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QC: galbia / Robert Alfons / scorpdestroyer
GP: The Dutch Plumberjack / horyzhnz

  • It's getting a Mega evolution
  • Dragon and Flying is a decent typing
  • Nice defensive stats
  • Reliable coverage with access to Steel type moves
  • Ability allows status to be healed when switching (Natural Cure)
  • Weak to Stealth Rock and 4x weak to Ice (Sneasel :<)
  • No access to Defog
  • Modest offensive stats and speed

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Hidden Power Ground / Dragon Pulse
move 4: Rest
ability: Natural Cure
item: Choice Specs
evs: 120 HP / 252 SpA / 136 Spe
nature: Modest

  • Draco Meteor is a powerful Dragon type combined with the Choice Specs hitting really hard and then switching out due to the SpA drop
  • Fire Blast is to hit those Ice/Steel type Pokemon such as Metang, Klang and more reliable than Draco Meteor when killing Avalugg and Gourgeist
  • Hidden Power Ground is for Bastiodon
  • Dragon Pulse is another power STAB incase you don't want to be forced to switch out with Draco Meteor however you lose the power but gain the accuracy
  • Rest is to keep Altaria at a reasonable amount of HP so it can come back in and do more damage

Set Details
  • Choice Specs is so that you are doing the maximum amount of damage possible and hitting Pokemon hard
  • Modest is to ensure that you're getting the most power out of your moves when combined with their power and the item
  • EVs allow Altaria to outspeed everything up to max speed base 65 and preserve bulk
Usage Tips
  • No bulk is invested in Altaria so you'll want a free switch in to hit a Pokemon hard and come back in later on in the match
  • Draco Meteor OHKOs most offensive Pokemon and still does a good amount to Pokemon which resist and have no recovery
  • Have to be cautious of Stealth Rock as they can slowly wither down your health
  • You're locking yourself into one move with Choice Specs so if you see a Fairy Type and they've switched in on you before don't go for a Dragon move -_-
  • Be careful when using Rest. You'll want to switch in; use it and then switch out again straight away. This can be done against Water and Grass types such as Gourgeist, Mantine, Pelipper and most Tangela
Team Options
  • Steel type Pokemon such as Bastiodon, Metang and Klang resist Rock, Fairy, Dragon AND Ice; talk about catching a lucky break
  • Pokemon which can rid the field of Stealth Rock due to Altaria not having access to Defog such as Avalugg with Rapid Spin. You can also use Defoggers such as Swanna but keep in mind your hazards will be removed.
  • Pokemon which can stack hazards to ensure that Altaria can finish them with an OHKO or 2HKO
  • Spike setters such as Roselia and Garbodor. Stealth Rock setters such as Golem, Bastiodon and Piloswine; also spin-blockers such as Misdreveaus and Frillish are useful.
  • Electric Type Pokemon have a nice synergy with Altaria due to it being able to come in on Grass types with Volt Switch; building momentum and can beat Ground types with Draco(bar Piloswine)
Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost / Iron Tail / Substitute
ability: Natural Cure
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
evs: 64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe
nature: Adamant

