
Imprison Musharna pls

Annoyer vs Ilvallejoll

Treecko vs Celever
Such doge

Lasagne21 vs majaspic22

cbt vs scorpdestroyer
it will be close, but cbt will time out as he will be busy watching everyone else play~

Othesmo vs D4RR3N
can't say tbh, but D4RR3n is an amazing player soo

Shuckleking87 vs The Quasar
Scarf Garchomp won't be here to help you

Robert Alfons vs Dr Ciel
idk which one plays Nu the most, but I know Dr Ciel is an amazing player sooo

Haund vs FLCL

vs Moose V
too bright for me

Zebraiken vs bazion
Use SpecZard wisely

Contacted opponent.
contacted, when is the deadline jw

skylight vs Sidfrid
atomicllamas vs aladynn
Nozzle vs bobbyvaporeon
Demist vs Metal Sonic
Raseri vs FireMage
Annoyer vs llvallejoll
Treecko vs Celever
Lasagne21 vs majaspic22
Othesmo vs D4RR3N
vs The Quasar
Robert Alfons vs Laurel
Soulgazer vs Magical Magmortar
Haund vs FLCL
vs Moose V
Zebraiken vs bazion
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Standard deadline is 5 days from the beginning of the round, so October 20th sounds about right. Finish by Sunday!

Also, I encourage people to post replays. You can't reuse teams between rounds anyway, and everyone loves replays.
Made contact

Skylight vs Sidfrid -Skylight will be too busy and accidentily john, Sidfrid may be to nice to say anything about it.
atomicllama vs aladynn - A match between two smogon members that don't exist, I bet atomicllamas vs. aladyyn would be a cool match though
Nozzle vs bobbyvaporeon - #slutpower
Demist vs Metal Sonic
Raseri vs FireMage - match of the round, Raseri (and everyone) underestimate FireMage imo
Annoyer vs Ilvallejoll - Annoyer with ease
Treecko vs Celever - wow such landslide
Lasagne21 vs majaspic22 - #slutpower
cbt vs scorpdestroyer - crappy butt toucher vs scorp will be a good match
Othesmo vs D4RR3N - will get ghosted if losing
Shuckleking87 vs The Quasar - Don't fuckle with shuckle
Robert Alfons vs Dr Ciel - I don't know either player, yay random guess!
Soulgazer vs Magical Magmortar - Doesn't want to face me in the finals, but I would like an easy final match ;)
Haund vs FLCL - Cat
Lolkomori vs Moose V - founder of #slutpower
Zebraiken vs bazion - Zeb can't bring shitty mons this round so he is fine

Edit: you should also probs post a deadline
atomicllamas: I'm Fagtron on #neverused, if that helps in recognizing me.

So um, my opponent has kinda left smogon. What do?
in contact, shouldn't be too hard to get this done

Skylight vs Sidfrid
atomicllamas vs aladynn
Nozzle vs bobbyvaporeon
Demist vs Metal Sonic
vs FireMage
Annoyer vs Ilvallejoll
Treecko vs Celever
Lasagne21 vs majaspic22
Othesmo vs D4RR3N
vs The Quasar
Robert Alfons vs Dr Ciel
vs Magical Magmortar
Haund vs FLCL
vs Moose V
Zebraiken vs bazion