Ubers Darkrai


Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am family guy
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The generational transition has been a mixed bag for Darkrai. Its signature move, Dark Void, has been negatively affected by the sleep nerf, and two of the most common Ubers, Xerneas and Yveltal, can often stop Darkrai in its tracks. With such a bulky, but hard-hitting metagame, Darkrai's mediocre defenses are also much more apparent. However, the Steel-type nerf means that Darkrai's STAB is much more potent and its Ghost- and Dark-type resistances are all the more useful. Despite sleep no longer being reset on switches now, it's still very useful for what Darkrai is trying to accomplish. Overall, Darkrai remains as one of the most useful sweepers in the game thanks to its great Speed, Special Attack, and ability to sabotage opponents.

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void is going to be Darkrai's most important attack, allowing it to easily stop a potential check by rocking it to sleep. Dark Pulse is the STAB move of choice, as it's the most powerful Dark-type attack Darkrai can run. Taunt is a very useful move to have, allowing Darkrai to stop Sleep Talk users completely. It's also useful for Pokemon reliant on inflicting status or recovery such as Blissey and Chansey. If you run Darkrai on a hyper offensive team reliant on entry hazards, Taunt is a very good choice to stop Defog in its tracks. Nasty Plot is the boosting move of choice, allowing Darkrai to have a Special Attack stat exceeding 700. Darkrai can find opportunity to use it by either forcing something out or putting something out of commission with Dark Void.

The last moveslot is used to deal with threats that can check Darkrai. Thunder 2HKOes Yveltal and Kyogre. Sludge Bomb is used to deal with Fairy-types, notably Fairy Arceus and Xerneas. If you don't want to choose between the two, it's viable to run both with one taking up the third moveslot. Another viable option for the last moveslot is Thunder Wave; Darkrai can easily take advantage of the switches caused by Dark Void to further cripple the opposing team.

Set Details

A Timid nature is needed so that Darkrai beats max Speed Arceus formes. Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows Darkrai to greatly increase its damage output, but Focus Sash is also usable for a lead Darkrai, though lead Darkrai isn't as good as it was last generation, due to different leads being popular and the sleep nerf.

Usage Tips

Darkrai can be very hard to wall thanks to its Speed and power. In general, the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are specially defensive tanks and Choice Scarf users. As such, planning which Pokemon should be set to sleep is crucial to the success of this set. If you can, leaving only one non-Choice Scarf check to Darkrai can easily allow it to sweep thanks to Dark Void. It isn't a bad idea when it first comes in to test the waters and see what the opponent sends out, before you Dark Void. Look out for Sleep Talk users if Darkrai runs Nasty Plot.

Darkrai doesn't have to go with the sweeping role with this set, though. Using Dark Void to allow another member of the team to clean up later is just as viable. Additionally, Darkrai's Life Orb-boosted coverage moves and STAB Dark Pulse can leave big dents for other Pokemon to make use of later.

Team Options

Darkrai is mostly a self-sufficient Pokemon due to Dark Void, but like any sweeper, it appreciates teammates that can deal with its checks. Xerneas is a useful offensive partner because it can bring out Lugia and Aegislash, and can lure Ho-Oh and nail it with Rock Slide. Rock Arceus can be a useful switch-in to Ho-Oh. If Darkrai run Thunder, teammates that can take on Fairy-types such as Gengar and Scizor will make its life easier. Wobbuffet is very old-school, but it's able to stop Choice Scarf users completely. Teammates that can stop common Choice Scarf users are appreciated in general. Palkia, Landorus-T, Fairy Arceus, Grass Arceus, Groudon, and Ferrothorn all can deal with common Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Teammates that appreciate Thunder Wave support, such as set-up sweepers, will like this Darkrai as well if you choose to run it.

name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void acts as a great support move and Dark Pulse is the best STAB option. Substitute is what differs this set from others, acting as a great sweeping tool. Darkrai can easily utilize Substitute thanks to Dark Void and its ability to freely cause switches. Nasty Plot is preferred for the last slot here, as it's much easier to boost when under the protection of a Substitute. Darkrai is one of the few Pokemon in the tier capable of viably running mono Dark-type coverage, so Nasty Plot allows it to power through many things. Thunder and Sludge Bomb are also viable in the last slot, as under a Substitute, it's much easier to take down Darkrai's checks.

Set Details

The only viable item choice is Leftovers; Life Orb will drain Darkrai's HP way too fast when combined with Substitute, and Focus Sash obviously doesn't work well with Substitute. It should be noted that thanks to Leftovers, you can use Darkrai as a switch-in to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks somewhat more.

Usage Tips

This Darkrai is more focused on beating potential checks with its mono-Dark-type coverage rather than its power. Substitute is very unique in that it allows Darkrai to mess with Choice Scarf users much more safely. In addition, if it manages to get a Substitute up without putting anything to sleep, Darkrai becomes insanely scary, as it can now Nasty Plot with impunity and put something to sleep all under safety. This Darkrai set is definitely more late-game oriented, and it'll likely end up as your win condition.

Team Options

All of the teammates that pair with other sets work pretty well here. It should be noted that this Darkrai appreciates paralysis and Toxic support much more than the last set. Thanks to Substitute and Leftovers, it can easily bait for a full paralysis or outstall a special wall that's been badly poisoned.

Other Options

There aren't that many options that Darkrai can viably run that haven't been said yet. Ice Beam lets Darkrai hit many of the same things as Thunder, but it is generally going to be weaker and inferior. Focus Blast isn't going to be very useful at all, but it does allow Darkrai to hit niche Pokemon such as Terrakion. Darkrai can run a physical set focusing on Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Sucker Punch, which has a good surprise factor; however, it won't be hitting nearly as hard as Nasty Plot, and so it will be easily walled once the surprise is gone. A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, as Darkrai has a great Speed tier, but it hits like a pansy unboosted and Trick can be hard to pull off, so in general, it's not a great revenge killer.

Checks & Counters

**Fighting Arceus**: One of the few Pokemon that can switch into Darkrai once Dark Void has been used and not be afraid of any coverage attack.

**Bulky Fairy-types**: Darkrai is very hard to totally counter because of Dark Void. Once the threat of Dark Void is gone, it becomes infinitely easier to stop. Fairy-types such as Xerneas, Clefable, and Sylveon all wall sets lacking Sludge Bomb, and often have a way to deal with status due to Sleep Talk or cleric support. Fairy Arceus lacks a way around Dark Void, but can easily wall Darkrai sets without Sludge Bomb.

**Dark-type Tanks**: Tyranitar, Yveltal, and Dark Arceus can easily wall Darkrai after sacking a teammate to sleep, provided Darkrai doesn't have the appropriate auxiliary coverage.

**Kyogre**: Kyogre must watch out for Thunder and Dark Void (if it lacks Sleep Talk), but can tank a hit and smash Darkrai with boosted Water-type attacks.

**Ho-Oh**: When Stealth Rock and Dark Void aren't an issue, Ho-Oh can wall Darkrai and 2HKOes back with Sacred Fire or Brave Bird.

**Revenge Killing**: Thanks to how frail Darkrai is, it is fairly easy to revenge kill. Choice Scarf Pokemon with Sleep Talk such as Terrakion and Zekrom, make some of the best Darkrai checks due to their ability to surprise it for an OHKO. Mega Gengar and Mewtwo are naturally faster than Darkrai and can nail it with a super-effective Fighting-type attack. Choice Scarf users lacking Sleep Talk can still come in after Darkrai has KO'd something and proceed to OHKO it or force it out. Priority attacks aren't going to OHKO Darkrai, but they can easily stop one that has been weakened thanks to Life Orb or Substitute damage. Common priority users and many revenge killers aren't going to enjoy directly switching into Darkrai at anytime though.

**Status**: Darkrai absolutely hates being paralyzed as its great Speed becomes completely useless, and its sweeping potential goes down the drain. Other status ailments such as poison and burns don't bother Darkrai as much, but they can drain down a Life Orb set rather quickly.

- fast, hits hard, can boost, can taunt
- Dark Void is still amazing despite sleep nerf
- steel nerf means dark coverage is great
- pretty meh defenses, ghost and dark resists are cool though

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

- Dark Pulse is mandatory STAB that hits most threats for neutral damage
- Dark Void lets you put to sleep anything that could potentially ruin your sweep, part of the reason why Darkrai is such a good mon
- Nasty Plot is your boosting move and lets you sweep
- Taunt is cool for fucking over RestTalkers and also for things like Chansey, Good just to stop recovery in general
- Thunder hits Kyogre and Yveltal pretty hard and so is a viable coverage move
- Sludge Bomb nails Xerneas and Arceus-Fairy switch-ins hard
- not listed but Thunder Wave is cool to hit switch-ins
- also not listed but you can combine sludge bomb and thunder together for an all-out attacking set

Set Details
- max speed and special attack since Darkrai doesn't need anything else
- Timid is needed to beat max base 120's
- Life Orb is preferred as the power increase is greatly enjoyed
-not listed but Focus Sash is if you want to use Darkrai as a lead, since it can deal with many leads and put a pokemon to sleep early on

Usage Tips
- the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are special walls and Choice Scarfers. As such, coming in late-game where the only Darkrai check can be slept is the best way to play. From there you can set-up a Nasty Plot and sweep
- due to your other coverage options however, it isn't a bad idea to throw them around a significantly weaken Pokemon Darkrai hates
- Don't Dark Void straight off the bat, you'll want to plan your sleep carefully. Especially look out for RestTalkers if you run Nasty Plot
- Darkrai doesn't particular hate hazards (bar sticky web) so Defog support isn't necessary. On the contrary entry hazards help Darkrai beat shit down like Ho-oh

Team Options
- in general things that can beat down Darkrai's checks are appreciated
- Wobb is pretty old-school but can take down Choice Scarfers easily and Encore up
- Arceus-Grass is cool because it can beat common scarfers like Kyogre and Zekrom and can even lure Ho-Oh and hit it with a Stone Edge
- Xerneas is a cool offensive partner because it lures out Lugia and Aegislash while it can also lure Ho-Oh out and kill it with Rock Slide, and also deal with Yveltal
- Arceus-Rock, Amoonguss, Assault Vest Palkia, Mewtwo, Arceus-Fairy, Landorus, and others are all good partners because they can deal with Scarfers or stuff Darkrai can't touch
- Pokemon that enjoy Thunder Wave support will enjoy having this Darkrai, such as Specs/Band users in general

name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

- mono is a lot more viable this gen thanks to the steel nerf
- Void and NP are all good
- Substitute is a useful move which Darkrai can often find chances to set-up thanks to Dark Void and scaring other things out.
- coverage options over Nasty Plot are viable

Usage Tips
- try to Sub before you Dark Void if you can. That way you can sleep something and then have a free turn while maintaining your Sub.
- Dark Pulse by itself is pretty good and hard to wall bot often your opponent will have a way to deal with Darkrai. This is definitely a late-game sweeper, when your opponents Darkrai checks can be slept or fainted.

