Elveman's Semi-Joined Pokemon Shop (6*31 Dittos! NEW! 6*30 Dittos!)

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okies breeding now, also is your 31 iv ditto different region outside of NA?

and tell me what frillish you want water absorb or cursed body
Water Absorb please
I don't know much about regions. I think that Russia also counts as English-speaking region (lol) so it's not foreign =(
Hi there. Is your friend who posted the shiny pokemon interested in trading a timid 5 iv female shiny froakie for the shiny Honedge?
Would like to offer
Mareep with Agility Modest Nature
Venipede with Toxic Spikes and Spikes with Speed Boost Jolly Nature for your 6 IV Ditto
Your Squirtle, Aroma Veil Spritzee and Chespin are ready - would you be OK trading those for the 6*31 IV ditto and female Ralts spitback, and I'll trade you the HP Fire Bulbasaur for the 6*30 ditto later (it is proving somewhat problematic). My FC is 2981-6950-7472, IG name Rhianne, I'm online now and for the next few hours.
Hey you never got back to me about the BP items. Can you PM some you might want to trade for a Ditto? Thanks! I also have some 5 IVS if you're interested, but they're not shiny.
I got your pokes ready. Adding you now :) let me know when you can trade. Also need to know which ability you wanted on skrelp ( posion point/touch)? I have both.
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