Back From the Dead

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Happy Halloween Smogon! This Giveaway will run until November 1st, assuming that's okay with Nexus.

1. You must add my friend code before posting. The friend code for this giveaway is 1177 8040 3120.
2. To win, you must post a picture of yourself holding your copy of X or Y. Smile. EDIT: For Halloween night only, you may post a picture of you in a costume! Happy Halloween!
3. To win, you must thank the person who donated your prize, by linking to their profile in your post and thanking them. This can be done by typing @ and then the users name.
4. You may choose one monster to go with your Gengar. Everyone who posts a picture gets a Gengar.

Special Thanks:
Thanks to cjlaborde2nd for cloning everything and resetting the amazing Gengar. Thanks to Chev4 for breeding Shiny Aegislash. Thanks to *Trev* for RNG abusing Shiny Golett.


[94] Shiny Gengar/Shiny Mega Gengar
OT: OCT2014 (10134) (Lv. 25)
Nature: Timid - Ability: Levitate (Shadow Tag)
IVs: 30/24/30/31/31/31
Event Moves: Sludge Wave, Hidden Power Ice
Tradeable Stock :
: 3/32
Notes: Soft reset by cjlaborde2nd who said it's fully re-distributable. Comes from a legitimate Wonder Card.
1. SoulSapphire
2. azamuddinafif
3. P3DS
4. Andrew98gr =Didn't post back.
5. Sidfrid
6. GC7
7. vzxt
8. Chan
9. Teru_XD
10. Rodri18
11. cant say
12. Ryswick
13. Goodjoe
14. SkylarGreen
15. CD_North
16. 26DUDE26
17. Asphalizo
18. frediew = Didn't post back
19. Master Sunny-EX
20. Neetz0r
21. PocketCat
22. Blackcharizard
23. sforzanda
24. Megablaster326
26. Jaspcat
27. Alex_5600
28. hi reshiram
29. Yanga


[442] Shiny Spiritomb
OT: Katya (41644) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Bold - Ability: Infiltrator
IVs: 31/05/31/31/31/31
Egg moves: Shadow Sneak, Foul Play, Pain Split, Destiny Bond
Tradeable Stock :
: 5/13
Note: I bred this myself, saved and reset, then traded it to warriorgriffinheart on Reddit, who was my corresponding Shiny Value. Infiltrator > Pressure, as Pain Split / Destiny Bond can hit past substitutes. Thanks to AfroThunderRule for the Bold Male Koffing that was used with a 6 IV female Spiritomb I bred from a 2 IV Friend Safari Female Dive Ball Spiritomb with Infiltrator. Fully re-distributable.
1. GC7
2. Rodri18
3. Goodjoe
4. SkylarGreen
5. Asphalizo
6. frediew = Didn't post back
7. sforzanda


[623] Shiny Golurk
OT: HILDA (51573) (Lv. 32)
Nature: Adamant - Ability: Iron Fist
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Tutor Moves: Stealth Rock, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch
Tradeable Stock : 3/13
Note: *Trev*'s fully re-distributable Shiny Golurk.
1. SoulSapphire
2. azamuddinafif
3. vzxt
4. Chan
5. Teru_XD
6. cant say
7. Ryswick
8. CD_North
9. Master Sunny-EX
10. Neetz0r


[681] Shiny Aegislash
OT: [Korean] (12026) (Lv. 50)
Nature: Quiet - Ability: Stance Change
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/00
EV trained: 252 HP / 6 Attack / 252 Special Attack
Tradeable Stock :
: 8/13
Notes: Bred by Chev4, who told me this was fully re-distributable. Has a Korean OT, but was evolved on an English Game. Hatched on reddit by candyjhee.
1. P3DS
2. 26DUDE26
3. Jaspcat
4. hi reshiram
5. Yanga


[709] Shiny Trevenant
OT: Kumiko (21224) (Lv. 1)
Nature: Careful - Ability: Natural Cure
IVs: 31/31/31/X/31/31
Egg Moves: No Egg Moves
Tradeable Stock :
: 7/13
Notes: I bred this myself, and saved before the egg was hatched, then checked the IVs when it hatched then soft reset, then traded it to musicmeister (who was my corresponding shiny value) who then hatched it and traded it back to me. The first Shiny I bred in sixth Generation; now fully re-distributable!
1. Andrew98gr = Didn't post back
2. Sidfrid
3. PocketCat
4. Megablaster326
5. Blackcharizard
6. Alex_5600

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I've attached my picture, IGN Ben. We have already exchanged FC's from your previous giveaway thread, and I would like a Golurk (as well as a Gengar).

*Trev* , thank you very much.

Be sure to thank cjlaborde2nd for his Gengar too. Also, post your friend code so I can be sure I still have you added.
Many thanks to: cjlaborde2nd, Chev4 and Pokéguy for making this awesome give away happen.

Wasn't going to get the event, due to the fact it is a giveaway (and it didn't come with the good egg moves =[), but who won't say no. And could I have an aegislash to accompany it, please. Gengar will probably get lonley

IGN Phil


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Many thanks to: cjlaborde2nd, Chev4 and Pokéguy for making this awesome give away happen.

Wasn't going to get the event, due to the fact it is a giveaway (and it didn't come with the good egg moves =[), but who won't say no. And could I have an aegislash to accompany it, please. Gengar will probably get lonley

IGN Phil

Adding you now.

Also, what do you mean no good egg moves? Sludge Wave Gengar is awesome. SAY IT'S AWESOME.
Thank you cjlaborde2nd for the amazing Gengar and you Pokéguy for the Trevenant and for always hosting nice giveaways.

View attachment 28328

Online now, Andrew.

EDIT: Well, it says you refreshed the page and saw my post, but then went idle for 20 minutes. It's 5:36 Am here and I've just had a long night of resetting Xerneas, so I'm going to bed. Catch me tomorrow.

Feel free to post photos and thank you greetings while I'm asleep smogon, I'll get to you all later today.
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Online now, Andrew.

EDIT: Well, it says you refreshed the page and saw my post, but then went idle for 20 minutes. It's 5:36 Am here and I've just had a long night of resetting Xerneas, so I'm going to bed. Catch me tomorrow.

Feel free to post photos and thank you greetings while I'm asleep smogon, I'll get to you all later today.
sorry for waiting ready now
So this is cool!

Here's a photo of me dropping a deuce while playing mons (admit it we all do it). Also photo inception /photoception


I'd like to thank cjlaborde2nd for the hella sweet Gengar, *Trev* for the Golurk that I'm going to claim (always really wanted one of these), Pokéguy for hosting the giveaway and also Chev4 for contributing :)

Also gonna tag Hulavuta so he can kinda see I sorta have a moustache going (not really atm tho)
Oh, God...I don't tend to post pictures of myself online, but I'll do it for that Golurk. Ok, so here goes:
Also, thanks to cjlaborde2nd, *Trev* and Pokéguy for making this giveaway possible (And for the Gengar and Golurk!).
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Thanks to cjlaborde2nd for softresetting the gengar and Pokéguy for breeding the spirittomb, would love to receive them in this giveaway
Last time you got my cartridge picture, this time my 3ds was begging to be included, you should see the yveltal to show its pokemon y


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cjlaborde2nd must be the most patience man in the world (or the most luckiest), thank you for all your effort pal!
Pokéguy is a very kind guy, he trade away very special pokemon for him and here on Smogon we really appreciate when other trainer share his soul with us. (Also you must have the most amazin collection of pokemon)(I would love the Trevenant)
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