Team Options
- All of the aforementioned teammates work pretty well here, Darkrai is mostly self-sufficient
- Toxic and Thunder Wave is appreciated support thanks to Sub. Toxicing a special wall or paralyzing for a set-up opportunity are all beneficial

Other Options
- Ice Beam lets you hit Yveltal and Ground Arceus
- Focus Blast hits Terrakion, Chansey, and opposing Darkrai
- can run a physical set with Swords Dance. Good surprise factor, also has a powerful Knock Off and Sucker Punch. Doesn't hit as hard as NP and so is walled fairly easily once surprise is gone.
- A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, and has a great speed tier. Hits like a bitch unboosted and trick can be hard to pull off, not a great revenge killer.

Checks & Counters
- pretty hard to totally counter since Dark Void exists
- RestTalk Kyogre is v. annoying as it can take your sleep and not give a shit while also walling you. Thunder and Taunt annoy it.
- Choice Scarf Terrakion with Sleep Talk flat out beats you
- Chansey is annoying for non-taunt sets since it can wall you and has Natural Cure
- Yveltal is bulky, resists Dark and can hit you back hard. Ho-oh and Xerneas are in a similar boat
- Arceus-Fight, Arceus-Fairy, and Arceus-Dark all resist dark and don't particularly care about thunder
- Clefable beats you and also gets Heal Bell to heal teammates
- Scarfers and priority (Arceus-Normal and Scizor) are in general annoying since they can interrupt sweeps. Paralysis falls here too. Substitute and Twave can somewhat combat this
ye olde double status set
Double Status
name: Double Status
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Thunder Wave
move 3: Dark Pulse
move 4: Nasty Plot / Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

- Dark Pulse and Dark Void are pretty obvious staples
- Thunder Wave is the crux of this set and goes very well with Dark Void.
- Nasty Plot is just useful to try and sweep
- Thunder is your best coverage option
- Sludge Bomb is another good coverage option though
- Taunt is viable here since it's such a good move. You'll be having power issues since you can't boost or have another coverage option

Set Details
- max/max Darkrai needs.
- Timid is for needed speed
- Focus Sash is once again a possible option if you plan to lead with it

Usage Tips
- Pretty much use as you would standard Darkrai except Thunder Wave anything that switches in. This Darkrai can work a little better then others early-game since it can easily cripple two Pokemon early on.

Team Options
- All of the aforementioned teammates work pretty well here, just keep in mind that Thunder Wave is great team support. Pokemon on the slower side or those who appreciate paralysis for setting-up with go well with this Darkrai
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I want better slashing- I don't like an unslashed Nasty Plot, you have an inherent weakness to GeoXern by using mono Darkrai. After you set a mon to sleep, Xerneas has a field day coming in and causing damage. In any sense you get strapped by having to use something like Aegislash with Darkrai due to the amount of free turns you give Xerneas. Mentions about how you can circumvent this should be done. I'd like the set to look something like this:

Darkrai @ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Bad Dreams
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Dark Void
- Dark Pulse
- Thunder Wave / Nasty Plot / Taunt
- Thunder / Substitute

Dark Void is the most important move, and must obviously go first. The second slot is dedicated to a STAB move, so it's also unslashed. The third slot is somewhat of a "support slot" where Thunder Wave is my personal favorite move to use here- it helps against Xerneas wanting to set up after you used up Void, also helps with scarfers in general. Nasty Plot is for sweeping, but sweeping is much harder as a SubPlot set is Ygod and Xerneas bait, and without sub you are easier revenge killed. Taunt deserves a slash cause it's really fucking good in the meta- can especially helps vs Sleep Talker and Chansey etc. Last slot is coverage or if you will a sweeping aid slot. I find myself using Thunder a lot now with steel nerf and all. Thunder is also very useful for sdef Kyogre and any Yveltal variant+it deals respectable chunks of damage to eager Xerneas switching in. Focus Blast is in all honestly maybe something you can slash in somewhere but I don't really know what it would be that effective against nowadays. Substitute is slashed with Thunder, obviously you use lefties with monorai which leaves you Xerneas and Yveltal prone as I mentioned- something I personally find really shitty, especially on ladder with all the GeoXern running around. And not to say you can't use subplot anymore, otherwise I wouldn't be slashing sub anywhere, but the more you open your mons for stuff like GeoXern the stronger your checks have to be to said threats and that can really limit team building. In any sense, Sludge Bomd is definitely worth mentioning too. A mention of Focus Sash should be fine imo, it's not consistent enough to warrant a slash- lead Darkrai's are hampered further by this gen's sleep mechanics, so setting something to sleep right off the bat is not as good as it was.
Dark Void is the most important move, and must obviously go first.
Is that just your preference? If so I'm not changing it.
you have an inherent weakness to GeoXern by using mono Darkrai
You always will unless you run Twave. Either way that's just part of the game, Xerneas has plenty of checks and can always be slept like other Darkrai checks, not to mention it can set up once.

I think you are underrating Mono-Darkrai too, Xerneas and Yveltal are much better trade-offs compared to last gen where it was any Steel type. You should be using it late-game anyway - to the point where if they do have a Darkrai check left it can be slept.

Thunder is also very useful for sdef Kyogre and any Yveltal variant+it deals respectable chunks of damage to eager Xerneas switching in.
Seems good enough to me where I could slash it in with Subtitute and Thunder Wave. Don't like it without NP however since it's not like you're OHKOing Kyogre or Yveltal without +2 anyway
Taunt deserves a slash cause it's really fucking good in the meta- can especially helps vs Sleep Talker and Chansey etc
Eh I'm unsure about this one- it's def. good enough for a mention but I feel like you'd just be better off boosting and attacking, it also kinda does what the Trick set does already.
Dark Void's importance is obviously not a preference man. Would you even consider Darkrai if it didn't have it? No, hence it's the most important move and should be in #1 if that spot is indeed for the mons most important move. I have misunderstood the order of moves' meaning, then I apologize.

There are more and less things you can do to milder your natural GeoXerneas weakness when using Darkrai. It should emphasized that the worse your Darkrai set is against Xerneas, the more solid of a check you will need. I don't consider two of the most used mons in the game such a good trade-off at all. You are still not very strong with a non-LO Dark Pulse, henceforth why I wouldn't slash sub as your first option with Darkrai. Late-game is ofc another matter- but if your opponent has a GeoXern then he also saved it for lategame- i.e your best check is something that you won't get rid off mid game. I personally find it much better to batter up some mons and cripple them with status early/midgame but that's maybe just me. Also, Thunder is not needed to be with NP at all, you really wreck Kyogre's trying to take the sleep on the switch, and Yveltal gets hit hard in a similar vein. It's simply a move you can throw at potential switches with little risk (if rainy) since its base power is almost as high as your STAB. You don't need to OHKO Kyogre or Yveltal for the move to be useful...
Dark Void's importance is obviously not a preference man. Would you even consider Darkrai if it didn't have it? No, hence it's the most important move and should be in #1 if that spot is indeed for the mons most important move. I have misunderstood the order of moves' meaning, then I apologize.
There's no debating it's the most important move lol. I'm just saying I don't think you have to arrange moves in accordance to importance for qc (correct me if I'm wrong?)
Also, Thunder is not needed to be with NP at all, you really wreck Kyogre's trying to take the sleep on the switch, and Yveltal gets hit hard in a similar vein. It's simply a move you can throw at potential switches with little risk (if rainy) since its base power is almost as high as your STAB. You don't need to OHKO Kyogre or Yveltal for the move to be useful...
Alright I'm down to slash it in somewhere. I just don't see it as important enough to warrant a main slash at all, it hits two, maybe three switch-ins hard and that's it. You can do similar things already with your other moves.
You are still not very strong with a non-LO Dark Pulse, henceforth why I wouldn't slash sub as your first option with Darkrai.
Trying to overpower things straight off the bat really isn't Darkrai's point anyway, and no matter how you look at it, it's going to be a late-game cleaner.
But I can slash Thunder Wave as main option if you want, since that has LO and can mess around early game.
Late-game is ofc another matter- but if your opponent has a GeoXern then he also saved it for lategame- i.e your best check is something that you won't get rid off mid game.
Equally likely at that point you can just sleep Xerneas. No matter what Darkrai set you run you'll need an answer to Xerneas anyway so your point seems kinda moot.

atm I'm thinking like
move 1: Dark Pulse
move 2: Nasty Plot / Taunt / Thunder
move 3: Dark Void
move 4: Substitute / Thunder Wave / Thunder
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Scarf Heracross is another poke that not only enjoys being put to sleep, but can have a guts boost too.. furthermore all its attacking moves will outright nail darkrai anyway. Should that be listed in Checks and Counters? I understand it's sorta like a less buky terrakion with different typing but ges guts to power up whilst asleep (and that can also let it absorb other status)

I can understand if not good enough for mention
Hello. The analysis looks good, however, I don't like the moves order. For the Special Attacker set the moveset should look something like this:

~ Dark Void
~ Dark Pulse
~ Nasty Plot / Thunder Wave / Taunt
~ Substitute / Thunder Wave / Taunt

Dark Void should go first followed by Dark Pulse for obvious reasons.

For the Trick set I suggest using this format:

~ Trick
~ Dark Void
~ Dark Pulse
~ Nasty Plot

It is a Trick set hence it follows that the move Trick gets place first.

I'll let you know if I find something else.
Scarf Heracross is another poke that not only enjoys being put to sleep, but can have a guts boost too.. furthermore all its attacking moves will outright nail darkrai anyway. Should that be listed in Checks and Counters? I understand it's sorta like a less buky terrakion with different typing but ges guts to power up whilst asleep (and that can also let it absorb other status)

I can understand if not good enough for mention
Yeah it's a counter but I'm not gonna mention it since it's very rare and very borderline viable
Hello. The analysis looks good, however, I don't like the moves order. For the Special Attacker set the moveset should look something like this:

~ Dark Void
~ Dark Pulse
~ Nasty Plot / Thunder Wave / Taunt
~ Substitute / Thunder Wave / Taunt

Dark Void should go first followed by Dark Pulse for obvious reasons.

