Pokémon Goodra [REVAMP]

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I've been loving Assault vest Goodra. With the lack of a recovery move, the extra bulk is very nifty. I've been able to take full on stab hits from freakin Mewtwo Y in random online battles and I don't even have EVs built into Special Defense but rather its defense and Special Attack to give it more bulk and attack power. A bit of a mix but Goodra can still take hits like a pro. If it ever gets Recover from an egg move then I may try out a different set... but so far, Assault Vest has been my favorite!
Has anyone thought about Misty Terrain and the niche-ness it provides Goodra? For an example, Aromatisse could viably set up Misty Terrain and mitigate a severe headache for Goodra for four turns. It also sets Goodra apart from every other psedo-legendary except Garchomp, and other OU Dragons besides Haxorus, Zygarde, and the Kyurems, since there are very few grounded Dragons that can take advantage of Misty Terrain. With a setter, it's even MORE capable of tanking Latios' Draco Meteor, for one.

If not Terrain, Reflect could also patch up it's weaker defense temporarily.

Goodra @ Vest
Sap Sipper
Outrage/Dragon Tail/Meteor
Power Whip/TBolt/Sludge Bomb
Fire Blast
Adamant 252 Atk 252 HP 4 Spd
Trying to do everything Goodra offers in one build. The game plan's about traps. 1st move Infestation traps anything coming in on Goodra. If it doesn't want to handle it, it can switch to the appropriate mon while holding the counter in for that turn. Power Whip's bad but it's the best thing for Azumarill and possibly TTar switching in, Steel/Bugs are greviously harmed by Fire Blast, Pick-a-STAB hits other Dragons and unsuspecting blobs. I prefer physical Goodra because of all the Assault Vest nonsense happening.

Aromatisse @ Lefties
Skill Swap
Misty Terrain/Reflect
+Def -Atk 252 Def 252 Sp Atk
Synergy: Sets up terrain or a screen, lures M-Gar out to Skill Swap it's Shadow Tag off and set it up to be killed by Duggy, and the most defensevly survivable Fairy that learns terrain at 101/72. Base 99 SAtk tries not to be setup bait, and TBolt's there to make sure that OU STAB resistors Azumarill and Togekiss don't come in expecting free Drums and Plots. TTar does what it wants but that's what teammates are for, plus Aromatisse resists Pursuit... with 101/72 defenses. Side note: Honestly, it might be able to set up on pink Blobs with a completely different set.

Dugtrio @ Vest
Arena Trap
Standard Moveset/Nature/EVs
Synergy: Switches in after Aromatisse/Goodra traps M-Gar to kill it. Also helps with cleaning up weakened TTar and Poison types/Mawile trying to ruin my day.

Magnezone @ Scarf
Magnet Pull
Standard Moveset/Nature/EVs
Synergy: Beats, forces out, or maims every notable Fairy besides maybe M-Wile. Also traps and deals with the Steel issue more thoroughly.
gave assault vest with gooey a try and noticed it does alright but since it has low def bulk, its weak to u-turn since gooey doesnt do anything on a u-turner like scizor or genesect. Genesects uturn would 2hko it if it had max hp and no def while avoiding gooey. So it still has its flaws.

and GravityZero that goodra is walled by heatran so maybe you can add eq
Heatran's trapped by Infestation if it counter-switches in. EQ can take Power Whip's spot, or just switch to anything that counters standard Heatran.
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Hey been using the following set on Goodra.
Its good but can only take about 1 thing down before its killed and is walled a bit easily by stuff like Heatran

Goodra @ Bold with Leftovers
252 HP - 252 Def - 4 SpD
Fire Blast

Now I am wanting to try out the Assualt Vest. But unsure what type of set and EVs to use. Surely I should be investing in its Defence? Like 252 HP and 252 Def? But I want to use EQ for things like Heatran. So what about Attack EVs? .. Help would be fantastic.
Hey been using the following set on Goodra.
Its good but can only take about 1 thing down before its killed and is walled a bit easily by stuff like Heatran

