150+ Shiny pokemon for trade. want different genders. UPTATED 1/26 new stuff

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hum that's a hard work i can chine three of yours and give them back to u + 2 of mine it will take some time i can do it tomorrow

All right no problem. I want the luxury ball timid Anticipation Eevee and the premier ball nidoran F. 3:2 clone trade then ? Original for my 3 + Nidoran and Eevee ?
Would you be interested in any of these?
6IV Adamant Mawile w/Sucker Punch, Fire Fang
31/xx/30/31/31/31 Modest HP Ice Rotom
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid Solar Powar Charizard w/Dragon Pulse, Heat Wave
Interest in one of your 6iv Ditto, do you want 3-4 5iv pokemon in exchange?
Breedable Pokemon: ( all with the good IVs)

- Sigilyph 5iv Timid Magic Guard ( Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Roost)

- Mienfoo 5iv Adamant Regenerator ( Knock Off)

- Honedge 5iv Adamant

- Lullaby 5iv Impish Overcoat ( Foul Play, Knock Off, Roost)

- Mareep 5iv Modest

- Gible 5iv Naive

- Pawniard 5iv Adamant Defiant( Sucker Punch)

- Lotad 5iv Modest Swift Swim (Giga Drain)

- Marill 5iv Adamant ( Aqua Jet, BellyDrum)

- Meowstic 5iv Bold Prankster ( possibility to put egg moves)

  • Sableye 5iv Bold Prankster( Recover)
  • Mudkip 5iv Adamant/Impish ( Curse, Avalanche)
  • Litwick 5iv Modest/Timid Flash Fire
  • Venipede 5iv Adamant Speed Boost ( Iron Defense)
  • Absol 5iv Naughty/ Naive Justified ( Play Rough, Pursuit, Sucker Punch)
  • Eevee 5iv Timid Anticpation ( Yawn)
  • Ghastly 5iv Timid/Modest Levitation
  • Ralts 5iv Modest/Timid Trace
  • Squirtle 5iv Modest Torrent ( Aurasphere)
  • Piplup 5iv Calm/Bold Torrent ( Yawn)
  • Chatot 5iv Timid Keen Eye/Tangled Feet ( Boomburst, Nasty Plot, Night Shade, Encore)
  • Machop 5iv Adamant Guts/No Guard (Bullet Punch, Knock Off, Ice Punch, Encore)
  • Bergmite 5iv Impish/Adamant Sturdy ( Recover)
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