For the Trick set I suggest using this format:

~ Trick
~ Dark Void
~ Dark Pulse
~ Nasty Plot

It is a Trick set hence it follows that the move Trick gets place first.

I'll let you know if I find something else.
Since this is the second mention I'll move the moves around. I'm still unsure if it's actually necessary for analysis' to do that at all but w/e
Yeah, for QC you order the moves from most important to least.

Playtest Dark Pulse, Taunt, Dark Void, Thunder/Sludge @ LO. There's way too many common Dark resists with Yveltal rocking the meta (so checks to him plus himself) that having a coverage move is huge. Thunder nails Ygod and is just a safe move to be throwing around (as strong as dpulse + para) while sludge hits fairies and has good neutral coverage. Taunt is just a massively good move in this meta that I find it really hard to pass up on it, you could drop it fro more coverage cause that always helps but it's hands down the best utility move (after void lol).

I don't see how scarf is remotely viable this gen. The anti-leading niche has dropped a lot (still there but yeah) and we have megas everywhere to absorb a trick. It was barely okay last gen, I don't think it's worth much this one.
Melee Mewtwo said:
I don't see how scarf is remotely viable this gen. The anti-leading niche has dropped a lot (still there but yeah) and we have megas everywhere to absorb a trick. It was barely okay last gen, I don't think it's worth much this one.
I'm fine with taking it off. In that case should I split up the first set? We're gonna have some slashitis if we add Sludge Bomb in.
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If the plan is to keep subplot (i'm not a huge fan personally but meh) then it should definitely be split from LO cause the two play very differently.
If the plan is to keep subplot (i'm not a huge fan personally but meh) then it should definitely be split from LO cause the two play very differently.
Alright I'll separate the two then. Personally from my own use I like Subplot a lot. I haven't used LO as much so I'll be testing that out today.

EDIT: I decided to actually split it up into 3 sets since I didn't want to have more than 3 slashes in one move slot.
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Manaphypolop I edited the new sets copy-pasting from the old
19:57Manaphyso like
19:57Manaphythere might be something I forgot to delete
19:58polopoh all right
19:58polopnevermind then
19:58polopjust wanted to make sure trick stuff stays OO
19:58polopCan para sleep really use Nplot to sweep?
19:58polopor are you just using it to dent stuff harder to not get walled
19:58Manaphypretty much just to power up
19:59polophmm all right
19:59ManaphyI mean If you don't like NP
19:59polopdoes anyone else thing Taunt would fit somewhat nicely in as the last slash
19:59Manaphydon't run it lol
19:59polopya I get it
19:59Manaphyoh on twave?
19:59Manaphyit can actually
20:00Manaphyproblem is that's a lot of slashes in one slot
20:00polopI guess
20:00polopcoverage starts becoming an issue
20:00polopmention it in moves
20:00polopdon't slash it
20:00polopsound good?
20:00Manaphyalright yeah
20:00ManaphyI'm down
20:00ManaphyI'm editing it actually
20:00ManaphyII'm seeing
20:00Manaphymetions of choice scarf I forgot to delete
20:00polophaha its fine I completely get it
20:01Melee_Mewtwoi've got so many converstaions going on atm
20:01polopsuch a popular guy
20:01Melee_Mewtwoand tbh this one makes me think so I'm not folloing
20:01Melee_Mewtwoif its analysis wise just post in the analyses
20:01Melee_Mewtwono I just hang out in the dramatic chans
20:01polopyou should play mafia
20:01polopthe drama is hilarious
20:02polopon a completely different note
20:02Manaphywell arceus has so many analysis
20:02polopmention unaware Sdef clefable as the best darky counter to exist
20:02Manaphyso it'd be hard to do it on an individual basis

20:02polopsdef clefable is kool b/c it also gets HEAL BELL
20:02polopand it beats mr. xerneas
20:02polopafter that you have my stamp
20:03Manaphyokay brb
20:03polopI'll c/p this IRC convo in and write QC: 1/3

Not very good at c/ping IRC convos but we discussed this already, I kept a log of the changes I wanted you to make incase ye forget.

Good job on the analysis though, after you implement the discussed changes...
QC: 1/3
Remind me to chat with you about this the next time we are on irc together.
basic changes:
moved taunt to first slash
moved twave to mention under first set
moved sludge bomb + thunder under first set
mentioned coverage under sub set
I'd still mention Genesect in checks and counters. Remember to emphasize Gengar weakness on mons when you suggest them for teammates. An example is this:
- Arceus-Grass is cool because it can beat common scarfers like Kyogre and Zekrom and can even lure Ho-Oh and hit it with a Stone Edge

Otherwise it looks good, QC accepted 2/3
Wait what, I thought sleep was NO LONGER reset on switches?? Can someone explain the gen 6 sleep mechanics to me? Because in the OP it says 'despite sleep being reset on switches' and surely sleep being reset on switches is a good thing for darkrai, yet 'despite' suggests otherwise.
Wait what, I thought sleep was NO LONGER reset on switches?? Can someone explain the gen 6 sleep mechanics to me? Because in the OP it says 'despite sleep being reset on switches' and surely sleep being reset on switches is a good thing for darkrai, yet 'despite' suggests otherwise.
Was a typo on my part, thanks for pointing it out


The generation generational transition has been a mixed bag for Darkrai. Its signature move, Dark Void, (sleep was nerfed, not dark void) has been negatively affected by the sleep nerfed nerf, and two of the most common Ubers, Xerneas and Yveltal, can often stop Darkrai in its tracks. And With such a bulky, (comma) but hard-hitting metagame, Darkrai's mediocre defenses become much more apparent. However, the Steel-type nerf means that Darkrai's STAB is much more useful potent, and it's Ghost- and Dark-type resistances are all the more useful. Despite sleep being reset on switches now, it's still very useful for what Darkrai is trying to accomplish. Overall, Darkrai remains as one of the most useful sweepers in the game thanks to it's great Speed, Special Attack, and its ability to sabotage opponents.

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void is going to be Darkrai's most important attack, allowing it to easily stop a potential check. Dark Pulse is the STAB move of choice, being the most powerful Dark-type attack it can run. Taunt is a very useful move to have, as it allows Darkrai to stop Sleep Talk users completely. It's also useful for Pokemon reliant on status or recovery such as Blissey and Chansey. If you run Darkrai on Hyper Offensive a hyper offensive teams team reliant on entry hazards, Taunt is a very good choice to stop most Defog users in its (I put "most" in there because I assume that there are still some Defog users that can threaten it even when Taunted) their tracks. Nasty Plot is the boosting move of choice, allowing Darkrai to have a Special Attack stat exceeding 700. Darkrai can find opportunity to use it by either forcing something out or putting it out of commission with thanks to scaring threats away or right after a Dark Void.

The last moveslot is used to deal with threats that can check Darkrai. Thunder hits 2HKOes Yveltal and Kyogre very hard, 2HKOing them. Sludge Bomb is used to deal with Fairy-types, notably Arceus-Fairy and Xerneas. If you (Don't refer to "you" as the Pokemon if that's what you mean) don't want to choose between the two, it's viable to run both with one taking up the third moveslot. Another viable option for the last moveslot is Thunder Wave; Darkrai can easily take advantage of the switches caused by Dark Void causes to further cripple another Pokemon.

Set Details

Timid nature is needed so that you beat Darkrai beats max Speed Arceus forms formes. Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows Darkrai to greatly increase it's damage output, but Focus Sash is also usable for a lead Darkrai. Note that lead Darkrai isn't as good as it was last generation, thanks to different leads and the sleep nerf. (I'm not sure what "different leads" implies; I'd advise expanding on that a bit)

Usage Tips

Darkrai can be very hard to wall thanks to it's its Speed and power. In general, the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are Special Defensive specially defensive tanks and Choice Scarf users. As such, planning what Pokemon to set to sleep is crucial to the success of this set. If you can, leaving only one non-choiced check to Darkrai can easily allow it to sweep thanks to Dark Void. It isn't a bad idea when it first comes in to test the waters and see what the opponent sends out. Especially look out for Sleep Talk users if you Darkrai run Nasty Plot.

Darkrai doesn't have to go the sweeping role with this set, though however. (this one is a subjective change, but it seems to fit better) Using Dark Void to allow another member of the team to clean up later is just as viable. Additionally, Darkrai's Life Orb-boosted(hyphen) coverage moves and STAB-boosted Dark Pulse can leave a big dent for other Pokemon to abuse later on.
(Delete Space)
Team Options

Darkrai is mostly a self-sufficient Pokemon due to Dark Void, but like any sweeper,(comma) it appreciates teammates that can deal with its checks. Xerneas is an a useful offensive partner because it can bring out Lugia and Aegislash, while luring Ho-Oh and nailing it with Rock Slide. Arceus-Rock can be a useful switch-in to Ho-Oh. If you Darkrai runs Thunder, teammates that can take on Fairy-types such as Gengar and Scizor will make Darkrai's life easier. Wobbuffet is very old-school, (comma) but it's able to stop Choice Scarf users completely. Teammates that can stop common Choice Scarf users are appreciated here in general. Palkia, Landorus-T, Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Grass, Groudon, and Ferrothorn all can deal with common Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Teammates that appreciate Thunder Wave support will like this Darkrai as well, if you it chose to run it.
(Delete two spaces)
name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


This set seems similar to the last one, but they have a slightly different play style. Dark Void still acts as a great support move and Dark Pulse is still its best STAB option. Substitute is what differs this set from the last, acting as a great sweeping tool. Darkrai can easily abuse utilize Substitute thanks to Dark Void and it's its ability to freely cause switches. Nasty Plot is preferred for the last slot here, as it's much easier to boost when under the protection of a Substitute. Darkrai is one of the few Pokemon in the tier to capable of viably run mono Dark-type coverage, so Nasty Plot allows you it to power through many things. Thunder and Sludge Bomb are also viable in the last slot, as under a Substitute, (comma) it's much easier to take down Darkrai's checks.

Set Details
(Add space)
The only viable item choice here is Leftovers; Life Orb will drain Darkrai's HP way too fast combined with Substitute, and Focus Sash obviously doesn't work well with Substitute. It should be noted that thanks to Leftovers, you can somewhat use Darkrai more as a switch-in to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks than the previous sets.