Goodra @ Bold with Leftovers
252 HP - 252 Def - 4 SpD
Fire Blast

Now I am wanting to try out the Assualt Vest. But unsure what type of set and EVs to use. Surely I should be investing in its Defence? Like 252 HP and 252 Def? But I want to use EQ for things like Heatran. So what about Attack EVs? .. Help would be fantastic.
I would easily run EQ without any sort of Attack EVs invested. The move should do enough damage to them to where they will either switch out or just get destroyed by it. I don't have the calcs for it so this is completely ballpark guesstimates but I think you shouldn't need to invest in Attack EVs for EQ (someone will come in with some calcs more than likely. As for what move to get rid of, I feel Protect is kind of weak on this build. So I say that or Infest
Klefki has great synergy with Goodra having access to priority Rain Dance and complete immunity to Dragon and poison attacks. Not to mention priority thunder wave letting Goodra outspeed, priority reflect, to bulk up goodras physical defence, and priority spikes to help Goodra get those OHKO's. Klefki also has pretty great physical bulk to counter Goodras weaker physical side.

Goodra can take predictable flamethrowers for klefki with its special bulk.
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Curse, Acid Armor, and Counter have all been confirmed as egg moves on Goomy.

I personally don't see much use in Curse and Acid Armor, but Counter seems like it might have some use on a defensive HydraRest set - take a moderately powerful physical attack, Counter for massive damage, then heal off the damage with Rest. It might be a bit hard to pull off unless you're just taking out something like Donphan though.
It already has such a hard time fitting moves in for his hydra rest set that the only way this could fit is if it goes rest/rain dance/acid armor/toxic which would leave it open to being walled by steel types and taunt. The lack of assualt vest also means it doesnt have chansey like defenses anymore either.
On conformation that Goodra gets Curse, I thought of an old but still cool set idea:

Curselax 2.0 (Call me bold? I'm actually very Careful)
Careful Nature
EVs: 252 Hp 252SDef 4Atk/Def (Play with them how you will, I am unsure what the best spread is for this)
Ability: Sap Sipper
Dragon Tail/Outrage
Earthquake/Aqua Tail

Arguably one of the best ways to make this thing all physical, IMO. Sap Sipper>Gooey since you are too slow to really benefit from it (and it makes sure Breloom and Amoonguss can't interrupt your boosting). Outrage is your strongest physical move (thought the lock-in is annoying), but Dragon Tail makes you able to double as a bulky phazer (and the negative priority is an afterthought with curse). EQ and Aqua Tail are for coverage (I prefer EQ since it makes Aegislash easier to handle). Curse is your boosting move and Rest is your only form of recovery (but Goodra has the bulk to wait 2 turns and loves the status removal).

Ideally you use it as a counter to stall pokes, since with Rest the worst thing most walls can do is phase you out (and I believe Roar/WW fail if you don't go second). Beyond that, this is possibly one of the best counters to Ferrothorn in existence, as you are immune to Leech Seed and Power Whip, and Curse makes Gyro Ball worthless (even if it crits). Aqua Tail and EQ make it an effective anti-FWG poke (with the right support). You could try Aqua Tail with Hydration-Rest, but I honestly prefer EQ + Sap Sipper.

Also, you never set up with it unless you can either a) punch a massive hole in your opponent or b) can sweep. That is to say, never hesitate to get a boost or two on a free switch or to scare something out (like a Ferrothorn or Breloom).

If you do not have EQ, then Aegislash is a huge pain in the Arceus. King's Shield removes the attack boosts you get (if it is well timed) and Sacred Sword ignores your defense boosts--be ESPECIALLY careful when you are locked into Outrage and/or the Sword gets an SD or two off.

Fairies--not as big of a deal as you might think, though still dangerous. Azumarril hurts but is manageable after enough curses. Sylveon however, is probably your biggest fear since you cannot phase it and it can Calm Mind in your face all it wants (but again, an EQ can potentially destroy it if you boost enough) on top of it all, it can shrug off status support with Heal Bell. Togekiss is irritating since it walls you completely and can Air Slash flinch you to death.

Skarmory--can phase you out and is overall a real nuisance, but that is all it can do. If you have EQ, it cannot roost as effectively (if at all).

