A Christmas Giveaway [COMPLETE]

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Back. Looks like it's time to play catch-up.

My family tradition is to play a bunch of board games before going out for shopping and lunch. Then christmas dinner is spent at home with the extended family, getting drunk and just catching up with our lives.

I'm online and ready to go Xen! FC/IGN in signature.

Sounds fun. Christmas is a good way to get the family back together to catch up. :)

Every year, my family plays Yankee Swap where we exchange presents and draw lots to see who gets to "steal" from one another. My favorite time playing, I was six and stole a Galileo Thermometer from my cousin as vengeance for her taking a snow globe from me the year before. The two of us were banned until the age of 18 thereafter.

My friend code is the same. Ingame name is Miss Penny.
5456 0814 0443

Haha, reminds me of one year when I gave my brother-in law coal (not as the primary gift, just a fake out). He retaliated the year after by giving me a large present filled with increasingly smaller boxes before opening the last one...only to find nothing (also as a fake out)

We eat chocolate yule log and an Italian cake called Panettone. Well technically it's a Pandoro since it doesn't have raisins inside, but we all call it panettone anyway. My family doesn't really do traditions at all, but that's two things we do every year without fail.

Name is Jacob.
FC is 2964-9447-1430

Sounds delish. :P

My family ritually goes on a trip with friends around Christmas, although I personally don't partake in Christmas festivities as much as they do. Christmas is just an open day to me. I'm sorry that I don't have something to say of more interest. :/

My Friend Code is 0946-3474-1095, and my in-game name is Quanyails.

It's all good; we all have different traditions and preferences. It's what makes Christmas interesting. :)

Adding you guys now

Oh, no, I work in retail (Target, I grab carts out of the parking lot / check the bathrooms / a dozen other odd things lol) so it'll be about 300-550 idiots foaming at the mouth killing one another for last minute shopping for 5 hours straight. ANd I admit, I still need to get some kind of gift card for my cousin and have minimal opprtunity to do this. So yeah, I'll be hectically running around fetching shopping carts, while people run me over in the parking lot (I've only been hit once this month - I'm impressed) instead of sitting at a party full of people who really don't like me and have to act nice. Uncle does have a pretty shnazzy house and makes good food though, gotta give credit where credit is due. Not sure which one I'd prefer.
Xmas without Elvis is like... like.. french toast without syrup, sugar, and bacon. Sure, you can eat it, but its missing half the point.

But yeah, Merry Christmas ya'll. I know I sound like a bitch, but I'll enjoy it in my own way. HEAR THE KING, YOU FUCKS ACROSS THE STREET? MUHAHAHA- I mean, love ya Xeno, spread the love man <3


/me pet Invictus
My tradition is to go to my family party. There we have dinner and exchange gifts.

0705 2005 0237
My ign is diiliy
My x is Xavier
Well, love the idea of sharing, and if it comes with a free Piplup, all the better.

Every Christmas I have is always spent family-oriented. Meaning we go and do loads of stuff and visit every single family member. Like today, I'm going for a meal with my Dad and seeing my Grandparents who've come over from Spain, then after that, I'm going to the Pub with my brother. And then after that, I'm going down to my Uncles, and then my Aunties and then we're going back to my uncles again... So. lots of moving around.

Then tomorrow on the Big Day, we always go to my Nan's for a massive Christmas dinner after waking up and unwrapping everything.

Pretty darn excited, except for the fact that being older, I now have to work Christmas Eve AND Boxing Day, and I work in a furniture store that opens up at like half five to the sales on Boxing Day so... Fun!


Merry Christmas everybody.

Edit: My FC is in my siggy.
Tradition to go to the movies on Christmas Eve, been doing it since I can remember.

My fc is 4570-7828-7096 IGN is Danny

Thanks for the giveaway
Hey I'd like to get one, too :)
My FC: 5412-9948-9958
Ign: Max
My whole family, including my 3 sisters and brothers come together at this time. And we eat a lot of tasty stuff, like raclette.
Nice background story and awesome giveaway..!
For Christmas I always get together with my Mom and Brother to make Agnolotti, it's a special stuffed kind of pasta we in Italy love :) They are absolutely amazing..!