Usage Tips

This Darkrai is more focused on beating potential checks and with its mono Dark-type coverage rather than its power. Substitute is very unique in that it allows Darkrai to mess with Choice Scarf users much more safely. In addition, if you it manage manages to get a Substitute up without putting anything to sleep, Darkrai becomes insanely scary, as it can now Nasty Plot with impunity and put something to sleep all under safety. This Darkrai set is definitely more late-game oriented than the previous set, and it'll likely end up as your win condition.

Team Options

All of the aforementioned (cliche word) previously mentioned teammates work pretty well here. It should be noted that this Darkrai appreciates paralysis and Toxic support much more than the last set. Thanks to Substitute and Leftovers, you it can easily bait for a full paralysis, or outstall a special wall that's been badly poisoned.

Other Options

There aren't that many options that Darkrai can viably run that haven't been said yet. Ice Beam lets you it hit many of the same things as Thunder, but it is generally going to be weaker and inferior. Focus Blast isn't going to be very useful at all, but it does allow Darkrai to hit niché niche Pokemon such as Terrakion. Darkrai can run a physical set focusing on Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Sucker Punch, which has a good surprise factor. Darkrai won't be hitting nearly as hard as Nasty Plot,(comma) however, and so it will be easily walled once the surprise is gone. A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, and as Darkrai has a great speed tier. It hits like a pansy unboosted and Trick can be hard to pull off, so in general, (comma) it's also not a great revenge killer.
(Delete space)
Checks & Counters

**Special Walls**: Darkrai is very hard to totally counter because of Dark Void. Once the threat of Dark Void is gone however, it becomes infinitely easier to stop Darkrai. Kyogre is very bulky, can take a hit and OHKO Darkrai. Yveltal, Xerneas, Ho-Oh, and Arceus forms formes resistant to the Dark-type moves are in a similar boat. Especially take note of Xerneas, who which often can threaten a counter sweep with Geomancy, or be used as be a cleric set with Sleep Talk and Aromatherapy. Clefable and Chansey are annoying since they can take Dark Pulse easily and have cleric support to get rid of sleep.

**Revenge Killing**: Thanks to how frail Darkrai is, it is fairly easy to revenge kill it. Choice Scarfed Pokemon with Sleep Talk, (RC) such as Terrakion and Zekrom, make some of the best Darkrai checks due to their ability to surprise it for an OHKO. Mega Gengar (which has already transformed previously),(RC) and Mewtwo are naturally faster than Darkrai and can nail it with a super-effective Fighting-type attack. Choice Scarf users lacking Sleep Talk can still come in after Darkrai has KO'd something and proceed to OHKO or force it out. Priority attacks aren't going to OHKO Darkrai, but they can easily stop one that has been weakened thanks to via Life Orb or Substitute damage. Common priority users and many revenge killers aren't going to enjoy directly switching into Darkrai anytime though.

**Status**: Darkrai absolutely hates being paralyzed as its great Speed it's known for becomes completely useless,(RC) and its sweeping potential goes down the drain. Other status aliments such as poison and burn Poison and Burns don't bother Darkrai as much, but they can drain down a Life Orb set rather quickly.
Thanks! Will implement
Amateur check (I know, it's a bit repetitive since you just had one, but still...)


The generational transition has been a mixed bag for Darkrai. Its signature move, Dark Void, has been negatively affected by the sleep nerf, and two of the most common Ubers, Xerneas and Yveltal, can often stop Darkrai in its tracks. With such a bulky, but hard-hitting metagame, Darkrai's mediocre defenses become much more apparent. However, the Steel-type nerf means that Darkrai's STAB is much more potent, and along with it's Ghost- and Dark-type resistances are all the more useful. Despite sleep no longer being reset on switches now, it's still very useful for what Darkrai is trying to accomplish. Overall, Darkrai remains as one of the most useful sweepers in the game thanks to it's great Speed, Special Attack, and its ability to sabotage opponents.

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void is going to be Darkrai's most important attack, allowing it to easily stop a potential check. Dark Pulse is the STAB move of choice, being the most powerful Dark-type attack it can run. Taunt is a very useful move to have, as it allows Darkrai to stop Sleep Talk users completely. It's also useful for Pokemon reliant on status or recovery such as Blissey and Chansey. If you run Darkrai on (I think you made a mistake here; there are too many spaces between "on" and "a", while there is none between "a" and "hyper". You might want to fix this.)ahyper offensive team reliant on entry hazards, Taunt is a very good choice to stop Defog in its tracks. Nasty Plot is the boosting move of choice, allowing Darkrai to have a Special Attack stat exceeding 700. Darkrai can find opportunity to use it by either forcing something out or putting it out of commission with Dark Void.

The last moveslot is used to deal with threats that can check Darkrai. Thunder 2HKOes Yveltal and Kyogre. Sludge Bomb is used to deal with Fairy-types, notably Arceus-Fairy and Xerneas. If you don't want to choose between the two, it's viable to run both with one taking up the third moveslot. Another viable option for the last moveslot is Thunder Wave; Darkrai can easily take advantage of the switches caused by Dark Void to further cripple another Pokemon.

Set Details

A Timid nature is needed so that Darkrai beats max Speed Arceus forms. Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows Darkrai to greatly increase it's damage output, but Focus Sash is also usable for a lead Darkrai. Note that lead Darkrai isn't as good as it was last generation, thanks to different leads and the sleep nerf.

Usage Tips

Darkrai can be very hard to wall thanks to its Speed and power. In general, the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are specially defensive tanks and Choice Scarf users. As such, planning what Pokemon to set to sleep is crucial to the success of this set. If you can, leaving only one non-choiced check to Darkrai can easily allow it to sweep thanks to Dark Void. It isn't a bad idea when it first comes in to test the waters and see what the opponent sends out. Especially look out for Sleep Talk users if Darkrai runs Nasty Plot.

Darkrai doesn't have to go the sweeping role with this set, though. Using Dark Void to allow another member of the team to clean up later is just as viable. Additionally, Darkrai's Life-(There should be a space here, not a hyphen.)Orb boosted coverage moves and STAB Dark Pulse can leave a big dent for other Pokemon to abuse later on.

Team Options

Darkrai is mostly a self-sufficient Pokemon due to Dark Void, but like any sweeper, it appreciates teammates that can deal with its checks. Xerneas is a useful offensive partner because it can bring out Lugia and Aegislash, while luring Ho-Oh and nailing it with Rock Slide. Arceus-Rock can be a useful switch-in to Ho-Oh. If Darkrai runs Thunder, teammates that can take on Fairy-types such as Gengar and Scizor will make Darkrai's life easier. Wobbuffet is very old-school but it's able to stop Choice Scarf users completely. Teammates that can stop common Choice Scarf users are appreciated here in general. Palkia, Landorus-T, Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Grass, Groudon, and Ferrothorn all can deal with common Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Teammates that appreciate Thunder Wave support will like this Darkrai as well, if it chose chooses to run it.

name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


This set seems similar to the last one, but they have a slightly different play style. Dark Void still acts as a great support move and Dark Pulse is still its best STAB option. Substitute is what differs this set from the last, acting as a great sweeping tool. Darkrai can easily utilize Substitute thanks to Dark Void and its ability to freely cause switches. Nasty Plot is preferred for the last slot here, as it's much easier to boost when under the protection of a Substitute. Darkrai is one of the few Pokemon in the tier to capable of viably running mono Dark-type coverage, so Nasty Plot allows you to power through many things. Thunder and Sludge Bomb are also viable in the last slot, as under a Substitute, it's much easier to take down Darkrai's checks.

Set Details

The only viable item choice is Leftovers; Life Orb will drain Darkrai's HP way too fast combined with Substitute, and Focus Sash obviously doesn't work well with Substitute. It should be noted that thanks to Leftovers, you can somewhat use Darkrai more as a switch-in to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks than the previous sets.

Usage Tips

This Darkrai is more focused on beating potential checks with its mono Dark-type coverage rather than its power. Substitute is very unique in that it allows Darkrai to mess with Choice Scarf users much more safely. In addition, if it manages to get a Substitute up without putting anything to sleep, Darkrai becomes insanely scary, as it can now Nasty Plot with impunity and put something to sleep all under safety. This Darkrai set is definitely more late-game oriented than the previous set, and it'll likely end up as your win condition.

Team Options

All of the previously mentioned teammates work pretty well here. It should be noted that this Darkrai appreciates paralysis and Toxic support much more than the last set. Thanks to Substitute and Leftovers, it can easily bait for a full paralysis, or outstall a special wall that's been badly poisoned.

Other Options

There aren't that many options that Darkrai can viably run that haven't been said yet. Ice Beam lets you hit many of the same things as Thunder, but it is generally going to be weaker and inferior. Focus Blast isn't going to be very useful at all, but it does allow Darkrai to hit niche Pokemon such as Terrakion. Darkrai can run a physical set focusing on Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Sucker Punch, which has a good surprise factor. Darkrai won't be hitting nearly as hard as with Nasty Plot, though, and so it will be easily walled once the surprise is gone. A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, as Darkrai has a great speed tier., but Iit hits like a pansy unboosted and Trick can be hard to pull off, so in general, it's not a great revenge killer.
.(I have no idea what this period is doing here, but it needs to go.)

Checks & Counters

**Special Walls**: Darkrai is very hard to totally counter because of Dark Void. Once the threat of Dark Void is gone, it becomes infinitely easier to stop. Kyogre is very bulky, can take a hit and OHKO Darkrai. Yveltal, Xerneas, Ho-Oh, and Arceus formes resistant to Dark-type attacks are in a similar boat. Especially take note of Xerneas, which often can threaten a counter sweep with Geomancy, or be used as a cleric set with Sleep Talk and Aromatherapy. Clefable and Chansey are annoying since they can take Dark Pulse easily and have cleric support to get rid of sleep.

**Revenge Killing**: Thanks to how frail Darkrai is, it is fairly easy to revenge kill. Choice Scarf Pokemon with Sleep Talk, such as Terrakion and Zekrom, make some of the best Darkrai checks due to their ability to surprise it for an OHKO. Mega Gengar and Mewtwo are naturally faster than Darkrai and can nail it with a super-effective Fighting-type attack. Choice Scarf users lacking Sleep Talk can still come in after Darkrai has KO'd something and proceed to OHKO it or force it out. Priority attacks aren't going to OHKO Darkrai, but they can easily stop one that has been weakened thanks to Life Orb or Substitute damage. Common priority users and many (There is an extra space here, so you might want to fix that.)revenge killers aren't going to enjoy directly switching into Darkrai anytime though.

