Other 6th Gen Pokemon UU Candidate Speculation Thread

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Hey everyone. :)

This is the thread for discussing which Pokémon will be part of this Gen's UU metagame.

Not everything can be OU, be fear not, as this is exactly why we have UU for these Pokes to shine.

We have new Pokémon as of Gen 6, and we also have potential drops from Gen 5 OU and well as rising Pokémon from the lower tiers.

With a drastically different metagame approaching (with such changes as Mega Evolutions, nerfed Weather, Sticky Web and the Defog buff) expect a lot of change and a lot of new strategies.

So, without further ado, which Pokémon do we think will be UU this Gen?
I'll start off with an example.

Pokemon Name: Clawitzer

Why it probably won't be OU:
A good ability with great coverage help Clawitzer's viability, but it's pretty much outclassed by Mega-Blastoise who has access to most of Clawitzer's movepool, it's new ability as well as Rapid Spin and more bulk. Keldeo also performs the offensive Water type role much better. The only options our pistol shrimp has to differentiate itself from other bulky waters is Swords Dance (not great with its base 70 attack). That base 55 speed is the final nail in the coffin, as Clawizter will not be able to keep up in the fast pace metagame

Qualities that it will bring to UU: Despite competition from other bulky waters such as Suicune, Slowbro and Milotic, Clawizter can hit hard straight away with Life Orb sets and great coverage most of which is boosted by Mega Launcher. His movepool can be tailored to what ever threats your team might need handling, with Sludge Bomb for Grass types and the new Fairies, Dark Pulse for this Gen's buffed Ghost types and Aura Sphere for Steels. U-Turn can let it act as a pivot as well, though that poor speed it a bit of an issue. Choice Specs could be viable, as its defences are decent, and with the Mega Launcher boost would hit hard.

Likely Sets:
Offensive Life Orb
Ability Mega Launcher
Item : Life Orb
EVs: 252 SpAtk - 252 HP - 4 Def

-Hydro Pump/Water Pulse
-Ice Beam/Dragon Pulse
-Aura Sphere
-Dark Pulse/Sludge Bomb/U-turn

Powerful and bulky, this set can dish out some damage. ML boosted Water Pulse is nice for the confusion chance. Ice Beam and Aura Sphere round out the coverage. The last moveslot can be used for whatever you need to counter. Dark Pulse handles Slowbro, while Sludge Bomb threatens the new Fairies. U-Turn is good for being able to pivot, but that awful speed makes it less appealing.

Likely Checks & Counters: Suicune can take Clawizter's attacks with ease and set up. Slowbro needs to watch out for U-Turn and Dark Pulse, but can come in for free on Choice Locked Clawizter. While his great coverage means he can be tailored to certain threats, it can leave the shrimp with 4MSS. If Clawitzer foregoes Ice Beam, then Roserade can check it pretty well with her supreme special bulk. Florges does the same unless Sludge Bomb is used. No Aura Sphere and your walled by Snorlax and Umbreon. Electric types like Zapdos and Raikou can hit the shrimp hard before it has even done anything.
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There was already a thread like this (and it was pretty bad too). Gonna close.

edit: After reading Koko's post in the other thread, I've decided to let this open up-- still, I'd like to see a bit more content from the OP; it's really lacking in discussion starter.

Let's try to keep speculation in this thread:
a) Realistic-- better to er on the side of "too low" than "too high" on discussion topics. Salamence and Breloom are not a good place to focus discussion; Metagross and Heliolisk are.
b) Be intelligent, and make posts with real content please.

will be watching this thread carefully.
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With Greninja potentially vying for OU, there's some question over whether that might result in Starmie dropping (in which case, UU would be getting an incredible new addition). Clawitzer's also a fierce potential newcomer, with solid SpA and boosted Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere and Dark Pulse offering coverage options.
With Greninja potentially vying for OU, there's some question over whether that might result in Starmie dropping (in which case, UU would be getting an incredible new addition). Clawitzer's also a fierce potential newcomer, with solid SpA and boosted Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere and Dark Pulse offering coverage options.