Dragons--mostly the physical ones, but they can smash you before you can hit back with Outrages/Draco Meteors.

You are countered by whatever your moveset limits you to. Dragon/Water leaves you open to Aegislash while Dragon/Ground leaves you open to Togekiss.

1) Fairy killers--biggest "DUH" with this thing, you need something to remove or incapacitate Fairies to use this. Scizor (regular or Mega) comes to mind as an excellent choice since a Bullet Punch can easily obliterate most fairies Banded or after an SD (and it doesn't care about Togekiss's paraflinch BS). Goodra also can phase out one of Scizor's biggest counters--Volcarona (I doubt a Bug Buzz will 2HKO a Specially Defensive Goodra, even after +1). Steel types in general are excellent partners since they love the white blob's ability to handle Fire types while Goodra likes the fairy-killing. Another perfect choice is Mega Gengar, it can trap and kill fairies with Sludge Bomb, Skarmory with TBolt/Shadow Ball, and Dragons with Dazzling Gleam. Not to mention, Goodra handles Blissey and Ferrothorn for Gengar--just be careful of Aegislash, as it can wipe out both if you are careless (and don't carry EQ).

2) Hazards--I don't really need to say much, but rocks at least to hinder Togekiss (especially if you are using DTail + EQ) and break Skarm's Sturdy. TSpikes help with Sylveon (if it doesn't have heal bell). Some good Spikers are Greninja (who has Ice Beam for Togekiss and Dark Pulse for Aegislash) and Klefki (with the sword-killing Foul Play).

3) Pivot receivers--Pardon my awkward wording, but this is something like Scizor or Sub Gengar that likes having a free turn to set up. Goodra's bulk makes this easy to do, and you can even use DTail to force in something and get your free switch.

Final Notes:
This has potential to be, as the name indicates, the next Curselax-level poke (not as meta-defining, but still very potent), but you NEVER boost blindly with it. It isn't something you can throw into a team and expect it to work, IMO, but with the right support, it's a freaking monster. However, it is also an effective pivot with proper prediction and can be an excellent phazer as well.

Long? Yes, but I admit I really like this set, and its potential.

EDIT: Also wanted to mention that a mixed Curse set is useable, but I find it inferior (since the second physical move is for hitting fairies with boosted hits). Really, it is up to your preference.
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Can anyone give me any ideas on what a good team to go with goodra would be? Just got done IV (Perfect IV's in everything except attack) breeding a gooey Goomy with modest nature and planning to get assault best on him (just learned how t IV breed c:). I'm kinda new to the scene so I'm trying my best to learn on my own by reading the forums but the more subtle bits of team bulding escape me (I don't want to end up using what I think is cool xD)
Can anyone give me any ideas on what a good team to go with goodra would be? Just got done IV (Perfect IV's in everything except attack) breeding a gooey Goomy with modest nature and planning to get assault best on him (just learned how t IV breed c:). I'm kinda new to the scene so I'm trying my best to learn on my own by reading the forums but the more subtle bits of team bulding escape me (I don't want to end up using what I think is cool xD)

This is just a shot in the dark, but Sylveon or Togekiss is a potentially valuable partner, as either can switch in on Dragon-type attacks that could pierce through Goodra's weaker physical defense and pass him wishes to make up for his lack of reliable recovery. Sticky Web support is also appreciated (but then again, what Pokemon doesn't appreciate Sticky Web?) as it can slow down some of the faster dragons and put them in range for Goodra to beat the stuffing out of.

