Aldunis' Trading Post (HP Fire Skrelp, Trick Room Druddigon and Phantump)

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No need for shinies, just a Female Poliwag and Inkay would be fine. The natures you have listed are fine too.
I finished the inkay and poliwag if you're ready. Do you have any other things that interest you? I also would want a magnet pull HP fire magemite. Also just hatched a nearly flawless (30 speed) Carefull Contrary Shiny Inkay 31/31/31/x/31/30
I finished the inkay and poliwag if you're ready. Do you have any other things that interest you? I also would want a magnet pull HP fire magemite. Also just hatched a nearly flawless (30 speed) Carefull Contrary Shiny Inkay 31/31/31/x/31/30
Hello SakataGintoki. I have your HP Fire Froakie ready to go. Can you provide me with your Friend Code and I can add you in. I'll be able to trade for the next 3 hours or so. Thanks!

As for the HP Fire Magnemite. I'll be writing another general information post about that later. Thanks!
Hey, I noticed you have Rotom, but not HP ice Rotom. Would you breed an HP fire Froakie for one? Modest, 31\4\30\31\31\31
Are you interested in adding something more for a Female HP Fire Froakie? Or would you prefer just a Male one for the Rotom? Thanks!
Hello SakataGintoki. I have your HP Fire Froakie ready to go. Can you provide me with your Friend Code and I can add you in. I'll be able to trade for the next 3 hours or so. Thanks!

As for the HP Fire Magnemite. I'll be writing another general information post about that later. Thanks!
4527-8510-6126 Hasegawa The froakie is protean right?
I just noticed that the only female one I have is suction cups, but I have a contrary male. Would you want me to rebreed for a contrary female, or would you accept the male.
Just the male for the Rotom please.

Although I have a shiny 31/xx/30/31/31/31 HP Ice Rotom, idk how much you would be willing to trade for that.
I'd be willing to do a Female HP Fire Froakie and 30/x/31/30/31/30 HP Fire Magnet Pull Modest Magnemite for it. If not, I have a male Froakie ready now for trade. Just let me know! Thanks!
Ok, then the Female Froakie and 30/x/31/30/31/30 Magnemite is fine.
Alright. If it is good with you.

I just added you and am getting online. However, give me about 5 minutes to confirm the IVs on both. I'm pretty sure, but I want to confirm again. Thanks!
Likewise for the Rotom, but I forgot to ask, can you trade back and nickname the Froakie for me please? I'd like to breed a hasty Froakie of my own and I want to be able to distinguish it from the others somehow. Any nickname is fine.
Sure. No problem. :)
Hey man just traded you yesterday, was curious though, would you be interested in an ability capsule for a hp fire magnemite
I only have 1 each of the 30/x/31/30/31/30 Sturdy and Magnet Pull Hidden Power Fire Magnemites available. It takes me quite a long time (up to 2 hours for just one) to breed them with the correct IVs in HP, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Then it is still a coin flip whether the Attack stat is even. I'll keep breeding whenever I can, but I will probably only be trading them away for some pretty good offers. I have wrapped up the trades I promised to people before though.

As for the 31/x/31/30/31/30 Magnet Pull Hidden Power Fire Magnemites, I will probably not be parting with them unless it's for good Flawless 6IV Pokemon or 5IV Shiny Pokemon. Please do make offers you think are fair though. Thanks!

Sorry for the delayed responses to some of the offers. I was pretty busy catching up on pending trades. I think I took are of all the ones I didn't respond to below. Thanks!

CMT for HP Fire Magnemite w/ Magnet Pull.

EDIT: Awww hell why not. Interested in Skarmory and Shroomish (Quick Feet) as well.
Would you be interested in both Skarmory and Shroomish for a Rufflet? I'm afraid I don't see anything I would trade an HP Fire Magnemite for. Sorry.

Forgot to mention, you can choose 2 or 3 for it.
The only one I'm interested in is the Horsea, but I can't trade an HP Fire Magnemite for it. Are you interested in anything else on my thread? Thanks.

HP Ice Lightning Rod Elektrike for HP Fire Magnet Pull Magnemite?
Sorry. I actually already have an essentially flawless HP Ice Lightning Rod Elektrike. Thanks for offering though.
Hey man just traded you yesterday, was curious though, would you be interested in an ability capsule for a hp fire magnemite
I'm afraid not. I did a trade like that before because I was desperate for an Ability Capsule, but not any more. Thanks for offering though.
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