Like it's probably been mentioned several times already here and there, Greninja does not get rapid spin, there Isn't much question of Starmie dropping. Clawtizer is a possibility I guess, it makes a pretty good wall breaker.

I guess Talonflame has a solid chance of being UU. Though it's 4x SR weakness hurts, with high BP priority flying moves to spam, it's a great late game cleaner. It can attempt to sweep with swords dance as well.
I don't really think that Talonflame will make UU. Even if it does, it won't be great.
Chances are that UU will see use of Politoed and Ninetails, both of which will probably drop.
In BW OU, rain was more dominant than sun teams. Assuming the same happens here, Fire types will see less usage due to the prevalence of rain.
Then again, this is kinda situational. :P
I think Donphan is definitely going to be taking its leave from OU. Sun teams can't afford to waste turns with Donphan, because of the nerf. Metagross is probably also going to be gone, as the megas take a huge dump on it. The nerf to steel allows it to not even sponge Gengar hits, which is going to be a A+ pokemon this gen. Coupled with the fact that there have been far better steel types introduced, I just don't see him having any use. (as if he ever had one)

I guess Talonflame has a solid chance of being UU. Though it's 4x SR weakness hurts, with high BP priority flying moves to spam, it's a great late game cleaner. It can attempt to sweep with swords dance as well.

Talonflame is a HUGE threat, even with the x4 weakness. It works a lot like volcarona, with less natural bulk, and priority. It'll definitely be OU, in my eyes.
Seeing as Rapid Spin isn't the same anymore due to Defog, Starmie and Forretress both might drop.

Defog is by no means a total replacement for Rapid Spin. As it also removes the hazards you have laid, neither HO nor stall will want to use it as they both require hazards to execute their respective strategies (HO needs hazards to secure KOs, stall needs passive damage). Starmie and Forretress still both have very useful niches in XY OU (Starmie is still the fastest spinner available, and nothing has the same package of hazards + Rapid Spin that Forretress does), and hence aren't likely to drop anytime soon.
I don't really think that Talonflame will make UU. Even if it does, it won't be great.
Chances are that UU will see use of Politoed and Ninetails, both of which will probably drop.
In BW OU, rain was more dominant than sun teams. Assuming the same happens here, Fire types will see less usage due to the prevalence of rain.
Then again, this is kinda situational. :P

Extremely situational. You're making assumptions based on assumptions lol.

Politoed dropping isn't going to happen. In Gen 5, you would often have to switch Politoed in to get rain up again due to how common other weathers were. With other weather teams being less common, you would basically only have to switch Poli in every 8 turns to get rain going again if you had a damp rock attached. Rain is less effective of course, but the nerf isn't enough for Politoed to end up in UU.
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Defog is by no means a total replacement for Rapid Spin. As it also removes the hazards you have laid, neither HO nor stall will want to use it as they both require hazards to execute their respective strategies (HO needs hazards to secure KOs, stall needs passive damage). Starmie and Forretress still both have very useful niches in XY OU (Starmie is still the fastest spinner available, and nothing has the same package of hazards + Rapid Spin that Forretress does), and hence aren't likely to drop anytime soon.
Well, yes, but Mega Gengar will most certainly be able to trap and OHKO Starmie with Shadow Ball or something. Oh yeah, and he can spinblock Rapid Spin.
Still, your point is still valid. I can't really say anything to completely disprove it.

Extremely situational. You're making assumptions based on assumptions lol.
Yeah, I tend to do that. :P
Well, yes, but Mega Gengar will most certainly be able to trap and OHKO Starmie with Shadow Ball or something. Oh yeah, and he can spinblock Rapid Spin.
Still, your point is still valid. I can't really say anything to completely disprove it.

That's if Mega Gengar for some reason isn't kicked to Ubers.

