IenjoyPokemon Competitive Shiny and Legendary Shop(4/9/2014 UPDATE, New Cloning Service)

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i'd love a 5 IV ditto, any will really do to get my breeding going (:
I have a lot of foreign breds, including a 5iv tyrunt. I also have a decent HA vulpix and about 40 HA 3-4 IV manders.
Sorry about that >.< I was doing the google maps challenge. 1633-5027-0185, Master.
I'll have to trade after I get back from school.
Can I get a protean froakie 5 iv shiny would be nice too
I'm not going to just give it to you, offer me something I don't have.
i'd love a 5 IV ditto, any will really do to get my breeding going (:
I have a lot of foreign breds, including a 5iv tyrunt. I also have a decent HA vulpix and about 40 HA 3-4 IV manders.
Sorry, not really interested in that kind of stuff.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier but you didn't give me a clone of my bidoof back...
I cloned it right after our trade, but you went offline and it was late here.
I'll have to trade after I get back from school.

I'm not going to just give it to you, offer me something I don't have.

Sorry, not really interested in that kind of stuff.

I cloned it right after our trade, but you went offline and it was late here.
Ok I'll trade you when I get home. Which will be at 7 pm central time
Hey lenjoy i got clefairys in moon balls, gastlys and misdreavus in fast balls and magikarps in lure balls. Interested?
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