Zurgoss's Trading Post - NOW WITH 80+ PERFECT 5IV POKEMON!

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I do need to breed mienfoo but I don't have time right now I will be free around 5 or 6 tonight and I will start a conversation with you when I am ready to trade! FC and IGN are in the FAQ at the bottom of the page BTW.

Yeah, that's fine.
I'm interested in Venipede, Shellder, and Fletchling
I can offer 5IV:
Fennekin Modest Magican/Blaze- Wish Egg move
Joltik Timid Compound Eyes
Shroomish Adamant Quickfeet or Poison Heal- Egg Moves- Bullet Seed and has Spore
Axew Adamant Mold Breaker- Egg Moves Endeavor and Iron Tail (Fairy weakness, what fairy all I see is fairy paste)
Trapinch Adamant Arena Trap
Ferroseed Relaxed Iron Barbs- Egg Moves- Stealth Rock and Spikes
Beldum Adamant Clear Body* These I'd probably only let go for a 2:1 trade because they are very hard to breed. Or part of a 3:2 Deal for all the ones I'm interested in. I also have 4IV Beldum I'd trade 1:1
I'm interested in Venipede, Shellder, and Fletchling
I can offer 5IV:
Fennekin Modest Magican/Blaze- Wish Egg move
Joltik Timid Compound Eyes
Shroomish Adamant Quickfeet or Poison Heal- Egg Moves- Bullet Seed and has Spore
Axew Adamant Mold Breaker- Egg Moves Endeavor and Iron Tail (Fairy weakness, what fairy all I see is fairy paste)
Trapinch Adamant Arena Trap
Ferroseed Relaxed Iron Barbs- Egg Moves- Stealth Rock and Spikes
Beldum Adamant Clear Body* These I'd probably only let go for a 2:1 trade because they are very hard to breed. Or part of a 3:2 Deal for all the ones I'm interested in. I also have 4IV Beldum I'd trade 1:1

I am interested in perfect Beldum and Axew what 3 pokemon are you interested in?
CMT for
Jolly Skill Link Shellder with Icicle Spear and Rock Blast
IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31

Adamant Intimidate Mawile
IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31
I am interested in perfect Beldum and Axew what 3 pokemon are you interested in?

I'm interested in Marill, Shellder, and Fletchling. Females if possible.

I have a Ideal IV Beldum still in it's egg. I can let you hatch it or I can. I have the shiny value for it and can give you that if you want it.
I'm interested in Marill, Shellder, and Fletchling. Females if possible.

I have a Ideal IV Beldum still in it's egg. I can let you hatch it or I can. I have the shiny value for it and can give you that if you want it.

Well I will see about breeding those 3 for you today and I will start a conversation when I am ready to trade TSV: 2887. I'd rather hatch it myself so I can nickname thank you. FC and IGN are in the FAQ on my page.
Hey man, I'm intereseted in your Meinfoo, I would like a Female and I can offer the following perfects: Modest Larvesta/Timid Vulpix with Drought/Timid Helioptile Sand Veil/Brave Honedge/Meditite Jolly with Psycho Cut-DrainPunch-Fakeout/Timid Ralts/Impish Sabeyle with Recover/SuckerPunch/4-5 IV Solosis Quiet 31/x/31/31/31/x or 31/x/31/31/31/31 (ALL PERFECT)
Hey man, I'm intereseted in your Meinfoo, I would like a Female and I can offer the following perfects: Modest Larvesta/Timid Vulpix with Drought/Timid Helioptile Sand Veil/Brave Honedge/Meditite Jolly with Psycho Cut-DrainPunch-Fakeout/Timid Ralts/Impish Sabeyle with Recover/SuckerPunch/4-5 IV Solosis Quiet 31/x/31/31/31/x or 31/x/31/31/31/31 (ALL PERFECT)

Ok I would have to breed it but I would do a 5iv Female Mienfoo for an Impish Sableye prankster with egg moves
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