I don't see Starmie dropping. Its been OU for 5 generations showing how great it is. While I suppose X and Y is about breaking trends but I still think the call for Starmie is still high. It might be a niche sweeper this gen but its still good at its job.
Conkeldurr is the first thing that comes to my mind , with all those fairies around , new fighting types like hawklucha rising the bar, and new defensive threats like aegislash i doupt that conkeldurr has enough power to make it up to OU this gen .
Delphox will seems like it will end up in UU. It's faster than Victini and Chandelure and, on paper, looks to have about several thousand different sets. Including, but not limited to, Sub CM, Specs, Dual Screens, Wish, and pivot.

Trevenant is very good. Its typing gives it a strong niche as a spinblocker, its ability let it absorb status, and it can check a lot of walls that just so happen to water or ground or just be vulnerable on the physical side. Unfortunately its less than stellar stats will make living in OU outside of a dedicated core difficult.

Pangoro Good stats, and Parting Shot is very good, but Pangoro's movepool is its downfall. No Mach Punch, no Element Punches. Iron Fist seemed like a godsend but alas it was not meant to be.
First, taking a look at the new pokemon (I won't talk about Greninja, Talonflame, Aegislash, Barbaracle, Sylveon, Hawlucha, Goodra, Klefki or Noivern, which all have fairly solid OU/BL potential as it stands, though some may fall off over time, especially as pokebank/Z version come around):

Chesnaught: With solid attack and defense, an amazing hidden ability that gives him immunity to all sorts of moves for switch in opportunities (sometimes seemingly arbitrarily, but hey, I'll take it) plus access to Bulk Up, Power-Up Punch, Leech Seed in addition to powerful STAB in Hammer Arm and Wood Hammer, Chesnaught has a lot of potential. His low speed and unfortunate typing for a defensive pokemon (ESPECIALLY when stuff like Talonflame is around) make him an unlikely candidate for OU, but I think he has a lot of potential sets in UU. The sleep mechanic changes also benefit him, some Restalk power up punch/wood hammer set could potentially be pretty interesting to play around with.

Delphox: Solid SpA and good speed, unfortunately limited by a mediocre typing and an even more mediocre (offensive) movepool, though it has solid support options. Its hidden ability, Magician, is interesting though. It basically turns every move into thief, and it also gets access to switcheroo. I could see Delphox potentially being a very disruptive presence on a lower tier team, being able to steal critical choice items then later switch them onto enemies. It also has decent special bulk and not-quite-paper-thin physical defenses to boot at 75/72/100 hp/def/sdef, so a more defensive set is possible.

Diggersby: At a glance, it has typical yard trash rodent stats, but it also gets a ground typing and huge power as a hidden ability. With huge/pure power's old main users, Azumarill and Medicham, getting major buffs and seeming likely OU candidates now, this bunny may have himself a niche. It has a pretty solid variety of physical moves, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Wild Charge, U-Turn, Return, and Bulk Up/Swords Dance as boosting options. Unfortunately it lacks priority and with 78 base speed, it's not exactly a bolt of lightning.

Vivillion: Compoundeyes Hurricane and Sleep Powder with Quiver Dance is scary, but with its BST, paper defenses, and x4 rock weak typing, it's unlikely to see serious OU play, but could be a significant threat in UU with proper support. Basically a bulkier, faster version of Butterfree with access to Hurricane instead of being able to run tinted lens.

Pyroar: Pretty fast, decent SpA, but with a very, VERY modest movepool and a typing that doesn't bring much to the table, with Normal adding fighting to fire's already unfortunate weaknesses to the common ground, rock, and water type moves. Honestly, I don't even think this poor lion will make UU. It gets Moxie as a hidden ability.... But it has 68 base attack (according to Serebii, some of these stats have been off, but it's clear that Pyroar is a special focused pokemon).