AV Goodra is primarily a wallbreaker, but as far as things that appreciate having walls broken by Goodra, this may be something you have to find out on your own.
So, looking at its solid defences and great attack stats, I feel like making it all-out mixed would be good, giving it mixed defence to add more bulk, and either leftovers for longevity or battle vest to force more physical attacks. Its attacking movepool is -great-, and you can basically slot in whatever moves you could possibly need to deal with whatever gaps there are in your team. Team getting walled by ferrothorn? It can learn fire blast for that! Heatran giving you trouble? It can learn earthquake! Focus blast, sludge wave, rock slide, thunder, muddy water, blizzard, power whip! It's got enough bulk in s def that it'll take a hit from almost anything, and pumping its HP and Def will hopefully let it survive harder physical hits, especially if it's already out. It might not be able to come IN ON something like Terrakion, but not much wants to have to chip away at that much of a wall while getting pummelled, especially if it's on the fragile side.
Relatively new to competitive battling, so hopefully you guys can help me out.
I want to use a Goodra like this:

Ability: Hydration
Item: Damp Rock
1) Rain Dance
2) Rest
3) Toxic
4) Infestation/OR Dragon Tail (depends, I know Taunt will wreck it, and it'd be cool to force them to swap out)

Basically it's the EV spread I'm not sure about. Should I put my EVs into HP and Def since it's SpD is already so high? Or should I split them a little more so I can take advantage of his natural SpD a little more? With rest as my recover move, so I need to worry about HP at all? Perhaps just put the EVs into both defences? I'm really not sure.
Sap Sipper is useful because because i doubt that people would stop using the likes of Spore just because grass types gained an immunity to it. We had 4 grass types in OU last gen (Venusaur, Breloom, Celebi and Ferrothorn), one of which already countered spore/ powders, and this is not likely to significantly increase with a dearth of new grass types. The new mechanics also aren't so much new as a reversion to old mechanics, during whose tenure Spore was still widely used. You just have to be smarter and more careful about using it now, but luckily you have team preview to alert you to a resistor on the opponent's team, which you did not have before Gen V.
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In regards to grass moves, if you've got a goodra on your team, depending on what sets solidify, won't people be kind of reluctant to throw out grass moves in general? It's like having a heatran or something - Nobody wants to fire blast your ferrothorn because they don't want to give heatran that free switch and boost. Would it work five times over with bullet seed, or is that wishful thinking?

Honestly, it's the versatility that's best on this. People know exactly what to expect if you have a scizor, but if mixed defender, trapper, special tank, and mixed attacker all end up being somewhat viable sets on goodra, it'll be harder and harder to choose what to switch into when it soaks some thunderbolt or flamethrower like it's candy.
Not to mention Breloom's Bullet Seed and other grass types' Leech Seed.

I would very much doubt that people would stop using the likes of Spore just because grass types gained an immunity to it. We had 4 grass types in OU last gen (Venusaur, Breloom, Celebi and Ferrothorn), one of which already countered spore/ powders, and this is not likely to significantly increase with a dearth of new grass types. The new mechanics also aren't so much new as a reversion to old mechanics, during whose tenure Spore was still widely used. You just have to be smarter and more careful about using it now, but luckily you have team preview to alert you to a resistor on the opponent's team, which you did not have before Gen V.

I've been speaking about Goodra in particular which is not vulnerable to Giga Drain and Brelooms Bullet Seed - it resists them anyway. Breloom will KO with a Fighting move the turn after you switch into an expected Bullet Seed / will use the Fighting move anyway because of better effectivity and knowing about Sap Sipper - other Grass types fall flat to Outrage - which was the core of one of the Curse sets I posted, this one in particular only needs the immunity because of said moves.
But yeah, Grass moves won't fall flat. There's only so much grass Pokémon can do in certain teams, Ferrothorn being the only one that's widely seen, so remove this one and you're good to go.
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Hm...well, goodra definatly seems to have several diffrent sets vying for its attention. It can run in a rain dance team, but weather has been nerfed in this new gen, so I dont know how well that would work. If it runs sap sipper as its ability, true, it gains an immunity to grass types, but its already a pure dragon, so grass wasnt a problem to begin with. Its seems to me that its main potential lies with it using its gooey ability. Speed is a valuable stat for many pokemon, espicially sweepers. This ability would force your opponet into a tight spot already. Attack physically and lose speed, or attack specially against a huge special wall? Then we come to its move pool. Just looking at it, im thinking goodra could work as a wall, or a support. Moves like dragon meteor, earthquake, and outrage gives it some good offensive options, espically on the special side, and others like toxic, and dragon tail give it the ability to scout and poison your opponets team. Ev wise, I would go for 252 defense, 252 special defense, and 4 hp. Haven't tried this set out yet, but I think goodras got some good stuff going for it.
Theorizing using a Goodra for my Rain Team that I'm planning (I know weather is nerfed, but it has been for a while one of my faovurite things to base a team around. I just love the thematic elements it provides). I was thinking of using her for a physical bruiser (as Heliolisk will take care of the Special side of things) and I have a mixed Dragonite because Dragonite has always loved playing in the rain.