  • Dragon Dance is for Altaria to set up its Attack and Speed when it gets a free switch and scares a opponent out.
  • Dragon Claw is the most reliable physical Dragon STAB which doesn't force you to get locked into the move
  • Outrage has more power and good amount of accuracy but locks you into the move so you'll have to be cautious when using this
  • Earthquake is for Pokemon like Garbodor which are bulky and can faint Altaria with Life Orb + Aftermath + Rocky Helmet damage and Bastiodon
  • Iron Tail is for hitting those Ice/Fairy Type Pokemon which scare Altaria with their 4x/2x super effective moves
  • Roost is an option to keep Altaria at the high amount of HP while trying to set up and allows Life Orb not to make it faint.
  • Substitute allows Altaria to avoid getting status in some form of way and with the bulkier spread; can take hits and avoid Sub breaking
Set Details
  • Leftovers so you'll be getting recovery each turn combined with Roost allowing Altaria to set up on multiple Pokemon
  • Life Orb is so Altaria is dealing out as much damage as possible with the hopefully boosted hits from Dragon Dance
  • Natural Cure is so that if Altaria does receive status of some sort it is healed when switching out
  • 64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe lets you outspeed everything at +1 (galbia is silly)
Usage Tips
  • It is really nice to save this for a late game sweep once you find the Pokemon have withered down in health to the point of an OHKO or 2HKO
  • Don't set up if you see Pokemon which can easily take your hits and fire back with ones that'll hurt you a lot. You'll be forced into switching anyways
  • Be careful when locking yourself into Outrage if you do use this. You don't want a Pokemon using those turns to set up against you
  • You want to bring Altaria in on something which can get scared out to gain the free stat boost
Team Options
  • A lead hazard setter would be nice so that Pokemon coming in can take damage until near end of the game where Altaria can set up and clean it up
  • Steel type Pokemon which beat all types that check Altaria (Fairy, Rock, Dragon and Ice)
  • A bulky offense team which can support Altarias natural bulk and play well with the other team mates
  • Pokemon which can set up Spikes such as Lead Glalie or Stealth Rock such as Torterra, Relicanth and Carbink
  • SubPunch Poliwrath has a good synergy with Altaria due to it being able to take its Electric and Grass STAB and Poliwrath takes Ice and Rock

Specially Defensive
name: Special Defensive
move 1: Dragon Pulse
move 2: Heal Bell
move 3: Roost
move 4: Roar / Toxic / Haze
ability: Natural Cure
item: Leftovers
evs: Calm
nature: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Def

  • Dragon Pulse is a reliable STAB move which allows Altaria to hit most Pokemon atleast neutrally in the tier
  • Heal Bell is to keep the team healthy from status
  • Flamethrower is for those Steel/Ice type Pokemon which resist/threaten Altaria Dragon type moves/typing
  • Roost is to keep Altaria at a good amount of HP while taking those hits with the bulk that has been invested
  • Roar is to avoid Pokemon setting up against you and when used with entry hazards can slowly wither down the opponents health from switches
  • Toxic is a good combination with Altarias bulk and Roost/Rest allowing it to take hits and heal up; ready to do the same to the next Pokemon coming out.
  • Haze allows you to remove the stats of Pokemon opposing you so that you don't find yourself getting set up against by Bulk Up/ Calm Mind Pokemon

Set Details
  • Natural Cure is so that Altaria can take status and proceed to switch out and come back in fully healed from it.
  • Leftovers is so that Altaria can gain back a little bit of HP each turn without having to rely on Roost
  • Calm Nature combined with 252 SpD means that Altaria has that maxed out and ready to take special hits
  • 248 HP EVs reduces the amount of SR damage and gives Altaria a Leftovers number to regain more
Usage Tips
  • Take advantage of Roost + Toxic combined with the bulk that Altaria has; it will allow you to stall out Pokemon continuously while keeping your HP
  • Be wary of Stealth Rocks and when you have a free turn to use Roost as you'll need to be wise otherwise you won't be able to switch in, take a hit and then Roost of the damage
  • Always keep Altaria at a reasonable amount of HP
  • Don't reveal Flamethrower until you are certain it is going to be used effectively that turn. You want to surprise your opponent and catch them off guard

Team Options
  • Pokemon which can rid your side of hazards with Rapid Spin such as Avalugg. You can also use Defoggers such as
  • Pokemon that can set up hazards so that Roar is effective in taking the opposing Pokemon health while yours is kept due to Roost.
  • These hazards setters such as Roselia and Garbodor which can set up Toxic Spikes(Roselia; Spikes too) or Bastiodon which can do Stealth Rocks
  • Pokemon which cover Altaria weaknesses such as Metang, Klang and other Steel types which can be built in bulk rather than offense.
Other Options
  • Cotton Guard
  • Perish Song
  • Sunny Day
  • Cloud Nine
  • Power Swap
Checks & Counters

**Ice Types**: Pokemon such as Sneasel, Articuno, Avalugg, Glaceon, Regice and Beartic can check Altaria with their Ice type moves but have to avoid taking hits. These Pokemon struggle to switch in to the Choice Specs set however.

**Fairy Types**: Mr Mime, Togetic and Wigglytuff can take hits(aside from Iron Tail) and fire back at Altaria with their STAB Fairy type moves.