Florges: With high SpA and enormous SDef in addition to a solid support movepool with both wish and aromatherapy as well as the screens AND both rain and sun, Florges looks to be a pretty solid addition to UU, as its modest HP and Speed will likely limit its usage in higher tiers. It does suffer a little from 4 move syndrome but all in all, is a very solid supporter.

Gogoat: Reminds me a lot of Chespin in some ways, a lot of bulk, grass type, but instead of the advantage of a secondary STAB and high defense, Gogoat has the advantages of high HP, reliable recovery in milk drink and balanced offensive stats that make running a mixed set quite viable. He also has the option of Bulk Up which can be scary with reliable recovery. Unfortunately he also has very poor speed and his unboosted defenses aren't too hot. His abilities, Sap Sipper and Grass Pelt, don't seem to bring much to the table either.

Pangoro: It has a stat distribution very reminiscent of Gogoat, minus the respectable SpA with higher Attack instead. His abilities are quite nice, all of them have their uses but I feel that Scrappy will be preferred, as unfortunately he does not get Mach Punch/Bullet Punch to boost with Iron Fist. Otherwise he'd likely be OU material. He does get solid boosting options in Swords Dance/Bulk Up, good coverage (especially important is Poison Jab, which will help him with the fairies that are sure to be floating around the lower tiers) and Parting Shot is an incredible move, but his speed is quite poor and he lacks priority, limiting his sweeping potential. Could be a good Choice Band user, here's to hoping for Bullet/Mach punch tutors in Pokemon Z.

Furfrou: Mediocre stats all around (except for its Garchompesque speed and a respectable 90 SDef), pure normal typing, one might be fooled into thinking this thing was going straight to NU, but its unique ability, Fur Coat, is almost a physically defensive version of huge power and combined with Baby Doll Eyes, makes him potentially the single most goddamn annoying physical wall in the tier. While still lacking the defenses to tangle with most of OU, with access to thunder wave, toxic and roar he can spread status with the best of them, and with the sleep mechanic change, Restalk sets are also viable. He does suffer from a serious case of 4 moveslot syndrome though, and doesn't have a lot of actual offensive moves to scare off taunters, especially those who resist or are immune to Return.

Meowstic: An interesting pokemon because the different gender versions are not only aesthetically different, but also have different hidden abilities. The male is the one to really talk about, as it has Prankster, an ability good enough to help even pokemon as weak as Sableye carve out a niche. Its special attack is modest but it has a pretty solid movepool to take advantage of prankster, with both screens, thunder wave, trick room (though trick room is actually pretty detrimental to Meowstic when it's not getting the prankster boost), and the especially interesting Me First, which protects it from many users of shadow ball, usually psychic/ghost pokemon who are also weak to it. But possibly the biggest takeaway is that with Gardevoir likely moving into OU, Meowstic also becomes the only user of Calm Mind + Stored Power around, which can be pretty threatening especially considering Meowstic's high base 104 speed. I expect Meowstic to be a major threat in UU.

Aromatisse: High HP and both special stats, solid defensive typing, EXCELLENT movepool, and to top it off, the thing is literally slower than Slowbro. That there, combined with its lack of secondary typing for defense against the common Dragon coverage moves, and lackluster physical defense probably spell doom for its overall usage. But it gets Trick Room! Aroma Veil is an interesting ability, I'm not sure what it all blocks, but I'm assuming it prevents confusion and attraction at least. I expect this thing to be a very, very solid addition to trick room teams in particular.

Slurpuff: Mediocre stats and a solid movepool... but honestly, not a lot that jumps out as being particularly exciting. It's pretty similar to Aromatisse except with less abysmal speed and less impressive stats elsewhere, movepool is pretty similar, typing is identical, ability, Sweet Veil, is a little better for the sleep immunity, and it has access to Unburden for some potentially interesting berry sets. But I do not expect the cupcake to do well unless it has some impressive moves we're not aware of yet.