Do you still have a Piplup?
Merry Christmas!
We don't celebrate Christmas- that's what we do every year :P we don't need to do family catch-up parties since most of our family(father's and mother's Side both)live in a radius of 3 kms
FC actually is in sig but is hidden by the banner -.- I have you as a acquaintance anyway, 2724-0177-2635 IGN Arhan
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Okay, this one is my favourite giveaway <3 Hope I can snag one of the cute little things. FC and IGN are in my sig.

My family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but we do celebrate Eid. Since there are two Eids every year, we'll visit my grandparents on my mother's side for one Eid and then visit my grandmother on my father's side for the other Eid. On the night before every Eid Al-Fitr (or the night before that ofc, you don't know what day Eid will be until either one day or one night before it), my dad will make ketupat, and my mum and I will help him. He learned how to weave them just by watching men weaving them when he was a kid so now he weaves them for the family every year and someone else will put rice in them and cook them. Then my mum cooks the rendang and we're ready to celebrate Eid :)
This looks like a cool event giveaway, props for hosting it! I'd definitely like a Piplup if you'll still have one.
Every year for Christmas we go through the usual routine of my immediate family waking up, emptying stockings, and opening presents at our house in the morning. After everything's been opened and the wrapping paper is cleaned up, we spend the rest of the morning cooking for Christmas dinner. Since my extended family all lives relatively close, every year the person playing host for the whole family changes. This year my family gets to host, so we'll be making more food than usual. Once the whole family arrives, everyone socializes until dinner, and after dinner we unwrap all the presents from extended family. The best part, though, is right after– because we live in Florida and there's no snow, we have a huge wrapping paper-ball fight. Nobody is safe, not even my poor grandmother.
Thank you in advance, my IGN is Aidan, my FC is 3093-7399-9554.
Merry Christmas!
One family tradition I have on Christmas eve is that my brothers, sisters, and I open up at least one of the presents we got from each other. Think of it as a warm up if you will. All my information is in my signature, although if we could do this before 1:10 that would be great. If not then I shoulld be back around 3:00.
Every year we go to my brother's house to have dinner with all the family, when the clock strikes 00:00 hours, we all reunite in the living room where is the christmas tree and start opening the gifts one by one, this year is special because we have a new member in the family :).

My friend code is 5215 - 2050 - 1589
Momo is my IGN

Merry Christmas :3
My Christmas tradition is quite recent really... Since I started living on my own, I've taken to getting a Chinese takeaway on Christmas eve, because I don't want to cook, and I can't think of anything less christmassy. So my Christmas tradition is eating leftovers for breakfast before heading out to visit people.

My ign is Cee-Cee, and fc is 4098 3491 0045
Sorry for the delayed response. Didn't get the chance to sign back on till just now. Probably should host a giveaway like this earlier than 10 PM next time. lol

I found out Santa wasn't real back when i was 9 years old . It was a heartbreak lol .
My tradition is to go to my family party. There we have dinner and exchange gifts.

0705 2005 0237
My ign is diiliy
My x is Xavier
Well, love the idea of sharing, and if it comes with a free Piplup, all the better.

Every Christmas I have is always spent family-oriented. Meaning we go and do loads of stuff and visit every single family member. Like today, I'm going for a meal with my Dad and seeing my Grandparents who've come over from Spain, then after that, I'm going to the Pub with my brother. And then after that, I'm going down to my Uncles, and then my Aunties and then we're going back to my uncles again... So. lots of moving around.

Then tomorrow on the Big Day, we always go to my Nan's for a massive Christmas dinner after waking up and unwrapping everything.

Pretty darn excited, except for the fact that being older, I now have to work Christmas Eve AND Boxing Day, and I work in a furniture store that opens up at like half five to the sales on Boxing Day so... Fun!


Merry Christmas everybody.

Edit: My FC is in my siggy.
Tradition to go to the movies on Christmas Eve, been doing it since I can remember.