I was wondering, what sets would you guys recommend for use on a Rain team? Is there any Egg Moves I should be aware of?
Theorizing using a Goodra for my Rain Team that I'm planning (I know weather is nerfed, but it has been for a while one of my faovurite things to base a team around. I just love the thematic elements it provides). I was thinking of using her for a physical bruiser (as Heliolisk will take care of the Special side of things) and I have a mixed Dragonite because Dragonite has always loved playing in the rain.

I was wondering, what sets would you guys recommend for use on a Rain team? Is there any Egg Moves I should be aware of?
Hydration-Rest would be one thing you could go with. In my Infestation thread, people talked about a rather-gimmicky Infestation set with like Rest+Infestation+Toxic+Mud-slap/muddy water etc.
In regards to grass moves, if you've got a goodra on your team, depending on what sets solidify, won't people be kind of reluctant to throw out grass moves in general? It's like having a heatran or something - Nobody wants to fire blast your ferrothorn because they don't want to give heatran that free switch and boost. Would it work five times over with bullet seed, or is that wishful thinking?

Honestly, it's the versatility that's best on this. People know exactly what to expect if you have a scizor, but if mixed defender, trapper, special tank, and mixed attacker all end up being somewhat viable sets on goodra, it'll be harder and harder to choose what to switch into when it soaks some thunderbolt or flamethrower like it's candy.
Nah, only works once with Bullet Seed. If if multi-boosted Goodra and other Sap Sippers might actually be broken.

But I must admit: Goodra's very presence makes Grass moves less viable. You don't even have to use the ability, the mind-game itself makes Smeargle leads less viable. And things that are 4x Grass weak more viable, as a side-effect. Quagsire, for instance. Unaware + bulky water + ground STAB is a blessing vs boosters and Aegislash, and I'm currently trying to work on it's viability in my OU team.

I don't see the HydraRest set suceeding in execution. No variant of rest/stall Goodra has done squat against my team in all the matches I've played.

Here's how I use this monster for great effect: Pick Sap Sipper, an Assault Vest, and 4 damaging moves. Meaning, Infestation, then appropriate STAB, then an appropriate Fire move, and coverage (special: TBolt, physical: EQ/Power Whip/Iron Miss). Infestation by itself makes counter-switching into Goodra a huge problem. Gengar? Dazzling Gleam does less than 30% to Assault Vest Goodra. Scizor? Gets off a single Bullet Punch and gets OHKO'd by Flamethrower. My set outruns (non-mega) Scizor's U-Turn, period. Only Talonflame comes in on Goodra's Infestation without paying a price, and it accomplishes nothing except an un-STAB'd U-Turn, and if it's STABs (which do less than half health to un-screened Goodra) don't kill Goodra, Talonflame dies to TBolt, Draco Meteor, or Outrage or gets badly damaged and phazed by Dragon Tail. Speaking of screens, get a Reflect setting pokemon. Goodra goes from a heavy special tank to a certified gangster.

Goodra @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 HP / 228 SAtk (or Atk) / 28 Spd (beats important stuff. do eet.)
Modest (or Adamant) Nature
- Infestation (non-negotiable)
- Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor/Dragon Tail/Outrage
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast (on physical set)
- Thunderbolt (for Azumarill/Togekiss/Talonflame/Charizard)/Earthquake (Aegislash/Mawile)/Power Whip (Azumarill/Hippowdon)/Iron Tail (every Fairy not mentioned)

28 Speed beats max Spd neutral nature Azumarill and uninvested Togekiss/Goodra. If they're weakened you'll be able to score important KOs.
Nah, only works once with Bullet Seed. If if multi-boosted Goodra and other Sap Sippers might actually be broken.