Malamar: Very strong pokemon, it has pretty mediocre stats all around but also Contrary + Superpower, which is basically a power-up punch on steroids, even coming off of 90 base attack, it will hurt. A lot. With STAB coverage from Psycho Cut and Night Slash it has pretty decent offensive capabilities, and the defense boosts from superpower make it a little less flimsy than it would otherwise be (actually, after a boost it becomes quite bulky, on the physical side anyways). Contrary also makes it a potential counter to something like Furfrou, letting it have an easy switch in on Baby Doll Eyes. It also has a pretty solid Special movepool and Calm Mind, but its speed is mediocre, limiting its sweep potential. I could see some Scarf set being an excellent clean up sweeper once all of the fighting resists are removed from a team.

Dragalgae: A very interesting typing, great SDef, solid SpA, but otherwise mediocre stats combined with abysmal speed (and pretty bad HP for being such a slow, defensive pokemon). It brings with it the absolutely horrifying prospect of Adaptability boosted Draco Meteor though, alongside solid, boosted Poison type attacks which will help deal with the faeries who would be immune to said eldritch terror. Might be OU or BL material, but I feel this one's still up in the air simply because of its speed and lack of physical bulk being such a stumbling block for its OU viability.

Clawitzer: Ah, a good ol' fashioned bulky water. His defenses might be lower than others in his weight class, but he also comes with a sky high 120 SpA, and Mega Launcher. Mega Launcher increases the power of Pulse moves by 50%. That brings Aura Sphere to an equivalent of 120BP, taking the nerf into account, Dark Pulse has a similar power jump, Water Pulse hits 90BP, becoming Surf with a confuse chance. He has solid coverage, not a whole hell of a lot in terms of support options, but he's definitely a potential wrecking ball with SpA that high. I'd say he was OU material if he wasn't completely outclassed by Mega Blastoise.

Heliolisk: Classic speedy special glass cannon, electric/normal with access to Dry Skin for a water immunity. Has solid coverage with Focus Blast, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, and even Surf, plus a little utility in Volt Switch. Definitely has some potential for use in OU, but only time will tell if the usage stats reflect that.

Tyrantrum: Solid physical defenses, great attack, a pretty solid offensive typing, GREAT coverage from the fangs and a great ability that boosts them and of course, Dragon Dance as an egg move. I think Dragon/Rock's issues defensively, plus his mediocre base speed will leave him hurting badly in OU, but he has potential to become one of the most threatening sweepers in UU if he ends up there.

Aurorus: A really interesting ability wasted on a pokemon without the stat spread and/or movepool to take advantage of it, an absolutely, irredeemably abysmal defensive typing on a slow, bulky pokemon. I really want to be optimistic but I don't see this guy ending up above NU.

Dedenne: Fairly speedy and has interesting typing, but is lacking in pretty much every other area, its stats are lackluster, its movepool isn't too hot, its abilities aren't very good. Pretty confident that it's NU material.

Carbink: It's the fairy type shuckle, enormous defenses, everything else is garbage. But it has calm mind as a setup option, screens, stealth rock, trick room, sand, hail and sun for support. Don't quite know if it will hit UU/NU.

Trevenant: Though I think he actually has some potential in OU due to being a spinblocker that counters Starmie, we also have to keep in mind that he's competing with Aegislash, who counters Starmie much more effectively. I think Trevenant could potentially end up in UU as a result. He makes a great spinblocker though it remains to be seen whether he'll fare well against defog users of the tier. He has strong attack combined with OK defenses and good HP (for a ghost). Access to Leech Seed, Horn Leech, and a solid physical movepool could make him fairly solid despite his poor speed, and his support options include Will-O-Wisp, allowing him to run a more conventional spinblock set. Oh, and also Natural Cure is a great ability, but Harvest is potentially even better, with Yache/Sitrus berry, or even Chesto berry for the most annoying chestorest set imaginable.