**Rock Types**: Can hit Altaria with super effective rock type moves and can take hits. Pokemon like Golem and Carracosta. These Pokemon are mostly Defensive and fail to take hits from the Special side.

**Steel types** : Bulky Steel types such as Klang, Bastiodon and Metang can take a hit and proceed to Roar, Toxic or deal a hard hit to Altaria.

**Lickilicky**: Can take a hit or so and fire back with its own powerful ones; Dragon Tail and avoid you setting up with Dragon Dance and it has access to Wish allowing it to keep its HP high.

Altaria is a versatile Pokemon with a decent Dragon / Flying typing; however, this typing makes Altaria 4x weak to Ice-type attacks from Pokemon such as Sneasel and Avalugg. Altaria has nice defensive stats and reliable Steel- and Fire-type. Altaria's ability, Natural Cure, cures it of status ailments when switching and makes it one of the few Pokemon that can utilize Rest to sponge status ailments bar sleep. Unfortunately, Altaria is weak to Stealth Rock due to its Flying typing, while it has doesn't have access to Defog unlike most other Flying-types; moreover, although Altaria has a range of different types of attacks, it has only modest offensive stats and Speed to use them with.

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Fire Blast
move 3: Hidden Power Ground / Dragon Pulse
move 4: Rest
ability: Natural Cure
item: Choice Specs
evs: 120 HP / 252 SpA / 136 Spe
nature: Modest

Choice Specs Draco Meteor does immense damage and hits most Pokemon hard, if not outright OHKOing them. Fire Blast allows Altaria to hit Steel-type Pokemon such as Metang and Klang. Hidden Power Ground is used to do solid damage to Bastiodon, as it can easily take Draco Meteor and Fire Blast. Dragon Pulse can be used instead, as it's a powerful and reliable Dragon-type STAB moves that doesn't lower Altaria's Special Attack and is good for cleaning up. Rest is used to allow Altaria to remove status and keep its HP high, with Natural Cure allowing Altaria to come awake.

Set Details
Choice Specs combined with a Modest nature allows Altaria to do the maximum amount of damage possible. 252 Special Attack EVs allow Altaria to reach the highest amount of Special Attack possible. The Speed EVs allow Altaria to outspeed everything up to fully-invested base 65 Speed Pokemon, such as Glaceon, Flareon, and Heatmor. The EVs that haven't already been invested in Speed and Special Attack go to HP to preserve Altaria's bulk when switching in and taking hits.

Usage Tips
You want to try preserving Altaria through the match and giving it a free switch-in whenever possible. Draco Meteor OHKOes most offensive Pokemon and still does a good amount of damage to Pokemon that resist it and have no access to recovery. When bringing in Altaria, you'll have to be cautious of Stealth Rock, as it can slowly chip away Altaria's health and you want to make sure it has enough to either dish out a hard hit or Rest and proceed to switch. Altaria is Choice-locked into one move, so be careful with which one you pick. If you see a Fairy-type, don't spam Draco Meteor; hit once and proceed to switch, or just make the double switch into another teammate. Make sure to be cautious when using Rest. Bring Altaria in to use Rest, and then switch out straight away due to being locked in; this can be done against Water- and Grass-types such as Gourgeist, Mantine, Pelipper, and most Tangela, which can barely touch Altaria. Draco Meteor should be used when predictable switch-ins such as Bastiodon and Metang have been removed from the opposing team and that the opposing Pokemon can't recover from taking a hit. Dragon Pulse should be spammed when Altaria can clean up the rest of the opposing team without having to switch out again.

Team Options
Altaria appreciates support from Steel-type Pokemon such as Metang and Klang, as they beat Fairy-types or force them out while also resisting Rock-, Fairy-, Dragon-, and Ice-type moves: all of Altaria's weaknesses. Stealth Rock users such as Golem and Piloswine and Spikes users such as Roselia and Garbodor allow Altaria to OHKO or 2HKO several Pokemon it couldn't otherwise, such as Bastiodon, Garbodor, and Throh. Spinblockers to prevent those entry hazards from being removed such as Misdreavus are also appreciated. Rapid Spinners such as Avalugg and Wartortle to get rid of Stealth Rock are useful due to Altaria constantly switching out and coming back in; a Defog user such as Swanna can also be used, but keep in mind your hazards will be removed too. Poliwrath can switch in on Sneasel or Piloswine that plan on revenge killing Altaria. Altaria can take Fire-type attacks aimed at Roselia and Gourgeist as well as Grass- and Ground-type attacks aimed at Stunfisk. Zebstrika appreciates Altaria as a teammate due to Altaria being immune to its only weakness.

Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Dragon Claw / Outrage
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost / Iron Tail / Substitute
ability: Natural Cure
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
evs: 64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe
nature: Adamant

Dragon Dance allows Altaria to boost its Attack and Speed and hopefully perform a late-game sweep. Dragon Claw is a reliable physical Dragon-type STAB move. Outrage can be used as an alternate option due to its higher power; however, you'll have to be much more careful when using it due to its lock-in effect. Earthquake is used for hitting Bastiodon, which can easily take Dragon-type attacks, and it also hits Garbodor without taking damage from Rocky Helmet and Aftermath. Iron Tail is used for solid damage against Fairy-type Pokemon, such as Togetic, Mr Mime, and Wigglytuff. Substitute allows Altaria to avoid status when setting up; the bulkier spread helps avoid the Substitute breaking.

Set Details
Leftovers is used so Altaria will be getting a little bit of recovery each turn when setting up; combined with Roost, this keeps its HP high and allows it to set up more easily. Life Orb is an option over Leftovers, as it allows Altaria to deal more damage, with the cost of taking some of Altaria's health each time it attacks. Natural Cure allows Altaria to rid itself of status by switching out. The Speed EVs allow Altaria to outspeed Zebstrika at +1 as well as getting past threats such as Rotom-F without a Choice Scarf and Simipour, which scare Altaria with Ice-type attacks. Attack EVs are maximized and the rest is put into HP for more bulk.

Usage Tips
Altaria has potential to sweep late-game once opposing Pokemon are low on health to the point where Altaria can can 2HKO or OHKO them after one boost. Don't start setting up Dragon Dance if you see Pokemon that can easily take hits and will hurt Altaria a lot in return. Avoid setting up when seeing Choice Scarf Rotom-F, Sneasel, or Piloswine, due to their access to Ice-type STAB. You have to be careful if Altaria is running Outrage over Dragon Claw due to the lock-in effect. If using Outrage isn't ideal, Earthquake is probably the better move. To get a free turn to set up, Altaria should come in on Pokemon that are threatened by its moves or Pokemon that can't touch it, such as Roselia and Gourgeist.

Team Options
Pokemon that can lead and set up entry hazards, such as lead Glalie, Roselia, and Garbodor, help wear down the foe into the range of being 2HKOed or OHKOed by Altaria: Pokemon such as Rotom-F and Togetic are a guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock damage. Steel-type Pokemon such as Metang and Klang resist all of Altaria's weaknesses; as such, they have good synergy, as Altaria can take Fire-type and Fighting-type moves for them and is immune to Ground-type attacks. SubPunch Poliwrath beats Sneasel and Piloswine, which both threaten Altaria, and has a good synergy with Altaria, as Altaria is able to take care of Poliwrath's Electric-type and Grass-type weaknesses, while Poliwrath can take Rock-type and Ice-type attacks for Altaria. Offensive partners such as Golem and Piloswine help break Steel-types that Altaria might struggle with; this is meant to be done before setting up. Flareon and Ninetales can whittle down bulky Steel-types and walls so Altaria has less trouble sweeping.

Specially Defensive
name: Special Defensive
move 1: Dragon Pulse
move 2: Heal Bell
move 3: Roost
move 4: Roar / Toxic / Haze
ability: Natural Cure
item: Leftovers
evs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Calm

Dragon Pulse is a reliable STAB move that allows Altaria to hit most Pokemon in the tier for neutral damage. Heal Bell is used to keep the team healthy from status. Roost allows Altaria to stay at a decent amount of HP when taking hits. Roar allows Altaria to avoid opposing Pokemon setting up against it and pairs well with entry hazards. Toxic pairs well with Altaria's bulk and Roost, allowing it to take hits and heal when getting closer to fainting. Similar to Roar, Haze removes stats stat boosts of the opposing Pokemon; unlike Roar, however, it still works if there is only one Pokemon alive on the opposing team.

