Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 37 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Is there any way one can navigate through the Pokemon Bank boxes? Or am I stuck with only pressing Left and Right buttons?

Also, what Ball matches shiny Latios and Terrakion? I'm going to RNG them today, and was thinking of Luxury for Terrakion.
Is there any way one can navigate through the Pokemon Bank boxes? Or am I stuck with only pressing Left and Right buttons?

Also, what Ball matches shiny Latios and Terrakion? I'm going to RNG them today, and was thinking of Luxury for Terrakion.
Luxury/timer for Terra, if BW2 Latios, Dive/premier/net ball.
Luxury/timer for Terra, if BW2 Latios, Dive/premier/net ball.
Thanks. It's a toss between Dive and Premier, then. Catching it in a Net Ball would be a bit awkward.

Besides Jolly, is there another nature that fits Terrakion? Adamant looks good, but maybe y'all have other ideas.
Thanks. It's a toss between Dive and Premier, then. Catching it in a Net Ball would be a bit awkward.

Besides Jolly, is there another nature that fits Terrakion? Adamant looks good, but maybe y'all have other ideas.
I prefer the jolly natured one with a choice band....
Thanks. It's a toss between Dive and Premier, then. Catching it in a Net Ball would be a bit awkward.

Besides Jolly, is there another nature that fits Terrakion?

The only set in XY analysises that doesn't use Jolly is this one:

Life Orb Attacker
name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Earthquake / Protect
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Naive
Thanks. It's a toss between Dive and Premier, then. Catching it in a Net Ball would be a bit awkward.

Besides Jolly, is there another nature that fits Terrakion? Adamant looks good, but maybe y'all have other ideas.

Apart from Jolly and Adamant, I feel the only other nature/spread worth using would be Naive, 30/31/30/31/31/31,HP Ice
But yeah, Jolly is probably best in most situations. But Naive ones are pretty rare

Edit: Ninja'd again, twice today... I'm thinking between starmie or mega blastoise there both water types and they both have rapid spin to get rid of rocks which one do I go with? I'm thinking between starmie or mega blastoise there both water types and they both have rapid spin to get rid of rocks which one do I go with?
Starmie is more of a glass cannon, with Blastoise bringing the bulk. So it all depends on what your team need.

Edit: M-Blast is also able to take out spinblockers with dark pulse, so it also got that going for it :-) I'm thinking between starmie or mega blastoise there both water types and they both have rapid spin to get rid of rocks which one do I go with?
M-Blastoise is the better spinner but the choice is pretty obvious; do you have a pokemon on the team already using a mega stone? If so, then use Starmie. If you don't, then go with M-Blastoise.
Thanks guys. I think I'll go with Adamant. Naive with Hidden Power Ice doesn't look too appealing with that 72 base Sp. Atk. stat. I'm thinking between starmie or mega blastoise there both water types and they both have rapid spin to get rid of rocks which one do I go with?
Or option number 3, rapid spin tentacruel, Water type, much more bulk than Starmie, pretty similar bulk to Mega-Blastoise, and pretty good special attack.
I know I closed my trade thread (I hope it will be updated and reopened in a few day), but if anyone has the following, please let me know:
> Dream Ball female Cleffa with hidden ability
> Female Carvanha with hidden ability and on any non-standard Pokéball

Good IVs/nature and egg moves are not necessary, but would be cool!
Please CMT if you have, because I have to update they are some things not listed. Thanks! :)
Are you still looking? I can get you a female 5 IV Dream Ball HA Carvanha for a female 5 IV Trick Room Clauncher :)
Or option number 3, rapid spin tentacruel, Water type, much more bulk than Starmie, pretty similar bulk to Mega-Blastoise, and pretty good special attack.
True but I don't like how he's weak to earthquake and also to physic type so but hey good choice as well hmm...I already have a mega lucario but this is for online battles I think I will consider tentacruel
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