**Status**: Darkrai absolutely hates being paralyzed as its great Speed becomes completely useless, and its sweeping potential goes down the drain. Other status ailments such as poison and burns don't bother Darkrai as much, but they can drain down a Life Orb set rather quickly.
I'll get on this too, thanks
Last edited:
Amateur check (I know, it's a bit repetitive since you just had one, but still...)


The generational transition has been a mixed bag for Darkrai. Its signature move, Dark Void, has been negatively affected by the sleep nerf, and two of the most common Ubers, Xerneas and Yveltal, can often stop Darkrai in its tracks. With such a bulky, but hard-hitting metagame, Darkrai's mediocre defenses become much more apparent. However, the Steel-type nerf means that Darkrai's STAB is much more potent, and along with it's Ghost- and Dark-type resistances are all the more useful. Despite sleep no longer being reset on switches now, it's still very useful for what Darkrai is trying to accomplish. Overall, Darkrai remains as one of the most useful sweepers in the game thanks to it's great Speed, Special Attack, and its ability to sabotage opponents.

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void is going to be Darkrai's most important attack, allowing it to easily stop a potential check. Dark Pulse is the STAB move of choice, being the most powerful Dark-type attack it can run. Taunt is a very useful move to have, as it allows Darkrai to stop Sleep Talk users completely. It's also useful for Pokemon reliant on status or recovery such as Blissey and Chansey. If you run Darkrai on (I think you made a mistake here; there are too many spaces between "on" and "a", while there is none between "a" and "hyper". You might want to fix this.)ahyper offensive team reliant on entry hazards, Taunt is a very good choice to stop Defog in its tracks. Nasty Plot is the boosting move of choice, allowing Darkrai to have a Special Attack stat exceeding 700. Darkrai can find opportunity to use it by either forcing something out or putting it out of commission with Dark Void.

The last moveslot is used to deal with threats that can check Darkrai. Thunder 2HKOes Yveltal and Kyogre. Sludge Bomb is used to deal with Fairy-types, notably Arceus-Fairy and Xerneas. If you don't want to choose between the two, it's viable to run both with one taking up the third moveslot. Another viable option for the last moveslot is Thunder Wave; Darkrai can easily take advantage of the switches caused by Dark Void to further cripple another Pokemon.

Set Details

A Timid nature is needed so that Darkrai beats max Speed Arceus forms. Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows Darkrai to greatly increase it's damage output, but Focus Sash is also usable for a lead Darkrai. Note that lead Darkrai isn't as good as it was last generation, thanks to different leads and the sleep nerf.

Usage Tips

Darkrai can be very hard to wall thanks to its Speed and power. In general, the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are specially defensive tanks and Choice Scarf users. As such, planning what Pokemon to set to sleep is crucial to the success of this set. If you can, leaving only one non-choiced check to Darkrai can easily allow it to sweep thanks to Dark Void. It isn't a bad idea when it first comes in to test the waters and see what the opponent sends out. Especially look out for Sleep Talk users if Darkrai runs Nasty Plot.

Darkrai doesn't have to go the sweeping role with this set, though. Using Dark Void to allow another member of the team to clean up later is just as viable. Additionally, Darkrai's Life-(There should be a space here, not a hyphen.)Orb boosted coverage moves and STAB Dark Pulse can leave a big dent for other Pokemon to abuse later on.

Team Options

Darkrai is mostly a self-sufficient Pokemon due to Dark Void, but like any sweeper, it appreciates teammates that can deal with its checks. Xerneas is a useful offensive partner because it can bring out Lugia and Aegislash, while luring Ho-Oh and nailing it with Rock Slide. Arceus-Rock can be a useful switch-in to Ho-Oh. If Darkrai runs Thunder, teammates that can take on Fairy-types such as Gengar and Scizor will make Darkrai's life easier. Wobbuffet is very old-school but it's able to stop Choice Scarf users completely. Teammates that can stop common Choice Scarf users are appreciated here in general. Palkia, Landorus-T, Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Grass, Groudon, and Ferrothorn all can deal with common Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Teammates that appreciate Thunder Wave support will like this Darkrai as well, if it chose chooses to run it.

name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


This set seems similar to the last one, but they have a slightly different play style. Dark Void still acts as a great support move and Dark Pulse is still its best STAB option. Substitute is what differs this set from the last, acting as a great sweeping tool. Darkrai can easily utilize Substitute thanks to Dark Void and its ability to freely cause switches. Nasty Plot is preferred for the last slot here, as it's much easier to boost when under the protection of a Substitute. Darkrai is one of the few Pokemon in the tier to capable of viably running mono Dark-type coverage, so Nasty Plot allows you to power through many things. Thunder and Sludge Bomb are also viable in the last slot, as under a Substitute, it's much easier to take down Darkrai's checks.

Set Details

The only viable item choice is Leftovers; Life Orb will drain Darkrai's HP way too fast combined with Substitute, and Focus Sash obviously doesn't work well with Substitute. It should be noted that thanks to Leftovers, you can somewhat use Darkrai more as a switch-in to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks than the previous sets.

Usage Tips

This Darkrai is more focused on beating potential checks with its mono Dark-type coverage rather than its power. Substitute is very unique in that it allows Darkrai to mess with Choice Scarf users much more safely. In addition, if it manages to get a Substitute up without putting anything to sleep, Darkrai becomes insanely scary, as it can now Nasty Plot with impunity and put something to sleep all under safety. This Darkrai set is definitely more late-game oriented than the previous set, and it'll likely end up as your win condition.

Team Options

All of the previously mentioned teammates work pretty well here. It should be noted that this Darkrai appreciates paralysis and Toxic support much more than the last set. Thanks to Substitute and Leftovers, it can easily bait for a full paralysis, or outstall a special wall that's been badly poisoned.

Other Options

There aren't that many options that Darkrai can viably run that haven't been said yet. Ice Beam lets you hit many of the same things as Thunder, but it is generally going to be weaker and inferior. Focus Blast isn't going to be very useful at all, but it does allow Darkrai to hit niche Pokemon such as Terrakion. Darkrai can run a physical set focusing on Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Sucker Punch, which has a good surprise factor. Darkrai won't be hitting nearly as hard as with Nasty Plot, though, and so it will be easily walled once the surprise is gone. A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, as Darkrai has a great speed tier., but Iit hits like a pansy unboosted and Trick can be hard to pull off, so in general, it's not a great revenge killer.
.(I have no idea what this period is doing here, but it needs to go.)

Checks & Counters

**Special Walls**: Darkrai is very hard to totally counter because of Dark Void. Once the threat of Dark Void is gone, it becomes infinitely easier to stop. Kyogre is very bulky, can take a hit and OHKO Darkrai. Yveltal, Xerneas, Ho-Oh, and Arceus formes resistant to Dark-type attacks are in a similar boat. Especially take note of Xerneas, which often can threaten a counter sweep with Geomancy, or be used as a cleric set with Sleep Talk and Aromatherapy. Clefable and Chansey are annoying since they can take Dark Pulse easily and have cleric support to get rid of sleep.

**Revenge Killing**: Thanks to how frail Darkrai is, it is fairly easy to revenge kill. Choice Scarf Pokemon with Sleep Talk, such as Terrakion and Zekrom, make some of the best Darkrai checks due to their ability to surprise it for an OHKO. Mega Gengar and Mewtwo are naturally faster than Darkrai and can nail it with a super-effective Fighting-type attack. Choice Scarf users lacking Sleep Talk can still come in after Darkrai has KO'd something and proceed to OHKO it or force it out. Priority attacks aren't going to OHKO Darkrai, but they can easily stop one that has been weakened thanks to Life Orb or Substitute damage. Common priority users and many (There is an extra space here, so you might want to fix that.)revenge killers aren't going to enjoy directly switching into Darkrai anytime though.

**Status**: Darkrai absolutely hates being paralyzed as its great Speed becomes completely useless, and its sweeping potential goes down the drain. Other status ailments such as poison and burns don't bother Darkrai as much, but they can drain down a Life Orb set rather quickly.
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The generational transition has been a mixed bag for Darkrai. Its signature move, Dark Void, has been negatively affected by the sleep nerf, and two of the most common Ubers, Xerneas and Yveltal, can often stop Darkrai in its tracks. With such a bulky, but hard-hitting metagame, Darkrai's mediocre defenses become much more apparent. However, the Steel-type nerf (I would change this to "Dark-type buff" because you used "nerf" twice. You're call) means that Darkrai's STAB is much more potent, and along with it's Ghost- and Dark-type resistances(AC) are all the more useful. Despite sleep no longer being reset on switches now, it's still very useful for what Darkrai is trying to accomplish. Overall, Darkrai remains as one of the most useful sweepers in the game thanks to it's great Speed, Special Attack, and its ability to sabotage opponents.

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void is going to be Darkrai's most important attack, allowing it to easily stop a potential check by rocking it to sleep (:P). Dark Pulse is the STAB move of choice, being the as it's the most powerful Dark-type attack it can run. Taunt is a very useful move to have, as it that allows Darkrai to stop Sleep Talk users completely. It's also useful for Pokemon reliant on inflicting status or recovery such as Blissey and Chansey. If you run Darkrai on a hyper offensive team reliant on entry hazards, Taunt is a very good choice to stop Defog in its tracks. Nasty Plot is the boosting move of choice, allowing Darkrai to have a Special Attack stat exceeding 700. Darkrai can find opportunity to use it by either forcing something out or putting it something out of comission with Dark Void.

The last moveslot is used to deal with threats that can check Darkrai. Thunder 2HKOes Yveltal and Kyogre. Sludge Bomb is used to deal with Fairy-types, notably Arceus-Fairy and Xerneas. If you don't want to choose between the two, it's viable to run both with one taking up the third moveslot. Another viable option for the last moveslot is Thunder Wave; Darkrai can easily take advantage of the switches caused by Dark Void to further cripple another Pokemon the opposing team.

Set Details

A Timid nature is needed so that Darkrai beats max Speed Arceus forms. Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows Darkrai to greatly increase it's damage output, but Focus Sash is also usable for a lead Darkrai(AC) though it . Note that lead Darkrai isn't as good as it was last generation, thanks to different leads and the sleep nerf.

