Ulti's Trade Thread O:!

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sorry I missread

BTW you have a female tyrunt? those are really hard to get. It'd be fine even with a 2~3IV
I think I'm out of females, (I really need to update my stock) I'll check.
If I am out then I can breed some and give you a 4IV at the very least. I'll be free to trade after 7 p.m. CST.
larvitar would take a lot of time to breed. but I have no problem with mawile :)
(but all my mawiles are just 31/31/31/x/31/x is that ok for you, or you prefer a 5IV larvitar?
Ooh, cool then, I would like to do a triple trade with you! I'm interested in the Dwebble, a Nidoran, and Litwick (all male please :D). CMT to see if you want anything. I also have access to HA Woopers if you still want a female adamant one.
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Cmt for a spanish male mawile and do you only have spitbacks for him?

yeah... just have spitbacks :s
or if you like, let me know how many BP would cost a female Venipede? :)

Ooh, cool then, I would like to do a triple trade with you! I'm interested in the Dwebble, a Nidoran, and Litwick (all male please :D). CMT to see if you want anything. I also have access to HA Woopers if you still want a female adamant one.

If you can get a Wooper would be awesome :D
It will take a while cause I'll need to breed a lot. but give me some time and when ready I'll let you know :)
If you can get a Wooper would be awesome :D
It will take a while cause I'll need to breed a lot. but give me some time and when ready I'll let you know :)

No problem, take all the time you need! But was there anything else you were interested in besides the Wooper, or do you only want to do one trade?
Just checked my PC and I have 1 Male Squirtle left and 1 Female Tyrunt left, both perfect.

Want the female Tyrunt! O:!!

I'll take a break and then continue breeding some dwebble and tomorrow larvitars (those will be annoying lol)

No problem, take all the time you need! But was there anything else you were interested in besides the Wooper, or do you only want to do one trade?

I'm interested in Modest Poliwag and Horsea :)

I will wait for the thick fat ^^ Which nature would you like?

Bold if you have. if don't modest would be fine :)
That means time for me to see the sunlight lol

I will send a PM when the request is ready for pick up :)
:P I just realized Squirtle is in the monster egg group. So I already have a non-Eng 5IV Monster egg group. I'm not interested in Larvitar. I'll still do female Tyrunt for Male Sturdy 5IV Dwebble of course.
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:P I just realized Squirtle is in the monster egg group. So I already have a non-Eng 5IV Monster egg group. I'm not interested in Larvitar, though I am interested in Mawile. Understandable if you don't wanna breed that though. I'll still do female Tyrunt for Male Sturdy 5IV Dwebble of course.

..and if Squirtle is in monster egg group. that means that I can use larvitar to breed more squirtles lol.

I think it's better to quit about mawile because I don't have a 5IV even for myself.

But of course that I'll breed the Dwebble. actually I'll hope to be ready for pick up in a while :P
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