Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 31 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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Anyone have a Spritzee with a speed IV of zero?
I have the following with 5 perfect IV's & can breed more. If interested PM me!
Does anyone have a Riolu with Adament or Jolly nature and possibly some neat egg moves? :) i got the short end of the stick with my in-game free one :(
Anyone happen to have a Supersize Pumpkaboo with Frisk? I would prefer a female (in a Dusk Ball) with an Impish nature and a few perfect IVs.

I have 4 IV spitbacks of Ralts and Mawile to offer, as well as 5 IV imperfect Joltik (perfect IV in Attack instead of HP).
Anybody have a Female Regenarator Corsola? Pokeball, Ivs, Nature, Does not matter. Please Pm me, gonna breed flawless of the thing, then breed that with Lileep.
I have a shiny bold Eevee with run away and perfect ivs in HP SpDef and Speed I need suggestions for what I should evolve into.
Personally I would like to be able to use it competitively often possibly in OU but I could settle for it being a lower tier pokemon.

ALSO I need to trade evolve an Onix and a Kadabra if any would like to help. PM me.[/quo

Ill help u evolve trade if u need it still.
Anyone got a Female Shellder / Cloyster in a Dive ball?

Skill Link is a bonus, but not a deal breaker.

Can give 5IV Skrelp, or (almost) any nature Ditto (w/ at least 2 IVs). Or I can trade it back once I've bred a parent from it, or trade back one with Rapid Spin and Rock Blast once they've been bred.
Is this the right place to ask about people with whatever friend safari I need? I'm looking to start breeding stuff, but don't have access to decent dittos. any help would be much appreciated.
Looking for competitive pokemon. I have X exclusive Megastones, BP items and the following flawless pokemon:

. Bold Regenerator Tangela w/ Leech Seed and Leaf Storm (31/x/31/31/31/31)
. Adamant Moxie Heracross w/ Rock Blast (31/31/31/x/31/31)
. Modest Horsea (31/x/31/31/31/31)
. Modest Mareep (31/x/31/31/31/31)
Can someone help me by checking a batch of eggs? I have a macbook and I cant find out my TSV or SV's in general.

Who ever helps out is welcome to choose either a flawless bold regenerator slowpoke, adamant steafast riolu with bp and crunch, gale wings fletchling, gastly, or modest deino as compensation.
Just a quick question what's a good check to dusknoir

Off the top of my head, a Gastrodon probably will not mind anything it does, but I am sure there are plenty of others. Lum Berry Harvest Trevenant could deal with it quite handily as well, I think, as well as Houndoom if you do not switch into an Earthquake.

Really, the main focus would be finding something that can handle/not mind Will-o-Wisp. On that note, an Absol who is already Mega Evolved should work well.
Looking for competitive pokemon. I have X exclusive Megastones, BP items and the following flawless pokemon:

. Bold Regenerator Tangela w/ Leech Seed and Leaf Storm (31/x/31/31/31/31)
. Adamant Moxie Heracross w/ Rock Blast (31/31/31/x/31/31)
. Modest Horsea (31/x/31/31/31/31)
. Modest Mareep (31/x/31/31/31/31)
i have 4iv staryu(timid natural cure and i have a 5iv staryu which is the mother so its lvl 38),4 iv skarmories with brave bird and wirlwind(impish and sturdy),4-5iv bunnelby(adamant and huge power)!!Im intrested in your tangela and horsea!
i have 4iv staryu(timid natural cure and i have a 5iv staryu which is the mother so its lvl 38),4 iv skarmories with brave bird and wirlwind(impish and sturdy),4-5iv bunnelby(adamant and huge power)!!Im intrested in your tangela and horsea!

I'm looking for flawless pokemon. Are any of these flawless?
I have loads of spit backs i need to get rid of, in return for same V pokes. Larvestas, arons, abras, kangaskhans, torchic, fletchling, ralts, pinsirs.
minimum of 4 iv's most have 5, inbox me for details.
Trades im after:

Mewtwonite X --> Mewtwonite Y
Pinsirite --> Heracrossite

Can also trade BP items for 4IV+ pokémons, even Ability Capsule for needed megastone+5IV pokémon or 3x 5 IV pokémons

Spitbacks that I can trade:

, modest, sap sipper/gooey/hydration, male/female, 4 IV+ in Heal Ball, egg moves: Acid armor, curse and counter
Larvitar, sassy, male/female, 4IV+, egg moves: Stealth Rocks
Rotom, modest/timid, 4IV+
Froakie, timid, protean, male/female, 4IV+, egg moves (on some): toxic spikes
Snover, quiet, male/female, 4IV, egg moves: Leach seed, double edge and growth
Duskull, sassy, frisk/levitate, male/female, 4IV in dusk balls, egg moves: pain split
Marill, adamant, huge power, male/female, 4IV, egg moves: belly drum and aqua jet
Spritzee, sassy, healer, female, 5IV, egg moves: wish
Kangaskhan, jolly, scrappy/early bird, female, 4IV+, egg moves: stomp and double edge
Gible, jolly, sand veil, female, 5IV (-atk), not sure if any egg moves
Mareep, modest/quiet, male/female, 4IV+ in luxury ball

FC in signature:

looking for swift swim Kingdra/horsea/seadra rash 31/x/31/31/31/31. Offering modest swift swim horsea 31/x/31/31/31/31
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