Usage Tips

Darkrai can be very hard to wall thanks to its Speed and power. In general, the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are specially defensive tanks and Choice Scarf users. As such, planning which Pokemon should be put to sleep what Pokemon to set to sleep is crucial to the success of this set. [If you can, leaving only one non-choiced check to Darkrai can easily allow it to sweep thanks to Dark Void. It isn't a bad idea when it first comes in to test the waters and see what the opponent sends out] (What???? Don't understand any of the past 2 sentences....). Look Especially look out for Sleep Talk users if Darkrai runs Nasty Plot.

Darkrai doesn't have to go with the sweeping role with route in this set, though. Using Dark Void to allow another member of the team to clean up later is just as viable. Additionally, Darkrai's Life-Orb boosted coverage moves and STAB Dark Pulse can leave a big dent dents for other Pokemon to abuse make use of later (Smogon does not support abuse, check the Grammar Standards for why) on.

Team Options

Darkrai is mostly a self-sufficient Pokemon due to Dark Void, but like any sweeper, it appreciates teammates that can deal with its checks. Xerneas is a useful offensive partner because it can bring out Lugia and Aegislash, while luring Ho-Oh and nailing it with Rock Slide. Arceus-Rock can be a useful switch-in to Ho-Oh. If Darkrai run Thunder, teammates that can take on Fairy-types such as Gengar and Scizor will make Darkrai's life easier. Wobbuffet is very old-school(AC) but it's able to stop Choice Scarf users completely. Teammates that can stop common Choice Scarf users are appreciated here in general. Palkia, Landorus-T, Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Grass, Groudon, and Ferrothorn all can deal with common Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Teammates that appreciate Thunder Wave support will like this Darkrai as well, if it you chooses to run it.

name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


This set seems similar to the last one, but they have a slightly different play style. Dark Void still acts as a great support move and Dark Pulse is still the its best STAB option. Substitute is what differs this set from the last, acting as a great sweeping tool. Darkrai can easily utilize Substitute thanks to Dark Void and its ability to freely cause switches. Nasty Plot is preferred for the last slot here, as it's much easier to boost when under the protection of a Substitute. Darkrai is one of the few Pokemon in the tier capable of viably running mono Dark-type coverage, so Nasty Plot allows you to power through many things. Thunder and Sludge Bomb are also viable in the last slot, as under a Substitute, it's much easier to take down Darkrai's checks.

Set Details

The only viable item choice is Leftovers; Life Orb will drain Darkrai's HP way too fast when combined with Substitute, and Focus Sash obviously doesn't work well with Substitute. It should be noted that thanks to Leftovers, you can somewhat use Darkrai more as a switch-in to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks than the previous sets set.

Usage Tips

This Darkrai is more focused on beating potential checks with its mono Dark-type coverage rather than its power. Substitute is very unique in that it allows Darkrai to mess with Choice Scarf users much more safely. In addition, if it manages to get a Substitute up without putting anything to sleep, Darkrai becomes insanely scary, as it can now Nasty Plot with impunity and put something to sleep(AC) all under safety. This Darkrai set is definitely more late-game oriented than the previous set, and it'll likely end up as your win condition.

Team Options

All of the previously mentioned teammates work pretty well here. It should be noted that this Darkrai appreciates paralysis and Toxic support much more than the last set. Thanks to Substitute and Leftovers, it can easily bait for a full paralysis, or outstall a special wall that's been badly poisoned.

Other Options

There aren't that many options that Darkrai can viably run that haven't been said yet. Ice Beam lets you hit many of the same things as Thunder, but it is generally going to be weaker and inferior. Focus Blast isn't going to be very useful at all, but it does allow Darkrai to hit niche Pokemon such as Terrakion. Darkrai can run a physical set focusing on Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Sucker Punch, which has a good surprise factor. Darkrai(Add semicolon) however, it won't be hitting nearly as hard as Nasty Plot, and so it will be easily walled once the surprise is gone. A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, as Darkrai has a great speed tier, but it hits like a pansy unboosted and Trick can be hard to pull off,(RC)(AP) so So in general, it's not a great revenge killer.

Checks & Counters

**Special Walls**: Darkrai is very hard to totally counter because of Dark Void. Once the threat of Dark Void is gone, it becomes infinitely easier to stop. Kyogre is very bulky, can take a hit(AC) and OHKO Darkrai. Yveltal, Xerneas, Ho-Oh, and Arceus formes resistant to Dark-type attacks are in a similar boat. Especially take note of Xerneas, which often can threaten a counter sweep with Geomancy, or be used as a cleric set with Sleep Talk and Aromatherapy. Clefable and Chansey are annoying since they can take Dark Pulse easily and have cleric support to get rid of sleep.

**Revenge Killing**: Thanks to how frail Darkrai is, it is fairly easy to revenge kill. Choice Scarf Pokemon with Sleep Talk such as Terrakion and Zekrom, make some of the best Darkrai checks due to their ability to surprise it for an OHKO. Mega Gengar and Mewtwo are naturally faster than Darkrai and can nail it with a super-effective Fighting-type attack. Choice Scarf users lacking Sleep Talk can still come in after Darkrai has KO'd something and proceed to OHKO it or force it out. Priority attacks aren't going to OHKO Darkrai, but they can easily stop one that has been weakened thanks to Life Orb or Substitute damage. Common priority users and many revenge killers aren't going to enjoy directly switching into Darkrai at anytime(AC) though.

**Status**: Darkrai absolutely hates being paralyzed as its great Speed becomes completely useless, and its sweeping potential goes down the drain. Other status ailments such as poison and burns don't bother Darkrai as much, but they can drain down a Life Orb set rather quickly.

GP 1/2 Manaphy
[Insert stamp here]
Last edited:
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The generational transition has been a mixed bag for Darkrai. Its signature move, Dark Void, has been negatively affected by the sleep nerf, and two of the most common Ubers, Xerneas and Yveltal, can often stop Darkrai in its tracks. With such a bulky, but hard-hitting metagame, Darkrai's mediocre defenses become much more apparent. However, the Steel-type nerf (I would change this to "Dark-type buff" because you used "nerf" twice. You're call) means that Darkrai's STAB is much more potent, and along with it's Ghost- and Dark-type resistances(AC) are all the more useful. Despite sleep no longer being reset on switches now, it's still very useful for what Darkrai is trying to accomplish. Overall, Darkrai remains as one of the most useful sweepers in the game thanks to it's great Speed, Special Attack, and its ability to sabotage opponents.

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void is going to be Darkrai's most important attack, allowing it to easily stop a potential check by rocking it to sleep (:P). Dark Pulse is the STAB move of choice, being the as it's the most powerful Dark-type attack it can run. Taunt is a very useful move to have, as it that allows Darkrai to stop Sleep Talk users completely. It's also useful for Pokemon reliant on inflicting status or recovery such as Blissey and Chansey. If you run Darkrai on a hyper offensive team reliant on entry hazards, Taunt is a very good choice to stop Defog in its tracks. Nasty Plot is the boosting move of choice, allowing Darkrai to have a Special Attack stat exceeding 700. Darkrai can find opportunity to use it by either forcing something out or putting it something out of comission with Dark Void.

The last moveslot is used to deal with threats that can check Darkrai. Thunder 2HKOes Yveltal and Kyogre. Sludge Bomb is used to deal with Fairy-types, notably Arceus-Fairy and Xerneas. If you don't want to choose between the two, it's viable to run both with one taking up the third moveslot. Another viable option for the last moveslot is Thunder Wave; Darkrai can easily take advantage of the switches caused by Dark Void to further cripple another Pokemon the opposing team.

Set Details

A Timid nature is needed so that Darkrai beats max Speed Arceus forms. Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows Darkrai to greatly increase it's damage output, but Focus Sash is also usable for a lead Darkrai(AC) though it . Note that lead Darkrai isn't as good as it was last generation, thanks to different leads and the sleep nerf.

Usage Tips

Darkrai can be very hard to wall thanks to its Speed and power. In general, the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are specially defensive tanks and Choice Scarf users. As such, planning which Pokemon should be put to sleep what Pokemon to set to sleep is crucial to the success of this set. [If you can, leaving only one non-choiced check to Darkrai can easily allow it to sweep thanks to Dark Void. It isn't a bad idea when it first comes in to test the waters and see what the opponent sends out] (What???? Don't understand any of the past 2 sentences....). Look Especially look out for Sleep Talk users if Darkrai runs Nasty Plot.

Darkrai doesn't have to go with the sweeping role with route in this set, though. Using Dark Void to allow another member of the team to clean up later is just as viable. Additionally, Darkrai's Life-Orb boosted coverage moves and STAB Dark Pulse can leave a big dent dents for other Pokemon to abuse make use of later (Smogon does not support abuse, check the Grammar Standards for why) on.

Team Options

Darkrai is mostly a self-sufficient Pokemon due to Dark Void, but like any sweeper, it appreciates teammates that can deal with its checks. Xerneas is a useful offensive partner because it can bring out Lugia and Aegislash, while luring Ho-Oh and nailing it with Rock Slide. Arceus-Rock can be a useful switch-in to Ho-Oh. If Darkrai run Thunder, teammates that can take on Fairy-types such as Gengar and Scizor will make Darkrai's life easier. Wobbuffet is very old-school(AC) but it's able to stop Choice Scarf users completely. Teammates that can stop common Choice Scarf users are appreciated here in general. Palkia, Landorus-T, Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Grass, Groudon, and Ferrothorn all can deal with common Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Teammates that appreciate Thunder Wave support will like this Darkrai as well, if it you chooses to run it.

name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


This set seems similar to the last one, but they have a slightly different play style. Dark Void still acts as a great support move and Dark Pulse is still the its best STAB option. Substitute is what differs this set from the last, acting as a great sweeping tool. Darkrai can easily utilize Substitute thanks to Dark Void and its ability to freely cause switches. Nasty Plot is preferred for the last slot here, as it's much easier to boost when under the protection of a Substitute. Darkrai is one of the few Pokemon in the tier capable of viably running mono Dark-type coverage, so Nasty Plot allows you to power through many things. Thunder and Sludge Bomb are also viable in the last slot, as under a Substitute, it's much easier to take down Darkrai's checks.

Set Details

The only viable item choice is Leftovers; Life Orb will drain Darkrai's HP way too fast when combined with Substitute, and Focus Sash obviously doesn't work well with Substitute. It should be noted that thanks to Leftovers, you can somewhat use Darkrai more as a switch-in to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks than the previous sets set.