Set Details
Natural Cure allows Altaria to take status and come back in the battle healed from it later on. Leftovers allows Altaria to gain back a little bit of HP each turn without having to rely on Roost. A Calm nature with 252 Special Defense EVs maximizes Altaria's Special Defense. 248 HP EVs reduce Stealth Rock damage and maximize Leftovers recovery. This set helps Altaria wall Grass- and Fire-types, such as Roselia, Ninetales, and Heatmor, while checking Electric-type Pokemon.

Usage Tips
Make sure to take advantage of Roost and Toxic combined with Altaria's bulk. It allows Altaria to stall out Pokemon and keep its HP high. Also be wary of Stealth Rock, as Altaria will need to switch in and take a hit before being able to Roost off the damage, so you'll want to try keeping Altaria's HP at a decent amount before switching out. Bring Altaria in on Grass-types such as Gourgeist and Roselia or on Fire-types such as Ninetales and Simisear. Altaria can absorb status due to Natural Cure.

Team Options
This set works best on stall teams due to Altaria keeping the team healthy with Heal Bell and using Roar to wear down the opponent with entry hazard damage and avoid getting set up on. Altaria appreciates teammates that can rid your side of entry hazards with Rapid Spin, such as Avalugg and Wartortle. Altaria works well with Pokemon that can set up entry hazards so that Altaria can Roar out foes that try to set up and force them to take damage when coming back in. Entry hazard users include Roselia and Garbodor, which can set up Toxic Spikes and Spikes. Bulky Steel-type Pokemon that can cover Altaria weaknesses such as Metang and Klang also work well as teammates. Poliwrath also has good synergy with Altaria, as it resists Ice- and Rock-type attacks, while Altaria resists Grass-type attacks aimed at Poliwrath.

Other Options
Cotton Guard is an option on Altaria, as it boosts its Defense to extremely high levels. Perish Song can prevent Pokemon from setting up on Altaria, due to the foe being forced to switch or faint in 3 turns. Sunny Day can be used on sun teams, which appreciate the support; Pokemon on these teams include Victreebel for the Chlorophyll Speed boost and Ninetales and Flareon to power up their Fire-type attacks. Cloud Nine can be used instead of Natural Cure in order to cripple weather teams by ignoring the weather boosts while Altaria is on the battlefield. Power Swap can be used with Draco Meteor and Life Orb to avoid switching out by swapping the Special Attack drop on the opposing Pokemon instead.

Checks & Counters

**Ice-types**: Ice-type Pokemon such as Sneasel, Regice, Rotom-F, and Avalugg can check Altaria with their STAB moves but have to avoid taking hits. These Pokemon struggle to switch into the Choice Specs set, however. Sneasel can revenge kill any Altaria set if it has Ice Shard and OHKO Altaria if it has taken damage from Stealth Rock; even if Stealth Rock isn't up, it still has a chance to OHKO. Avalugg works best in beating the Dragon Dance set.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-type Pokemon such as Togetic and Wigglytuff can take hits from Altaria, except Iron Tail from the Dragon Dance set, and fire back at Altaria with their STAB Fairy-type moves or potentially stall it out. Togetic can come in on the Choice Specs set, taking any of the moves with no problem, and forcing Altaria to switch out while it can use Roost or Heal Bell or use Thunder Wave on the incoming teammate.

**Steel-types** : Bulky Steel-type Pokemon such as Klang, Bastiodon, and Metang can take hits from Altaria and proceed to use Roar, Toxic, or deal a hard hit to Altaria. Bastiodon can come in against the specially defensive set due to it resisting Dragon Pulse and Flamethrower not hurting it at all and proceed to get up Stealth Rock, Roar predicting a switch, or Toxic. When weakened, however, they fall to coverage moves such as Earthquake and Fire Blast.