But I must admit: Goodra's very presence makes Grass moves less viable. You don't even have to use the ability, the mind-game itself makes Smeargle leads less viable. And things that are 4x Grass weak more viable, as a side-effect. Quagsire, for instance. Unaware + bulky water + ground STAB is a blessing vs boosters and Aegislash, and I'm currently trying to work on it's viability in my OU team.

I don't see the HydraRest set suceeding in execution. No variant of rest/stall Goodra has done squat against my team in all the matches I've played.

Here's how I use this monster for great effect: Pick Sap Sipper, an Assault Vest, and 4 damaging moves. Meaning, Infestation, then appropriate STAB, then an appropriate Fire move, and coverage (special: TBolt, physical: EQ/Power Whip/Iron Miss). Infestation by itself makes counter-switching into Goodra a huge problem. Gengar? Dazzling Gleam does less than 30% to Assault Vest Goodra. Scizor? Gets off a single Bullet Punch and gets OHKO'd by Flamethrower. My set outruns (non-mega) Scizor's U-Turn, period. Only Talonflame comes in on Goodra's Infestation without paying a price, and it accomplishes nothing except an un-STAB'd U-Turn, and if it's STABs (which do less than half health to un-screened Goodra) don't kill Goodra, Talonflame dies to TBolt, Draco Meteor, or Outrage or gets badly damaged and phazed by Dragon Tail. Speaking of screens, get a Reflect setting pokemon. Goodra goes from a heavy special tank to a certified gangster.

Goodra @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 HP / 228 SAtk (or Atk) / 28 Spd (beats important stuff. do eet.)
Modest (or Adamant) Nature
- Infestation (non-negotiable)
- Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor/Dragon Tail/Outrage
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast (on physical set)
- Thunderbolt (for Azumarill/Togekiss/Talonflame/Charizard)/Earthquake (Aegislash/Mawile)/Power Whip (Azumarill/Hippowdon)/Iron Tail (every Fairy not mentioned)

28 Speed beats max Spd neutral nature Azumarill and uninvested Togekiss/Goodra. If they're weakened you'll be able to score important KOs.
I like how you said "non negotiable" when I've gone well with goodra without it. Not even-it would take a valuable slot and an even more valuable turn for little to no damage on even super effected pokemon. It used to be viable when goodra had no moves, but now it's just plain useless
I'm tossing up on whether to keep Infestation or not. My current Goodra is almost exactly the same as Gravity's, just with Gooey instead, and different EVs (I just redid them like an hour ago too and I really like yours :( ). If you can catch anyone off guard and trap a special attacker in with Goodra you get the free-est kill of your life. On the other hand something like Ice Beam/Insert one of Goodra's many usuable TMs here gives you more grunt against different things.

I'm leaning towards dropping Infestation because it relies on your opponent being bad more than you being good.
I ran the numbers awhile ago and a goodra with max EVs in HP and Def. It can do well against other wallish-things, but it simply doesn't have the bulk to counter something like Terrakion or mamoswine or any of the other major dragons. It's a pity - being able to run it as a mixed defender would be great, but it doesn't have the right combination of attack and defence.

However, I have noticed that it's -very- difficult to switch in on, as nearly anything that can OHKO it can get OHKO'd right back if you predict right. Salamance and Garchomp both go down to blizzard after stealth rock, and it has the potential to have great coverage both physical and special. If you come in on something that can't touch it specially, it's a big risk to send in anything but Blissey, really, which gets 3HKO'd by Outrage if you run it.
I'm tossing up on whether to keep Infestation or not. My current Goodra is almost exactly the same as Gravity's, just with Gooey instead, and different EVs (I just redid them like an hour ago too and I really like yours :( ). If you can catch anyone off guard and trap a special attacker in with Goodra you get the free-est kill of your life. On the other hand something like Ice Beam/Insert one of Goodra's many usuable TMs here gives you more grunt against different things.

I'm leaning towards dropping Infestation because it relies on your opponent being bad more than you being good.

But with infestation, you can switch in whoever you want almost for free I believe.
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