Usage Tips

This Darkrai is more focused on beating potential checks with its mono Dark-type coverage rather than its power. Substitute is very unique in that it allows Darkrai to mess with Choice Scarf users much more safely. In addition, if it manages to get a Substitute up without putting anything to sleep, Darkrai becomes insanely scary, as it can now Nasty Plot with impunity and put something to sleep(AC) all under safety. This Darkrai set is definitely more late-game oriented than the previous set, and it'll likely end up as your win condition.

Team Options

All of the previously mentioned teammates work pretty well here. It should be noted that this Darkrai appreciates paralysis and Toxic support much more than the last set. Thanks to Substitute and Leftovers, it can easily bait for a full paralysis, or outstall a special wall that's been badly poisoned.

Other Options

There aren't that many options that Darkrai can viably run that haven't been said yet. Ice Beam lets you hit many of the same things as Thunder, but it is generally going to be weaker and inferior. Focus Blast isn't going to be very useful at all, but it does allow Darkrai to hit niche Pokemon such as Terrakion. Darkrai can run a physical set focusing on Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Sucker Punch, which has a good surprise factor. Darkrai(Add semicolon) however, it won't be hitting nearly as hard as Nasty Plot, and so it will be easily walled once the surprise is gone. A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, as Darkrai has a great speed tier, but it hits like a pansy unboosted and Trick can be hard to pull off,(RC)(AP) so So in general, it's not a great revenge killer.

Checks & Counters

**Special Walls**: Darkrai is very hard to totally counter because of Dark Void. Once the threat of Dark Void is gone, it becomes infinitely easier to stop. Kyogre is very bulky, can take a hit(AC) and OHKO Darkrai. Yveltal, Xerneas, Ho-Oh, and Arceus formes resistant to Dark-type attacks are in a similar boat. Especially take note of Xerneas, which often can threaten a counter sweep with Geomancy, or be used as a cleric set with Sleep Talk and Aromatherapy. Clefable and Chansey are annoying since they can take Dark Pulse easily and have cleric support to get rid of sleep.

**Revenge Killing**: Thanks to how frail Darkrai is, it is fairly easy to revenge kill. Choice Scarf Pokemon with Sleep Talk such as Terrakion and Zekrom, make some of the best Darkrai checks due to their ability to surprise it for an OHKO. Mega Gengar and Mewtwo are naturally faster than Darkrai and can nail it with a super-effective Fighting-type attack. Choice Scarf users lacking Sleep Talk can still come in after Darkrai has KO'd something and proceed to OHKO it or force it out. Priority attacks aren't going to OHKO Darkrai, but they can easily stop one that has been weakened thanks to Life Orb or Substitute damage. Common priority users and many revenge killers aren't going to enjoy directly switching into Darkrai at anytime(AC) though.

**Status**: Darkrai absolutely hates being paralyzed as its great Speed becomes completely useless, and its sweeping potential goes down the drain. Other status ailments such as poison and burns don't bother Darkrai as much, but they can drain down a Life Orb set rather quickly.

GP 1/2 Manaphy
[Insert stamp here]
Thanks! I'll apply it as soon as I can
EDIT: Applied
Last edited:
Additions in Blue
Subtractions in Red
Comments in Purple

The generational transition has been a mixed bag for Darkrai. Its signature move, Dark Void, has been negatively affected by the sleep nerf, and two of the most common Ubers, Xerneas and Yveltal, can often stop Darkrai in its tracks. With such a bulky, but hard-hitting metagame, Darkrai's mediocre defenses become are also much more apparent. However, the Steel-type nerf means that Darkrai's STAB is much more potent, (remove comma) and along with it's Ghost- and Dark-type resistances are all the more useful. Despite sleep no longer being reset on switches now, it's still very useful for what Darkrai is trying to accomplish. Overall, Darkrai remains as one of the most useful sweepers in the game thanks to it's its great Speed, Special Attack, and its ability to sabotage opponents.

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams (you don't list abilities when there is only one that can be used)
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void is going to be Darkrai's most important attack, allowing it to easily stop a potential check by rocking it to sleep. Dark Pulse is the STAB move of choice, as it's the most powerful Dark-type attack it Darkrai can run. Taunt is a very useful move to have, that allows allowing Darkrai to stop Sleep Talk users completely. It's also useful for Pokemon reliant on recovery or inflicting status or recovery such as Blissey and Chansey. If you run Darkrai on a hyper offensive team reliant on entry hazards, Taunt is a very good choice to stop Defog in its users in their tracks. Nasty Plot is the boosting move of choice, allowing Darkrai to have a Special Attack stat exceeding 700. Darkrai can find opportunity to use it by either forcing something out or putting something out of comission commission with Dark Void.

The last moveslot is used to deal with threats that can check Darkrai. Thunder 2HKOes Yveltal and Kyogre. Sludge Bomb is used to deal with Fairy-types, notably Arceus-Fairy Fairy Arceus (It's only Arceus-Type in the title for analyses; otherwise, it's an exception to how most formes are written) and Xerneas. If you don't want to choose between the two, it's viable to run both with one taking up the third moveslot. Another viable option for the last moveslot is Thunder Wave; Darkrai can easily take advantage of the switches caused by Dark Void to further cripple the opposing team.

Set Details

A Timid nature is needed so that Darkrai beats max Speed Arceus forms formes. Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows Darkrai to greatly increase it's its damage output, but Focus Sash is also usable for a lead Darkrai, though lead Darkrai isn't as good as it was last generation, (remove comma) thanks due to different leads being popular and the sleep nerf.

Usage Tips

Darkrai can be very hard to wall thanks to its Speed and power. In general, the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are specially defensive tanks and Choice Scarf users. As such, planning which Pokemon should be set to sleep is crucial to the success of this set. If you can, leaving only one non-Choice Scarf check to Darkrai can easily allow it to sweep thanks to Dark Void (I'm a bit confused by this sentence; leaving only one non-Choice Scarf check to Darkrai what? I could be wrong but it seems like something might be missing). It isn't a bad idea when it first comes in to test the waters and see what the opponent sends out, (remove comma) before you Dark Void. Look out for Sleep Talk users if Darkrai runs Nasty Plot.

Darkrai doesn't have to go with the sweeping role in with this set, though. Using Dark Void to allow another member of the team to clean up later is just as viable. Additionally, Darkrai's Life-Orb boosted Life Orb-boosted coverage moves and STAB Dark Pulse can leave big dents for other Pokemon to make use of later.

Team Options

Darkrai is mostly a self-sufficient Pokemon due to Dark Void, but like any sweeper, it appreciates teammates that can deal with its checks. Xerneas is a useful offensive partner because it can bring out Lugia and Aegislash, (remove comma) while luring and can lure Ho-Oh and nailing nail it with Rock Slide. Arceus-Rock Rock Arceus can be a useful switch-in to Ho-Oh. If Darkrai run Thunder, teammates that can take on Fairy-types such as Gengar and Scizor will make Darkrai's its life easier. Wobbuffet is very old-school (add comma) but it's able to stop Choice Scarf users completely. Teammates that can stop common Choice Scarf users are appreciated in general. Palkia, Landorus-T, Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Grass Fairy Arceus, Grass Arceus, Groudon, and Ferrothorn all can deal with common Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Teammates that appreciate Thunder Wave support (what appreciate's Thunder Wave support? you should probably mention some examples or types of Pokemon here) will like this Darkrai as well, (remove comma) if you choose to run it the move.

name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


This set seems similar to the last one, but they have a slightly different play style. (you already mention this under usage tips) Dark Void still acts as a great support move and Dark Pulse is still the best STAB option. Substitute is what differs this set from the last others (it's best to avoid referring to things like the last set when possible because the metagame might shift and set order might change due to new ones being added or removed and it's easier to update this way; also, users aren't necessarily going to be reading all the sets due to them being arranged in individual tabs now), acting as a great sweeping tool. Darkrai can easily utilize Substitute thanks to Dark Void and its ability to freely cause switches. Nasty Plot is preferred for the last slot here, as it's much easier to boost when under the protection of a Substitute. Darkrai is one of the few Pokemon in the tier capable of viably running mono Dark-type coverage, so Nasty Plot allows you it to power through many things. Thunder and Sludge Bomb are also viable in the last slot, as under a Substitute, it's much easier to take down Darkrai's checks.

Set Details

The only viable item choice is Leftovers; Life Orb will drain Darkrai's HP way too fast when combined with Substitute, and Focus Sash obviously doesn't work well with Substitute. It should be noted that (add comma) thanks to Leftovers, you can somewhat use Darkrai more as a switch-in to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks than the previous set somewhat more.

Usage Tips

This Darkrai is more focused on beating potential checks with its mono Dark-type mono-Dark-type coverage rather than its power. Substitute is very unique in that it allows Darkrai to mess with Choice Scarf users much more safely. In addition, if it manages to get a Substitute up without putting anything to sleep, Darkrai becomes insanely scary, as it can now Nasty Plot with impunity and put something to sleep all under safety. This Darkrai set is definitely more late-game oriented than the previous set, and it'll likely end up as your win condition.

Team Options

All of the previously mentioned teammates work pretty well here. (you should still mention these other teammates here as well; with the set's being in different tabs onsite, users aren't going to want to go clicking around to a different set to see what teammates work with this one) It should be noted that this Darkrai appreciates paralysis and Toxic support much more than the last set others. Thanks to Substitute and Leftovers, it can easily bait for a full paralysis, (remove comma) or outstall a special wall that's been badly poisoned.

Other Options

There aren't that many options that Darkrai can viably run that haven't been said yet. Ice Beam lets you Darkrai hit many of the same things as Thunder, but it is generally going to be weaker and inferior. Focus Blast isn't going to be very useful at all, but it does allow Darkrai to hit niche Pokemon such as Terrakion. Darkrai can run a physical set focusing on Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Sucker Punch, which has a good surprise factor; however, it won't be hitting nearly as hard as Nasty Plot, and so it will be easily walled once the surprise is gone. A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, as Darkrai has a great speed Speed tier, but it hits like a pansy unboosted and Trick can be hard to pull off, So so in general, it's not a great revenge killer.

Checks & Counters

**Special Walls**: Darkrai is very hard to totally counter because of Dark Void. Once the threat of Dark Void is gone, it becomes infinitely easier to stop. Kyogre is very bulky, can take a hit (add comma) and can OHKO Darkrai. Yveltal, Xerneas, Ho-Oh, and Arceus formes resistant to Dark-type attacks are in a similar boat. Especially take note of Xerneas, which often can threaten a counter sweep counter-sweep with Geomancy, (remove comma) or be used act as a cleric set with Sleep Talk and Aromatherapy. Clefable and Chansey are annoying since as they can take Dark Pulse easily and have cleric support to get rid of sleep.