**Rock-types**: Rock-type Pokemon such as Golem and Carracosta can hit Altaria with their super effective STAB moves and can take hits in return. These Pokemon are mostly physically defensive and fail to take special hits, however. Carracosta can come in on the specially defensive set and threaten Altaria out with Stone Edge, which will easily OHKO Altaria, or it can predict the switch and use Shell Smash.

**Lickilicky**: Lickilicky can take hits and can force Altaria to switch out. Dragon Tail can prevent Altaria from setting up with Dragon Dance and proceeding to sweep, which works more effectively with entry hazards wearing down Altaria as it switches in again.
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will fix tomorrow. mum is bugging me to go bed, haha college bye! PLEASE LEAVE POSTS BELOW ON SETS :O this was REALLY ROUGH
will fix tomorrow. mum is bugging me to go bed, haha college bye! PLEASE LEAVE POSTS BELOW ON SETS :O this was REALLY ROUGH
Ha story of my life!! Gotta study to stay real in the world. But, I dig the sets.

I think you're kind of going the typical route. If Altaria gets HP and /some/ defensive buffs it'll likely do better as a tank with toxic/dragon tail. I think dragon tail should be considered over roar for residual damage on top of whatever field hazards. You've got some cool ideas but please include one sort of "outside the box" idea for us like a mixed LO attacker or a full stall set that can be annoying. Altaria's always had the stats and typing in it's tier, so that's my only suggestion for your outline. Otherwise, thanks for taking the time and what you have looks good.

Cheers and good luck in school and parents are precious while you have them. Smile every time they want to enforce rules or caution you about something. Peace&Love m8,,
maybe I'm missing something, but what does iron tail even hit that eq can't for at least neutral, outside of like Togetic?
yeah but it doesn't even hit aegislash for neutral, what a shitmon
if you really want the best set you should run sky attack/eq/outrage/iron tail with muscle band
yeah but it doesn't even hit aegislash for neutral, what a shitmon
if you really want the best set you should run sky attack/eq/outrage/iron tail with muscle band
Aegislash? This is PU, not ubers lol
Edit: muscle band is a pretty bad item, don't use it imo
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I haven't used it but apparently specs altaria is really good according to other council members so I'd add that as a set.
Special Attacking Life Orb is also an option, if you don't want to be locked into a move. I haven't had too much experience with Altaria but it's the set I usually run.
Power Swap in oo, really cool way to get rid of the -2 with Draco Meteor
Heal Bell

Just a short post with somethings that are viable on it im tired lol
Power Swap in oo, really cool way to get rid of the -2 with Draco Meteor
Heal Bell

Just a short post with somethings that are viable on it im tired lol
o I think I deleted Power Swap; it was in there before and haha same, its 4:40 am here! Don't know why I'm still up...going to bed and I'll check back tomorrow I guess :)
Ha story of my life!! Gotta study to stay real in the world. But, I dig the sets.

I think you're kind of going the typical route. If Altaria gets HP and /some/ defensive buffs it'll likely do better as a tank with toxic/dragon tail. I think dragon tail should be considered over roar for residual damage on top of whatever field hazards. You've got some cool ideas but please include one sort of "outside the box" idea for us like a mixed LO attacker or a full stall set that can be annoying. Altaria's always had the stats and typing in it's tier, so that's my only suggestion for your outline. Otherwise, thanks for taking the time and what you have looks good.

Cheers and good luck in school and parents are precious while you have them. Smile every time they want to enforce rules or caution you about something. Peace&Love m8,,
Oh; sorry forgot to mention this but Altaria doesn't get Dragon Tail, haha! I also added the Choice Specs set in so hopefully that should be enough. Thanks for the suggestions though :o
-Looks fine, only mention it has modest offensive stats and speed

[Special Attacker]
-Remove Life Orb from the items
-Expand the usage tips saying that Draco Meteor ohkos most offensive Pokemon and does heavy damage to some resists which have no recovery anyway
Its kinda safe to spam
-Mention in usage tips that you can roost easily on grass and watertypes such as gourgeist, most tangela, mantine, pelipper etc
-Mention in team options spikes setters such as roselia, garbodor whatever and sr setters like golem piloswine and spinblockers like misdreavus
-Electric types also do ok with altaria as it can come in on grass types with volt switch and beats most grounds with draco (bar piloswine)