My fc is 4570-7828-7096 IGN is Danny

Thanks for the giveaway
Hey I'd like to get one, too :)
My FC: 5412-9948-9958
Ign: Max
My whole family, including my 3 sisters and brothers come together at this time. And we eat a lot of tasty stuff, like raclette.
Nice background story and awesome giveaway..!
For Christmas I always get together with my Mom and Brother to make Agnolotti, it's a special stuffed kind of pasta we in Italy love :) They are absolutely amazing..!

Do you still have a Piplup?
Merry Christmas!
We don't celebrate Christmas- that's what we do every year :P we don't need to do family catch-up parties since most of our family(father's and mother's Side both)live in a radius of 3 kms
FC actually is in sig but is hidden by the banner -.- I have you as a acquaintance anyway, 2724-0177-2635 IGN Arhan
Okay, this one is my favourite giveaway <3 Hope I can snag one of the cute little things. FC and IGN are in my sig.

My family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but we do celebrate Eid. Since there are two Eids every year, we'll visit my grandparents on my mother's side for one Eid and then visit my grandmother on my father's side for the other Eid. On the night before every Eid Al-Fitr (or the night before that ofc, you don't know what day Eid will be until either one day or one night before it), my dad will make ketupat, and my mum and I will help him. He learned how to weave them just by watching men weaving them when he was a kid so now he weaves them for the family every year and someone else will put rice in them and cook them. Then my mum cooks the rendang and we're ready to celebrate Eid :)
My family always goes out to our grandmothers on christmas and we usually play games and if it snows, then play outside!
This looks like a cool event giveaway, props for hosting it! I'd definitely like a Piplup if you'll still have one.
Every year for Christmas we go through the usual routine of my immediate family waking up, emptying stockings, and opening presents at our house in the morning. After everything's been opened and the wrapping paper is cleaned up, we spend the rest of the morning cooking for Christmas dinner. Since my extended family all lives relatively close, every year the person playing host for the whole family changes. This year my family gets to host, so we'll be making more food than usual. Once the whole family arrives, everyone socializes until dinner, and after dinner we unwrap all the presents from extended family. The best part, though, is right after– because we live in Florida and there's no snow, we have a huge wrapping paper-ball fight. Nobody is safe, not even my poor grandmother.
Thank you in advance, my IGN is Aidan, my FC is 3093-7399-9554.
Merry Christmas!
One family tradition I have on Christmas eve is that my brothers, sisters, and I open up at least one of the presents we got from each other. Think of it as a warm up if you will. All my information is in my signature, although if we could do this before 1:10 that would be great. If not then I shoulld be back around 3:00.
Every year we go to my brother's house to have dinner with all the family, when the clock strikes 00:00 hours, we all reunite in the living room where is the christmas tree and start opening the gifts one by one, this year is special because we have a new member in the family :).

My friend code is 5215 - 2050 - 1589
Momo is my IGN

Merry Christmas :3
My Christmas tradition is quite recent really... Since I started living on my own, I've taken to getting a Chinese takeaway on Christmas eve, because I don't want to cook, and I can't think of anything less christmassy. So my Christmas tradition is eating leftovers for breakfast before heading out to visit people.

My ign is Cee-Cee, and fc is 4098 3491 0045

Great to read these! :)

Adding you guys now! for those of you currently online, just send the trade request. For those not, I'll keep a copy reserved so either post here or PM me when my status says online.

With that being said, there's currently just two left now.
For me there is not a real tradition yet, but since me and my wife just had our first kid we will be starting our own traditions. From next year on we will start putting all our presents underneath the tree when the kid is asleep. We are going to try to make santa's magic really happen for him. We also bought him his own set off balls for the christmas tree (from Cars) and he will be the one who hangs these into the tree each year.

It's going to be magical :)

(fc is in signature, have added you if there were any spare)
For me there is not a real tradition yet, but since me and my wife just had our first kid we will be starting our own traditions. From next year on we will start putting all our presents underneath the tree when the kid is asleep. We are going to try to make santa's magic really happen for him. We also bought him his own set off balls for the christmas tree (from Cars) and he will be the one who hangs these into the tree each year.

It's going to be magical :)

(fc is in signature, have added you if there were any spare)

Aww, congrats! That ought to be fun! ^^

Addding you in a sec

I'm online right now ^^

Added you, just send the request when ready
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