**Revenge Killing**: Thanks Due to how frail Darkrai is, it is fairly easy to revenge kill. Choice Scarf Pokemon with Sleep Talk such as Terrakion and Zekrom, make some of the best Darkrai checks due to their ability to surprise it for an OHKO. Mega Gengar and Mewtwo are naturally faster than Darkrai and can nail it with a super-effective super effective Fighting-type attack. Choice Scarf users lacking Sleep Talk can still come in after Darkrai has KO'd KOed something and proceed to OHKO it or force it out. Priority attacks aren't going to OHKO Darkrai, but they can easily stop one that has been weakened thanks due to Life Orb or Substitute damage. Common priority users and many revenge killers aren't going to enjoy directly switching into Darkrai at anytime though.

**Status**: Darkrai absolutely hates being paralyzed (add comma) as its great Speed becomes completely useless, (remove comma) and its sweeping potential goes down the drain. Other status ailments such as poison and burns burn don't bother Darkrai as much, but they can drain down a Life Orb set rather quickly.

GP: 2/2
Additions in Blue
Subtractions in Red
Comments in Purple

The generational transition has been a mixed bag for Darkrai. Its signature move, Dark Void, has been negatively affected by the sleep nerf, and two of the most common Ubers, Xerneas and Yveltal, can often stop Darkrai in its tracks. With such a bulky, but hard-hitting metagame, Darkrai's mediocre defenses become are also much more apparent. However, the Steel-type nerf means that Darkrai's STAB is much more potent, (remove comma) and along with it's Ghost- and Dark-type resistances are all the more useful. Despite sleep no longer being reset on switches now, it's still very useful for what Darkrai is trying to accomplish. Overall, Darkrai remains as one of the most useful sweepers in the game thanks to it's its great Speed, Special Attack, and its ability to sabotage opponents.

Special Attacker
name: Special Attacker
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Taunt / Nasty Plot
move 4: Thunder / Sludge Bomb
ability: Bad Dreams (you don't list abilities when there is only one that can be used)
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Dark Void is going to be Darkrai's most important attack, allowing it to easily stop a potential check by rocking it to sleep. Dark Pulse is the STAB move of choice, as it's the most powerful Dark-type attack it Darkrai can run. Taunt is a very useful move to have, that allows allowing Darkrai to stop Sleep Talk users completely. It's also useful for Pokemon reliant on recovery or inflicting status or recovery such as Blissey and Chansey. If you run Darkrai on a hyper offensive team reliant on entry hazards, Taunt is a very good choice to stop Defog in its users in their tracks. Nasty Plot is the boosting move of choice, allowing Darkrai to have a Special Attack stat exceeding 700. Darkrai can find opportunity to use it by either forcing something out or putting something out of comission commission with Dark Void.

The last moveslot is used to deal with threats that can check Darkrai. Thunder 2HKOes Yveltal and Kyogre. Sludge Bomb is used to deal with Fairy-types, notably Arceus-Fairy Fairy Arceus (It's only Arceus-Type in the title for analyses; otherwise, it's an exception to how most formes are written) and Xerneas. If you don't want to choose between the two, it's viable to run both with one taking up the third moveslot. Another viable option for the last moveslot is Thunder Wave; Darkrai can easily take advantage of the switches caused by Dark Void to further cripple the opposing team.

Set Details

A Timid nature is needed so that Darkrai beats max Speed Arceus forms formes. Life Orb is the preferred item, as it allows Darkrai to greatly increase it's its damage output, but Focus Sash is also usable for a lead Darkrai, though lead Darkrai isn't as good as it was last generation, (remove comma) thanks due to different leads being popular and the sleep nerf.

Usage Tips

Darkrai can be very hard to wall thanks to its Speed and power. In general, the most common ways to deal with Darkrai are specially defensive tanks and Choice Scarf users. As such, planning which Pokemon should be set to sleep is crucial to the success of this set. If you can, leaving only one non-Choice Scarf check to Darkrai can easily allow it to sweep thanks to Dark Void (I'm a bit confused by this sentence; leaving only one non-Choice Scarf check to Darkrai what? I could be wrong but it seems like something might be missing). It isn't a bad idea when it first comes in to test the waters and see what the opponent sends out, (remove comma) before you Dark Void. Look out for Sleep Talk users if Darkrai runs Nasty Plot.

Darkrai doesn't have to go with the sweeping role in with this set, though. Using Dark Void to allow another member of the team to clean up later is just as viable. Additionally, Darkrai's Life-Orb boosted Life Orb-boosted coverage moves and STAB Dark Pulse can leave big dents for other Pokemon to make use of later.

Team Options

Darkrai is mostly a self-sufficient Pokemon due to Dark Void, but like any sweeper, it appreciates teammates that can deal with its checks. Xerneas is a useful offensive partner because it can bring out Lugia and Aegislash, (remove comma) while luring and can lure Ho-Oh and nailing nail it with Rock Slide. Arceus-Rock Rock Arceus can be a useful switch-in to Ho-Oh. If Darkrai run Thunder, teammates that can take on Fairy-types such as Gengar and Scizor will make Darkrai's its life easier. Wobbuffet is very old-school (add comma) but it's able to stop Choice Scarf users completely. Teammates that can stop common Choice Scarf users are appreciated in general. Palkia, Landorus-T, Arceus-Fairy, Arceus-Grass Fairy Arceus, Grass Arceus, Groudon, and Ferrothorn all can deal with common Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Teammates that appreciate Thunder Wave support (what appreciate's Thunder Wave support? you should probably mention some examples or types of Pokemon here) will like this Darkrai as well, (remove comma) if you choose to run it the move.

name: Substitute
move 1: Dark Void
move 2: Dark Pulse
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Nasty Plot
ability: Bad Dreams
item: Leftovers
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


This set seems similar to the last one, but they have a slightly different play style. (you already mention this under usage tips) Dark Void still acts as a great support move and Dark Pulse is still the best STAB option. Substitute is what differs this set from the last others (it's best to avoid referring to things like the last set when possible because the metagame might shift and set order might change due to new ones being added or removed and it's easier to update this way; also, users aren't necessarily going to be reading all the sets due to them being arranged in individual tabs now), acting as a great sweeping tool. Darkrai can easily utilize Substitute thanks to Dark Void and its ability to freely cause switches. Nasty Plot is preferred for the last slot here, as it's much easier to boost when under the protection of a Substitute. Darkrai is one of the few Pokemon in the tier capable of viably running mono Dark-type coverage, so Nasty Plot allows you it to power through many things. Thunder and Sludge Bomb are also viable in the last slot, as under a Substitute, it's much easier to take down Darkrai's checks.

Set Details

The only viable item choice is Leftovers; Life Orb will drain Darkrai's HP way too fast when combined with Substitute, and Focus Sash obviously doesn't work well with Substitute. It should be noted that (add comma) thanks to Leftovers, you can somewhat use Darkrai more as a switch-in to Ghost- and Dark-type attacks than the previous set somewhat more.

Usage Tips

This Darkrai is more focused on beating potential checks with its mono Dark-type mono-Dark-type coverage rather than its power. Substitute is very unique in that it allows Darkrai to mess with Choice Scarf users much more safely. In addition, if it manages to get a Substitute up without putting anything to sleep, Darkrai becomes insanely scary, as it can now Nasty Plot with impunity and put something to sleep all under safety. This Darkrai set is definitely more late-game oriented than the previous set, and it'll likely end up as your win condition.

Team Options

All of the previously mentioned teammates work pretty well here. (you should still mention these other teammates here as well; with the set's being in different tabs onsite, users aren't going to want to go clicking around to a different set to see what teammates work with this one) It should be noted that this Darkrai appreciates paralysis and Toxic support much more than the last set others. Thanks to Substitute and Leftovers, it can easily bait for a full paralysis, (remove comma) or outstall a special wall that's been badly poisoned.

Other Options

There aren't that many options that Darkrai can viably run that haven't been said yet. Ice Beam lets you Darkrai hit many of the same things as Thunder, but it is generally going to be weaker and inferior. Focus Blast isn't going to be very useful at all, but it does allow Darkrai to hit niche Pokemon such as Terrakion. Darkrai can run a physical set focusing on Swords Dance, Knock Off, and Sucker Punch, which has a good surprise factor; however, it won't be hitting nearly as hard as Nasty Plot, and so it will be easily walled once the surprise is gone. A Choice Scarf set with Trick is somewhat viable, as Darkrai has a great speed Speed tier, but it hits like a pansy unboosted and Trick can be hard to pull off, So so in general, it's not a great revenge killer.

Checks & Counters

**Special Walls**: Darkrai is very hard to totally counter because of Dark Void. Once the threat of Dark Void is gone, it becomes infinitely easier to stop. Kyogre is very bulky, can take a hit (add comma) and can OHKO Darkrai. Yveltal, Xerneas, Ho-Oh, and Arceus formes resistant to Dark-type attacks are in a similar boat. Especially take note of Xerneas, which often can threaten a counter sweep counter-sweep with Geomancy, (remove comma) or be used act as a cleric set with Sleep Talk and Aromatherapy. Clefable and Chansey are annoying since as they can take Dark Pulse easily and have cleric support to get rid of sleep.

**Revenge Killing**: Thanks Due to how frail Darkrai is, it is fairly easy to revenge kill. Choice Scarf Pokemon with Sleep Talk such as Terrakion and Zekrom, make some of the best Darkrai checks due to their ability to surprise it for an OHKO. Mega Gengar and Mewtwo are naturally faster than Darkrai and can nail it with a super-effective super effective Fighting-type attack. Choice Scarf users lacking Sleep Talk can still come in after Darkrai has KO'd KOed something and proceed to OHKO it or force it out. Priority attacks aren't going to OHKO Darkrai, but they can easily stop one that has been weakened thanks due to Life Orb or Substitute damage. Common priority users and many revenge killers aren't going to enjoy directly switching into Darkrai at anytime though.

**Status**: Darkrai absolutely hates being paralyzed (add comma) as its great Speed becomes completely useless, (remove comma) and its sweeping potential goes down the drain. Other status ailments such as poison and burns burn don't bother Darkrai as much, but they can drain down a Life Orb set rather quickly.

GP: 2/2
Thanks, This'll be done as soon I can get a chance apply these changes (probably tomorrow)