[Dragon Dance]
-Swap Iron Tail and EQ and the moves descriptions accordingly
-Slash Leftovers before Life Orb as it is very good with roost and sets up on tons of stuff
-Mentiona bulkier 64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe spread to outrun zeb at +1 and have a little more bulk to use with Leftovers too even tho max max is better usually
-Mention Sub in moves too
-Buff up team options with hazards setters (like the ones in the first set) and mention SubPunch POLIWRATH and steel types as they beat rock/ground/steel and fairy types respectively which all check altaria

-Remove Rest
-Slash Haze in the last slot as it is very good to stop last mon cm/bu users more easily
-Be more specific with partners

Its power swap, not power split

Mention that ice types and rock types struggle to switch into specs sets
Mention lickilicky who shits on specs and dtails dd out

In general be more specific with team options, the rest is very good :]
The EV spread allows you to outspeed Zebrakien after one Dragon Dance and have some bulk Max Attack so you're dealing out as much damage as possible
idk, I usually prefer running enough speed to outspeed Raseri instead :o also this isn't the main spread so you should change this sentence.

Also you picked like the 3 least relevant Rock-types to mention in C&C lol, mention stuff like golem and carracosta instead

Also I'd rename the first set to "Choice Specs" since it's the only item slashed.
ok so

  • I personally am partial to a 120 HP / 252 SpA / 136 Spe spread on Specs Altaria, it outspeeds everything up to max speed base 65s iirc and preserves some more bulk of Altaria, afaik it doesn't msis out on much important with this spread because most mons below its speed tier don't invest much in speed and the ones above invest fully so it can't hope to outspeed these.
  • Mention that Fire Blast is for hitting Steels like Metang and Klang while also more reliably killing Avalugg and Gourgeis than Draco, whereas HP Ground hits Bastiodon in particular. No need to mention Poisons because they tend to get destroyed by Draco anyway.
  • "Be careful when using Roost" you mean Rest in this case.
  • 64 HP / 252 Atk / 192 Spe should actually be the main spread for DD, max/max literally outspeeds nothing at +1 that 192 Spe doesn't, galbia is silly
  • On the DD set, mention EQ also hits steels such as Bastiodon.
  • "A Pokemon which has a good synergy alongside Altaria incase it does need to come in earlier and switch out again" this is fluff, just mention mons that synergize well due to typing without this line. Also be generally a little more specific with partners.
  • On specially defensive, give Heal Bell a main slash before Flamethrower: Flamethrower barely tickles anything due to Altaria's pitiful special attack without investment, meanwhile, Heal Bell is a staple move on stall teams, on which specially defensive Altaria should generally be used.
  • Use 248 HP EVs instead of 252 in order to reduce SR damage upon switchin. This also gives Altaria a Leftovers number so that it regains more health from Lefties.
  • "Preferably not Defog as you'll want to keep that hazards that you have set up already." Would't word it like this: Defog is pretty good on stall teams due to their ability to keep their hazard setters healthy. I'd rather say "You can also use Defoggers such as [whatever synergizes well with Altaria], but keep in mind..."
  • "Pokemon that can set up hazards so that Roar is effective combined with Toxic in taking the opposing Pokemon health while yours is kept due to Roost." Toxic is slashed with Roar on the same slot, therefore one usually wouldn't use both moves on the same set. Say: "... so that Roar uses the hazards to its advantage in taking..."
  • Ariados is bad, never mention Ariados.
  • Do mention Garbodor, Garbodor is baller.
  • Possibly mention a dedicated Sunny Day set in OO; its useful set of resistances and bulk makes it a decent addition to sun teams because of how it can get up sun multiple times in the match and how Fire- and Water-types give Sun teams trouble
  • Mention Steels in Checks & Counters: particularily bulky ones such as Klang usually can take a hit or two and strike back
QC 2/3
Darnell its looking good, the only thing that needs to be done is for C&C to be beefed up with specific examples and what not. Once this is done, tag me back and I'll give the final check.
scorpdestroyer points:

- it doesn't exactly not have to wait to wake up. just say Natural Cure helps it sponge status such as poison and paralysis


- Everything about Draco Meteor is mostly fluff. You don't have to mention that it misses or that Altaria is locked into a move that decreases SpA. Just say that it nukes stuff hard, you can talk about switching out in Usage Tips
- Fire Blast isn't necessarily more reliable for hitting Avalugg or Gourgeist. In fact Draco is probably more reliable. So cut this point.
- Remove the part that Dragon Pulse has better accuracy. Instead state that it's better for cleaning stuff up
- Rest + Natural Cure is why Rest is good so mention that

Set Details:
- What are the base 65 Spe Pokemon you outrun?