Gourgeist: What a nightmare. When it comes to talking about it, anyways, since it has four different stat distributions. I'd first take a look at the Supersized variant, which has 100 base Attack plus solid HP and Defense. With access to Trick-or-Treat and Shadow Sneak, it could be a very annoying pokemon to deal with, throwing out ToT when it forces a switch, then smashing the poor switch in with a super effective shadow sneak if it doesn't leave immediately. I don't know if it has access to Pursuit as an egg move, if it did this would be doubly nasty. It's not a one trick pony though, with access to, Pain Split, Explosion, Trick, Will-O-Wisp, and Destiny Bond. The small size has 99 speed which might take better advantage of some of its support options like Trick and Destiny Bond.

Avalugg: Well, normally I'd be the first to shit all over a pure Ice defensive pokemon, but with over 180(!) defense with solid HP and Attack, I think it's actually very strong. In fact, I'd say it might even be OU material, despite the confirmed lack of Ice Shard (which would very firmly place it in that tier, in my opinion). It has Rapid Spin as a support option, reliable recovery in Recover and in general, just doesn't give a single fuck. But of course, with a defense like that, you have to offset it in another area, namely in slowbro tier speed. Fortunately he has Avalanche and Gyro Ball to help him spin that negative into a positive.

I think it's too early to talk about what is falling out of favor in OU, so instead, I'll mention one pokemon who will most certainly be jumping up from NU to UU, or possibly even BL: Exploud. STAB Scrappy Boomburst, there is literally no escape from that terror.
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Seeing as Rapid Spin isn't the same anymore due to Defog, Starmie and Forretress both might drop.


Defog is not even on rapid spins level in my IMO. Defog is probably a bit more useful on HO if your team doesn't carry rocks and of course more offensive pokemon get defog (Starmie gets rapid spin though derp). But this is getting ridiculous now, defog is in by no means making rapid spin obsolete... so over hyped
Seeing as Rapid Spin isn't the same anymore due to Defog, Starmie and Forretress both might drop.

I agree that Starmie may potentially fall for the first time since RBY, but not because of Defog. Defog has a huge disadvantage in that it clears BOTH side's entry hazards, and its distribution is questionable, sure stuff like Scizor get it, but good luck finding space for it on a Scizor set.

Starmie has major issues with both Aegislash and Trevenant, and Aegislash is probably the new premier spinblocker of this generation.
Just ignoring potential Pokemon speculation for a second, I think UU might be the tier most affected by the addition of Defog to the game. UU and Ubers are by far the tiers where spikes are strongest because they have many potent grounded Pokemon, great spikers and spinning is quite difficult. However, Ubers Pokemon generally will struggle to find move slots for Defog - especialy because there aren't many Pokemon in Ubers that can learn it - whereas it's pretty easy to slap Empoleon or Zapdos or something with Defog onto a UU team and have unblockable hazard clearance very easily. I honestly think this will lead to a massive shift in the makeup of UU, I mean last gen there were periods where you'd be stupid not to run Spikes whereas now it may well end up purely an anti-meta strategy - Defog becomes popular, people stop using Spikes, Defog stops being popular and suddenly you can run Spikes again and use that extra residual damage to enhance your offensive Pokemon. It will be interesting to see how this affects the viability of defensive strategies - on the one hand the fact they can't really use Spikes is a very hefty blow, almost certainly enough to make conventional heavy stall unviable, but on the other hand more balanced teams don't have to worry so much about their core being worn down by hazards. Things like Victini and Chandelure will still be incredibly difficult to straight-up wall but I mean Pokemon like Zapdos that could break through Snorlax with the assistance of some Spikes and switching around are going to be a little easier to handle for sure. In my perception it was often more fragile attackers that really wanted to secure the KOs Spikes allowed them to get so I would imagine there will be a bulky offense renaissance so to speak in UU just as much as in OU. Things like Rhyperior, Snorlax and Cofagrigus that didn't have much in the way or reliable recovery (I know Snorlax has a resttalk set but I don't think anyone good really used that towards the end of gen 5) will benefit from the reduced popularity of Spikes, as without the constant damage every time they switch they should stay healthy more easily. Things like Yanmega and Moltres I can also see getting better because of how much easier it will be to clear hazards.

As for drops, unless we end up banning drizzleswim again it's a joke to imagine Politoed dropping out of OU, Gengar makes it much easier to win the weather war by luring and KOing Tyranitar reliably and Kingdra is just as brilliant as it has always been. Drizzle is still incomparable to Rain Dance because of how easy it is to find an opportunity to get it up - the fact that you can bring Politoed in after something dies and then switch it straight out without ever putting it in danger makes it very simple to keep rain up tbh. Ninetails is a potential drop, but it's hard to say whether the weather nerf hits it hard enough that it won't be banned very quickly. Vulpix was hilariously broken last gen to the degree you could just run an anti-sun team and do very well on the ladder - sun recieved a bunch of nerfs but Ninetails is much better than Vulpix and it's easy to clear hazards now so sun hardly has to worry about rival weather, Abomasnow isn't particularly great against sun in general. If sun does stay Victini, Darmanitan and Chandelure won't though, they don't need more than a few turns to capitalise on the power and rip through everything so given how close a couple of them were to bans this gen they'll be pushed over for sure with sun support. As far as I know we didn't really gain any notable physically defensive Fire resists and certainly we don't have much that can stand up to the coverage of something like Victini - that said, the Assault Vest does make it slighly easier to check Chandelure since you can't 2HKO pretty much every fire resist with Shadow Ball now, only some of them. Things like Kyurem, Staraptor and Hippowdown will probably end up dropping again and getting banned again, the only weather aside from Hail I can see being reasonable in UU is Sand since Stoutland is actually hit pretty hard by finite sand but it still has exceptional synergy with Hippowdon so if the latter drops I can't see both being allowed.

Gourgeist-H probably has a solid shot at OU, it's bulkier than Skarmory and has a nice movepool too with Leech Seed, Will-o-Wisp, Destiny Bond etc. but I suspect it won't be that popular initially because people will be more excited about other things. Talonflame will be solid OU for a while, the second strongest priority in the game is no joke and it is really dangerous used right, almost everyone I've seen brings it out really early and then writes it off when it never sweeps but it's definitely an endgame Pokemon. It has a few things that it struggles with like Rotom-W, Heatran and Manectric but if you can take them out of the game it's suddenly really, really tough to stop. Even when it doesn't sweep it's a bit like a stronger Scizor in that Brave Bird just wrecks anything offensive so it's the ultimate revenge killer. Goodra is in my experience one of the best Pokemon in OU for its combination of power, coverage and special bulk but that's no guarentee people will actually use it. I was using it to check Gengar since it only takes about 25% max from Sludge Bomb but unfortunately as it is slower than Gengar it isn't a reliable answer - particularly because I also needed it to check a bunch of other stuff.

I definitely see at least one big dragon dropping. Which one it is and how the meta is able to adapt to it will determine whether Dragalge is broken in UU when it gets Adaptability. At is stand it 2HKOs basically every defensive Pokemon in UU with either an Adaptability STAB or Focus Blast and has the bulk to come in on a lot of different stuff. It mainly only struggles with Cresselia, and SDef Mew to an extent.

The only surefire Uber I see right now is Gengar(ite). Aegislash is good but may or may not be manageable. Nothing else is looking shocking right now but it's hard to tell, our current meta is pretty crap. Trevenant is unlikely to stay OU IMO, Gourgeist outclasses it as a spinblocker and it's far too slow to be great offensively in OU. It might make or home for itself in UU or it might end up dropping further depending on what Gourgeist sizes end up giving it competition.
Diggersby: At a glance, it has typical yard trash rodent stats, but it also gets a ground typing and huge power as a hidden ability. With huge/pure power's old main users, Azumarill and Medicham, getting major buffs and seeming likely OU candidates now, this bunny may have himself a niche. It has a pretty solid variety of physical moves, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Wild Charge, U-Turn, Return, and Bulk Up/Swords Dance as boosting options. Unfortunately it lacks priority and with 78 base speed, it's not exactly a bolt of lightning.