Usage Tips:
- Talk about the moves. Which point of the game, or against what kind of teams, should I use Draco? Dpulse? When is it good to Rest?
- "Bring Altaria in and then switch out straight away" - I don't get this part.

Team Options:
- State KOs gained from hazards
Fixed all this^

Darnell its looking good, the only thing that needs to be done is for C&C to be beefed up with specific examples and what not. Once this is done, tag me back and I'll give the final check.
Done this too

I could cheat but I want this to be good quality since I spent some time on it and I really like PU; don't think scorp is done so I'll wait for him before going into GP :) Thanks anyways Mont!
scorpdestroyer points:

Fixed all this^

Done this too

I could cheat but I want this to be good quality since I spent some time on it and I really like PU; don't think scorp is done so I'll wait for him before going into GP :) Thanks anyways Mont!
Just curious where is Scorp's check that you are reffering to, either I'm blind and completely missed it or its not there. If scorpdestroyer still has points to go over then by all means he can give the last check, otherwise this looks good to me.

Just gonna put it out that I feel that Team Options could do with some more work. The offensive sets should list some teammates that help it offensively rather than just defensively; everything there is defensive synergy atm and it's an offensive set, so there should at least be some mentions of Pokemon that work well offensively. Same thing with the SpD set; it's strange that you only brush over Pokemon with good defensive synergy on a defensive set o.o

For reference I'm thinking about those that help it break / wear down Steel-types and bulky walls like Lickilicky / Avalugg. I trust that you can fill that one in.

tl;dr: add pokemon that share good offensive synergy to the offensive sets, and add pokemon that share good defensive synergy to the defensive sets


- You forgot Substitute
- Iron Tail is mainly for the Fairies. There's no way I would try hitting a Glalie with Iron Tail when Dragon Claw already beats it

Set Details
- Be more specific with the Speed EVs. What is the fastest relevant threat that Altaria outspeeds with the spread?

Usage Tips
- Apart from Pokemon that take a hit, you can also mention not to set up before stuff like Scarf Rotom-F or Sneasel are gone
- Probably mention that Earthquake is a better move to use if Outrage isn't ideal yet
- You can maybe give an example or two of Pokemon that can't touch Altaria eg. Roselia, Gourgeist

Team Options:
- KOs gained by hazards



- Explain Haze's merits over Roar (ie. haze away last mons)
- "Roar is the first option..." - transition is a lil weird here (just a nitpick)

Set Details:
- Explain what this SpD set helps it wall

Usage Tips:
- You need to mention stuff like what to switch it in on: status, Grass-types, Fire-types, etc etc.
- "If Altaria is running Flamethrower over Heal Bell don't reveal it until you're certain its going to be effective; you want to surprise the foe with it by hitting Pokemon such as Ferroseed hard." - um what really? also what's Ferroseed doing here :[

0 SpA Altaria Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Metang: 78-94 (24.1 - 29.1%) -- 99% chance to 4HKO

Team Options:
- alright i haven't used SpDef Altaria but I really doubt that Mantine and Swanna make good partners for it
- If Altaria works better on a stall team make sure you mention it here


Ice-types: Add Regice and Rotom-F, and possibly remove Articuno. The former two are better at beating Altaria / more common. Also highlight Avalugg for beating the DD set really well

Steel-types: Shift this above Rock-types because they're better at countering / checking Altaria. Mention also that when weakened they fall to the coverage moves.

- Body Slam isn't powerful :(
- It can't stall Altaria with Toxic because of Natural Cure, plus hardly any Lickilicky runs this. Just say it forces it out.