Doesn't seem unforgivably slow, though. Though I'm admittedly a novice that seems to me to be just quick enough to make good use of a Scarf.
Doesn't seem unforgivably slow, though. Though I'm admittedly a novice that seems to me to be just quick enough to make good use of a Scarf.

It's not, in fact a scarf set would probably work great on him.

As for drops, unless we end up banning drizzleswim again it's a joke to imagine Politoed dropping out of OU, Gengar makes it much easier to win the weather war by luring and KOing Tyranitar reliably and Kingdra is just as brilliant as it has always been. Drizzle is still incomparable to Rain Dance because of how easy it is to find an opportunity to get it up - the fact that you can bring Politoed in after something dies and then switch it straight out without ever putting it in danger makes it very simple to keep rain up tbh.

Kingdra has to carry return now or it's walled and OHKO'd by the now outrage/draco meteor immune Azumarill. IMO this critically weakens the pokemon, since dropping Draco Meteor mean you have no answer to physical walls, dropping DD means you're no longer able to sweep effectively, and dropping Waterfall/Outrage of course loses your best coverage moves.
On Diggersby - Faster than Azumarill, and he did alright. Also, just like Azu, it isn't just Huge Power that makes him viable, but Huge Power STAB priority.

EDIT: Kingdra also still struggles with Ferrothorn
Kingdra has to carry return now or it's walled and OHKO'd by the now outrage/draco meteor immune Azumarill. IMO this critically weakens the pokemon, since dropping Draco Meteor mean you have no answer to physical walls, dropping DD means you're no longer able to sweep effectively, and dropping Waterfall/Outrage of course loses your best coverage moves.
252+ SpA Life Orb Kingdra Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill in rain: 187-220 (46.28 - 54.45%) -- 55.47% chance to 2HKO
I wouldn't call Azumarill a solid answer to Kingdra tbh, it's a pretty nice check but I would not be in any hurry to switch in on it. The rain boost makes sure of that. Ferrothorn is annoying but easily trapped by Gengar unless is is at full HP (which, against a Swift Swim team, it won't be) and extremely prone to getting worn down or taken out by other Swift Swimmers. It's really not a roadblock for a well built rain team, much as people clung to it at the start of gen 5. I wouldn't say mixed DD is the best Kingdra set either, it can muscle through most everything with just Hydro Pump and Draco Meteor (both of which you definitely should be carrying) leaving two free slots for surf, waterfall, outrage etc.
On Diggersby - Faster than Azumarill, and he did alright. Also, just like Azu, it isn't just Huge Power that makes him viable, but Huge Power STAB priority.

Yeah this thing's movepool is excellent.

U-Turn is what sold me on him. His stats are such that he can Scarf for a fast U-Turn or Band for a slow one. That's great.
I'd really like to see Gastrodon in UU. Decent typing with one weakness, access to Recover, and Storm Drain to give a water immunity (which will be super helpful against CroCune who may shoot up in usage with the change in sleep mechanics.) Also the fact that the tier has a shortage on specially defensive bulky waters outside of Milotic, Slowking, and some Blastoise, Gastrodon is going to be a very welcome addition to the UU tier.
I think it might drop down to ru to be honest as its movepool is so poor
Kingdra will not drop below UU for sure, it's still an incredibly strong pokemon, but no longer one without checks as he was in endless rain. I think there's definitely a comfortable spot for him in OU if and when Drizzleswim is unbanned. I only disagree that he is 'as strong as ever' since he has gained some new potential checks without gaining anything himself.
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